


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 onally migrate to a gradient of fibronectin (haptotaxis).
2 face-bound gradient of extracellular matrix (haptotaxis).
3 surfaces, and it is a valuable tool to study haptotaxis.
4 cancer cells, inhibiting both chemotaxis and haptotaxis.
5  strongly affected by cell-cell adhesion and haptotaxis.
6 rd EGF without affecting fibronectin-induced haptotaxis.
7 c42 prevented the TS2/16-induced increase in haptotaxis.
8 e receptors and direct cellular adhesion and haptotaxis.
9 llular compartment, correlating with reduced haptotaxis.
10 -K, and constitutively active PI3-K prevents haptotaxis.
11 of invasion, but that it has no influence on haptotaxis.
12 ited chemotaxis by >80%, but did not inhibit haptotaxis.
13 enzyme secretion rate and the coefficient of haptotaxis act in synergy to promote invasion.
14  are attracted into the eye disc not through haptotaxis along established axons, but through another
15 ilutions of anti- alphavbeta3 that inhibited haptotaxis also inhibited phosphorylation of paxillin (b
16 mechanisms, such as cell adhesion, division, haptotaxis and chemotaxis.
17   Furthermore, we show that Mena(INV)-driven haptotaxis and ECM reorganization both require the Rab-c
18 K-dependent signaling, resulting in enhanced haptotaxis and invasion.
19 ssociated erbB-2 and PI3-K negatively affect haptotaxis, and (c) chemotaxis on Ln-5 is not affected b
20 ons in related with chemotaxis, proteolysis, haptotaxis, and degradation in ECM to predict dynamic be
21 asion into 3D ECM in response to chemotaxis, haptotaxis, and durotaxis cues.
22 f endogenous expression inhibited migration, haptotaxis, and engagement with matrix proteins; this wa
23 trate that alpha6beta4 inhibitory effects on haptotaxis are abolished by an anti-E-cadherin antibody,
24  by a scrape motility assay, and an in vitro haptotaxis assay.
25    However, CR3 phagocytosis and fibronectin haptotaxis, both integrin-dependent processes, are disru
26 spensable for FA maturation, chemotaxis, and haptotaxis but is critical to direct cell migration towa
27 sensor of gradients of extracellular matrix (haptotaxis) but not soluble growth factor cues (chemotax
28 nant-negative erbB-2 abolishes inhibition of haptotaxis by anti-alpha 6 beta 4 antibodies.
29  and stimulate cell migration in chemotaxis, haptotaxis, chemokinesis, and wound healing assays.
30 blast markers and enhanced contractility and haptotaxis, compared with normal PMCs.
31 uce activation of Rac1 and Cdc42 and rescued haptotaxis defects of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs)
32                   The inhibition of in vitro haptotaxis follows the dose-response relationship expect
33 romotes ventrally directed axon outgrowth by haptotaxis, i.e., directed growth along an adhesive surf
34  a role of FYN in alpha(v) integrin-mediated haptotaxis in glial cells.
35 of myofibroblast markers, contractility, and haptotaxis in PMCs treated with TGF-beta1.
36 on of the strength of cell-cell adhesion and haptotaxis in which fingerlike shapes, characteristic of
37             Moreover, alpha6beta4-associated haptotaxis inhibition was linked to a phosphatidylinosit
38                                              Haptotaxis is analogous to directional cell spreading an
39 in (PT)-sensitive G-binding protein, whereas haptotaxis is not.
40                                 The level of haptotaxis of all transfectants was similar to that of p
41          Distinctions between chemotaxis and haptotaxis of cells to extracellular matrix proteins hav
42 -PP selectively reduced fibronectin-mediated haptotaxis of NF639, MDA-MB-231, and Hs578T breast cance
43           Here we find that Mena(INV)-driven haptotaxis on fibronectin (FN) gradients requires intact
44 ges from Rap1a null mice exhibited increased haptotaxis on fibronectin and vitronectin matrices that
45     Depletion of fascin-1 ablated fibroblast haptotaxis on fibronectin but not platelet-derived growt
46 N-glycans, strongly inhibits cell migration (haptotaxis) on a fibronectin substrate in U-373 MG trans
47 can augment cell-cell adhesion and slow down haptotaxis over laminin-5 and point to the alpha6beta4-e
48 w that in contrast to its ability to inhibit haptotaxis, SSeCKS increased prostate cancer cell adhesi
49                       Such "chemotaxis" and "haptotaxis" steers migration of cells during embryonic d
50 licable to alternative systems of chemo- and haptotaxis such as cells migrating along gradients of ad
51 A/B epitopes, may be due in part to enhanced haptotaxis sustained by alpha3, alpha6, and beta1 integr
52 tional movement of cells to soluble cues-and haptotaxis-the migration of cells on gradients of substr
53 show that the tumor suppressor LKB1 controls haptotaxis through the microtubule affinity-regulating k
54 g site mutant ILK proteins display inhibited haptotaxis to fibronectin.
55 on of phosphatase PTP1B and more recently in haptotaxis via interaction with integrin alpha5beta1.
56 o soluble (chemotaxis) and substratum-bound (haptotaxis) vitronectin, mediated by alphav beta3, provi
57 ing antibody to alphavbeta3 (LM609), whereas haptotaxis was inhibited only by approximately 50%, sugg
58                   For analysis of chemotaxis/haptotaxis, we propose a chemotactic precision index tha
59                          Both chemotaxis and haptotaxis were completely inhibited by treatment with R
60  protein fraction, and fibronectin-activated haptotaxis were decreased.
61 shown to contribute directly to L1-dependent haptotaxis, whereas induction of cathepsins-L and -B pro
62 nteracting domains; the PTB domain regulates haptotaxis, while the SH2 domain is selectively required

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