


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 onformational change in P9.0 of the Azoarcus group I intron.
2  DeltaC209 P4-P6 domain from the Tetrahymena group I intron.
3 that compromise RNA self-splicing in the bI5 group I intron.
4 with the bI4 maturase to aid excision of the group I intron.
5 erized ribozyme derived from the Tetrahymena group I intron.
6 n a 659-nucleotide RNA containing the Cr.LSU group I intron.
7 the P4-P6 ribozyme domain of the Tetrahymena group I intron.
8 ted to that of larger ribozymes, such as the group I intron.
9 mega-homing endonuclease gene and associated group I intron.
10 lize the folded structure of the Tetrahymena group I intron.
11 tif originally discovered in the Tetrahymena group I intron.
12 the P5c helix of the Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron.
13 t, might have been derived from a degenerate group I intron.
14 the role of Suv3p in splicing of the aI5beta group I intron.
15 na thermophila large subunit rRNA-DeltaP5abc group I intron.
16 sibility along the length of the Tetrahymena group I intron.
17 function for many structured RNAs, including group I introns.
18 encoded within intervening sequences such as group I introns.
19  (CYT-18 protein) that functions in splicing group I introns.
20  But this ribozyme has unexpected relatives: group I introns.
21 an support the insertion and/or retention of group I introns.
22  but often evolutionarily distantly related, group I introns.
23 ase, including at structures conserved among group I introns.
24 glucose) present in T-even phages, and lacks group I introns.
25 eophile with an affinity comparable to other group I introns.
26 articularly rich in nuclear ribosomal [r]DNA group I introns.
27 s similar to GIY-YIG homing endonucleases of group I introns.
28 raloop receptor and P1 helix docking site in group I introns.
29 ain and CTD that enabled specific binding of group I introns.
30 ifferent sets of interactions with different group I introns.
31 ve drug target because humans do not contain group I introns.
32 structure-stabilizing splicing cofactors for group I introns.
33 in decreased splicing of the aI5beta and bI3 group I introns.
34 cripts, unprocessed transcripts, and excised group I introns.
35  act as splicing cofactors for autocatalytic group I introns.
36  structure-stabilizing splicing cofactor for group I introns.
37 to promote the splicing of a wide variety of group I introns.
38 ) and promotes the splicing of mitochondrial group I introns.
39 to establish the conserved chemical basis of group I intron activity.
40 cing of some Neurospora crassa mitochondrial group I introns additionally requires a DEAD-box protein
41         The sporadic distribution of nuclear group I introns among different fungal lineages can be e
42                                          The group I intron (AnCOB) of the mitochondrial apocytochrom
43  P4-P6 domain of the Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron and a 58-nt fragment of the Escherichia c
44 l-length tRNA synthetase, in binding the bI4 group I intron and facilitating its self-splicing activi
45 ith efficient inheritance of the phage T4 td group I intron and its endonuclease, I-TevI, for which t
46 to the evolution of splicing activity, binds group I intron and other RNAs non-specifically via its C
47 seedlings with impaired splicing of the trnL group I intron and the ndhA, ycf3-int1, and clpP-int2 gr
48 res of the Pezizomycotina enzymes related to group I intron and tRNA interactions.
49 leted regions are not highly conserved among group I introns and are often dispensable for catalytic
50             We used phylogenetic analyses of group I introns and lichen-fungal host cells to address
51 of molecular examples, with primary focus on group I introns and RNase P RNA.
52 e P456 domain of the Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron, and a 58 nt 23s rRNA from Escherichia co
53 mismatches, similar to the P5abc region of a group I intron, and is closed by a GAAA tetraloop.
54            It consists of the trnL intron, a group I intron, and the trnT-trnL and trnL-trnF intergen
55 nd our knowledge of substrate recognition by group I introns, and also provide a basis for rational d
56 Many homing endonucleases are encoded within group I introns, and such enzymes promote the mobility r
57 n of aberrant RNA species, including excised group I introns; and loss of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).
58                                         Many group I introns appear to have originated in the common
59  and site-directed mutagenesis indicate that group I introns are composed of a catalytic core that is
60                                              Group I introns are inserted into genes of a wide variet
61                                              Group I introns are mobile RNA enzymes (ribozymes) that
62                                       Mobile group I introns are RNA splicing elements that have been
63 he self-splicing and mobility of a few model group I introns are well understood.
