


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mental data, and could be characterized as a guess.
2 ulated according to treatment assignment and guess.
3 guess and, when possible, a reason for their guess.
4 h is significantly better than 10% by random guess.
5 e frequency of previous occurrences in their guesses.
6  fast and relatively insensitive to starting guesses.
7 ld not perform better on average than random guesses.
8 or an actor and rated the certainty of their guesses.
9 accelerated by providing appropriate initial guesses.
10 ere equally certain of their right and wrong guesses.
11 h performed significantly better than random guessing.
12  secondary progressive MS better than random guessing.
13 ccurate and not statistically different from guessing.
14 s aspect, we asked 218 adult participants to guess 50 parents' words from (muted) videos of their int
15 ower of NGS to be realized without having to guess about sampling depth or to ignore the problem of P
16 hidden Markov models (HMMs) based on a first guess about the importance of various residues.
17         The chapter then concludes with some guesses about the future of the field.
18 that are too brief to be recognized, or even guessed above chance on a forced-choice test, nonetheles
19     Quantitative modeling supported the fast guess account over accounts of payoff effects supported
20                       Consistent with a fast guess account, fast responses were strongly biased towar
21  known 3D structure, whether the most likely guesses agree with the observed domain structure.
22  concentrated on a few cells around the best-guess allele counts.
23                         2: The brain uses a 'guess and check' heuristic in which visual feedback that
24 ed a confidence level (scale, 0-10) for each guess and, when possible, a reason for their guess.
25 refinement from reasonable initial structure guesses and it is not clear, a priori, that sufficient i
26 ases could be assigned correctly by randomly guessing, and as many as 32% could be recognised by triv
27  all aspects of the data, including apparent guessing, and outperforms slot models in formal model co
28 nts, the effects of random processes such as guessing, and the rate at which students appear in and d
29 oach to resynchronization represents a "best guess" approach to achieving resynchronization by observ
30 y possible with this method when the initial guesses are sufficiently close to the true values.
31 ms, CotQuest does not require users to input guesses as to the final values of parameters; rather, it
32 e uncorrected analysis was worse than random guess at some thresholds.
33                             Although one can guess at the functions of these novel enzymes by conside
34                                  We can only guess at the kinds of organisms that will benefit from t
35 uence and secondary structure information to guess at the number of possible amino acids that could a
36 s circuits on the basis of the brain's "best guess" at the initial configuration of connections neces
37  its significance was compared with a random guess (AUC = 0.5) using the Noether test.
38 y classified into 3 strategies: (1) educated guesses based on known signaling pathways essential for
39 , and 270 degrees ) using 3 techniques (best guess [BG], light reflex [LR], and a ruler measuring [RU
40 go in the next few years is almost anybody's guess, but that it will move forward is a certainty.
41 provide observational data to assist in best guess clinical practices.
42 sed approach to derive representative ("best guess") contaminant concentrations from data with censor
43 improvement at days 14 and 30 than did those guessing control (day 14, P = .02; day 30, P < .001).
44                         Both variability and guessing decreased with the reduction in the number of o
45   Most people opt to stay with their initial guess, despite the fact that switching doubles the proba
46 r sequences up to 400 residues long and that guessing domain boundaries in this way can improve the s
47 versus control livers to design an "educated guess" drug screen, which led to the identification of n
48 mized trials is penetrable-since clinician's guesses exceed chance-and that only active placebo can a
49 ation bias is suggested by raters' treatment guesses exceeding chance.
50                   We performed a probability guessing experiment with two split-brain patients and fo
51                             In a probability guessing experiment, subjects try to guess which of two
52 esent emerging features that are not easy to guess from the elementary interactions of their microsco
53      Twenty human participants played a card guessing game for shared monetary outcomes with three pa
54 ive reward properties within two independent guessing games.
55                                         They guessed if each interviewee was a patient or an actor an
56 ems seems to be refuted by the appearance of guessing in human responses.
57 re much smaller than that rendered by random guessing, indicating the existence of the correlation re
58 ability to unity, thereby beating the random guessing limit.
59 eserve conscious vision, but show erroneous 'guess' localization of visual stimuli, poor saccades and
60             We have also implemented a 'best-guess' mapping algorithm for UniProt.
61 ecognition memory is mediated by a detect-or-guess mental-state model without recourse to concepts of
62 on per year, may be too low, and that a best guess of 150-175 petagrams of carbon per year better ref
63 s prognostic estimate and a surrogate's best guess of that estimate); differences in belief (any diff
64 a surrogate's actual estimate and their best guess of the physician's estimate).
65 ic definition, but only allow an approximate guess of the tumor histopathology.
66 od is parameter-free and requires no initial guesses of charge states, total mass, or subunit mass.
