


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e pain by coughing, breath-holding or sudden head movement).
2  subjects with different predispositions for head movement.
3 easured attenuation correction, or excessive head movement.
4 o track directional heading based on angular head movement.
5 r the correct translational component of the head movement.
6 ere studied during a task requiring vertical head movement.
7 nalysis approaches, but heavily dependent on head movement.
8  175 ms period one visual latency before the head movement.
9 echanosensors for the detection of sound and head movement.
10  a member of the skeletomuscular family, the head movement.
11  mechanoreceptor cells that detect sound and head movement.
12  added difficulty imposed by our own eye and head movements.
13  distinguish actively generated from passive head movements.
14 ccurate self-motion estimation during active head movements.
15 symmetry of whisker movements in response to head movements.
16 ary and become increasingly important during head movements.
17 ive visual neurons regulate gaze-stabilizing head movements.
18 tural and functionally relevant bandwidth of head movements.
19  integrating sensory inputs to guide eye and head movements.
20 lar reflexes stabilize retinal images during head movements.
21 to maintain stable binocular fixation during head movements.
22 le imaging was possible except during sudden head movements.
23 rt, on angular path integration of the rat's head movements.
24 n lens optical density, pupil size, or small head movements.
25 een shown to stabilize vision during angular head movements.
26 of a number of different behaviors involving head movements.
27 otor system, was proposed for the control of head movements.
28  channels to mediate perception of sound and head movements.
29  in reality they are seated and only allowed head movements.
30 ntly encoded tilt, rather than translational head movements.
31 uires efference copies of self-generated eye/head movements.
32 ay from the stimulus and suppresses foraging head movements.
33                 Patients should avoid sudden head movements.
34  quickly reverses and suppresses exploratory head movements [1, 2].
35 ar drift is largely unaffected by fixational head movements [14].
36  These "whisking" movements are modulated by head movement [4] and by vibrissal sensory input [5, 6]
37                            During horizontal head movements, abducens motoneurons form the final elem
38    As we navigate through the world, eye and head movements add rotational velocity patterns to the r
39 dicts that saccadic eye movements and normal head movements after vitrectomy and gas tamponade genera
40                               Versatility of head movements allows for better manipulation of food an
41  standing balance, vestibular signals encode head movement and are transformed into coordinates that
42  As bridge B1a is predicted to constrain 30S head movement and B4, B7a and B8 are predicted to constr
43 tural MRI and FDG-PET were less sensitive to head movement and had superior diagnostic accuracy than
44 nlocked (transition) state involves both 30S head movement and intersubunit rotation.
45 iring rates of cells that carry both sensory head movement and motor-like signals during rotation wer
46              Mechanical stimuli generated by head movements and changes in sound pressure are detecte
47 in the vestibular system (hair cells) encode head movements and drive central motor reflexes that con
48 encoding of signals generated during natural head movements and for comparison with coding strategies
49         Here, we show that tyramine inhibits head movements and forward locomotion through the activa
50 estibular hair cells in the inner ear encode head movements and mediate the sense of balance.
51 ell system receive information about angular head movements and that this information be combined wit
52 ception flights to catchable prey, while the head movements and the predictive takeoff ensure flights
53                             Vertical eye and head movements and torsional head movements were not as
54 s obtained when subjects produced full-sized head movements and were reduced when subjects were instr
55 ic activation of HS cells elicits robust yaw head movements and yaw turning responses in fixed and te
56 -pharyngeal pumping, defecation, locomotion, head movement, and avoidance response to an aversive sti
57  affecting olfaction as well as mastication, head movement, and ventilation, and suggest evolutionary
58 r organs always transduce the same signal of head movement, and with natural stimuli can only be acti
59  develop the idea of a neural integrator for head movements, and finally discuss its putative role in
60 .0 mg/kg progressively increased locomotion, head movements, and sniffing, whereas after 5.0 mg/kg be
61  given HC can respond to cues such as sound, head movements, and water pressure.
62                                        Rigid head movements appear particularly useful for categoriza
63 natural head-free fixation, when microscopic head movements are also continually present [11-13].
64 urrently without any apparent tradeoffs when head movements are coupled correctly with the movements
65                   Evidence also emerged that head movements are not directly controlled by visual inp
66               The neural systems controlling head movements are not well delineated in humans.
67                                              Head movements are primarily sensed in a reference frame
68 nding challenges a long-held assumption that head movements are simply an unintended consequence of u
69  a backward escape response in which lateral head movements are suppressed.
70 e enhanced behavioral recovery observed when head movements are voluntary versus unexpected.