64                                              Group I introns are widely distributed in protists, bact
65    Using the P4-P6 domain of the Tetrahymena group I intron as the test system, we identified pairs o
66  model to the evolution of HEGs found in the group I intron at position S943 of the nuclear ribosomal
67 yrRS showed that the overall topology of the group I intron binding surface is conserved but with var
68 at the catalytic domain uses a newly evolved group I intron binding surface that includes an N-termin
69 ture and amino acids potentially involved in group I intron binding than do neighboring protein core
70 one C-terminal domain insertion functions in group I intron binding, and that some C-terminal domain
71  structural adaptations that form a distinct group I intron-binding site in the N-terminal catalytic
72 howed that CYT-18 has distinct tRNA(Tyr) and group I intron-binding sites, with the latter formed by
73                                          The group I intron-binding surface includes three small inse
74 mena ribozyme derived from the self-splicing group I intron binds a 5'-splice site analog (S) and gua
75                 The structure shows that the group I intron binds across the two subunits of the homo
76 droxyl radical cleavage assays show that the group I intron binds at a site formed in part by the thr
77 lent metal ions are required for splicing of group I introns, but their role in maintaining the struc
78 oming endonuclease initiates mobility of its group I intron by recognizing DNA both upstream and down
79 4-P6 domain from the Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron by single molecule fluorescence resonance
80 onucleotide-based therapeutics for targeting group I introns by binding enhancement by tertiary inter
81 ndonucleases initiate mobility of their host group I introns by binding to and cleaving lengthy recog
82 se (CYT-18 protein) promotes the splicing of group I introns by helping the intron RNA fold into the
83 rosyl-tRNA synthetase, functions in splicing group I introns by inducing formation of the catalytical
84 etase (CYT-18 protein) functions in splicing group I introns by promoting the formation of the cataly
85 etase (CYT-18 protein) functions in splicing group I introns by promoting the formation of the cataly
86 her aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases interact with group I introns by recognizing conserved tRNA-like struc
87 se proteins, Neurospora crassa CYT-18, binds group I introns by using both its N-terminal catalytic a
88    Previous studies showed: (i) CYT-18 binds group I introns by using both its N-terminal catalytic d
89                          Here we show that a group I intron can move to degenerate sites under oxidiz
90 emical data, shows that conserved regions of group I introns can be superimposed over interacting reg
91         The extent of horizontal transfer of group I introns can potentially be determined by examini
92 bozymes, derived from a Pneumocystis carinii group I intron, can catalyze the excision of targeted se
93 ibozyme, derived from a Pneumocystis carinii group I intron, can replace the 5' end of a targeted exo
94                  This chemical phylogeny for group I intron catalysis helps to refine structural mode
95   Our findings continue an emerging theme in group I intron catalysis: the oxygen atoms at the reacti
96  and that may be common chemical features of group I intron catalysts.
97 nizes a conserved tRNA-like structure of the group I intron catalytic core.
98 nserved tRNA-like structural features of the group I intron catalytic core.
99 ing, but partially overlapping, sides of the group I intron catalytic core.
100  its binding site in the P4-P6 domain of the group I intron catalytic core.
101 re in this region, leading to folding of the group I intron catalytic core.
102 ScaI ribozyme derived from the self-splicing group I intron catalyzes a reversible reaction analogous
103 r of selfish genetic elements, including two group I introns (Cbu.L1917 and Cbu.L1951) and an interve
104                                      The two group I introns, Cbu.L1917 and Cbu.L1951, are inserted a
105         Here, we show that, unlike all other group I introns, Cbu.L1917 utilizes a different cofactor
106                       Modeling onto a CYT-18/group I intron cocrystal structure indicates that the C-
107 domains of CYT-18 interact with the expected group I intron cognates of the aminoacyl-acceptor stem a
108                                Self-splicing group I introns come in two flavours - those with a homi
109 f an RNA hairpin modelling the P5 helix of a group I intron, complexed with Co(NH3)63+, has been dete
110 pecifically promotes formation of the native group I intron core from this misfolded conformation.
