


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ressing normal and abnormal functions of the habenula.
2 s likely mediated by inputs from the lateral habenula.
3 ic nuclei, lateral hypothalamus, and lateral habenula.
4 activation of cFos expression in the lateral habenula.
5 oflexus, the principal output pathway of the habenula.
6 the serotonergic cell population of the left habenula.
7 sspeptins mRNA in hypothalamic nuclei or the habenula.
8 ly organized descending projections from the habenula.
9  in the VTA, lateral hypothalamus or lateral habenula.
10 t patterns of gene expression from the right habenula.
11 ial habenula sends projection to the lateral habenula.
12 c-Fos expression anywhere in the amygdala or habenula.
13 e selective neurodegeneration in the lateral habenula.
14 in the olfactory bulb, neocortex, and medial habenula.
15 thalamus, interpeduncular nucleus and medial habenula.
16 he thalamus, tectum, octavolateral area, and habenula.
17 neurons receive RPE signals from the lateral habenula.
18 he caudate/putamen (86% of control), lateral habenula (77% of control), and motor cortex (79% of cont
19 he caudate/putamen (84% of control), lateral habenula (80% of control), and motor cortex (79% of cont
20 glutamatergic neurons project to the lateral habenula, a brain area important for generating behavior
21 his, we recorded from neurons in the lateral habenula, a nucleus that encodes RPEs, while monkeys cho
22  arrangements raise the possibility that the habenula accounts for multiple channels of information f
23 ficantly different in MDD subjects, for whom habenula activation decreased significantly with increas
24                       In healthy volunteers, habenula activation increased as conditioned stimuli (CS
25 ent evidence, however, demonstrates that the habenula acts as a critical neuroanatomical hub that con
26         Conversely, efferents from the right habenula adopt a more extensive dorsoventral IPN project
27 he elaboration of dHbl character in the left habenula, albeit by an unknown mechanism.
28                                In the medial habenula, alpha5-containing, alpha3-containing, and beta
29 he spinal trigeminal nucleus, area postrema, habenula, amygdala, and the cerebral cortex.
30 us and hypothalamus, septum and hippocampus, habenula, amygdala, nucleus tractus solitarius, and circ
31 bserved in the medial portion of the lateral habenula, an area that receives dense DA innervation via
32 s rats had 64-71% elevated metabolism in the habenula and a 25% elevation in the related interpeduncu
33                        We found that lateral habenula and dopamine neurons accessed two distinct rewa
34                        We found that lateral habenula and dopamine neurons anticipated tasks in two d
35 and unrewarded positions were reversed, both habenula and dopamine neurons reversed their responses a
36  and novelty signals arising from excitatory habenula and dopaminergic ventral tegmentum inputs, whic
37 ys produces neurodegeneration in the lateral habenula and FR.
38 ning silver deposits were counted in lateral habenula and in the striatum.
39 esized, fluoxetine reduced metabolism in the habenula and increased metabolism in the ventral tegment
40  be mediated by decreasing metabolism in the habenula and increasing metabolism in the ventral tegmen
41  the nicotinic receptors expressed in medial habenula and interpeduncular nucleus during withdrawal.
42 of interest has been focused recently on the habenula and its critical role in aversion, negative-rew
43 lmost exclusively in the axons of the medial habenula and its output tract, the fasciculus retroflexu
44 benula, we focused our studies on the medial habenula and its primary target, the interpeduncular nuc
45 e retinal input to the SCN, IGL, and lateral habenula and much of that to the OPN, but that other gan
46                        Neurons of the medial habenula and part of the lateral habenula express the tr
47 udy, we generated live brain slices from rat habenula and performed whole cell recording.
48                                    The right habenula and posterior tuberculum (diencephalic nuclei)
49 receptor in circumventricular regions of the habenula and septum in mice.
50 kinje cells as well as neurons in the medial habenula and thalamic nuclei.
51 ization in the neonatal cortex, hippocampus, habenula and thalamus.
52 e highest NR2B-ir was observed in the medial habenula and the anterodorsal, paraventricular, rhomboid
53 cts showed decreased metabolism in the right habenula and the extended medial and orbital prefrontal
54 ironments also induced Fos expression in the habenula and the paraventricular thalamic nucleus, but t
55 a, medial and lateral aspects of the lateral habenula and the paraventricular thalamus.
