


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 ndom mutagenesis followed by a filter-based screening assay has been used to identify a mutant of human class 1 aldehyde
2                                               This approach has been used to identify a rare (1.1%) G45R mutation in the
3 chniques, autofluorescence is best studied in the colon and has been used to identify adenomas and dysplasia in inflammat
4 significant determinant of T- and B-cell cooperation, CD154 has been used to identify allospecific T-cytotoxic memory cel
5                                                   Congo red has been used to identify amyloid fibrils in tissues for more
6                    Variable-temperature 1H NMR spectroscopy has been used to identify and quantify the barriers to the co
7                                      Here, a genetic screen has been used to identify Arabidopsis thaliana mutants that e
8 duction/resumption of thermal fluctuations of a force probe has been used to identify association/dissociation events of
9                                 Corneal confocal microscopy has been used to identify axonal degeneration in several peri
10                                 Additionally, phage display has been used to identify binders to plastic, TiO(2), and oth
11                     In the present work, Raman spectroscopy has been used to identify catalytically relevant changes in t
12                                                   MolBioLib has been used to identify causative single-nucleotide polymor
13                Single cell microfluidic impedance cytometry has been used to identify cells at high speed, on the basis o
14 tigen (SVT) interferes with normal cell regulation and thus has been used to identify cellular components controlling pro
15 a great extent, and quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis has been used to identify chromosomal regions containing gene
16                                   Site-directed mutagenesis has been used to identify components of Cox11 that are not re
17             In the past few years, diffusion tensor imaging has been used to identify correlations between white matter p
18                               Reduced rank regression (RRR) has been used to identify dietary patterns that predict varia
19                                                          It has been used to identify differential co-expression networks
20                                In the lung, lineage tracing has been used to identify distinct epithelial stem and progen
21                                               Whereas Tim-3 has been used to identify dysfunctional T cells, NK cells exp
22                                           Toxicity in yeast has been used to identify functional domains and elucidate th
23            The topological principle of community structure has been used to identify functional subnetworks in neuroimag
24        An expanded 'RXLR-like' motif [R/K/H]X[L/M/I/F/Y/W]X has been used to identify functional translocation motifs in
25                                     Transcriptome profiling has been used to identify genes expressed in pollen tubes elo
26 udied, and screening for mutations that affect this pattern has been used to identify genes involved in development and s
27                                   A transcriptomic approach has been used to identify genes predominantly expressed in ma
28                                  Local ancestry information has been used to identify genetic susceptibility loci.
29                                                Psi-analysis has been used to identify interresidue contacts in the transi
30 al thickness is a sensitive measure of brain structure that has been used to identify neurobiological abnormalities in a
31                     Rabies virus-based monosynaptic tracing has been used to identify neuronal circuits in various parts
32                                                          It has been used to identify new protein-coding sequences (CDSs)
33              Thus, CADD combined with experimental analysis has been used to identify novel inhibitors of the bacterial h
34 ermine changes in fungal infectivity of non-mammalian hosts has been used to identify novel virulence proteins used to in
35                                  Recently, genetic approach has been used to identify patients at increased risk of ACT.
36                      The assessment of myocardial viability has been used to identify patients with coronary artery disea
37                                      The structure of Fet3p has been used to identify possible amino acid residues respon
38                                      Dynamic network theory has been used to identify properties of dynamic brain functio
39                               A slow cycling characteristic has been used to identify SCs in hair follicles and sweat gla
40                  Chemoconvulsant-induced status epilepticus has been used to identify secondary epileptogenic mechanisms
41         Resonance enhanced second harmonic generation (SHG) has been used to identify solvation mechanisms at different s
42 liver significant advances in resolving these complexes: It has been used to identify some taxa as belonging to the same
43 e nonequilibrium thermal dissociation (NTD) approach, which has been used to identify specific microbial targets in mixed
44 ent protein Nestin serves as a biomarker for stem cells and has been used to identify subsets of cancer stem-like cells.
45                             The term "out-of-proportion" PH has been used to identify that population without a clear def
46 herichia coli strain that cannot scavenge hydrogen peroxide has been used to identify the cell processes that are most se
47                       Functional magnetic resonance imaging has been used to identify the different networks in the brain
48                                   DNA microarray technology has been used to identify the global gene expression profile
49                        Native state amide hydrogen exchange has been used to identify the most-protected core amide proto
50 een tested on 40 patients segmenting 555 electrodes, and it has been used to identify the neuroanatomical loci and to com

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