111 l hybridization data for three model RNAs: a group I intron, CsrB and a tRNA.
112 on-splicing reaction, a Pneumocystis carinii group I intron-derived ribozyme binds an RNA substrate,
113                We previously reported that a group I intron-derived ribozyme can catalyze the excisio
114                                            A group I intron-derived ribozyme from Pneumocystis carini
115                        We demonstrate that a group I intron-derived ribozyme from the opportunistic p
116   Nevertheless, our results demonstrate that group I intron-derived ribozymes are inherently able to
117 ese results are a further demonstration that group I intron-derived ribozymes are quite malleable in
118                          The implications of group I intron-derived ribozymes being able to catalyze
119                                              Group I intron-derived ribozymes can catalyze a variety
120                                              Group I intron-derived ribozymes can perform a variety o
121 med OmegaG, found in Cbu.L1951 and all other group I introns described to date.
122 d crystallographic model of a portion of the group I intron, despite the presence of J8/7 and P3 in t
123 served G.U base pair at the cleavage site of group I introns destabilizes the P1 extension >100-fold
124      However, the coral and sea anemone cox1 group I introns differed in several aspects, such as the
125                            A large number of group I introns encode a family of homologous proteins t
126                                         Many group I introns encode endonucleases that promote intron
127   The Aspergillus nidulans mitochondrial COB group I intron encodes a bi-functional protein, I-AniI,
128 the first example of a chromosomally encoded group I intron endonuclease in bacteria.
129 side the catalytic core imply that different group I introns, even within the same subclass, use dist
130 the use of comparative methods to understand group I intron evolution in a broader context and to gen
131 l host cells to address four questions about group I intron evolution in lichens, and generally in al
132                             PpLSU3, a mobile group I intron found in the ribo-somal RNA genes of Phys
133 tinct processes in the evolution of the 1500 group I introns found thus far in nature (e.g. in algae
134 ose zipper, originally observed in the P4-P6 group I intron fragment.
135                                              Group I introns frequently provide protection against se
136 activity and structure in the small (249 nt) group I intron from Anabaena, we used two independent as
137                                    The AnCOB group I intron from Aspergillus nidulans encodes a homin
138 and hydroxyl radical footprinting of a small group I intron from Azoarcus pre-tRNA(Ile) showed that t
139           Despite its small size, the 205 nt group I intron from Azoarcus tRNA(Ile) is an exceptional
140    The ODMiR method is demonstrated with the group I intron from Candida albicans, a human pathogen.
141 reverse cyclization reactions catalyzed by a group I intron from the opportunistic pathogen Pneumocys
142                                          The group I intron from this isolate is the first to be repo
143  we evaluate the self-splicing efficiency of group I introns from transcripts expressed by RNA polyme
144 ctivities of three classes of catalytic RNA: group I introns, group II introns, and 23S rRNA.
145                                          The group I intron has a rich history of biochemical efforts
146                                            A group I intron has been found to interrupt the anticodon
147 lished, the function of Suv3p in splicing of group I introns has remained elusive.
148                             The J4/5 loop of group I introns has tertiary interactions with the P1 he
149 egarding the cleavage mechanisms of the four group I intron homing endonuclease families: LAGLIDADG,
150  full-length SegF and is likely analogous to group I intron homing, in which repair of a DSB results
151 e by the intron-encoded endonuclease, as for group I intron homing.
152 nterference set collected on the Tetrahymena group I intron (IC1 class), these data define a "chemica
153 ions from the conserved core sequences of 93 Group I introns, identified 17 introns similar to that o
154  crystal structure of the Azoarcus bacterial group I intron in complex with its 5' and 3' exons.
155 alian pathogen that contains a self-splicing group I intron in its large subunit rRNA precursor.
156 ea mays) chloroplasts is associated with the group I intron in pre-trnL-UAA and group II introns in t
157 en the IC-UTS and the 43B cistron; and (c) a group I intron in the 43B cistron.
