


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ose containing surface martensite induced by grinding.
2 at may reduce the extent of damage caused by grinding.
3 lower molars, probably for dual crushing and grinding.
4  affects the particle size distribution upon grinding.
5 f degradation increased with the duration of grinding.
6 0% CA without any sample pretreatment except grinding.
7 .75:0.25 ratio were produced after 2 h of co-grinding.
8 oom-temperature solvent-free mechanochemical grinding.
9 sumably lacking biomechanical attributes for grinding.
10 s of an organic powder induced by mechanical grinding.
11 s compared to fresh rock surfaces exposed by grinding.
12 r specimen pretreatment other than cryogenic grinding.
13                                    By simply grinding a small amount of leaf sample in buffer with a
14 ties reveal how these tissues interacted for grinding and ecological specialization.
15                                     However, grinding and exact weighting of material may be consider
16 rochromism was also observed in dye 5, where grinding and fuming of a solid sample gave blue- and red
17 emission was changed from blue to green upon grinding and green to blue upon fuming.
18          It gives examples of the aspects of grinding and illustrates some general guidelines to foll
19 ing nonconventional synthetic methodologies (grinding and microwave heating) with intermediates chara
20  ratio between seed and mass of media during grinding and molarity of the medium used on oil body int
21 es, when reactions could be initiated during grinding and rubbing accidentally, and follows the main
22 olid nanodispersion) prepared by a simple co-grinding and solvent-free process.
23 m bicarbonate solution (pH 9.5, 0.1M) in the grinding and washing steps produced oil body preparation
24 ing and subsequent surface treatments, i.e., grinding and/or grit-blasting, have marked effects on th
25          Pain was associated with clenching, grinding, and joint noises.
26 anochemical reactions effected by milling or grinding are an attractive means to conduct chemical rea
27 ecologically important traits, body size and grinding area of the molar teeth.
28                      Jaw-clenching and tooth-grinding associated with bruxism can contribute to abnor
29                                       Serial grinding at intervals of tens of micrometres, combined w
30 t into several parameters like properties of grinding balls, the filling ratio or revolution speed.
31 active lunar dust particles were produced by grinding bulk dust under ultrapure nitrogen conditions.
32 re not generated by other mechanisms such as grinding, cleaving, rubbing, scratching, biting or therm
33  particle size distribution, concluding that grinding cold results in a narrower particle size distri
34  of sample preparation steps such as drying, grinding, concentration, dilution, and filtration, among
35                                    Mammalian grinding dentitions are composed of four major tissues t
36 h of the evaporitic rocks as determined from grinding experiments, and the abundance of coarse-graine
37 egradation of both ( approximately 50% after grinding for 5 min), while in the nonground samples, neg
38  the blank material was prepared by cutting, grinding, freeze-drying and milling.
39 s were manufactured ("synthetic basalt") for grinding grain and construction.
40 t-area pain, joint noises, and clenching and grinding habits was scored as present or absent.
41  the reactants in an air-free environment or grinding homogeneously in air before annealing, the barr
42 d grinding (LAG) or ion- and liquid-assisted grinding (ILAG).
43 astereospecificity with ease by solvent-free grinding in a ball mill.
44 ssue disruption techniques (including manual grinding in a cooled mortar, homogenization, and various
45 m one or more segments were obtained through grinding in a mortar and pestle containing liquid nitrog
46                                              Grinding in air also dissipates a large amount of lattic
47 bolomics, tissues typically are extracted by grinding in liquid nitrogen followed by the stepwise add
48 ified by pyrene and phenanthrene, using mild grinding in the presence of common minerals was investig
49 one (pestle) of the upper molar crushing and grinding in the talonid basin (mortar) on the lower mola
50 dings in low speed scratching and high speed grinding, in which there is an amorphous layer at the to
51 dy were to determine whether re-firing after grinding increases the strength of dental porcelain and
52 ith PAHs and mixed with magnetite, a similar grinding-induced degradation pattern was observed, but w
53                                      In-sink grinding (ISG) via a food-waste disposer and flushing fo
54                             Clench and tooth-grinding jaw-movement tasks were evaluated in a block-de
55 ternative to the established liquid-assisted grinding (LAG) approach.
56 icient methodologies such as liquid-assisted grinding (LAG) or ion- and liquid-assisted grinding (ILA
57                                              Grinding magnetite loaded with either PAH resulted in a
58                         This suggests sample grinding may inadequately disperse gluten to allow a sin
59 d using sodium bicarbonate-based soaking and grinding media (pH 9.5) was investigated.