56 Kiss1 immunoreactivity and c-fos mRNA in the habenula and the raphe compared with control.
57 lative to neutral events was observed in the habenula and two regions within the ventral midbrain: on
58 d greater cytochrome oxidase activity in the habenula and ventral tegmental area compared to males.
59        The opposite metabolic changes in the habenula and ventral tegmental area may be especially im
60 ons or bilateral electrolytic lesions of the habenula and were tested for fear-potentiated startle an
61 n reduce the excitatory drive to the lateral habenula and, consequently, decrease the inhibition onto
62 sing cells were consistently detected in the habenula and, in mature males and females, in the rostra
63 he caudate, putamen, locus coeruleus, medial habenula, and cerebellum.
64  cells were observed in the preoptic region, habenula, and hypothalamus, whereas the tac2b mRNA-conta
65 ed in the olfactory bulbs, hypothalamus, and habenula, and in fiber tracts that coursed in the optic
66                In CA3, dentate gyrus, medial habenula, and laterodorsal thalamus, the density of apop
67 d at e17.5 in the hypothalamus, pons, medial habenula, and medulla and at p1 in the CPU at levels not
68 for a network comprising the VTA and SN, the habenula, and mesocorticolimbic structures that supports
69 ry nucleus, supramammillary nucleus, lateral habenula, and raphe nuclei).
70 and reticular nuclei of the thalamus, medial habenula, and zona incerta.
71 t and converging evidence that points to the habenula as a key brain region for motivation and decisi
72 s subset of brain regions and identified the habenula as a node robustly correlated with PFC activity
73                    Activation of the lateral habenula by aversive events inhibits dopamine neurons tr
74 C8 mRNA within the olfactory bulb, thalamus, habenula, cerebral cortex, and hypothalamic supraoptic a
75                         To unravel conserved habenula circuitry and approach an understanding of thei
76 ination), amygdala (cognitive bias), lateral habenula (cognitive bias) and hippocampus (cognitive bia
77                                          The habenula complex modulates the activity of dopamine and
78    The lateral habenula (LHb) is part of the habenula complex of the dorsal thalamus.
79                                          The habenula consists of the medial and lateral nuclei, each
80 f the stria terminalis (BNST), amygdala, and habenula, could contribute to DRN 5-HT hyperactivity dur
81 sful and unsuccessful) activity in the right habenula decreased in CD in the abstinence/saline condit
82 egin to define a gene regulatory pathway for habenula development in mammals.
83  model in which neurons of the dorsal medial habenula (dMHb) are developmentally eliminated, via tiss
84                       Our data show that the habenula-dopamine pathway contains multiple timescales o
85                    Our data suggest that the habenula-dopamine pathway motivates anticipation through
86 brainstem nuclei linked to depression (e.g., habenula, dorsal raphe and interpeduncular nucleus).
87 tion remains whether there is a link between habenula dysfunction and monoamine-related disorders, su
88 inent immunostaining included: 1) the medial habenula, efferents composing the fasciculus retroflexus
89 m the laterodorsal tegmentum and the lateral habenula elicit reward and aversion in mice, respectivel
90 , weak electrical stimulation of the lateral habenula elicited strong inhibitions in dopamine neurons
91 Studies in animals indicate that the lateral habenula encodes the previously learned negative motivat
92 his factor regulates an extensive program of habenula-enriched genes, but not generic neural properti
93 re consistent with the view that the lateral habenula establishes inhibitory relationships between st
94  the medial habenula and part of the lateral habenula express the transcription factor Brn3a/Pou4f1,
95  IPN innervation, we find that only the left habenula expresses the zebrafish homologue of Neuropilin
96 d with electroreception and suggest that the habenula-fasciculus retroflexus-interpeduncular system m
97 mmunoreactivity in the octavolateral and the habenula-fasciculus retroflexus-interpeduncular systems.
98  in cortex, hippocampus, thalamus and medial habenula from autoradiograms using computer assisted ima
99                                          The habenula has been implicated in a range of different fun
100       These results suggest that the lateral habenula has the potential to adaptively control both re
101 amic nucleus and a downstream structure, the habenula, have a sustained response to blue but not to r
102                                          The habenula (Hb) is a central structure connecting forebrai
103 ins, including paraventricular hypothalamus, habenula, hippocampus, subiculum, lateral septal nucleus
104  cell region of medial zona incerta, lateral habenula, horizontal and vertical limbs of the diagonal
105 lso expanded to include the midbrain, medial habenula, hypothalamus, pons, and medulla.
