


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ms shifted bacterial community structure but had no effect on a suite of microbial metabolic activiti
2 aled that knockdown of isoatp4056 expression had no effect on A. phagocytophilum acquisition from the
3                                  While DELLA had no effect on ABA levels, guard cell ABA responsivene
4            However, the CO2 and N treatments had no effect on aboveground biomass, tree density, comm
5 athology and behavioral deficits although it had no effect on accumulation of Abeta.
6 irments in various active zone functions and have no effect on active zone structure, as visualized b
7                       Intra-ILmPFC memantine had no effect on aggression in either AHAs or ANAs.
8 e induced by spike trains in OT neurons, but had no effect on AHPs evoked by uncaging intracellular C
9  tumorigenesis in the intrabursal model, but had no effect on ALDH.
10            However, in vitro, the inhibitors had no effect on already polarized Th17 cells.
11 as specific to METH-associated memory, as it had no effect on an auditory fear memory.
12               Myeloid-specific Nox2 deletion had no effect on angiotensin II-induced hypertension, wh
13 hin transmembrane domains IV, V, VI, and VII had no effect on angiotensin-mediated beta-arrestin1 rec
14                                  Forage type had no effect on animal performance (estimated dry matte
15 ontrast, deletion from indirect-pathway MSNs had no effect on any measure of behavior examined.
16              Astaxanthin (12 mg/d for 12 mo) had no effect on arterial stiffness, oxidative stress, o
17 at, contrary to expectation, phosphorylation has no effect on association rates-unphosphorylated KID
18             Breastfeeding (any or exclusive) had no effect on asthma and allergic disease in the IoW
19               The presence of other bacteria had no effect on BabA expression as shown by infection o
20 blocks Egr-1-induced tau phosphorylation but has no effect on BACE-1 activation and amyloidogenic APP
21                                      Arsenic had no effect on bacterial clearance in the lung or on t
22 enzymes, we found that the Cys(43) oxidation had no effect on basal kinase activity or Km and Vmax va
23 ent after 10 years (20% v 6%; P = .008), but had no effect on BCD or death from any cause.
24        Replacing antigen-binding BCR regions had no effect on BCR signaling in GCB-DLBCL lines, refle
25  However, inhibition of microtubule dynamics has no effect on BDNF/TrkB motility, suggesting that den
26 ion of free sugars for complex carbohydrates had no effect on blood pressure or body weight and an un
27                                  Free sugars had no effect on body weight.
28 ssignment.Dairy food interventions generally had no effect on bone mineral acquisition or body compos
29 e present study, we show that Mecp2 deletion had no effect on brain and reduced serum cholesterol lev
30     Despite these profound effects, EntV(68) has no effect on C. albicans viability, even in the pres
31 th clubs, in this setting in western Rwanda, had no effect on caregiver-reported diarrhoea among chil
32 n transfected cells, whereas Neurexin-1alpha has no effect on CaV2.2 reconstituted with alpha2delta-1
33   In conclusion, doxycycline (100 mg/kg/day) had no effect on CAVD progression in apoE(-/-) mice with
34                            Conversely, IL-31 had no effect on CD63 and CD203c externalization or hist
35 o, the addition of p67 protects Cdk5/p35 and has no effect on Cdk5/p25 activity in the presence of TF
36        Overexpression of the RAB27A mutation had no effect on cell conjugate formation between the NK
37                                 Chronic CORT had no effect on cell proliferation in the OE or on olfa
38  40 mins, and then TQ46 was added, the TQ416 had no effect on cell viability.
39                 Succinate, fumarate, and PBS have no effect on cell viability, regardless of cell lin
40                           In contrast, MTSET has no effect on channels in which cysteine residues are
41 on in mildly iodine-deficient pregnant women had no effect on child neurodevelopment at age 5-6 years
42                             Nlrp3 activation had no effect on cholangiocyte proliferation but signifi
43                                  Anastrozole had no effect on circulating biomarkers, functional clas
44  Changes in forest composition within models had no effect on climate or CO2 sensitivity.
45 nt therapy or international normalized ratio had no effect on clotting risk.
46 ation at E15.5 reduced AChR cluster size but had no effect on cluster density, suggesting that SCs ar
47 reporters, and survival of ER stress, but it had no effect on clustering of Ire1.
