


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ected by a quick alteration of its radius of gyration.
2 wed that it exhibited an increased radius of gyration.
3 angle scattering intensity and the radius of gyration.
4 n distinguished by their respective radii of gyration.
5 nsions far smaller than their bulk radius of gyration.
6 responding to structures with large radii of gyration.
7 resulting in cortical thickening and reduced gyration.
8 mean-square deviation, for a given radius of gyration.
9 ations, tertiary interactions, and radius of gyration.
10 wer fractal dimension, and smaller radius of gyration.
11 complex brain phenotype involving simplified gyration.
12 es that are less than 40 nm in the radius of gyration.
13 ation enhancements (PREs), and the radius of gyration.
14 act of residual momentum during intermittent gyration.
15 biology underlying the formation of cortical gyrations.
16                                The radius of gyration, 34-35 A, is unchanged from 0-6 M guanidinium c
17 tures were compact with an average radius of gyration 9% greater than the native state.
18 n of 1 M TMAO leads to a decreased radius of gyration, a greater number of protein-protein hydrogen b
19 er with complex bilateral occipital cortical gyration abnormalities.
20 nformation, which has an increased radius of gyration, an increased maximum dimension, and a reduced
21 an be determined to be parallel by radius of gyration analysis.
22 otein adopts a global shape with a radius of gyration and a maximum linear dimension of 21.3 and 70 A
23 a wide range of responses, from isolation to gyration and circulation, and verify our findings by rea
24 encephaly, which is characterized by reduced gyration and cortical thickening; however, the phenotype
25 rs are measured, e.g., the protein radius of gyration and eccentricity, the deviation of the protein
26 chemical shifts, (2) the peptide's radius of gyration and end-to-end distance, (3) the rates of pepti
27                      FRET-estimated radii of gyration and hydrodynamic radii estimated by fluorescenc
28 h classic power-law scaling of the radius of gyration and hydrodynamic radius with weight-average mol
29 ensemble-averaged estimates of the radius of gyration and hydrodynamic radius, respectively.
30 correlation between the electron's radius of gyration and its optical absorption maximum, and extrapo
31                 The cross-sectional radii of gyration and linear mass density describing the rod-like
32 e same pH range indicated that the radius of gyration and maximum linear dimension of gelsolin molecu
33  The exponent upsilon relating the radius of gyration and molecular weight (R(g) proportional, varian
34      Band-like calcification with simplified gyration and polymicrogyria (BLC-PMG) is a rare autosoma
35 caling exponent (0.22) between the radius-of-gyration and Q-length that is substantially below expect
36 e fraction of native contacts, the radius of gyration and so on.
37 ong correlation exists between the radius of gyration and the DME for low energy structures.
38 -linear relationship between their radius of gyration and the extent to which they activate Hsp90.
39  molar mass dependence of both the radius of gyration and the hydrodynamic radius.
40 cative of a monomeric state with a radius of gyration and the maximum dimension of 9.1 A and approxim
41 oteins, random coil scaling of the radius of gyration and the presence of significant amounts of loca
42 order characterized by a paucity of cortical gyration and thickening of the cortical gray matter, lea
43 the extrapolated Io scattering and radius of gyration and was supported by NMR spectrum and nuclease
44 5 +/- 2.2 microM (obtained from the radii of gyration), and 6.8 +/- 1.5 microM (obtained from the for
45  agenesis of corpus callosum, and simplified gyration), and severe encephalopathy with seizures.
46  coefficient, hydrodynamic radius, radius of gyration, and activation energy of diffusion were calcul
47 ed in terms of the hydrophobicity, radius of gyration, and charge of the allowed substitutions and ma
48 arison of the intrinsic viscosity, radius of gyration, and elution time of the synthesized cyclic pol
49                       Further, the radius of gyration, and hence the global conformation of Taq polym
50 than average surface areas, smaller radii of gyration, and higher C(alpha) densities.