106                  However, involvement of the habenula in dynamic trial-by-trial aversive learning has
107 ods specialized for imaging the midbrain and habenula in humans.
108  data confirm the involvement of the lateral habenula in modulating the activity of rostromedial tegm
109 system and its interactions with the lateral habenula in processing aversive information and learning
110 ions of the medial and lateral nuclei of the habenula in the rat.
111   Past studies have suggested a role for the habenula in voluntary exercise motivation and reinforcem
112  expressed differently by the left and right habenula, in patterns that define asymmetric subnuclei.
113 ntial role for the rostromedial tegmentum in habenula-induced feedforward inhibition of dopamine neur
114 ions of the rostromedial tegmentum attenuate habenula-induced inhibition of dopamine neurons signific
115 nfralimbic cortex, basolateral amygdala, and habenula inhibited social play, but not social explorato
116 eir specific projections and relationship to habenula inputs are not well understood.
117  were found to require activation of lateral habenula inputs to the rostromedial tegmental nucleus.
118 ecreased significantly under ketamine in the habenula, insula, and ventrolateral and dorsolateral pre
119 as led to the identification of the midbrain habenula-interpeduncular axis as a critical relay circui
120  on limbic dopamine circuitry and the medial habenula-interpeduncular nucleus complex, which are crit
121  0.9 nm), primarily localized in the visual, habenula-interpeduncular, and nigrostriatal-mesolimbic p
122 tic approaches in the mouse to show that the habenula is a distinctive molecular territory of the CNS
123                                          The habenula is a dorsal diencephalic structure consisting o
124                                  The lateral habenula is a nucleus in the dorsal thalamus that innerv
125                                          The habenula is a phylogenetically conserved brain structure
126                                          The habenula is a small, evolutionarily conserved brain stru
127                                          The habenula is a tiny brain region the size of a pea in hum
128                                          The habenula is an epithalamic structure differentiated into
129       Recent work has shown that the lateral habenula is an important part of the reward circuit by p
130 so suggested that dysfunction of the lateral habenula is associated with psychiatric disorders, inclu
131 heir distinct input and output pathways, the habenula is considered to constitute three, partially ov
132              Here we reveal that the lateral habenula is critical for negative predictors, but not po
133                                     The name habenula is derived from the Latin word habena, meaning
134  lies to the left of the pineal and the left habenula is larger, has expanded dense neuropil, and dis
135                                          The habenula is uniquely positioned both anatomically and fu
136             The Galphat-S innervation of the habenula is very selective, fibers densely innervating t
137  is coexpressed with Brn3a in the developing habenula, is downstream of Brn3a, and mediates expressio
138 w the multiple streams are organized via the habenula, knowledge of the precise input-output connecti
139                                              Habenula known to contain alpha3beta2 nAChR exhibited lo
140 itions of this study, neurones of the medial habenula lack functional NMDA receptors and possess AMPA
141  However, following conditioned fear stress, habenula-lesioned animals showed decreased PPI which nor
142 is study, we describe an interaction between habenula lesions and stress that produces long-lasting e
143          There were no detectable effects of habenula lesions on fear conditioning and no effects on
144             Furthermore, we found that after habenula lesions, DA neurons' ability to signal graded l
145 leus of the stria terminalis (BNST), lateral habenula (LHAB), central gray (CG), thalamus (THAL), sep
146 , we examined the involvement of the lateral habenula (LHb) and of its inputs onto the rostromedial t
147 ceives glutamatergic inputs from the lateral habenula (LHb) and sends substantial GABAergic projectio
148 ffect EP target regions, such as the lateral habenula (LHb) and thalamus.
149 rong inputs to the RMTg arise in the lateral habenula (LHb) and, to a lesser extent, the SN.