48     A single cocaine infusion in a naive rat had no effect on cocaine potency, demonstrating that coc
49 ate, high, or intoxicating levels of alcohol had no effect on cocaine self-administration and relapse
50                         Alcohol pre-exposure had no effect on cocaine self-administration, extinction
51 e survival scenarios, assuming that exposure had no effect on cognitive decline for anyone in the pop
52 lticomponent physical activity interventions had no effect on cognitive function.
53                In contrast, many proalgesics have no effect on cold sensitivity or can inhibit cold-s
54  of collagen type I, whereas loss of GLT25D2 had no effect on collagen secretion.
55                         In contrast, GsMTx-4 had no effect on collagen-induced aggregation or on Ca(2
56                                  Manassantin had no effect on complex II- or complex IV-mediated resp
57 reased the resistance of Manchurian ash, but had no effect on constitutive bark phenolics, suggesting
58                   Conversely, EVI1 silencing had no effect on constitutive ERK activity in HER2(+) br
59                   Stimulation of GCG neurons had no effect on corticosterone secretion, body weight,
60 ansport of CRF2betaR to the cell surface but had no effect on CRF1R.
61 regulation of AMPK activity in the NAc shell had no effect on cue-induced cocaine seeking.
62 3 increased CYP27B1 mRNA levels in HCEC, but had no effect on CYP27B1 protein levels.
63 in cytochrome b5 can facilitate, inhibit, or have no effect on cytochrome P450 catalysis, often in a
64 vated by these materials, and Trpm8 knockout had no effect on cytokine induction in the lungs of CFA-
65 acid (DIDS), an inhibitor of HCO3(-) uptake, had no effect on cytoplasmic [H(+)] in the H(+)-uncaging
66 s D2R-mediated aberrant motor learning, cNIC has no effect on D1R-mediated motor learning.
67 placing the DAT N terminus with that of SERT had no effect on DA transport Vmax but significantly dec
68                    Although deletion of Egfr had no effect on DC function, EGFR-deficient macrophages
69                Adjusting for CD4 cell counts had no effect on decay estimates.
70       Further testing revealed that garcinol had no effect on drug-induced cocaine-seeking, but was c
71 etermined that alpha2-6 sialylation of TNFR1 had no effect on early TNF-induced signaling events, inc
72       Formula feeding introduced since birth had no effect on eczema.
73 restored the ability to maximize reward, but had no effect on effort minimization.
74                               Drug treatment had no effect on either anxiety-like or depressive-like
75                            In contrast, nLDL had no effect on either cell type.
76 dopamine D2/3 receptors (400 mg amisulpride) had no effect on either metacognition or perceptual deci
77 rotein levels, whereas lamotrigine treatment had no effect on either pyramidal neuron sodium current
78  form than in the flip form; yet R/G editing has no effect on either channel-closing rate or EC50.
79 ddiction and relapse, yet cocaine apparently has no effect on electrically stimulated excitatory inpu
80 l-scale disturbance of the plant canopy also had no effect on elevation trajectories-contrary to work
81 in cells, while ectopic expression of RABEP2 had no effect on endosomal recycling.
82 educed OSA severity and related symptoms but had no effect on endothelial function and blood pressure
83                                       Kir2.1 has no effect on endothelium-independent and K(+) -induc
84 helial cells in a dose-dependent manner, but had no effect on EOC cells.
85 h vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency, but had no effect on epoetin utilization or secondary bioche
86                                 Intervention had no effect on estimated desaturase activities.
87             Blockade of muscarinic receptors had no effect on evoked dopamine release, suggesting tha
88 eased Met signaling in glutamatergic neurons had no effect on excitation, but decimated inhibition.
89 infections (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), and had no effect on extracellular nonsiderophilic Y enteroc
90                                      MiR-30c had no effect on fatty acid oxidation but reduced lipid
91 ner drugs (Gq-DREADD) during fear extinction had no effect on fear extinction acquisition, but enhanc
92 ated controls' broncho-alveolar lavage fluid had no effect on fibrocyte differentiation.
93 mplementing elf3-1 while the ICCV 96029 form had no effect on flowering time.
94 o, extinction and reinstatement testing, but had no effect on food reinforcement, suggesting that miR
95 apamin into PLC increased Fos expression but had no effect on food seeking.
96                                   CK-2066260 has no effect on free cytosolic [Ca(2)(+) ] during contr
97 nhibitory effect was ENaC-specific, as PON-2 had no effect on functional expression of the renal oute
98 d basal and AMD3100-mobilized LSK cells, and had no effect on G-CSF.
99 nt growth for one week at 17.5 degrees C but had no effect on G. rostochiensis.
