


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1         (0.04 cm) Doppler-tipped angioplasty guide wire.
2 idance with the use of intravascular antenna guide wires.
3 ft atrium with the use of novel miniature MR guide wires.
4 nfield (12SSG) filters and the 1.5-J and 3-J guide wires.
5                                An MR imaging guide wire (0.6-mm loopless antenna) that could be place
6                                 The arterial guide wire and catheter were advanced into the heart wit
7 complished by real-time visualization of the guide wire and positive right atrial swirl sign using th
8 low was determined with use of a Doppler-tip guide wire and quantitative angiography.
9 e 1) retrieval method, 2) partially retained guide wires, and 3) entrapped guide wires during withdra
10 ty to depict, track, and position catheters, guide wires, and Guglielmi detachable coils was assessed
11                                   The former guide wire became entrapped regardless of engagement pat
12 uccess secondary to an inability to pass the guide wire beyond the occlusion.
13 ing a susceptibility artifact-based catheter-guide wire combination.
14 t back to the catheterization laboratory for guide wire crossing and angioplasty the next day.
15 fficacy of collagenase therapy to facilitate guide wire crossing in coronary artery chronic occlusion
16 lusion is feasible and safe with encouraging guide wire crossing results in previously failed cases.
17                                              Guide wire crossing was successfully achieved in 15 subj
18  previous failure of chronic total occlusion guide wire crossing were enrolled at 2 sites.
19 ccess rates, primarily because of failure of guide wire crossing.
20 a bacterial collagenase formulation improved guide wire crossing.
21 he introduction of sensor-tipped angioplasty guide wires, distal coronary flow velocity and pressure
22            The inadvertent loss of an entire guide wire during central venous catheterization can lea
23 inadvertent intravascular loss of a complete guide wire during placement of central venous catheters
24 de, the number of reported instances of lost guide wires during central venous catheterization has in
25 ially retained guide wires, and 3) entrapped guide wires during withdrawal were excluded.
26  receiver probe in real-time MR imaging or a guide wire for use with interventional devices.
27                  Force required to disengage guide wires from filters was measured.
28 d in six IVC filters with four commonly used guide wires in a simulated IVC.
29                                   A retained guide wire increases the risk and cost of additional dia
30                               The MR imaging guide wire is a potential tool for use in endovascular i
31 to be a reasonable alternative to MR imaging-guided wire localization of suspicious lesions identifie
32 entified with J-tipped guide wires; straight guide wires never engaged.
33 the 101 patients enrolled, 41 had successful guide wire passage and were excluded from urokinase trea
34 he stent graft itself (60%), manipulation of guide wires/sheaths (15%), and progression of underlying
35 ement patterns were identified with J-tipped guide wires; straight guide wires never engaged.
36 o transmit force from the filament (catheter/guide wire) to the tube (needle).
37 s anatomy, occlusive venography, venoplasty, guide wire tools, guiding catheters, stenting, and new i
38 elder XT) was either the sole or predominant guide wire used in 75% of successful crossings.
39 racking, the entire length of the MR imaging guide wire was always visible as a band of high signal i
40                                          The guide wire was expected to function as either an MR rece
41 r the coaxial space between a catheter and a guide wire was filled with a solution of gadopentetate d
42           A temperature and pressure sensing guide wire was used to derive microvascular resistance u
43                                      Doppler guide wire) was measured in 42 patients before and after
44                                     Although guide wires were easily passed across the stenotic vesse
45                 In all cases, the MR imaging guide wires were passed through the aortic stenoses dila
46               Coaxial curved stainless-steel guide wires were used to obtain samples of endothelial c
47                                   A soft-tip guide wire (Whisper, Pilot-50, Fielder XT) was either th
48                                              Guide wires with a J tip 3 mm or less in radius are at r
49             The Simon-Nitinol filter engaged guide wires with the highest frequency (P < .05).
50 nd interactively control the position of the guide wire within the vessels and the heart, including t

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