158 e we report the insertion of a self-splicing group I intron in the coding sequence of the DNA polymer
159 of the COX3 mRNA and splicing of the aI5beta group I intron in the COX1 pre-mRNA in Saccharomyces cer
160 ndrial sequences revealed the existence of a group I intron in the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox1
161          Here we describe the discovery of a group I intron in the DNA polymerase gene of Bacillus th
162                        Here we show that the group I intron in the DNA polymerase gene of T7-like bac
163  DNA (rDNA) focuses on a naturally occurring group I intron in the I-CpaI target site of 23S rDNA fro
164 A target in C. albicans is the self-splicing group I intron in the LSU rRNA precursor.
165                         The J4/5 loop of the group I intron in the mouse-derived fungal pathogen Pneu
166       A striking example of this is a homing group I intron in the mt cox1 gene.
167  a LAGLI-DADG motif as reported for the cox1 group I intron in the sea anemone Metridium senile.
168  labeled with GTP indicates the existence of group I introns in genes of at least three transcription
169 ng surface diverged to accommodate different group I introns in other Pezizomycotina fungi, we determ
170  that there is no barrier for maintenance of group I introns in phages of proteobacteria.
171        The wide but sporadic distribution of group I introns in protists, plants, and fungi, as well
172  primary sequence and secondary structure of group I introns in subgroup IA2, which includes the intr
173 se genes play a role in splicing of multiple group I introns in the chloroplast.
174                       Our analyses show that group I introns in the lichen-fungi and in the lichen-al
175 e up the lichen thallus? 2) Are the multiple group I introns in the lichen-fungi of independent origi
176 ns the evidence for an elevated abundance of group I introns in the mitochondria of anthozoans.
177 nce and characteristics of two self-splicing group I introns in the sole 23S rRNA gene of Coxiella bu
178 n CYT-19 functions in the folding of several group I introns in vivo and a diverse set of group I and
179  are magnesium ion binding sites, in diverse group I introns, including those from Azoarcus and Tetra
180                                      Certain group I introns insert into intronless DNA via an endonu
181 A endonucleases, which are each encoded by a group I intron inserted into homologous sites within the
182             We have recently described three group I introns inserted into a single gene, orf142, of
183        An in vitro form of the self-splicing group-I intron interrupting the Azoarcus tRNA(Ile) was s
184                                            A group I intron interrupts the tRNA(Arg)CCU gene of the a
185 uclease I-Ssp6803I causes the insertion of a group I intron into a bacterial tRNA gene-the only examp
186  of the intron-bearing 43B site; and (c) the group I intron is a self-splicing RNA.
187 e evolutionary history of most lichen-fungal group I introns is characterized by rare gains followed
188                  Although the active site of group I introns is phylogenetically conserved, subclasse
189 though CYT-18's C-terminal domain also binds group I introns, it has been intractable to X-ray crysta
190 g of how specific structural features of the group I intron lead to catalysis.
191                               In this way, a group I intron located in tRNA(Leu), which has been used
192 most closely resemble the mitochondrial cox1 group I introns of a sponge species, which also has the
193 contrast, a pre-mRNA bearing the Tetrahymena group I intron or the yeast spliceosomal ACT1 intron at
194 r by disruption of the recognition site by a group I intron (or intein) into which the endonuclease O
195    Folding of the 160-nucleotide Tetrahymena group I intron P4-P6 domain was used as a test system.
196 tif of the recently crystallized Tetrahymena group I intron P4-P6 domain.
197 rm species" N. commune characterized through group I intron phylogeny.
198                                            A group I intron precursor and ribozyme were cloned from t
199                                 Cbu.L1917, a group I intron present in the 23S rRNA gene of Coxiella
200 maturase thus represents a rare example of a group I intron protein cofactor whose binding is adequat
201       The discovery of the RNA self-splicing group I intron provided the first demonstration that not
202 rf142) is interrupted by three self-splicing group I introns, providing the first example of a phage
203                              The Tetrahymena group I intron recognizes its oligonucleotide substrate
204 cular ruler is conserved among a subclass of group I introns related to the Tetrahymena intron.
