


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 ng EGF-like growth factor, and fatty acid binding protein-4-had been previously described as linked to the development of
2 o our knowledge have not been previously reported in BSI: 5 have been previously described in non-temperature-sensitive f
3                            Sixty-one of these changes (58%) had been previously described in normal controls.
4                     Four of the identified TP53 alterations have been previously described in the literature in probands
5 filtration (FI) often occur in diseased skeletal muscle and have been previously described in various animal models of Du
6                  Since a variety of states of B cell anergy have been previously described, a thorough examination of the
7 thrin, or components of the adaptor protein complex 2 (AP2) have been previously described in which the suite of disorder
8       cDNAs for Aggregate Spider Glue 1 (ASG1) and 2 (ASG2) have been previously described from the golden orb-weaver, Ne
9                    Quantum dot-doped particle bioconjugates have been previously described as fluorescent probes to ident
10                                Gastric polyposis and cancer have been previously described in some FAP-affected individua
11 dence and mortality after a Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) diagnosis have been previously described with partly conflicting result
12       Whereas nominal sequence identity between the enzymes had been previously described, the extent of structural homol
13 uniparental diploid male progeny of virgin triploid females have been previously described, this is the first report of b
14       Mitochondrial pseudogenes in the human nuclear genome have been previously described, mostly as a source of artifac
15          Only 3 of the 14 crystal structures presented here have been previously described.
16 benzene cores with a red-shifted cis-to-trans isomerization have been previously described, they have not yet been incorp
17                                    While these 2 mechanisms have been previously described in various cell types, we show
18 a MCH2X, where M = SiMe3, SnR3, and MgCl (the Julia method) have been previously described.
19                                        Two distinct methods have been previously described for using amino acid sequences
20          Megamitochondria with crystalline inclusions (MMC) have been previously described in nonalcoholic fatty liver; h
21                           Small molecule splicing modifiers have been previously described that target the general splici
22                                     Although BCL2 mutations have been previously described, their relationship to FL prog
23     Several mutants defective in this "dark repair" pathway have been previously described.
24 loop of pri-mir-30c-1 in breast and gastric cancer patients had been previously described to result in increased levels o
25                                           Thirteen patients have been previously described in the medical literature.
26 ithin drusen comprising lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins have been previously described.
27              The X-ray crystal structures for both proteins have been previously described as well as two essential MogA
28            Viral mutations that escape from CTL recognition have been previously described in humans infected with human
29 amage response gene ATR (exon 10 A10 mononucleotide repeat) have been previously described in endometrial and other cance
30 hat seems identical to what is currently defined as the RTN have been previously described.
31                                           Four of the seven have been previously described in sALS studies, while ACTG1,
32      Four activation-induced tyrosine phosphorylation sites have been previously described (Y472, Y771, Y783, and Y1254),
33                        Five of the telencephalic structures had been previously described as part of the budgerigar vocal
34                Some of the up-regulated genes in this study have been previously described in classical pancreatic carcin
35 ), and FTL1228 (iron-sulfur activator complex subunit SufD) have been previously described as virulence-associated factor
36 logical properties of mossy fibre-CA3 interneurone synapses have been previously described, an investigation into the qua
37 lso exquisitely sensitive to a prenyl peptide analogue that had been previously described as a potent inhibitor of the pr
38  anatomical space and found benchmarks of organization that had been previously described using physiology and anatomical
39 he MALDI-TOF MS spectrum consistently matched proteins that had been previously described in C. burnetii, one of them bei
40 e distinct from the GABAergic pretectogeniculate cells that have been previously described as being distributed within th
41 etina and is homologous to the blue cone bipolar cells that have been previously described in primate, mouse, and ground
42 our of the SREC reflects thixotropic stiffness changes that have been previously described in relaxed muscle.
43 lated to be secondary to the anti-inflammatory effects that have been previously described.
44 xceed their respective normal concentrations, although they had been previously described as uremic retention solutes.
45 ed CpG islands greater than 300 bp in length but only three have been previously described as targets for aberrant methyl
46  marrow/liver/thymus [BLT] mice and T cell-only mice [ToM]) have been previously described, and the third model was gener
47                                                  Many tools have been previously described for risk stratification, but f
48 ergy metabolism was found to be strikingly robust, and what have been previously described as latently activated Entner-D
49 iplex PCR assay in the D- phenotypes dCcee and dccEe (which have been previously described) and weak D phenotypes.
50               Eleven subjects were recruited, eight of whom have been previously described.

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