51  of data, including particle mass, radius of gyration, and hydrodynamic radius during longitudinal as
52                  The total writhe, radius of gyration, and ordered elements of the diagonalized inert
53 sured values of the heat capacity, radius of gyration, and percentage of peptides that form the vario
54 ing deposition, fractal dimension, radius of gyration, and permeability decreased with increasing spe
55  with increased fractal dimension, radius of gyration, and permeability.
56  ratio of the hydrodynamic radius, radius of gyration, and the intrinsic viscosity of semi-flexible k
57  of the solvation free energy, the radius of gyration, and the mainchain rms difference from the nati
58 the Kramers theorem for calculating radii of gyration, and the other featuring the metric of maximum
59 ollective variables of handedness, radius of gyration, and three others based on the peptide torsion
60 on at 40 degrees C: oligomers with radius of gyration approximately 10 nm and fractal submicrometer p
61  and significant differences in the radii of gyration are also observed.
62 he fraction of native contacts and radius of gyration are often used; however, there is an issue rega
63 es of the proton gyrofrequency (frequency of gyration around the field line) from the 17th up to the
64 mpanied by a clear increase in the radius of gyration as the solution pH was shifted from 6.5 to 3.4.
65 maging was almost identical, with simplified gyration associated with a non-thickened cortex, severe
66                                 The radii of gyration at infinite contrast were determined to be 3.65
67 TP induces a significantly smaller radius of gyration at pH=7 with a transition midpoint at approxima
68 H2O mixtures was performed and gave radii of gyration at the calculated match points for the calcium
69 sit fractal dimension, and deposit radius of gyration, at different vertical positions, were conducte
70 reduction of the polymer size, the radius of gyration being instead determined by shape anisotropy.
71 he difference in the square of the radius of gyration between the D and N states.
72 rocess about 50 % of the change in radius of gyration between the unfolded protein and the native sta
73 ty of a loop or an increase of the radius of gyration by < 1%.
74 on with structure suggest that the radius of gyration can be a misleading reaction coordinate for unf
75 erve a dimeric form of SecA with a radius of gyration comparable to that previously observed for SecA
76 ttraction induced by polymers with radius of gyrations comparable to the NP diameter.
77 otein structure, as measured by its radii of gyration, compared to the crystal structure, in agreemen
78                        By imposing radius of gyration constraint during mode selection, it was possib
79 leads to a twofold increase in the radius of gyration derived from the small-angle neutron scattering
80  197,600+/-13,700 and the apparent radius of gyration determined by X-ray scattering was 2.80+/-0.05
81 ast to H2O-buffered solutions, the radius of gyration did not increase significantly in D2O-buffered
82                                 The radii of gyration, distance distribution functions, and Kratky pl
83 ic sequence-independent behavior of radii of gyration for denatured proteins.
84 asures of internal loops as well as radii of gyration for known RNAs.
85 d toroid genomes revealed declining radii of gyration for neutrophil chromosomes.
86                         The larger radius of gyration for the ATP-bound relative to the ADP-bound for
87 relaxation times of writhe and the radius of gyration for the same molecules.
88 ation functions for the writhe and radius of gyration for the supercoiled molecules.
89 ox model, providing a value of the radius of gyration for titin-II (63 +/- 1 nm) in agreement with st
90 ate with a corresponding change in radius of gyration from 17 to 32 A.
91 minus, as implied by a decrease of radius of gyration from 18.5 A to 16.2 A.
92  of a polypeptide chain with fixed radius of gyration from a dilute (ideal) solution to a solution co
93 nterfere with the determination of radius of gyration from the SAXS experiments.
94 s that involves a 10A reduction in radius of gyration (from 56 to 46 A) and a 35 A shortening of the
95 he penultimate residue has a small radius of gyration (glycine, alanine, serine, threonine, proline,
96 l hypoplasia in 3 children, abnormalities of gyration in 2, brainstem hypoplasia in 2, isolated fourt
97 ving force of the reduction in the radius of gyration in that phase.