100 asure of Galpha12/13-mediated signaling, but had no effect on G1-mediated signaling to nuclear factor
101           Autophagy-deficiency in any tissue had no effect on gluconeogenesis during starvation.
102                                    Glutamine had no effect on granule cell activation earlier, during
103 F benefited the plant biomass of legumes but had no effect on grass.
104            Knockdown of E-cadherin, however, had no effect on HCV RNA replication or internal ribosom
105 ignaling by interferon alpha (IFNalpha), but have no effect on HCV-RNA replication.
106                       Global HDAC11 deletion had no effect on health or development, and compared to
107 ocks was eliminated, the remaining roadblock had no effect on helicase loading.
108                                    Rifaximin had no effect on hepatic venous pressure gradient, mean
109 types, manipulation of PKM2 and JMJD5 levels had no effect on HIF-1 activity in NP cells.
110                      However, mammary tumors had no effect on hippocampal doublecortin + and did not
111  CRISPR/Cas9 and found that the loss of SUN1 had no effect on HIV-1 infectivity, whereas the loss of
112                             Gpr182 knockdown had no effect on homeostatic intestinal proliferation in
113 on of single lysine residues, K6, K9 or K15, had no effect on Httex1 aggregation.
114 genetic inhibition or enhancement of the ISR has no effect on hypoxia-induced DWMI in vivo suggesting
115 and IL-13 production by lymph node cells but had no effect on IgE production.
116 ns in infected cells, whereas p38 inhibition had no effect on IL-17C protein secretion.
117 ocyte-conditioned media from lean volunteers had no effect on IL32 mRNA levels.
118 d the decrease in DA population activity but had no effect on immobility measured in the modified FST
119       The exosome-depleted supernatant of ML had no effect on in vitro and in vivo inflammatory respo
120 Interestingly, inhibition of 2-HG production had no effect on in vitro IDH1 mutant glioma cell prolif
121 sion of blood stored for longer than 35 days has no effect on in-hospital mortality, which suggests t
122 tivation, even though short-course treatment had no effect on indices of activity in late ABMR.
123  Salmonella pathogenicity island 1 effectors had no effect on induction of caspase-3 activation eithe
124 ction cycle decreases the inclusion size but has no effect on infection rate.
125 ne and proliferating at 72 hours post-MI but had no effect on initial cardiac injury or structure.
126 y decreased osteoclast numbers (P <0.05) but had no effect on iNOS, IL-1beta, or bax levels.
127        The D1/5 receptor antagonist SCH23390 had no effect on instrumental behavior under any reinfor
128 om this study show that hepatic ILK deletion has no effect on insulin action in lean mice but sensiti
129                      Application of Ang(1-7) had no effect on intracellular calcium.
130                          Whereas albendazole had no effect on IR (estimated treatment effect, 0.006 [
131 valence, total IgE, and eosinophil count but has no effect on IR at the community level.
132  6-phosphate receptor homology domain of OS9 had no effect on its action on NKCC2.
133 hermostability; however, glycosylation of M2 had no effect on its function.
134 hat removing the Ubl2 domain from MERS PLpro has no effect on its ability to process the viral polypr
135 lleviate reduced Akita mouse body weight and had no effect on kidney histology or ultrastructure in D
136 ch compromises in vitro microtubule binding, has no effect on kinetochore-microtubule attachments in
137                           In contrast, SMIT1 had no effect on Kv1.1 (KCNA1) gating, ion selectivity,
138 echanistic studies showed that miR-30c mimic had no effect on LDL clearance but reduced lipoprotein p
139 ce water loss under water deficit stress but had no effect on leaf size.
140 ed in peripheral lipolysis (LPL and ANGPTL4) had no effect on liver fat but decreased risks for both
141 tivation during a progressive ratio test but had no effect on locomotor activity.
142 1 of SkM reconstituted into bilayers, but it had no effect on "low-activity" channels.
143 y, in a subgroup analysis, bariatric surgery had no effect on MBH T2 hyperintensity despite inducing
144   OrxA increased the frequency of sEPSCs but had no effect on mEPSCs, suggesting a network-driven eff
145 4(+) T cells, CD8(+) T cells, or macrophages has no effect on MERS-CoV replication in the lungs of in
146 a and glomerular macrophage accumulation but had no effect on mesangial expansion or podocyte numbers
147                  In contrast, hydrocortisone had no effect on metabolic parameters.
148                      A mixture of herbicides had no effect on microbial diversity or structure but a
149                             We show that Pak has no effect on MLC phosphorylation during the contract
150                                      JNJ0966 had no effect on MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-9, or MMP-14 c
151                        Splenectomy, however, had no effect on monocyte accumulation or anxiety when d
152 ein, we report that whereas BMP9/BMP10 alone had no effect on monocyte recruitment, at higher concent
153                                Beta-blockers had no effect on mortality in patients with AF (HR: 0.96
154                                   Fluoxetine had no effect on motor impairment or viral loads.
155 nt reveals that postnatal elimination of FUS has no effect on motor neuron survival or function.
