


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 remains the standard of care for physiologic gynecomastia.
2 n present as prepubertal and/or peripubertal gynecomastia.
3 oth men, at presentation, were suggestive of gynecomastia.
4  involving highly branched mammary ducts and gynecomastia.
5 ere is a growing list of potential causes of gynecomastia.
6  medical therapy in children with idiopathic gynecomastia.
7 ushes, lack of libido, erectile dysfunction, gynecomastia and bone mineral density loss, recent studi
8 were associated with an increase in pubertal gynecomastia and premature thelarche.
9  by signs of androgen insensitivity, such as gynecomastia and reduced fertility.
10  estrogen levels, short stature, prepubertal gynecomastia and testicular failure in males, and premat
11 ma, arthralgias, carpal tunnel syndrome, and gynecomastia and were somewhat more likely to experience
12 ent for those cases that are associated with gynecomastia and/or advanced skeletal age.
13     Common toxicities included mild fatigue, gynecomastia, and mastodynia.
14               Most cases of male prepubertal gynecomastia are classified as idiopathic.
15 tiestrogens may diminish persistent pubertal gynecomastia, but treatment with an aromatase inhibitor
16                           In all three boys, gynecomastia coincided with the topical application of p
17 , pathogenesis, evaluation, and treatment of gynecomastia during adolescence.
18           Other frequent toxicities included gynecomastia/gynecodynia, leg cramps, and grade 1 or 2 d
19                                        While gynecomastia has long been attributed to an imbalance be
20                                              Gynecomastia in a prepubertal boy is rare and should pro
21 ncrease the serum prolactin level, producing gynecomastia in men.
22 nd tea tree oils probably caused prepubertal gynecomastia in these boys.
23           We investigated possible causes of gynecomastia in three prepubertal boys who were otherwis
24                                              Gynecomastia is a common finding in adolescent men.
25                                              Gynecomastia is frequently encountered in the primary ca
26                                 Treatment of gynecomastia is geared toward its specific cause.
27                                              Gynecomastia is often benign, but it can be the sign of
28 ate GH in human mammary growth, for example, gynecomastia occurs in some children treated with GH, an
29 and an unrelated 17-year-old boy with severe gynecomastia of prepubertal onset and hypogonadotropic h
30                                              Gynecomastia of prepubertal onset may result from increa
31                                The impact of gynecomastia on the adolescent's mental health should be
32                                     Pubertal gynecomastia, on the contrary, is common and usually phy
33                                              Gynecomastia or breast pain was reported in 10 percent o
34 ver, the exact basis for the pathogenesis of gynecomastia remains unknown.
35                                              Gynecomastia resolved in each patient shortly after the
36                                              Gynecomastia was recorded in 69.7% of the patients in th
37 ency, including micropenis, hypospadias, and gynecomastia, who is homozygous for CYP17 mutation E305G

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