98 ength scale reduces to the analyte radius of gyration in the limiting cases of spherically symmetric
99  hydrodynamic radius to the static radius of gyration indicates that the proteins obey Gaussian stati
100                                  Pressurized gyration is a new method of combining rotation and contr
101 o hold for coupling polymers whose radius of gyration is comparable to size of the chelated particle.
102 rol of the polarization of this core and its gyration is key to the utilization of vortices in techno
103                 A molecule, with a radius of gyration larger than the nanochannel width, that straddl
104 the protein's single-chain average radius of gyration &lt;Rg>.
105 perimentally obtained datasets, of which the gyration method is much less computationally demanding.
106 y the fact that the molar mass and radius of gyration obtained by HDC with multiangle static light sc
107 f human alpha-LA, based on measured radii of gyration obtained from nuclear magnetic resonance experi
108 An ultrafast increase of myoglobin radius of gyration occurs within 1 picosecond and is followed by a
109 tron scattering (SANS) provides the radii of gyration of 1.2-1.8 nm.
110 to form a spherical micelle with a radius of gyration of 14.2 A and that the larger micelles are more
111 mers contained 22 dimers and had a radius of gyration of 14.8 nm.
112  precursor species with an initial radius of gyration of 16.1 +/- 5.9 A and average mass of a dimer t
113 protein periodically expanded to a radius of gyration of 18 to 20 A.
114  is a non-spherical protein with a radius of gyration of 3.4 nm.
115 ystem of particles with an average radius of gyration of 30.3 +/- 0.6 A and a maximum linear dimensio
116 gle x-ray scattering studies report radii of gyration of 38.3 A for Taq, 30.7 A for Klentaq, and 30.5
117 ight gene 5 protein dimers, with a radius of gyration of 45 A and an overall maximum dimension of 120
118 o form an annular structure with a radius of gyration of 7.0 +/- 1.0 nm when placed in serum.
119 omposed of blobs, inside which the radius of gyration of a polymer segment is a power-law function of
120  derive a relationship between the radius of gyration of a structure and its hydrodynamic ratio, whic
121  average hydrodynamic radius and a radius of gyration of about 17 nanometers at a very low critical a
122       Guinier analysis indicates a radius of gyration of about 35 A.
123                                The radius of gyration of alpha-crystallin on its own and when mixed w
124 1 and the D181A mutant each have a radius of gyration of approximately 26 A, and the effect of Mg2+ o
125 light scattering revealed that the radius of gyration of bacterial EPS with addition of CaCl2 was 20
126                           While the radii of gyration of both were the same at 4.05 nm and both had o
127 g studies were used to measure the radius of gyration of bovine lens alpha-crystallin when complexed
128  reported length dependence for the radii of gyration of chemically denatured proteins containing 50-
129 cently proposed expression for the radius of gyration of circular polymers into the Zimm model.
130                                The radius of gyration of CR2 SCR 1-15 was determined to be 11.5 nm by
131  iron release from the N-lobe, the radius of gyration of cross-section, Rc, increases from 16.9+/-0.2
132 scattering was used to measure the radius of gyration of cytochrome c after initiation of folding by
133       On saturation with cGMP, the radius of gyration of Delta(1-52)PKG-I beta increases from 29.4 +/
134                                     Radii of gyration of denatured proteins vary with chain length an
135                                The radius of gyration of FH was determined to be 11.1-11.3 nm by both
136  calculation of the distribution of radii of gyration of four different unfolded proteins published b
137 s as small as 20 bases that have a radius of gyration of only 3 nm.
138 s of 0:1, 1:1, and 5:1, the average radii of gyration of particles on quartz were 5.7 +/- 0.3, 4.6 +/
139 late well with reported changes in radius of gyration of S1 associated with different states of the b
140                                The radius of gyration of the capsular polysaccharides ranged between
141  was found to increase the average radius of gyration of the chains by 20-40%, with the expansion fac
142 .1-11.3 nm by both methods, and the radii of gyration of the cross-section were 4.4 nm and 1.7 nm.