156 fferent immunoprofile compared to IVIG, also had no effect on mouse cells.
157 ld type or LRRK2 D1994A mutant (kinase dead) had no effect on mtDNA damage in either midbrain or cort
158 MYPT1 or the knock-in mutation T853A in mice had no effect on muscarinic force responses in isolated
159                                         Na2S had no effect on native, non-injected oocytes.
160 wt SOD1YFP) or monomeric mutant G85R SOD1YFP had no effect on net ionic currents measured under volta
161 geted depletion of classical monocytes alone had no effect on neutrophil recruitment to the site of i
162                                         BTP2 had no effect on normal myocytes.
163 ptosis in a variety of cancer cell lines but have no effect on normal cells.
164 imary particles emitted by the pellet boiler had no effect on observed SOA yields.
165 onstrated that IkappaBalphaDeltaN expression had no effect on oligodendrocytes under normal condition
166 he prometastatic phenotype of mutant p53 but had no effect on osteosarcoma development, which remaine
167                                PAF-treatment had no effect on other acetylating enzymes (GCN5L2, PCAF
168 induction of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) but had no effect on other proinflammatory cytokines.
169 arget HSPCs with high specificity since they have no effect on other ontologically or physiologically
170                                     CORM-401 had no effect on p38 MAPK activation.
171 mGluR7 presynaptic receptor antagonist MMPIP had no effect on performance.
172 on of tetrameric PKM2 by a chemical approach had no effect on PHD3-dependent HIF-1 activity.
173 ion of paracrine or autocrine VEGF signaling had no effect on phospho-AKT or phospho-ERK1/2 levels, i
174                                      NU 2058 has no effect on photosynthetic attributes, such as Fv/F
175            Increasing levels of homocysteine had no effect on PHT mTOR signalling, suggesting that mT
176                           Exposure to 13% O2 had no effect on placental nutrient transport on D16 but
177 gand vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) had no effect on plasma corticosterone levels even in pr
178                   Reversible synchronization has no effect on pluripotency or differentiation.
179 terminal Le(x) residues within glycan chains had no effect on PMN migration or adhesive interactions.
180 ation of the mature long form of MRPL12, but has no effect on POLRMT.
181 loop of NCX1, containing the K(I/V)FF motif, had no effect on PP1 activity in an in vitro assay.
182  inhibition-induced tubulin hyperacetylation has no effect on PPF.
183 eted APPbeta, C99, Abeta40, and Abeta42) but has no effect on presenilin 1 and presenilin 2.
184 tic levels of neurotransmitter receptors and had no effect on presynaptic release probabilities.
185              Although blocking CCL3 and CCL4 has no effect on primary CD8(+) T cell responses, it dra
186 vity in the basal ganglia motor circuit, but had no effect on progressive micrographia.
187 eatment with P4 or LNG reduced morbidity but had no effect on pulmonary virus titers during primary H
188      ATP-inactivated potassium channel block has no effect on PVEM inducibility per se, but shifts it
189               Furthermore, we show that EspG has no effect on Rab35-mediated uncoating of newly forme
190                         While Hey2 silencing has no effect on radiation-induced EndoMT in vitro, Hey2
191 creased RhoA activation in HEK293 cells, but had no effect on Ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrat
192 han Spartina or mixed plots, vegetation type had no effect on rates of accretion, vertical movement i
193 equivalent cortical region of intact animals had no effect on reaching skills.
194                             In contrast, CMC had no effect on reactivity at loadings up to 167 mg TOC
195 ng astroglial glutamate transporters (GLT-1) had no effect on reinstated sucrose seeking.
196 delay when the memory should be restabilized had no effect on reinstatement, further suggesting that
197                                  However, it had no effect on retinal cell death (TUNEL(+) cells).
198                                      HYPOX-4 had no effect on retinal cell proliferation as indicated
199                                          LPS had no effect on reward sensitivity either directly or v
200 s (HR, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.57-0.91; P=0.005) but had no effect on risk for hemorrhagic events (HR, 1.00;
201                   Long-term multivitamin use had no effect on risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in
202 pyridamole plus aspirin versus aspirin alone had no effect on risk or severity of recurrent ischaemic
203 been shown that short-term freezing of semen has no effect on SE-mediated HIV-1 inhibition.