205 s the native conformation of the Tetrahymena group I intron relative to a globally similar misfolded
206 sults suggest that it stabilizes its cognate group I introns relative to analogous misfolded intermed
207      Like most cellular RNA enzymes, the bI5 group I intron requires binding by a protein cofactor to
208 nal intron of yeast cytochrome b pre-mRNA (a group I intron) requires a protein encoded by the nuclea
209 3p result in accumulation of stable, excised group I intron ribonucleoproteins, which result in seque
210  co-crystal structure of the Twort orf142-I2 group I intron ribozyme bound to splicing-active, carbox
211 cleotide RNA) of the Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron ribozyme changes when its tertiary struct
212  that observed in the crystal structure of a group I intron ribozyme domain.
213                              The Tetrahymena group I intron ribozyme folds in vitro to a long-lived m
214   Like many structured RNAs, the Tetrahymena group I intron ribozyme folds through multiple pathways
215 tions on tertiary interactions, binding to a group I intron ribozyme from mouse-derived Pneumocystis
216 o, here we measure native folding of a small group I intron ribozyme from the bacterium Azoarcus by m
217 ns enhance binding of specific hexamers to a group I intron ribozyme from the opportunistic pathogen
218 of the self-splicing Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron ribozyme that is inserted into the ORF of
219  tertiary contact mutants of the Tetrahymena group I intron ribozyme to demonstrate that the efficien
220            As model system, a trans-splicing group I intron ribozyme was evolved in Escherichia coli
221 e of the earliest folding transitions in the group I intron ribozyme, and that it leads to a metastab
222 emble into covalent versions of the Azoarcus group I intron ribozyme.
223  of the P5abc subdomain of the 'Tetrahymena' group I intron ribozyme.
224 RNA, and the P4-P6 domain of the tetrahymena Group I intron ribozyme.
225                         Modified Tetrahymena group I intron ribozymes have been used to mediate trans
226 blished crystal and NMR structures of tRNAs, group I introns, ribozymes, RNA aptamers and synthetic o
227 y determined cocrystal structure of a CYT-18/group I intron RNA complex, we identify conserved featur
228                   A two-piece version of the group I intron RNA from Tetrahymena is used here to show
229 e Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial bI3 group I intron RNA in vitro is shown to require both an
230 e Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial bI5 group I intron RNA is facilitated by both the S. cerevis
231  used to prepare by ligation the Tetrahymena group I intron RNA P4-P6 domain, a representative struct
232  the near-native collapsed state for the bI5 group I intron RNA plays an obligatory role in self-chap
233                  The yeast mitochondrial bI3 group I intron RNA splices in vitro as a six-component r
234 ase (LeuRS) performs dual essential roles in group I intron RNA splicing as well as protein synthesis
235        The LeuRS CP1 domain can also support group I intron RNA splicing in the yeast mitochondria, a
236 es/KCl buffer, the catalytic core of the bI5 group I intron RNA undergoes a conformational collapse c
237 environment at adenosine residues in the bI5 group I intron RNA was monitored as a function of Mg(2+)
238          The P4-P6 domain of the Tetrahymena group I intron RNA was systematically modified at multip
239 0-nucleotide P4-P6 domain of the Tetrahymena group I intron RNA, using stopped-flow fluorescence with
240 , but move inward to bind opposite ends of a group I intron RNA.
241 lding of the P4-P6 domain of the Tetrahymena group I intron RNA.
242         CYT-19 does not bind specifically to group I intron RNAs and instead functions as an ATP-depe
243 cing factor by acquiring the ability to bind group I intron RNAs and stabilize their catalytically ac
244 nthetase that also promotes self-splicing of group I intron RNAs by stabilizing the functional struct
245                                              Group I intron RNAs contain a core of highly conserved h
246 minal domain regions bind both tRNA(Tyr) and group I intron RNAs.
247 bility for nearly all nucleotides in the bI3 group I intron RNP in four assembly states: the free RNA
248                  The transition state of the group I intron self-splicing reaction is stabilized by t
249 n (CTD); and (ii) the catalytic domain binds group I introns specifically via multiple structural ada
250  mitochondrial tyrosyl-tRNA synthetases with group I intron splicing activity evolved during or after
251 zizomycotina, and biochemical assays confirm group I intron splicing activity for the enzymes from se
252                                   The unique group I intron splicing activity of these fungal enzymes
253  a mitochondrial RNA chaperone that promotes group I intron splicing and has been shown to resolve mi
254 e (ymLeuRS) performs dual essential roles in group I intron splicing and protein synthesis.