143 D/caspase-2 signaling is critical for normal gyration of the developing human neocortex and for norma
144 ual to 1.5, where R(g,N)(b) is the radius of gyration of the folded beta-hairpin in the bulk.
145 ation about the molecular mass and radius of gyration of the individual complexes can be obtained.
146  is enhanced for systems where the radius of gyration of the linear polymer is greater than the radiu
147   SAXS measurements determined the radius of gyration of the native protein to be 25.0 +/- 0.3 A, whi
148 were inversely correlated with the radius of gyration of the protein in the plane of the bilayer.
149 he higher temperature and that the radius of gyration of the protein is temperature and redox state i
150 , and the molecular weight and the radius of gyration of the proteins can be determined.
151  in the monodisperse region with a radius of gyration of the rod cross-section (Rt) of approximately
152                                 The radii of gyration of the subpopulation of unfolded molecules for
153                  These techniques identified gyration of the three p-phenylene rotators on the millis
154            The distribution of the radius of gyration of the transition states shows that these struc
155                                The radius of gyration of the uncrowded protein was estimated to be 30
156 robing shows that TMAO reduces the radius of gyration of the unfolded ensemble to the same endpoint a
157 ntally measurable root mean-square radius of gyration of the unfolded protein.
158                        Second, the radius of gyration of the unfolded RNA decreases from 76 to 64 A a
159 The sedimentation coefficients and radius of gyration of TT30 were unaffected by citrate or phosphate
160 expanded form (by about 25% in the radius of gyration) of the native conformation.
161 icant changes were detected on the radius of gyration or maximum interatomic distance.
162 capsular PS molecular mass and the radius of gyration provided strong evidence against a simple linea
163                              We found that a gyration quantification method and a Bayesian statistics
164  kinetic study include the squared radius of gyration R(2)(g), the fraction of native contacts within
165 cule's diffusion coefficient D and radius of gyration R(g) and is concentration insensitive, providin
166                  Its Guinier X-ray radius of gyration R(G) is 5.18 nm and its neutron R(G) is 5.03 nm
167                  The Guinier X-ray radius of gyration R(G) likewise increased with concentration in 1
168               For CR2 SCR 1-2, its radius of gyration R(G) of 2.12(+/-0.05) nm, its maximum length of
169                        The Guinier radius of gyration R(G) of 3.1-3.3 nm and the R(G)/R(O) ratio of 2
170                        The Guinier radius of gyration R(G) of 4.3 nm for SCR-1/5 and those of 4.7 nm
171 ntation coefficient of 3.1 S and a radius of gyration R(G) of 6.9 nm.
172                  The Guinier X-ray radius of gyration R(G) of 6.9(+/-0.1)nm showed that IgD is more e
173                                The radius of gyration R(G) of CR2-Ig was determined to be 5.39(+/-0.1
174                                The radius of gyration R(G) of rCrry was determined to be 4.9-5.0 nm,
175                                The radius of gyration R(G) of sCR1 of 13.4(+/-1.1) nm is not much gre
176   X-ray scattering of dp6-dp36 gave radii of gyration R(G) that ranged from 1.33 nm to 3.12 nm and ma
177 owed that the dimer and trimer have radii of gyration R(G) values of 7.5 nm and 10.3 nm, respectively
178 btained by calculating the squared radius of gyration R(g)(2), the root-mean-squared pair separation
179 , respectively, and cross-sectional radii of gyration R(XS) values of 1.3 nm and 1.5 nm, respectively
180 d, and the experimentally observed radius of gyration (R g) is coincidental to that calculated by the
181 ge of characterized denatured-state radii of gyration (R(G)) and by reexamining proteins that reporte
182                                The radius of gyration (R(g)) and maximum dimensions (D(max)) of the M
183 mpaction during which the observed radius of gyration (R(g)) decreases from 75 angstroms to 55 angstr