204 mpaired the persistence of long-term SRM but had no effect on sociability and preference for social n
205 uration surface soil warming (1-2 degrees C) had no effect on soil respiration rates, while +N additi
206 sensitivity to brain stimulation reward, but had no effect on somatic withdrawal signs.
207 enome showed evidence of recombination, this had no effect on species-level phylogenomic resolution.
208 ional deletion of vesicular GABA transporter has no effect on spontaneous IPSCs recorded in TRN neuro
209 ed lever pressing during these sessions, but had no effect on subsequent reinstatement.
210 al, while deletion of either Dnmt1 or Dnmt3b has no effect on survival.
211 tic priming protocol, which in control cells has no effect on synaptic plasticity, leads to a complet
212 nexins, P2Y12, P2Y1 or thromboxane formation had no effect on synchrony or ballooning.
213 of TFV by reducing intracellular TFV-DP, but had no effect on TAF inhibition of infection or TFV-DP.
214 y reduced E2 levels in patients with PAH but had no effect on TAPSE.
215                              K-80003 binding has no effect on tetramerization of RXRalpha, owing to t
216                        In cancer cells, pERK had no effect on TGFbeta-induced upregulation of pSMAD2
217                                IL-2 feedback had no effect on Th1- or Th17-signature cytokine product
218 -/-) mice, we found that the absence of GCN2 had no effect on the ability of MR to reduce body weight
219 etic excitation of BLA glutamatergic neurons had no effect on the acquisition of simple fear learning
220                                But TGF-beta1 had no effect on the activity of luciferase in the cells
221 of RNA and MPS, r(2) = 0.98), even though it had no effect on the acute stimulation of protein synthe
222                  While elevated IL-34 itself had no effect on the aggregation or the toxicity of mHTT
223 trast, deletion of the I prostanoid receptor had no effect on the attenuation of atherogenesis by mPG
224 induced cell death in cancer organoids, they had no effect on the benign organoids.
225                                         PGE2 had no effect on the Ca(2+) signals evoked by protease-a
226                  The deletion of this domain had no effect on the catalytic activity of Pah1 but caus
227                 Substantial inhibition of AC had no effect on the concentration-dependent inhibition
228                                 Neonatal BCG had no effect on the development of RW before 13 months
229  stores following depletion, this difference had no effect on the duration, number, or amplitude of C
230 CRISPR-Cas9 gene deletion or shRNA knockdown had no effect on the efficacy of ADCs with VC(S) linkers
231                                          EMD had no effect on the epithelial gap of the wound.
232                               Tiron infusion had no effect on the EPR in rats with patent femoral art
233              In contrast, the Kir7.1 blocker had no effect on the ex-vivo isolated mouse retina ERG w
234 tion with sildenafil compared with a placebo had no effect on the exercise capacity or clinical statu
235 on of VTA 5-HT2C receptor expressing neurons had no effect on the feeding behavior.
236                                      Harvest had no effect on the frequency of breeder turnover.
237  MYPT1 or the knockin mutation T853A in mice had no effect on the frequency-maximal force responses t
238                      The degree of polishing had no effect on the GI.
239       Unexpectedly, viral oncogene knockdown had no effect on the growth of the cells, but it did inh
240 tion bias from monosomy 7, mutational status had no effect on the hematologic phenotype.
241  alphaK42M) or Ca(2+)/calmodulin (betaA303R) had no effect on the interaction with F-actin.
242 DNM2 activity during muscle maturation, BIN1 had no effect on the isoform of DNM2 found in adult musc
243                                 Enzalutamide had no effect on the levels of AR or HSP90, whereas the
244 nprodil reduced NMDA-activated currents, but had no effect on the mechanically induced Ca(2+) influx.
245                      The type of prophylaxis had no effect on the need for unplanned return to the op
246                             Breeder turnover had no effect on the number of nonbreeding helpers per g
247                             The intervention had no effect on the number of re-presentations per pati
248                       While microstimulation had no effect on the percept of many non-face objects, i
249             In addition, BPTES nanoparticles had no effect on the plasma levels of liver enzymes in c
250 on of 10 mug of GsMTx4 into the jugular vein had no effect on the pressor, cardioaccelerator, or rena
251 g/ml) by 12 weeks, vitamin D supplementation had no effect on the primary outcome: the average peak W
252                             This stimulation had no effect on the processing of established vocabular
253             We also find that, although AB60 had no effect on the rate of fatal accidents, it did dec
254 y-dependent mitochondrial calcium uptake but had no effect on the rate or extent of SV exocytosis.