150                       Neurons in the lateral habenula (LHb) are transiently activated by aversive eve
151         The evolutionarily conserved lateral habenula (LHb) enables dynamic responses to continually
152                      KEY POINTS: The lateral habenula (LHb) has been implicated in regulation of drug
153                                  The lateral habenula (LHb) has been implicated in regulation of drug
154                                  The lateral habenula (LHb) has recently been identified as a key reg
155  of Brodmann area 25 (BA25), and the lateral habenula (LHb) in the CMS-induced attenuation of dopamin
156                                  The lateral habenula (LHb) is a brain structure receiving inputs fro
157                                  The lateral habenula (LHb) is a key brain region involved in the pat
158                                  The lateral habenula (LHb) is an epithalamic structure differentiate
159                                  The lateral habenula (LHb) is bilaterally connected with serotoniner
160                      The epithalamic lateral habenula (LHb) is implicated as part of the mammalian br
161                                  The lateral habenula (LHb) is involved in reward and aversion and is
162                                  The lateral habenula (LHb) is involved in reward, aversion, addictio
163                                  The lateral habenula (LHb) is part of the habenula complex of the do
164                                  The lateral habenula (LHb) is part of the habenular complex in the d
165   Recent studies suggesting that the lateral habenula (LHb) may contribute to this type of signaling
166               Neurons located in the lateral habenula (LHb) modulate the activity of DA neurons and D
167                                      Lateral habenula (LHb) neurons convey aversive and negative rewa
168                                      Lateral habenula (LHb) neurons signal negative "reward-predictio
169              We found that, in mouse lateral habenula (LHb) neurons targeting the rostromedial tegmen
170 Separate studies have implicated the lateral habenula (LHb) or amygdala-related regions in processing
171 osine hydroxylase (TH) projecting to lateral habenula (LHb) play a role in reward.
172          Lesions of dorsal column or lateral habenula (LHb) prevented the inhibitory effects of perip
173                                      Lateral habenula (LHb) projections to the ventral midbrain, incl
174                                  The lateral habenula (LHb) provides an important source of negative
175      Furthermore, we showed that the lateral habenula (LHb) receives direct synaptic input from the P
176 from the basal forebrain (BF) to the lateral habenula (lHb) that bi-directionally controls the valenc
177 ting the potential of inhibiting the lateral habenula (LHb) to achieve antidepressant and antidepress
178 is that the GPi also projects to the lateral habenula (LHb) which is often associated with the limbic
179             For unclear reasons, the lateral habenula (LHb), a key brain region involved in the patho
180                                  The lateral habenula (LHb), a key regulator of monoaminergic brain r
181 monkeys indicate that neurons in the lateral habenula (LHb), a nucleus that mediates communication be
182                                  The lateral habenula (lHb), an epithalamic structure that forms reci
183 eurons, and their projections to the lateral habenula (LHb), negatively regulate the consumption of p
184                 Nuclei including the lateral habenula (LHb), the lateral hypothalamus (LH), and the m
185 STPM), posteromedial amygdala (MeP), lateral habenula (LHb), ventral tegmental area, and lateral pont
186 s, we found that some neurons in the lateral habenula (LHb), where activation produces aversive condi
187 isease shed light, notably, upon the lateral habenula (LHb), which displayed an overexpression of the
188 midbrain dopaminergic neurons by the lateral habenula (LHb), which has mainly excitatory outputs, is
189  found that rats with lesions of the lateral habenula (LHb), which is implicated in aversion-mediated
190 st in this structure, especially the lateral habenula (LHb).
191  nuclear complexes, medial (MHb) and lateral habenula (LHb).
192 g dopaminergic stimulants, indicate that the habenula may be a weak link in the neurotoxicity seen fo
193                            Consequently, the habenula may be critically important in the pathophysiol
194 , we discuss how deregulation of the lateral habenula may be involved in depressive behaviors.
195   These data support the hypothesis that the habenula may be normally involved in stress-dependent re
196 g the PVN, paraventricular thalamic nucleus, habenula, medial amygdala, ventrolateral septum (LSV), m
197  such as the amygdala, ventral striatum, and habenula/mediodorsal thalamus.
198                                   The medial habenula (MHb) densely expresses nicotinic acetylcholine
199 , but not peptidergic neurons, of the medial habenula (MHb) display spontaneous tonic firing of 2-10
200                       The epithalamic medial habenula (MHb) expresses clock genes, but little is know
201                          Although the medial habenula (MHb) has been proposed as a site of alpha5 fun
202                         nAChRs in the medial habenula (MHb) have recently been shown to play a role i
203 elimination of acetylcholine (ACh) in medial habenula (MHb) neurons alters glutamate corelease and pr
204 rt of the reticular formation and the medial habenula (MHb) project to the Uva.
