コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 ecular bases of these unique features of the hairpin ribozyme.
2 the catalytically essential B domain of the hairpin ribozyme.
3 ls that have been proposed for loop B of the hairpin ribozyme.
4 ty and orientation of the two domains of the hairpin ribozyme.
5 behavior and kinetic folding pathway of the hairpin ribozyme.
6 alysis of four structural derivatives of the hairpin ribozyme.
7 and G36 in the catalytic conformation of the hairpin ribozyme.
8 econdary structure of internal loop B of the hairpin ribozyme.
9 on design on the folding and function of the hairpin ribozyme.
10 ) four-way helical junction derived from the hairpin ribozyme.
11 sly folding molecules, as exemplified by the hairpin ribozyme.
12 ormational states of a model RNA enzyme, the hairpin ribozyme.
13 ing and catalysis of a model RNA enzyme, the hairpin ribozyme.
14 ween structural dynamics and function of the hairpin ribozyme.
15 cellular TF mRNA with the use of a tetraloop hairpin ribozyme.
16 ssential step in the reaction pathway of the hairpin ribozyme.
17 nknown target RNAs recognized and cleaved by hairpin ribozymes.
18 ne base requirements in loops 2 and 4 of the hairpin ribozyme, a comprehensive mutational analysis of
25 ures that contribute to catalysis within the hairpin ribozyme active site, structures for five base v
26 onsists of a fixed sequence derived from the hairpin ribozyme and an antisense segment whose size and
29 veral nucleotides in two catalytic RNAs, the hairpin ribozyme and the hepatitis delta virus ribozyme,
30 stablished consensus selection rules for the hairpin ribozyme and were not predicted by examining the
31 sis of purine nucleotide conservation in the hairpin ribozyme, and provides a basis for the design an
32 ely similar to the probable mechanism of the hairpin ribozyme, and the active site arrangements for t
34 avage and ligation reactions mediated by the hairpin ribozyme are integral to the polyribonucleotide
37 monitor tertiary structure formation of the hairpin ribozyme as a model to probe the effects of poly
38 We used two-, three-, and four-way junction hairpin ribozymes as model systems to investigate the th
39 ding kinetics of the natural 4WJ form of the hairpin ribozyme, as well as a minimal construct consist
40 mus of molecular dynamics simulations of the hairpin ribozyme at different stages along the catalytic
43 Metal ions facilitate the folding of the hairpin ribozyme but do not participate directly in cata
44 lts were used to improve the activity of the hairpin ribozyme by designing new interfaces between the
45 ate that a three-way junction variant of the hairpin ribozyme can be stabilized by specific insertion
46 truncated and fragmented derivatives of the hairpin ribozyme can catalyze ligation of a wide variety
47 ement of this ribozyme and indicate that the hairpin ribozyme can now be engineered to cleave a wider
48 ative amounts; and (iii) that self-processed hairpin ribozymes can be catalytically active in trans d
49 ecent results indicating that hammerhead and hairpin ribozymes can cleave RNA following cellular lysi
50 t that metal ions play a passive role in the hairpin ribozyme catalysed reaction and are probably req
54 se results are consistent with models of the hairpin ribozyme catalytic mechanism in which interactio
60 ce both in understanding the role of ions in hairpin ribozyme cleavage and in potential therapeutic a
64 angstrom resolution structure of a vanadate-hairpin ribozyme complex with structures of precursor an
71 orientations, we have chemically synthesized hairpin ribozymes containing 2'-2' disulphide linkages o
72 ynthesized a series of individually modified hairpin ribozymes containing 2'-analogues of nucleosides
73 (a) of the N1-imino moiety in the context of hairpin ribozyme crystals representative of a "precataly
74 ve complex, the essential nucleotides of the hairpin ribozyme, embedded within the internal loops of
75 ducts with much higher affinity than minimal hairpin ribozymes, evidence that tertiary interactions w
76 functional studies revealed that the minimal hairpin ribozyme exhibited "gain-of-function" cleavage p
77 ned within vesicles, the natural form of the hairpin ribozyme exhibited 50-fold variation in both fol
79 tent with the role of divalent metal ions in hairpin ribozyme folding, we observed more interdomain c
81 The solution structure of loop A from the hairpin ribozyme found in the minus strand of tobacco ri
82 ped a selection system based on a randomized hairpin ribozyme gene library to identify cellular facto
85 cal groups required to achieve a functioning hairpin ribozyme have been determined by nucleotide anal