67 ly influenced by biosphere model-based first guesses of seasonal and annual mean fluxes.
68 scious object identification, but preserved 'guess' of the location of a stimulus, preserved reflexiv
69 le pathways of small systems without initial guesses on pathways.
70 standing of how the brain makes 'intelligent guesses' on the basis of limited information to form vis
71 ven the option of staying with their initial guess or switching to the other unopened door.
72 rrors and have been attributed previously to guesses or variability in precision are shown to arise a
73 al expression being displayed, but could not guess other types of emotional or non-emotional stimuli.
74 were not significantly different from random guessing (P = .70 and .28 for 3D and 2D images, respecti
75          This process frequently amounts to 'guessing' PCR primers on top of unreliable gene predicti
76 are extremely close to equilibrium (accurate-guessing) predictions, and shift as payoffs change, just
77             The findings suggest that a fast guess process, biased by payoff and triggered by stimulu
78 tatistics-based methods rely on global 'best guess' reference panels to model the genetic correlation
79  as opposed to the current standard of 'best guess' reference panels, we observed a 28% decrease in m
80 s model succeeds, provided that his original guesses regarding the values of two parameters of his mo
81 pants were scanned while performing a number guessing reward task that included the periods of win an
82 l than deterministic forecasts using a 'best guess' scenario to address this sort of problem.
83 eemingly the resultant of mixing this stable guessing state with an additional stable detect state.
84  unambiguously interpreted as arising from a guessing state.
85 all tasks successfully, without resorting to guessing strategies or responding to continuous variable
86  they improve task performance over a random guessing strategy.
87 eted a functional magnetic resonance imaging guessing task involving monetary reward.
88                                   A rewarded guessing task was conducted during each scan to evaluate
89 nctional magnetic resonance imaging during a guessing task with monetary reward, genotyping for two P
90 ard positivity was measured using a monetary guessing task, their current depressive symptoms were as
91 s use different strategies when performing a guessing task.
92                          This is an educated guess that may be helpful in planning the treatment of p
93 e to learn the whole of the sequence, cannot guess the bit value correctly.
94 tion of motion; instead, the goalkeeper must guess the likely direction of the kick, and dive in anti
95               This property might be used to guess the locations of protein domain boundaries.
96 ical blindness, could nevertheless correctly guess the type of emotional facial expression being disp
97 ves all measured time-domain data points and guesses the missing data points by an iterative process.
98                                              Guessing the boundaries of structural domains has been a
99 prediction markets for economic derivatives (guessing the values of important macroeconomic statistic
100 e associated with the ability of patients to guess their treatment allocation correctly-namely, treat
101    At multiple times up to 1 month, patients guessed their treatment allocation (vertebroplasty or co
102 reatment was vertebroplasty versus those who guessed their treatment was control intervention.
103  in pain score differed between patients who guessed their treatment was vertebroplasty versus those
104 haracteristics of the patients and correctly guessing their randomized treatment assignment.
105  and beckoning forth a cilium-who would have guessed this is how polarized epithelial cells coordinat
106 gorithm has been developed to assign initial guesses throughout an image based on a segmentation anal
107 (MS), where the infectious agent is unknown, guesses to its identity are made.
108 hat our human participants often made a fast guess toward the higher reward rather than integrating s
109 aseline factor significantly associated with guessing treatment correctly at 14 days (P < .01).
110                             Control patients guessing vertebroplasty had significantly greater pain i
111 ationship between change in pain and patient guess was noted.
112 ected feedback about whether trial-and-error guesses were correct or incorrect.
113                      Qualitative reasons for guesses were tabulated according to treatment assignment
114       First, the researcher does not have to guess what the regulatory sequences of a gene are, as te
115 times difficult since the endoscopist has to guess where the tip is.
116 hose where to reach, yet were at chance when guessing whether the reach was chosen or directed.
117 robability puzzle in which a player tries to guess which of three doors conceals a desirable prize.
118 n probability puzzle in which players try to guess which of three doors conceals a prize.
119 ability guessing experiment, subjects try to guess which of two events will occur next.
120 to one of two peripheral targets, and had to guess which target would ultimately receive the majority
121 s on each trial and, under a timed deadline, guessed which one concealed a smiling face.
122 luid without the necessity of determining or guessing which other protein components may be competito
123 fast deconvolution process generates initial guesses, which are further refined by least squares fitt
124 lus posture but did not detect the mismatch, guessing with a response bias or responding on the basis
125  of 54 patients offered 64 reasons for their guesses, with 16 (25%) reasons based on procedural exper
126 mpounds is usually based on ad hoc qualified guesses, with computational methods playing a lesser rol
127 and esterified sterols allowed to hazard the guess, worthy of further investigations, that esterified

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