205                Neuronal nAChRs in the medial habenula (MHb) to the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) path
206  re-expressing alpha5 subunits in the medial habenula (MHb), and recapitulated in rats through alpha5
207 ulopeduncular pathway consists of the medial habenula (MHb), its output tract, the fasciculus retrofl
208 odulated glutamatergic input from the medial habenula (MHb).
209 high concentration ACh at synapses of medial habenula (MHN) and interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) neurons
210  streams of information to the contralateral habenula, midbrain, and brainstem.
211 eceptor-mediated synaptic currents in medial habenula neurones and shown that they can be calcium per
212                  We recorded the activity of habenula neurons and dopamine neurons while rhesus monke
213 tion were studied in acutely isolated medial habenula neurons during whole-cell perfusion.
214      In unrewarded trials, the excitation of habenula neurons started earlier than the inhibition of
215 eus accumbens lateral shell, whereas lateral habenula neurons synapse primarily on dopamine neurons p
216     We found that a subpopulation of lateral habenula neurons transmitted signals resembling IPEs, re
217                    The population of lateral habenula neurons was also excited by the punishment itse
218      We found that the population of lateral habenula neurons was most strongly excited by a conditio
219                                         Many habenula neurons were excited by a no-reward-predicting
220 ly, IL-18 is produced in the brain in medial habenula neurons, which project IL-18-containing axons t
221 ed nodes, including the mu receptor-enriched habenula node.
222 rved in neural cells in the following areas: habenula nuclei, interpeduncular nuclei, hippocampus, ma
223 sity, and connectivity of the left and right habenula nuclei.
224      The most marked ciliation occurs in the habenula nuclei.
225  Only GAL-ir fibers were seen in the lateral habenula nucleus, substantia nigra, parabrachial complex
226    tac3a was expressed asymmetrically in the habenula of embryos, whereas in adults zebrafish tac3a-e
227 h analogous microinjections into the lateral habenula of nicotine-treated mice or in mice chronically
228 the GPR151 protein in the medial and lateral habenula of rodent brain.
229 ngly induced c-Fos expression in the lateral habenula of saline-, cocaine-, and ethanol-injected rats
230 sure has selective neurotoxic effects on the habenula of the developing fetus similar to cocaine's ef
231 tated withdrawal when microinjected into the habenula or the interpeduncular nucleus, but not into th
232 llidum (VP) projecting to either the lateral habenula or ventral tegmental area contributing to depre
233  areas are mediated by activation of lateral habenula, or are independent of this event.
234 of lacZ expression were detected in the SCN, habenula, pancreas, and testis of the transgenic mice, w
235        Here we show that the primate lateral habenula, part of the structure called the epithalamus,
236          These data suggest that the thalamo-habenula pathway is involved in the ability of blue ligh
237  volume of the ventral tegmental area (VTA), habenula, periaqueductal gray, cerebellum, hypothalamus,
238           These results demonstrate that the habenula plays a critical role in DA RPE signaling but s
239                   Our findings show that the habenula plays a key role in an online aversive learning
240 t that the inhibitory input from the lateral habenula plays an important role in determining the rewa
241 amus, medial amygdala, margin of the lateral habenula, posterior limitans nucleus, superior colliculu
242 f the HCN pacemaker antagonist ZD7288 in the habenula precipitates somatic and affective signs of wit
243 minent in granular layers of the cerebellum, habenula, preglomerular nuclei, and several other dience
244 es of adult brain, the dorsal telencephalon, habenula, preoptic area, hypothalamus, and cerebellum.
245 ordings in monkeys regarding how the lateral habenula processes reward-related information.
246 ent of the IPN, whereas axons from the right habenula project only to the ventral IPN.
247 h parapineal reversal, neurons from the left habenula project to a more limited ventral IPN region wh
248  cells in the medial division of the lateral habenula project to dopamine and serotonin cells in the
249            In contrast to other species, the habenula projecting pallidal nucleus is topographically
250             Here we show that neurons in the habenula-projecting globus pallidus (GPh) in mice are es
251 rate evaluation circuit, which regulates the habenula-projecting globus pallidus (GPh) neurons, exist
252 ctional connectivity between the VTA and the habenula, putamen, and medial prefrontal cortex, whereas
253 ade of IPN neurotransmission from the medial habenula reduced IPN neuronal activation and alleviated
254                                Lesioning the habenula reduces light-evoked climbing.
255 hat VTA DA neurons projecting to the lateral habenula release GABA, but not DA, we performed an exten
256 l significance of the Kiss1 expressed in the habenula remains unknown.