255 ay reduced the phosphorylation of LARP6, but had no effect on the S451A mutant, suggesting that PI3K/
256 -twitch extensor digitorum longus muscle yet had no effect on the slow-twitch soleus muscle.
257                Interestingly, both CA and MC had no effect on the surface tension of BSA/air interfac
258 ed that stimulation with NOD1 or NOD2 ligand had no effect on the survival/proliferation of hematopoi
259                                    TZD usage had no effect on the ultimate visual acuity outcome.
260 ncrease in UCP1 and energy expenditure by LP has no effect on the ability to acutely respond to cold
261                                 The compound has no effect on the binding of the orthosteric ligands,
262 t the ArPPLNP2-derived neuropeptide ArPPLN2h has no effect on the contractility of tube feet or the b
263                      Remarkably, lung cancer has no effect on the core clock but rather reprograms he
264 iam1 blocks OGD-induced Tiam1 activation but has no effect on the deactivation of BCR.
265    In contrast, disrupting chemical synapses has no effect on the electrical coupling.
266 erent conditions demonstrated that clusterin has no effect on the elongation rate but mainly interfer
267 ects the rates of tetramer dissociation, but has no effect on the equilibrium of allosteric activatio
268 port that mutagenizing MELK with CRISPR/Cas9 has no effect on the fitness of basal breast cancer cell
269 ent of either histones or ASF1 with acrolein has no effect on the formation of plasmid supercoiling,
270 re)- or Rag1(Cre)-mediated deletion of Tbx21 has no effect on the generation of IL-17/IFN-gamma doubl
271                      Although CD44 antisense has no effect on the hyperalgesia induced by inflammator
272  translocation of Inp54p to plasma membranes has no effect on the intrinsic properties of the neurons
273                      Loss of these cadherins has no effect on the lower-magnitude LTP typically obser
274      We find that the degree of entanglement has no effect on the quantum control of the amplificatio
275 skeletal muscle, as shown in this study) but has no effect on the survival of intact or lesioned moto
276               Accordingly, the points raised have no effect on the conclusions in our paper.
277 old vancomycin (19 microg.mL(-1)) appears to have no effect on the monomeric enterococcal VanS kinase
278 ly in both legs during the clamp, and l-NMMA had no effect on these insulin-stimulated signaling path
279                    Control short hairpin RNA had no effect on these TGF-beta1-induced responses.
280  the hippocampus through fornix stimulations had no effect on theta rhythms, suggesting that MS-DBB g
281 e treatment which prevents chloride binding, have no effect on thiocyanate conductance.
282 minal concentrations of most metabolites but had no effect on those of the majority of essential amin
283         Substitutions at position G209 in E2 have no effect on titer, but deletion of this residue gr
284 coexposure reported to reduce, increase, and have no effect on toxicity.
285                               Lack of Vps33B had no effect on trafficking of endosomes containing non
286  on IRS-2, although siRNA knockdown of SOCS3 had no effect on ubiquitination of IRS-2.
287  on beta diversity for disturbed forests but had no effect on undisturbed forests).
288                             Deletion of fmlH had no effect on UPEC virulence in an acute mouse model
289  and attenuates its DNA binding activity but has no effect on upstream proteins in the NFkappaB pathw
290 g Ad26- or Ad35-neutralizing antibody titers had no effect on vaccine safety and little effect on imm
291 IL-6 or soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) alone had no effect on VEGF production, stimulation of HPMCs w
292                             Deletion of rpaA has no effect on viability in constant light conditions,
293 mimicking NP hypo-acetylation at these sites has no effect on viral replication.
294 ization of actin network with jasplakinolide had no effect on virus yields.
295 MV while the acquisition of another receptor has no effect on virus control.
296                    ASO reduction of ApoC-III had no effect on VLDL secretion, heparin-induced TG redu
297 ven pre- and postnatally in WD-fed offspring had no effect on weight gain but increased metabolic fle
298 n mutant that dramatically slows disassembly has no effect on work output, indicating an uncoupling o
299         At the same time, zinc sequestration had no effect on zinc-dependent cellular protein functio
300                           IL-1beta treatment had no effect on ZO-1 gene (tjp1) or protein expression.

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