184  RNA was expanded, with an average radius of gyration (R(g)) of 53 +/- 1 A.
185  a relatively compact shape with a radius of gyration (R(G)) of approximately 37.4 A and a maximal di
186 s an elongated conformation with a radius of gyration (R(g)) of approximately 52 A and a maximal dime
187 s resemble prolate ellipsoids with radius of gyration (R(g)) of approximately 75 and approximately 30
188              In 30 min, the average radii of gyration (R(g)) of particles on quartz grew from around
189 used to follow the decrease in the radius of gyration (R(g)) of the Azoarcus and Tetrahymena ribozyme
190   Our simulations predict that the radius of gyration (R(g)) of the dendrimer changes little with pH
191  causes a dramatic decrease in the radius of gyration (R(g)) of the PC2 EF-hand by small angle x-ray
192 that PIWF1 and PIWF4 have different radii of gyration (R(G)) values of 3.1 nm and 6.7 nm, respectivel
193 matic response in variation of the radius of gyration (R(g)) with the temperature (T) occurs, however
194 tively, but similar cross-sectional radii of gyration (R(XS)) values of 1.5 nm and 1.9 nm, respective
195 light scattering, to determine the radius of gyration, R(g), and hydrodynamic radius, R(H), of isolat
196 ttering (SAXS) experiment yields a radius of gyration, R(g), of 19.1 A, consistent with the value pre
197 m unfolding experiments showed the radius of gyration, R(g), of native Cyt c to swell approximately 1
198 roperties-including an appropriate radius of gyration, R(g)-that facilitate this assembly process.
199 independent of FITC-dextran and Ficoll size (gyration radii [RG] 40-300 A).
200                                              Gyration radii of trivially knotted loops were found to
201 heat, contact maps, simulation trajectories, gyration radii, RMSDs from native state, fraction of nat
202    Analysis of energy and mobility profiles, gyration radius of peptide, and radial distribution func
203 that for an equivalent sphere defined by the gyration radius of the aggregate.
204 remarkable conclusion that, by adjusting the gyration radius of the bodies, one can always simultaneo
205 bility density distributions as functions of gyration radius were generated for loops of up to N = 3,
206       Probability of a trivial knot, average gyration radius, and probability density distributions a
207       The apparent cross-sectional radius of gyration (Rc) of TnI increased by about 9% when regulato
208 e is introduced that increases the radius of gyration relative to the native state and generates a la
209  small but significant increase in radius of gyration relative to wild-type.
210 ons in the hydrodynamic volume and radius of gyration, respectively, after photoinduced deprotection
211                                 The radii of gyration RG from Guinier analyses were similar at 6.11-6
212 n scattering showed that the x-ray radius of gyration Rg increased with salt concentration, whereas t
213 ier analyses showed that the X-ray radius of gyration RG of CEA was 8.0 nm.
214 ng measurements of HS dp6-dp24 gave radii of gyration RG values from 1.03 to 2.82 nm, cross-sectional
215   Scattering showed that the x-ray radius of gyration Rg was unchanged with concentration in 50-250 m
216 n are observed as monitored by the radius of gyration Rg, and by far and near UV CD (circular dichroi
217 geneous systems, quantified by the radius of gyration (RG ), can be measured by small-angle X-ray sca
218 ces the PYP signaling state, whose radius of gyration (Rg = 16.6 A) is significantly larger than that
219 creases (1-2 angstrom) in both its radius of gyration (Rg) and its Stokes radius (Rs), and the increa
220                        The average radius of gyration (Rg) calculated from FRET data on freely diffus
221 Upon addition of 0.122 M NaCl, the radius of gyration (Rg) decreased substantially, which indicates t
222 n increasing free Ca2+ levels, the radius of gyration (Rg) increased nearly 12 A, from 31.1+/-0.3 to
223 e results show that apo-IRP1 has a radius of gyration (Rg) of 33.6+/-0.3A, and a Dmax of 118+/-2A.
