


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 ing innate immunity in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, having established a principal role for a conserved PMK-1 p38
2                                                             Having established a quantitative understanding of wild-type
3                                                             Having established causality between long FSs and limbic epil
4          Two treatments for bulimia nervosa have emerged as having established efficacy: cognitive-behavioral therapy and
5                                                             Having established efficient lentivirus-mediated transfection
6                                                             Having established facial and hind-paw allodynia as a useful
7                                                       After having established that diabetes reduces cardiac NGF mRNA exp
8                                                             Having established that eosinophils contain MVBs, our aim was
9                                                             Having established that N(2)O-induced release of norepinephri
10                                                             Having established that RBS and SC are caused by mutations in
11                                                             Having established that S3 protein contains an N-glycosylase
12                                                             Having established that the initiator codon assigned to ark1(
13                                                             Having established that the nested PCRs could detect single m
14                                                             Having established that the presence of cocaine in a 10% (wt/
15                                                             Having established that the SFKs target Ald6p, they were used
16                                                             Having established that the two pad impedance cardiogram syst
17                                                             Having established that UCN-01 acted through Cdc2, we next as
18                                                             Having established the absence of crossreactivity with relate
19                                                             Having established the biological activity of BP, in vitro st
20                                                             Having established the effect of disulfide bonds on stability
21                                                             Having established the formation of glycine homo-oligopeptide
22                                                             Having established the linkage to chromosome 10q24, we restri
23                                                             Having established the parameters for LC-MRM MS, we quantifie
24                                                             Having established the relevant concept of stability, we repo
25                                                             Having established the robustness and generality of these res
26                                                             Having established the safety and feasibility of minimally in
27                                                             Having established the specificity of the Affymetrix system f
28                                                             Having established the strong affinity of the arylthio inhibi
29                                                             Having established this we proceed to investigate the involve
30                                                             Having established yeast as an in vivo reconstitution system,

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