


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1     The PON-2 inhibitory effect was ENaC-specific, as PON-2 had no effect on functional expression of the renal outer med
2                                        In contrast, GsMTx-4 had no effect on collagen-induced aggregation or on Ca(2+) in
3                                                    CORM-401 had no effect on p38 MAPK activation.
4                                            Nlrp3 activation had no effect on cholangiocyte proliferation but significantl
5 posure to moderate, high, or intoxicating levels of alcohol had no effect on cocaine self-administration and relapse to c
6 nt with either IL-6 or soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) alone had no effect on VEGF production, stimulation of HPMCs with I
7             Herein, we report that whereas BMP9/BMP10 alone had no effect on monocyte recruitment, at higher concentratio
8            Small-scale disturbance of the plant canopy also had no effect on elevation trajectories-contrary to work in p
9 eased the synaptic levels of neurotransmitter receptors and had no effect on presynaptic release probabilities.
10 se, stabilization of tetrameric PKM2 by a chemical approach had no effect on PHD3-dependent HIF-1 activity.
11                                                Neonatal BCG had no effect on the development of RW before 13 months of ag
12 ally inhibited DNM2 activity during muscle maturation, BIN1 had no effect on the isoform of DNM2 found in adult muscle.
13                             In contrast, the Kir7.1 blocker had no effect on the ex-vivo isolated mouse retina ERG where
14                                               Beta-blockers had no effect on mortality in patients with AF (HR: 0.96, 95%
15                                                        BTP2 had no effect on normal myocytes.
16 cells and IL-5 and IL-13 production by lymph node cells but had no effect on IgE production.
17      1,25(OH)2D3 increased CYP27B1 mRNA levels in HCEC, but had no effect on CYP27B1 protein levels.
18 le significantly reduced E2 levels in patients with PAH but had no effect on TAPSE.
19 ABA and to reduce water loss under water deficit stress but had no effect on leaf size.
20 revented the transport of CRF2betaR to the cell surface but had no effect on CRF1R.
21        Decade-duration surface soil warming (1-2 degrees C) had no effect on soil respiration rates, while +N addition an
22                                      Global HDAC11 deletion had no effect on health or development, and compared to WT co
23                                        Alcohol pre-exposure had no effect on cocaine self-administration, extinction resp
24 i analysis revealed that knockdown of isoatp4056 expression had no effect on A. phagocytophilum acquisition from the muri
25 hibition of connexins, P2Y12, P2Y1 or thromboxane formation had no effect on synchrony or ballooning.
26                           Increasing levels of homocysteine had no effect on PHT mTOR signalling, suggesting that mTOR se
27 f IL-17C proteins in infected cells, whereas p38 inhibition had no effect on IL-17C protein secretion.
28 -galactosidase reporters, and survival of ER stress, but it had no effect on clustering of Ire1.
29                                 While elevated IL-34 itself had no effect on the aggregation or the toxicity of mHTTx1 in
30 ore, the stabilization of actin network with jasplakinolide had no effect on virus yields.
31                                                 Manassantin had no effect on complex II- or complex IV-mediated respirati
32                               Interestingly, both CA and MC had no effect on the surface tension of BSA/air interfaces.
33 al knockout of MYPT1 or the knock-in mutation T853A in mice had no effect on muscarinic force responses in isolated trach
34                      The exosome-depleted supernatant of ML had no effect on in vitro and in vivo inflammatory responses.
35                 Changes in forest composition within models had no effect on climate or CO2 sensitivity.
36                                                        PGE2 had no effect on the Ca(2+) signals evoked by protease-activa
37                            Blockade of muscarinic receptors had no effect on evoked dopamine release, suggesting that fee
38                       Replacing antigen-binding BCR regions had no effect on BCR signaling in GCB-DLBCL lines, reflecting
39 on or at a 6 h delay when the memory should be restabilized had no effect on reinstatement, further suggesting that garci
40                       The D1/5 receptor antagonist SCH23390 had no effect on instrumental behavior under any reinforcemen
41                        At the same time, zinc sequestration had no effect on zinc-dependent cellular protein functions.
42                                  Conversely, EVI1 silencing had no effect on constitutive ERK activity in HER2(+) breast
43                                          In contrast, SMIT1 had no effect on Kv1.1 (KCNA1) gating, ion selectivity, or ph
44 ild-type SOD1 (wt SOD1YFP) or monomeric mutant G85R SOD1YFP had no effect on net ionic currents measured under voltage cl
45  cells by using CRISPR/Cas9 and found that the loss of SUN1 had no effect on HIV-1 infectivity, whereas the loss of SUN2
46 xpression, we determined that alpha2-6 sialylation of TNFR1 had no effect on early TNF-induced signaling events, includin
47                                                 Forage type had no effect on animal performance (estimated dry matter int
48 ger survival, than Spartina or mixed plots, vegetation type had no effect on rates of accretion, vertical movement in roo
49 1/2 receptor ligand vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) had no effect on plasma corticosterone levels even in previou
50 e supplementation in mildly iodine-deficient pregnant women had no effect on child neurodevelopment at age 5-6 years.

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