257                                     However, habenula responses during aversive processing have yet t
258 ited abnormal negative task-related (phasic) habenula responses during primary aversive conditioning.
259                        By contrast, negative habenula responses to monetary reward cue values predict
260 nforcement learning, we demonstrate positive habenula responses to the dynamically changing values of
261               We speculate that the negative habenula responses we observed may result in the loss of
262 clei is asymmetrical in that only the medial habenula sends projection to the lateral habenula.
263 entral amygdala, and both medial and lateral habenula), striatum, hypothalamus, centromedian and para
264             Moderate levels were detected in habenula, striatum, amygdala, the cingulate, piriform an
265  have not assigned these effects to specific habenula subnuclei.
266 ceptor expression was detected in the medial habenula, suggesting that nicotine's effect was mainly o
267                  We detect melanopsin in the habenula, suprachiasmatic nucleus, dorsal thalamus, and
268 Astrocytes in select groups of nuclei (e.g., habenula, supraoptic nucleus, pontine nucleus) contained
269                      Efferents from the left habenula terminate along the entire dorsoventral extent
270 ighly expressed within neurons of the medial habenula, thalamus, and olfactory bulb, but also in dist
271 tly more silver-stained cells in the lateral habenula than vehicle-treated pups, but similar numbers
272 the organization of multiple channels in the habenula that convey parallel streams of information to
273 hout known glucosensing neurons (the lateral habenula, the bed nucleus stria terminalis, the inferior
274                                   Within the habenula, the damage was noted in the ventral-medial-mos
275  ChAT were observed in the hypothalamus, the habenula, the optic tectum, the isthmus, the cranial mot
276 d a high density of mRNA included the medial habenula; the septohippocampal, periventricular, suprach
277 ate that mast cells mature within the medial habenula: there is an increase in the intensity of metac
278                                       In the habenula, these calcium-binding proteins revealed right-
279 currents in the ventral pallidum and lateral habenula, though the net effects on postsynaptic firing
280           Past research has shown the medial habenula to be highly sensitive to the effects of nicoti
281 crease the GPh activity to drive the lateral habenula to increase the inhibition of the neuromodulato
282 e to correlate subnuclear areas in the mouse habenula to subnuclei, which had been rigorously identif
283 ing the alpha3beta4* subtype from the medial habenula to the IPn.
284 ror signals, through a basal ganglia-lateral habenula-tVTA/RMTg-dopamine-basal ganglia circuit.
285 ely in the nucleus accumbens and the lateral habenula, two brain regions important for depressive-lik
286 ject to the nucleus accumbens (NAc), lateral habenula, ventral pallidum (VP), and amygdala.
287 factory bulbs, ventral/dorsal telencephalon, habenula, ventral thalamus, pretectum, rostral midbrain
288 c areas of the telencephalon, relayed by the habenula via the fasciculus retroflexus.
289 r hyperintensities in BD than UD depression, habenula volume reductions in BD but not UD depression,
290                    Individual differences in habenula volume were negatively associated with symptoms
291 lution anatomical images were used to assess habenula volume.
292      In accordance with earlier results, the habenula was activated by perceptual prediction errors.
293 c forebrain and pallidum is processed in the habenula, we examined the electrical property and morpho
294 a4 subunit is highly expressed in the medial habenula, we focused our studies on the medial habenula
295 e rostromedial tegmental nucleus and lateral habenula were specifically activated during extinction a
296 h, of which kiss1 neurons are located in the habenula, which project to the median raphe.
297 ic and can drive the activity of the lateral habenula, which, in turn, provides an indirect inhibitor
298 jor sources of input, neurons in the lateral habenula, while animals anticipated upcoming behavioral
299 s one of their sources of input, the lateral habenula, while animals predicted upcoming rewards based
300 somedial nuclei of the hypothalamus; lateral habenula; zona incerta; substantia innominata; posterior

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