


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 known of underlying changes in microvascular haemodynamics.
2 al input or of standard neural predictors of haemodynamics.
3 te to sex differences in LV mechanics and LV haemodynamics.
4 s on systemic microvascular permeability and haemodynamics.
5 relations were present for ADRB2 density and haemodynamics.
6 ical leaflet thrombosis and subsequent valve haemodynamics and clinical outcomes on the basis of two
7 opportunity for further improvement in valve haemodynamics and clinical outcomes.
8 s epoprostenol (prostacyclin, PGI2) improves haemodynamics and exercise tolerance, and prolongs survi
9 rent understanding of the link between brain haemodynamics and local neuronal activity.
10                                              Haemodynamics and muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSN
11 piratory and cardiovascular variables, renal haemodynamics and renal function were recorded while the
12 ventricular function and had no influence on haemodynamics and respiratory.
13 art failure have shown beneficial effects on haemodynamics and symptoms.
14       Catheterisation is necessary to assess haemodynamics and to evaluate vasoreactivity during acut
15 stent with a muscle pump effect on capillary haemodynamics), and (2) there would be a dynamic relatio
16 whether these age-associated changes in limb haemodynamics are mediated by tonically augmented sympat
17 es argues for the importance of intracardiac haemodynamics as a key epigenetic factor in embryonic ca
18 ndpoints included changes in cardiopulmonary haemodynamics, Borg dyspnoea index, WHO functional class
19                                      Central haemodynamics, brachial artery shear rate (SR) and blood
20 the decompression phase can lead to improved haemodynamics compared with standard CPR.
21  in the sympathetic neural control of muscle haemodynamics during exercise.
22 mic perfusion, we measured local and central haemodynamics during one-legged knee-extensor exercise (
23  rat spinotrapezius muscle (n = 5) capillary haemodynamics during recovery from 3 min of twitch muscl
24          Our results therefore indicate that haemodynamics, generated by a Pitx2-induced morphologica
25 requency spectrum characteristics from these haemodynamics have never been exploited to test whether
26             Lambs on support maintain stable haemodynamics, have normal blood gas and oxygenation par
27 us, ENO can improve oxygenation and systemic haemodynamics in neonates, and seems to reduce rebound h
28 tan increases exercise capacity and improves haemodynamics in patients with pulmonary hypertension, s
29  substantially to the steady-state capillary haemodynamics in the contracting rat spinotrapezius musc
30                                      Femoral haemodynamics in the control limb were unaffected by phe
31                   Propranolol did not affect haemodynamics in the experimental or control limbs.
32 ternal (ICA) and common carotid artery (CCA) haemodynamics (indicative of CBF and extra-cranial blood
33 ional studies suggest that impaired cerebral haemodynamics is associated with symptomatic status in p
34 les, in particular CBV, to regional cerebral haemodynamics is not clearly established in humans with
35                                 Beat-to-beat haemodynamics (Modelflow), muscle sympathetic nerve acti
36                              Despite adverse haemodynamics, no patient who died suddenly had undergon
37 hout changes in gross LV structure, arterial haemodynamics or heart rate.
38 icantly affect baseline cardiac performance, haemodynamics or myocardial metabolism.
39         There were no significant changes in haemodynamics or renal biochemistry for either group.
40  was used to interrogate changes in vascular haemodynamics, structural response and hypoxia in C6 gli
41 re temperature and changes in cardiovascular haemodynamics, such as cardiac output and vascular shear
42 ing to investigate the relationships linking haemodynamics to vessel-wall pathobiology.
43 holamine levels and changes in fetal femoral haemodynamics were assessed following fetal glucocortico
44           Serum NT-proBNP, biochemistry, and haemodynamics were determined at baseline and at key tim
45 by-second by Doppler ultrasound, and central haemodynamics were measured by finger photoplethysmograp
46                                     MSNA and haemodynamics were measured supine and during 45 min 60
47                                     MSNA and haemodynamics were measured supine and during a graded u
48 Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) and haemodynamics were measured supine, at 30 deg and 60 deg
49 ase in haematocrit and because ABP and renal haemodynamics were normalized: acute hypoxia in N rats p
50           Baseline characteristics, MSNA and haemodynamics were similar between the groups.
51 postductal arterial oxygenation and systemic haemodynamics, which were maintained during the off-drug

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