


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  pioneering spinal cord commissural axons is haptotactic.
2 or, HELSS, block both LPA production and the haptotactic activity of laminin.
3 king events control outside-in signaling via haptotactic and chemotactic mechanisms.
4 a2 integrins were sufficient to inhibit both haptotactic and chemotactic migration induced by individ
5 hA2 receptor internalization, and suppressed haptotactic and chemotactic migration of prostate cancer
6       As a result of increased MMP activity, haptotactic and chemotactic motility, in vitro wound clo
7                                              Haptotactic and random transwell assays measured distinc
8     It is shown that, depending on adhesion, haptotactic, and chemotactic parameters, the migration p
9 amellipodia, and were intensely migratory in haptotactic assays on laminin (LN)-1.
10 pled receptor kinase 6 (GRK6) is crucial for haptotactic but dispensable for chemotactic CCL21 gradie
11 tes and enhanced fibronectin (FN)-stimulated haptotactic cell migration equal to FAK-reconstituted ce
12 es, failure to potentiate integrin-dependent haptotactic cell migration in vitro, and accumulation of
13    These results support a model whereby (a) haptotactic cell migration on Ln-5 is regulated by conce
14 h factor-limiting conditions, Shc stimulates haptotactic cell migration without affecting anchorage-d
15 es its inhibitory function in ROCK-dependent haptotactic cell migration, as well as invasion of human
16 results in an enhanced membrane ruffling and haptotactic cell migration.
17 a 3 was also observed to promote significant haptotactic cell migration.
18 ibitory effect of GM3, together with CD9, on haptotactic cell motility was demonstrated by a few line
19  fibronectin, and N-cadherin; (iii) enhanced haptotactic cell motility; and (iv) converted epithelial
20 ails, which may provide both chemotactic and haptotactic cues for efficient CD8(+) T cell migration a
21 tween chemotactic (indirect stimulation) and haptotactic (direct stimulation) migration of two distin
22                                              Haptotactic EC migration toward collagen I was dependent
23 d induced integrin alpha(v)beta(3)-dependent haptotactic endothelial cell adhesion and migration and
24                 We show that laminins act as haptotactic factors in vitro in an isoform-specific mann
25 , either alone or in combination, as well as haptotactic factors.
26 stability, suggesting that cells recognize a haptotactic gradient formed by a combination of laminins
27 raction suggests selective disruption of the haptotactic gradient may be an achievable therapeutic ap
28 oposed mechanisms include (1) formation of a haptotactic gradient that "guides" neutrophils to the ce
29 eting proteolytic enzymes and experiencing a haptotactic gradient.
30    In vivo this could limit the formation of haptotactic gradients on endothelial heparan sulfate pro
31 inoglycans (GAGs) are essential for creating haptotactic gradients to guide the migration of leukocyt
32 igration on Ln-5, but only when migration is haptotactic (i.e., spontaneous or stimulated by alpha 3
33  c-kit/SCF interaction may be chemotactic or haptotactic in nature.
34                            v-Src rescued the haptotactic, linear directional, and invasive motility d
35 xpressing cells displayed increased rates of haptotactic migration compared to those of LMP1-negative
36 th PF-573,228 inhibited both chemotactic and haptotactic migration concomitant with the inhibition of
37 (PMC) transformation into myofibroblasts and haptotactic migration in vitro.
38   Inhibition of MMPs significantly decreased haptotactic migration induced by individual growth facto
39                               L1 potentiated haptotactic migration of B35 neuroblastoma cells toward
40 than tamoxifen at inhibiting chemotactic and haptotactic migration of both cell lines at all concentr
41 mobilized to tissues as demonstrated for the haptotactic migration of dendritic cells (DCs) toward hi
42  fashion, whereas immobilized PTN18 promotes haptotactic migration of glioblastoma cells in a PTPRZ1-
43 growth factor (EGF), induced chemotactic and haptotactic migration of HepG2 and Chang cells.
44 olecules and ECM proteins, thereby promoting haptotactic migration of T cells to sites of inflammatio
45 eviously demonstrated that in keratinocytes, haptotactic migration on laminin-5 was stimulated by ant
46  HSG attachment to DMP1 and OPN and promoted haptotactic migration onto all three proteins.
47 ion of CHL1 in HEK293 cells stimulated their haptotactic migration toward collagen I, fibronectin, la
48 ment to collagen I and laminin and increased haptotactic migration toward collagen I, relative to par
49 oted their in vitro tube formation and their haptotactic migration toward type I collagen.
50 Axl as a novel regulator of endothelial cell haptotactic migration towards the matrix factor vitronec
51 ced lymphatic endothelial cord formation and haptotactic migration were suppressed by anti-alpha1 and
52 yed by absence of focal adhesions, decreased haptotactic migration while increasing random migration.
53 brain white matter were capable of promoting haptotactic migration, and this response was inhibitable
54 xperiments comparing the cell attachment and haptotactic migration-enhancing properties of DMP1 to BS
55 tors significantly decreased chemotactic and haptotactic migration.
56 Rac pathways and regulate integrin-directed (haptotactic) migration in mast cells.
57                                          (i) Haptotactic motility of colorectal carcinoma cell lines
58                                              Haptotactic motility of parental ldlD cells is low, and
59  by significantly reduced Matrigel-dependent haptotactic motility.
60 perse when Sp-Eph enhances adhesion, causing haptotactic movement to regions of higher ligand abundan
61 (GAGs) and chemokines drive the formation of haptotactic or immobilized gradients of chemokines at th
62   However, it is unclear how chemotactic and haptotactic pathways integrate with each other to drive
63 ed that directional migration results from a haptotactic response of each cell to the gradient, a mod
64  osteopontin in these extracts abrogated the haptotactic response significantly (50%).
65 thelial migration in vitro and inhibited the haptotactic response to wild-type CCL7, CXCL12, and CXCL
66    Based on these findings, we conceptualize haptotactic sensing as an exploration, with F-actin bund
67                                 We find that haptotactic sensing depends on the absolute CCL21 concen
68                                              Haptotactic stimulation, but not chemotactic stimulation
69 time lapse videomicroscopy and by random and haptotactic transwell assays.
70               Findings i and ii suggest that haptotactic tumor cell motility is cooperatively inhibit
71                                              Haptotactic VSMC migration toward HA was increased by th

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