60 a cooled mortar, homogenization, and various grinding media in both reciprocating and orbital tissue
61 y varying the grinding media size, powder-to-grinding media ratio, milling speed and milling time.
62 e size of SNDs were optimized by varying the grinding media size, powder-to-grinding media ratio, mil
63                                          Wet grinding methods for obtaining matrix-assisted laser des
64       Different sorbents, sample conditions, grinding methods, elution solvents, and single and repea
65 ned via a mechanochemical approach by simple grinding of 1-haloalkynes with N-substituted pyrroles an
66 e products in a reliable way, simply through grinding of crystals in a solution.
67 olytetrafluoroethylene vessels and intensive grinding of NIST 2701 increased the amount of Cr(VI) ext
68 that this clump results from the collisional grinding of resonantly trapped planetesimals or the cata
69                                          The grinding of seeds in solution at a ratio of 1:7 (w/w) si
70 ontmorillonite enhanced its degradation, but grinding of the loaded clay actually inhibited pyrene's
71 spectively, facilitated by simple mechanical grinding of the reactants.
72 rtitioning, which could be attributed to the grinding of the sediment through the stirring of the sed
73 ipment as well as elimination of problematic grinding of the tip.
74                              Upon mechanical grinding, only one of the polymorphs exhibits great modi
75  produced by ultrasonic fracture, mechanical grinding or by lithographic means.
76 ess steel is heavily plastically deformed by grinding or rolling, a martensitic phase transformation
77 occlusion that differs dramatically from the grinding or shearing mechanisms of other Early Mesozoic
78 turic acid, previously prepared as powder by grinding or slurry methods, has been obtained as single
79 st they were percussive tools for shaping or grinding other materials.
80                             Polymer-assisted grinding (POLAG) is demonstrated to provide a new class
81 ggests the use of a thermal treatment before grinding, possibly to accelerate drying of the plants, m
82 cal stress were investigated using cryogenic grinding, powder X-ray diffractometry, diffuse-reflectan
83 R analysis, which readily indicates that the grinding process modifies the phosphorus and copper atom
84                                          Wet grinding process yields flour with lowest percentage of
85 alized in a simple solid-to-solid mechanical grinding process.
86 e, the overall energy consumption, including grinding, pumping, stirring, and rotating processes, was
87 afe, and environmentally friendly mechanical grinding route to transform into covalent organic nanosh
88       Mechanochemical activation achieved by grinding, shearing, pulling, or milling opens unique opp
89 aces and rock regions exposed by brushing or grinding show near-infrared spectral signatures consiste
90 mical synthesis, i.e. reactions conducted by grinding solid reactants together with no or minimal sol
91 n of the starch grains on the surface of the grinding stone furnished information about the tool hand
92                                        Three grinding stones from Shizitan Locality 14 (ca. 23,000-19
93  distinctive stone tool assemblage including grinding stones, ground ochres, reflective additives and
94 cted to investigate the effects of different grinding techniques (dry, semi-wet and wet) of milled ri
95                   The results indicated that grinding techniques significantly (p<0.05) affected star
96 ing a dental-control (DC) group with a tooth-grinding (TG) group.
97                                     However, grinding the reactants in air allows NaCl to form direct
98 hod, nuclei are first isolated by physically grinding the source tissues.
99 phase" and clearly show that, in most cases, grinding the two solid reactants together results in the
100 Argentino", "algarrobo flour" is produced by grinding the whole mature pod, but in the traditional pr
101 destroyed by fracturing the crystallites via grinding, the amount of N2 adsorbed doubles but the CO2
102 nctionalized predominantly as individuals by grinding them for minutes at room temperature with aryld
103 MCA (9.550CAU/mL), were selected as follows: Grinding time 30s, pH 3, extraction time 50min and solid
104 orming end and self-sharpening at the mature grinding tip.
105 construction of a two-component cocrystal by grinding together phenazine (phen) and mesaconic acid (m
106 anical evidence for chenopod consumption and grinding tool data reflecting intensive use of this tech
107                        Residue analyses on a grinding tool recovered at Grotta Paglicci sublayer 23A
108 mens with smaller flaws that were induced by grinding with 1 micron abrasive grit.
109           Per-O-benzylated thioglycosides on grinding with an acceptor sugar in the presence of In(OT
110  mm thick), both with and without subsequent grinding with various grit sizes or grit-blasting with a

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