71 c recordings showed essential elimination of head movement artifacts from the recorded eye movements.
72 rse stochastic patterns in their spontaneous head movements as early as 1-2 months after birth, relat
73  PV cells were nearly as sensitive to active head movements as they were to passive head movements du
74           Mammalian vestibular organs detect head movements at frequencies well below 10 Hz.
75 ot direction, plus a standardized regimen of head movements at increased G-stress.
76 ings with a head tracking system showed that head movements, at least up to some extent, do not influ
77 or colliculus generates and controls eye and head movements based on signals from different senses.
78                  A more precise knowledge of head movement behavior during apparent eye-only saccades
79 fferentially sensitive to active and passive head movements both during and after gaze saccades due p
80 ype II PV neurons were insensitive to active head movements both during and after gaze saccades.
81 motor events including locomotion, grooming, head movement, chewing, auditory stimuli, and whisker mo
82 ginates downstream of the point in which the head movement command diverges from the generalized gaze
83             We found that normal humans make head movements consistent with the neural integrator hyp
84                                              Head movement-corrected, resting-state fMRI data were ac
85                      Both horizontal eye and head movements discriminated well between PALs and the S
86          Excluding the quartile with largest head movement, DMN activity was decreased in VS/UWS comp
87                                              Head movement during a PET scan (especially a dynamic sc
88 poken response for the purpose of minimizing head movement during functional MRI (fMRI).
89 owever, that even small (</=1 mm) amounts of head movement during scanning can disproportionately bia
90  a mechanism for separate control of eye and head movements during and after saccadic gaze shifts.
91 esence of a population of minor ("residual") head movements during eye-only saccades, distinct from t
92 sition shifts compensating for brief passive head movements during fixations.
93 cheme of highly lateralized coding of linear head movements during late development.
94 horizontal, vertical, and torsional in-plane head movements during pupil and iris crypt-based video-o
95 he dynamic interactions of eye movements and head movements during reading with the PALs appear to be
96 ctive head movements as they were to passive head movements during saccades.
97 P and EHV neurons were insensitive to active head movements during saccadic gaze shifts, and exhibite
98  neurons were less sensitive to on-direction head movements during the VOR after gaze saccades, while
99 d exhibited asymmetric sensitivity to active head movements following the gaze shift.
100                 Translational and rotational head movement, frequency, and B0 shim were determined wi
101 ated and translated to remove the effects of head movement from eye movement data.
102                              Sudden, jerking head movements generate fluid shear forces similar to re
103 ent composition of three types of horizontal head movements generated by nonhuman primates: head-alon
104 nly saccades, distinct from the continuum of head movements generated during frank eye-head saccades.
105 r ear contains sensory epithelia that detect head movements, gravity and sound.
106  mechanical information carried by sound and head movements has not been illuminated.
107     Although driven by internal estimates of head movements, head direction cells must be kept aligne
108  more stereotyped behavior such as biting or head movements in D2L-/- mice (which express only D2S) t
109 y of firing dynamics observed in response to head movements in intact animals reflects intrinsic as w
110 e also show that the complicated patterns of head movements in patients with cervical dystonia can be
111 uantify the ethology of exploratory nose and head movements in relation to breathing.
112                Mutants that fail to suppress head movements in response to touch are caught more effi
113  (VOR) was studied during active and passive head movements in squirrel monkeys.
114 , in opposing directions, when subjects made head movements in the opposite direction to target movem
115 e, we studied the encoding of self-generated head movements in the rat caudal cerebellar vermis, an a
116          Eye movements were initiated before head movements in the SP condition, and the reverse was
117 neurons exhibited an enhanced sensitivity to head movements in their on direction.
118 gaze-evoked eye nystagmus was identified for head movements; in which the head could not be held stea
119     In hair cells of the inner ear, sound or head movement increases tension in fine filaments termed
120  reading performance and on the combined eye-head movements initiated during reading.
121 he mechanical stimuli of sound, gravity, and head movement into electrical signals.
122 chanical forces arising from sound waves and head movement into electrochemical signals to provide ou
123 gest that there is a mechanism that converts head movement into the axonemal sliding motion.
124 een vestibular symptoms, such as vertigo and head-movement intolerance, and migraine symptoms, such a
125         Mechanical force from sound waves or head movements is conveyed to hair-cell transduction cha
126   However, due to its relative resistance to head movements, it is promising for studies investigatin
127 ate inner ear, the ability to detect angular head movements lies in the three semicircular canals and
128           There is preliminary evidence that head movement may be the component critical to recovered
129 accades due primarily to an input related to head movement motor commands.
