


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                       The SM protein UNC-18 has been proposed to regulate several aspects of secretion, i
2                                                    His(73), has been proposed to regulate the release of P(i) from the in
3                                                       ABCB6 has been proposed to regulate heme synthesis by shuttling cop
4 he magnitude of mitogen-activated protein kinase activation has been proposed to regulate gene expression and other speci
5                            Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (Alk) has been proposed to regulate neuronal development based on i
6              This resemblance and the fact that GAP-43 also has been proposed to regulate calmodulin availability raise t
7 l canonical (TRPC)5 is found predominantly in the brain and has been proposed to regulate neuronal processes and growth c
8 inds to the juxtamembrane domain of classical cadherins and has been proposed to regulate cadherin adhesive activity.
9 universal feature of eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes and has been proposed to regulate translation efficiency, accurac
10 fibromin, functions as a Ras GTPase-activating protein, and has been proposed to regulate cell growth by inhibiting Ras a
11 he most studied of these proposed interspecies systems, and has been proposed to regulate diverse functions such as biolu
12 ption factor Oct-1 is widely expressed in adult tissues and has been proposed to regulate a large group of target genes.
13                     Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2, bFGF) has been proposed to regulate wound healing and angiogenesis,
14       Endothelial cell junctional adhesion molecule (JAM)-C has been proposed to regulate neutrophil migration.
15                                                        Ca2+ has been proposed to regulate Na+ channels through the action
16 y as the balance of kinase/phosphatase activity and calpain has been proposed to regulate synaptic efficacy at glutamater
17                                                        CCM2 has been proposed to regulate the activity of RhoA for mainte
18                             The conserved Spt4-Spt5 complex has been proposed to regulate elongation through nucleosomes
19                                                This complex has been proposed to regulate recombination by disassembling
20 Dvl) and Dvl-associated activator of morphogenesis (Daam1), has been proposed to regulate cell actin cytoskeleton and mic
21 iption factor DNA replication-related element factor (DREF) has been proposed to regulate growth and replication in Droso
22                                                 This enzyme has been proposed to regulate the timing of quality control g
23                                                  Cyclic GMP has been proposed to regulate axonal development, but the mol
24                                                        HCII has been proposed to regulate coagulation or to participate i
25                  One of the most important, Sonic hedgehog, has been proposed to regulate myogenic precursor cell surviva
26 verexpressed in breast cancer, and their direct interaction has been proposed to regulate tumor cell survival.
27                                            This interaction has been proposed to regulate the size and the position of th
28                                                          It has been proposed to regulate aspects of oligodendrocyte proc
29 as already been implicated in mRNA translation whereas Larp has been proposed to regulate mRNA stability.
30                 Although a bistable gene regulatory network has been proposed to regulate the specification of either neu
31                                                        Pin1 has been proposed to regulate protein function by acceleratin
32                           Polo-like protein kinase 3 (Plk3) has been proposed to regulate entry into S phase and promote
33      Phosphorylation of the GluA1 subunit of AMPA receptors has been proposed to regulate receptor trafficking and synapt
34                                One such protein, recoverin, has been proposed to regulate RK activity contributing to ada
35                                                       RNF11 has been proposed to regulate TGF-beta signalling by interact
36                  However, putative nuclear modifier gene(s) has been proposed to regulate the phenotypic expression of th
37  the dentate molecular layer, semilunar granule cell (SGC), has been proposed to regulate dentate network activity patter
38                                     Hedgehog (Hh) signaling has been proposed to regulate self-renewal, survival, prolife
39 ction between Drosophila and mammals, Fat4-Dchs1 signalling has been proposed to regulate planar cell polarity (PCP) and
40        A highly conserved domain called the cysteine switch has been proposed to regulate MMP activity.
41 s (BNST), a major subdivision of the extended amygdala that has been proposed to regulate responses to anxiogenic environ
42        Dickkopf-1 (Dkk-1) is a secreted Wnt antagonist that has been proposed to regulate tissue homeostasis in the intes
43 f evolutionarily conserved transmembrane glycoproteins that has been proposed to regulate multiple aspects of cell motili
44 ric cation channel possesses a lipid-interaction motif that has been proposed to regulate receptor function.
45         Complexin is a conserved SNARE-binding protein that has been proposed to regulate both spontaneous and stimulus-e
46                   Alpha-endosulfine is a small protein that has been proposed to regulate ion channel activity and insuli
47                           The thyroid hormone receptor (TR) has been proposed to regulate expression of target genes in t
48           Binding of phospholipids to the PH domain of Vav1 has been proposed to regulate its GEF activity in vitro.
49 o demonstrate that beta-catenin Y142 phosphorylation, which has been proposed to regulate BCL9-2 binding, does not direct
50                                                Although Wt1 has been proposed to regulate EMT by repressing E-cadherin, w

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