255 ined the crystal structure of a bifunctional group I intron splicing factor and homing endonuclease,
256  CYT-18 protein) evolved a new function as a group I intron splicing factor by acquiring the ability
257 s from those of two other well-characterized group I intron splicing factors, CYT-18 and Cpb2.
258  locked nucleic acid residue, inhibit 50% of group I intron splicing in a transcription mixture at ab
259  functions in concert with CYT-18 to promote group I intron splicing in vivo and vitro.
260  crystal structure of a catalytically active group I intron splicing intermediate containing the comp
261 e the development of a new protein-dependent group I intron splicing system that requires such an ATP
262 ly challenging to determine if Suv3p effects group I intron splicing through RNA degradation as part
263 re provides insight into how CYT-18 promotes group I intron splicing, how it evolved to have this fun
264 TD, but lacks further adaptations needed for group I intron splicing.
265                 In the case of the yeast bI3 group I intron, splicing requires binding by two protein
266 andscape of the L-21 Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron structurally and kinetically from its ear
267 further understand the role of metal ions in group I intron structure and function.
268  multiple metal ion core that is critical to group I intron structure and function.
269 the RNA and yielded the catalytically active group I intron structure.
270 cing and has been shown to resolve misfolded group I intron structures, allowing them to refold.
271        Comparative sequence analysis of this group I intron subclass suggests that the A29 interactio
272 ved, selfish genetic elements, including two group I introns, termed Cbu.L1917 (L1917) and Cbu.L1951
273 ons grossly disrupt the catalytically-active group I intron tertiary structure, and that CYT-18 bindi
274 ntially important, high scoring sites in the group I intron that are not currently annotated as Mg2+
275                       I-BmoI is encoded by a group I intron that interrupts the thymidylate synthase
276                                          The group I intron that interrupts the tRNA-Leu gene in cyan
277 precursor of P. carinii contains a conserved group I intron that is an attractive drug target because
278 less active in facilitating the folding of a group I intron that requires CYT-19 in vivo.
279         One such protein is encoded within a group I intron that resides in the recA gene of the Baci
280                                              Group I introns that encode homing endonuclease genes (H
281 include the signal recognition particle RNA, group I intron, the GlmS ribozyme, RNAseP RNA, and ribos
282    Despite apparent structural similarity to group I introns, the LC ribozyme catalyzes cleavage by a
283 ng of two phylogenetically related catalytic group I introns, the Twort and Azoarcus group I ribozyme
284 , and the first instance of a tRNA(Leu)(UAA) group I intron to be found in a group of bacteria other
285     The unspliced 658-nt intron is the first group I intron to be found in bacterial rDNA or rRNA, an
286 (including 62 novel large subunit [LSU] rRNA group I introns) to study intron movement within the mon
287 exity, the P4-P6 domain from the Tetrahymena group I intron, to address basic questions in RNA foldin
288  RNA hairpins and the P5abc subdomain of the group I intron unfold reversibly.
289                                   Similarly, group I introns use RNA-catalysed splicing reactions, bu
290 tein CYT-19 disrupts tertiary structure in a group I intron using a helix capture mechanism.
291 iated folding of the Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron using this combined experimental and comp
292          In the first step of self-splicing, group I introns utilize an exogenous guanosine nucleophi
293 ancestral fungal mtTyrRS and a self-splicing group I intron was "fixed" by an intron RNA mutation tha
294 es (hairpins and the Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron), we compute the quasiequilibrium fluctua
295 ed for splicing of the mitochondrial aI5beta group I intron, we show that efficient in vitro splicing
296 rk with Physciaceae small subunit (SSU) rDNA group I introns where strong support was found for multi
297 e of a free-standing endonuclease gene and a group I intron, which we denote "collaborative homing,"
298 e within the P4-P6 domain of the Tetrahymena group I intron, while site 2 is unique among known ion b
299 i, the psbA gene contains four self-splicing group I introns whose rates of splicing in vivo are incr
300                           Phage T4 has three group I introns, within the td, nrdB and nrdD genes.

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