88 recent examples are discussed, including the hairpin ribozyme, Holliday junction, G-quadruplex, Rep h
89 l evidence for the catalytic activity of the hairpin ribozyme in a cellular environment, and indicate
93 nt of the macroscopic pH-rate profile of the hairpin ribozyme in solution and strongly supports A38 a
94 lycoside antibiotics inhibit cleavage of the hairpin ribozyme in the presence of metal ions with the
96 in vivo expression of either a hammerhead or hairpin ribozyme in this rat model considerably slows th
97 al synthesis of RNA to create mutants of the hairpin ribozyme in which a nucleoside analogue replaces
99 An initial structural model of the docked hairpin ribozyme included a proposal for a ribose zipper
100 spection of recent crystal structures of the hairpin ribozyme, including a complex with a vanadate tr
101 del is consistent with the literature on the hairpin ribozyme, including pH-rate profiles of wild-typ
102 The proposed three-dimensional model of the hairpin ribozyme incorporates three different crystallog
120 We find that the junction-based form of the hairpin ribozyme is active in magnesium, calcium, or str
128 periments in which the catalytic activity of hairpin ribozymes is monitored following expression in m
129 ant] ratio = 5 x 10(7) M/min), then the P23H hairpin ribozyme (kcat:K(m) ratio = 9 x 10(5) M/min) and
131 overy where the intracellular application of hairpin ribozyme libraries was used to identify a novel
135 ructural elements, as we demonstrate for the hairpin ribozyme, may be a general theme for other funct
136 tobacco ringspot virus satellite RNA, where hairpin ribozyme-mediated self-cleavage and ligation rea
137 evidence has suggested that base A38 of the hairpin ribozyme plays an important role in phosphoryl t
139 ture stability is a major determinant of the hairpin ribozyme proficiency as a ligase and illustrates
140 III) complexes are capable of supporting the hairpin ribozyme reaction, with a similar efficiency to
142 native explanations for the pH dependence of hairpin ribozyme reactivity are discussed, from which we
145 te-specific RNA cleavage and ligation by the hairpin ribozyme requires the formation of a tertiary in
149 of an elementary folding reaction where the hairpin ribozyme's two helical domains dock to make seve
150 ng transcription in vitro and in yeast using hairpin ribozyme self-cleavage to assess partitioning be
151 nt in length are constructed to encode both hairpin ribozyme sequences and ribozyme-cleavable sequen
153 The RNA cleavage reaction catalyzed by the hairpin ribozyme shows biphasic kinetics, and chase expe
154 ure technique, we evaluated the ability of a hairpin ribozyme specific for simian immunodeficiency vi
159 e not observed in previous four-way-junction hairpin ribozyme structures due to crystal contacts with
161 located within all the required loops of the hairpin ribozyme-substrate complex and allowed for the d
163 es for all positions in loops 1 and 5 of the hairpin ribozyme-substrate complex was carried out using
168 e detection of cellular target molecules for hairpin ribozymes, termed C-SPACE (cleavage-specific amp
169 cal junction determines the stability of the hairpin ribozyme tertiary structure and thus its catalyt
172 l screening method has been used to identify hairpin ribozymes that inhibit hepatitis B virus (HBV) r
177 In a few cases, including loop B of the hairpin ribozyme, this unusual arrangement gives rise to
180 have carried out molecular modelling of the hairpin ribozyme to learn how the two domains (A and B)
181 g transcripts containing active and inactive hairpin ribozymes together with cleavable and non-cleava
183 structures, including a previously described hairpin ribozyme-vanadate complex, indicated the scissil
184 d pK(a), we determined crystal structures of hairpin ribozyme variants containing single-atom substit
186 ants for tertiary structure stability in the hairpin ribozyme, we evaluated the energetic contributio
188 oter expression constructs for corresponding hairpin ribozymes were generated and cotransfected into
189 crystal structures of minimal, junctionless hairpin ribozymes were solved in native (U39), and mutan
190 One of the most striking examples is the hairpin ribozyme, which was shown to exhibit two to thre
191 self-cleavage reaction in a fully functional hairpin ribozyme with a unique 8azaA at position 38.
192 ddress this discrepancy, we investigated the hairpin ribozyme with an expanded set of pK(a) perturbed
193 ngement rationalizes the observed ability of hairpin ribozymes with a circularized substrate-binding
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