224 highly asymmetric structure with a radius of gyration (Rg) of 45 A and a maximum linear dimension (dm
225                                The radius of gyration (Rg) of DnaK was determined as 37.5 +/- 1.0 ang
226 For the iron(III) only system, the radius of gyration (Rg) of heterogeneously formed precipitates gre
227 angle region it was found that the radius of gyration (Rg) of NCD281 is 3.60 +/- 0.075 nm, which is i
228              It was found that the radius of gyration (Rg) of S1.MgADP.AlF4 and of S1MgADP.Vi were si
229                  We found that the radius of gyration (Rg) of TnI decreased by approximately 10% upon
230 njecture by showing that crambin's radius of gyration (Rg) remains constant below approximately 180 K
231                                The radius of gyration (Rg) shows a cooperative transition with increa
232 tryptophan fluorescence and in the radius of gyration (Rg) which is reduced from 22 A in the fully un
233 e reported no such increase of the radius of gyration (Rg).
234 )app, molecular weights (Mapp), and radii of gyration (Rg)app in solutions containing mixed micelles
235 tering intensity (i.e., changes in radius of gyration, RG).
236                    Conversely, the radius of gyration, Rg, determined from the SAXS data remains cons
237                                The radius of gyration, Rg, of mFnFn3(9,10) derived from small-angle n
238 that FRET experiments overestimate radius of gyration, Rg, of the protein due to the application of G
239 reased to 20 microM, whereupon the radius of gyration, RG, values increased from 9 to 15 nm at [Zn]=2
240 inguished by measuring the squared radius of gyration Rg2 and the fraction of native contacts Q.
241 l and energetic properties such as radius of gyration, rms distance, solvent-accessible surface area,
242 om 1.03 to 2.82 nm, cross-sectional radii of gyration RXS values from 0.31 to 0.65 nm, and maximum le
243          The X-ray cross-sectional radius of gyration RXS was 2.1 nm, and is consistent with extended
244 PTerm455, and their cross-sectional radii of gyration RXS were also similar.
245 olecular weight (Mw) and z-average radius of gyration (Rz) were determined at intervals ranging from
246 s suggested that the complex has a radius of gyration similar to that of the enzyme itself.
247 om-coil statistics and hence their radius of gyration simply scales with solvent quality (or concentr
248                            Writhe, radius of gyration, slither motion, and branching probability were
249  analyses of pairwise distances and radii of gyration suggest that the less frustrated energy landsca
250                                          The gyration tensors have just one independent component.
251  term to prevent atomic overlap, a radius of gyration term (E(rgyr)) to avoid expansion at the protei
252 py that quantifies the diversity of radii of gyration that a protein can adopt in solution and does n
253  have end-to-end distances and mean radii of gyration that agree well with random-coil expectations i
254 mer chains, resulting in a polymer radius of gyration that grows with the nanoparticle volume fractio
255 m, and fluorescence to measure the radius of gyration, the average secondary structure content, and t
256 usly attribute apparent changes in radius of gyration to changes in the structure of SOD.
257 a similar time range show that the radius of gyration under native favoring conditions is comparable
258 are reflected in a 13% increase in radius of gyration upon complex formation.
259                                The radius of gyration values obtained by two different analyses of SA
260 revealed a dependence of the X-ray radius of gyration values on concentration that corresponded to th
261                The increase in the radius of gyration was associated with a single equilibrium unfold
262               Two distinct regimes of vortex gyration were detected depending on the vortex core posi
263 ngths of 14 nm, the cross-sectional radii of gyration were different at 1.70 nm for sFI and 1.57 nm f
264 requency, intrinsic viscosity, and radius of gyration were observed for all treated starches.
265 other methods found an increase in radius of gyration with denaturant concentration, but most small-a

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