


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                  Transient brown adipocytes have been shown to be a critical regulator of this process in
2          Native T1 times (T1) by cardiac magnetic resonance have been shown to be a surrogate marker of diffuse myocardia
3 chia, deliberately introduced into Aedes aegyptimosquitoes, have been shown to be able to spread to high frequencies in m
4 persed on a Zr-based metal-organic framework (MOF) NU-1000, have been shown to be active for the oxidative dehydrogenatio
5                                     Red and processed meats have been shown to be associated with colorectal adenomas in
6 d-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and aromatic amino acids (AAAs) have been shown to be associated with insulin resistance and
7 ters of the left atrium and the left atrial appendage which have been shown to be associated with ischaemic stroke risk.
8      Maternal diabetes, genetic factors and some teratogens have been shown to be associated with its pathogenesis.
9          Chromosomal aberrations (CAs) in blood lymphocytes have been shown to be associated with overall cancer risk and
10 isodes of extreme weather in the Northern Hemisphere summer have been shown to be associated with the presence of high-am
11  T cells secreting multiple cytokines simultaneously, which have been shown to be associated with viral control, could be
12        Recently, however, cells of the innate immune system have been shown to be capable of displaying long-term functio
13                                            All of these TFs have been shown to be capable of promoting adipogenesis in cu
14                                      Furthermore, HA and NP have been shown to be concentrated in cholesterol-rich membra
15 e arcuate pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons in particular have been shown to be critical regulators of metabolism and r
16               The intercalated cells (ITCs) of the amygdala have been shown to be critical regulatory components of amygd
17                             T follicular helper (TFH) cells have been shown to be critically required for the germinal ce
18                       Urea-nucleobase stacking interactions have been shown to be crucial in urea-assisted RNA unfolding.
19                                                These models have been shown to be effective in patient management in prog
20                         Clinical Question: Which treatments have been shown to be effective in randomized clinical trials
21 f MODS is entirely supportive, and no specific therapeutics have been shown to be effective in reducing incidence or seve
22 ast 20 years, diabetes self-management education programmes have been shown to be efficacious and cost-effective in promo
23 nel on the vacuole membrane, whereas mammalian TPC channels have been shown to be endo/lysosomal Na(+)-selective or Ca(2+
24  anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) and anterior insula (AI), have been shown to be equally sensitive to the detection of s
25          Mechanistically, actin polymerization and turnover have been shown to be essential for force generation by T cel
26                                                 Macrophages have been shown to be essential for regeneration in salamande
27 in SUMOylation, N-terminal acetylation, and phosphorylation have been shown to be essential for the regulated assembly an
28                 Model metal/ceria and ceria/metal catalysts have been shown to be excellent systems for studying fundamen
29                                Peptidyl arginine deiminases have been shown to be hyperactive in neurodegenerative diseas
30                     Beyond classical immune functions, they have been shown to be important for organogenesis, spermatoge
31        RicA, RicF and RicT (previously YmcA, YlbF and YaaT) have been shown to be important regulatory proteins for multi
32 ERACTING FACTOR (PIF) family of transcription factors which have been shown to be involved in numerous signaling pathways
33 zed in the endoplasmic reticulum, where ABA 8'-hydroxylases have been shown to be localized, and that it functions as an
34                                 Quality improvement efforts have been shown to be more effective and sustainable when pai
35                  Neural circuits located in the spinal cord have been shown to be necessary and sufficient for the genera
36          The underlying rationale is that negative emotions have been shown to be particularly powerful in securing atten
37                                              These pathways have been shown to be perturbed in different ways in differen
38 cancer cells, can be isolated from the peripheral blood and have been shown to be powerful markers of disease progression
39           Gut-homing alpha4beta7(high) CD4(+) T lymphocytes have been shown to be preferentially targeted by human immuno
40                                       Several GAPs and GEFs have been shown to be present at the postsynaptic density (PS
41                             Gap size and mechanical loading have been shown to be related to lesion severity within in vi
42 n proposed as a general facet of enhancer function and some have been shown to be required for enhancer activity.
43 ly, zebrafish and human cytochrome P450 (P450) 27C1 enzymes have been shown to be retinoid 3,4-desaturases.
44                  Vaccines based on mRNA coding for antigens have been shown to be safe and immunogenic in preclinical mod
45                              Importantly, spatial abilities have been shown to be significant predictors of many life out
46 r glucuronides, N-glucuronides, and carbamoyl glucuronides, have been shown to be substrates or time-dependent inhibitors
47 volution of NB-LRR proteins, as only a few sequence changes have been shown to be sufficient to alter resistance specific
48                           Intriguingly, microtubule defects have been shown to be targeted for removal via severing enzym
49                    Immunoglobulin-cytokine fusion molecules have been shown to be the new generation of immunomodulating
50       Leukotrienes are proinflammatory lipid mediators that have been shown to be upregulated in several diseases, includ

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