130 l behavior: They increased the occurrence of head movements, mouthing, and hindlimb stepping.
131 ignals, all critical for detecting the small head movements needed to control human balance.
132 rtraining, similar to our previous report of head movement neurons during acquired, skilled, instrume
133 c magnetic field strength, requiring neither head movement nor dynamic change in magnetic field stren
134 t that these components, sound and patterned head movement, occur together in a highly integrated fas
135 coil technique, we measured eye, eyelid, and head movements of 10 patients who developed selective pa
136           We show that RIA spatially encodes head movement on a subcellular scale through axonal comp
137 luence of sound source distance and speed of head movement on auditory cortical activity and spatial
138 sate for the confounding effects of rotatory head movements on optic flow.
139 notypes of mutant worms that have defects in head movement or mechanosensation.
140  sonar beam control is generally achieved by head movements or shape changes of the sound-emitting mo
141 ts were related to physiological pulsations, head movements, or machine noise.
142 rvations suggest that the drive for residual head movements originates downstream of the point in whi
143 pike signals were examined during sinusoidal head movement paired with visual image movement at stimu
144 ding-related parameters, as well as eye- and head-movement parameters, were adversely affected by the
145 s designs was investigated regarding eye and head movement patterns and compared with movement patter
146                                              Head movement presents a continuing problem in PET studi
147 xhibited distinctive responses during active head movements produced during and after gaze saccades.
148  talk, their changing facial expressions and head movements provide dynamic cues for recognition.
149                                              Head movements provoke optic field flow signals that ent
150 d a higher degree of eye movement and higher head movement rate likely because a smaller retinal area
151      We characterized retinal configuration, head movement rate, and degree of eye movement of 29 bir
152 an rely on internal expectations about their head movements, rather than vestibular sensations, to se
153 erentation (UVD) underwent binocular eye and head movement recordings with 3-D magnetic search coils.
154  demonstrated 1.5, 2, and 2.5 times stronger head movement, respectively, than did young control subj
155 across 55 ribosome structures shows that 30S head movement results from flexing at two hinge points l
156                       These eye movement and head movement results may contribute to the reduced read
157 ra-retinal drive to generate smooth gaze and head movements scaled to target velocity.
158 ional movements (eg, facial muscle activity, head movements, shoulder shrugs).
159 ia, which proposed that the abnormalities of head movements stem from a malfunctioning head neural in
160                             Eye movement and head movement strategies and timing were contingent on v
161 submovement composition studies from limb to head movements, suggesting that submovement composition
162  two distinct motor programs, locomotion and head movements that are critical for a C. elegans escape
163 form of locomotion and individually distinct head movements that give the eyes a similar series of vi
164 ng flight turns, Drosophila perform a set of head movements that require silencing their gaze-stabili
165 urons during acquired, skilled, instrumental head movements that ultimately became habitual.
166                              Like full-sized head movements, the residual movements grew in proportio
167 es randomly, but compensates for microscopic head movements, thereby yielding highly correlated movem
168 chanical forces arising from sound waves and head movement to provide our senses of hearing and balan
169 atency, hypometric amplitude, and the use of head movements to initiate gaze shifts), impaired fixati
170  coil technique were used to measure eye and head movements to sound sources.
171 ty and amplitude of both the eye saccade and head movement toward the target.
172 mals failed to result in gain adaptation for head movements toward the side of the lesion.
173                       The first two types of head movements tracked a moving target, whereas the last
174 scharged at a significantly slower rate than head-movement units during both quiet rest and periods o
175 haracterized by prominent up-and-down linear head movements (vertical translations).
176 als from the vestibular system about ongoing head movements (vestibulo-ocular reflex).
177                                              Head movement was compensated by using coregistration be
178                    During head tracking, the head movement was composed of a series of episodes, each
179 t, during eye-head combined gaze shifts, the head movement was often comprised of overlapping submove
180              The proportion of long-distance head movements was increased by low doses but decreased
181                              The duration of head movements was longer with the PAL-II than with the
182 g correspondence between intended and actual head movement we revealed a fourfold increase in the wei
183 for mapping brain activation patterns during head movements, we conducted fMRI scans during isometric
184    Vestibular signals related to the passive head movement were faithfully encoded by vestibular nucl
185   Preoperative disability and restriction of head movement were negatively correlated and the initial
186 ects on striatal neurons related to vertical head movement were studied during a task requiring verti
187                                              Head movements were constrained to the frontal plane wit
188                                              Head movements were measured with a triaxial rate sensor
189 ecorded by a head-mounted eye tracker, while head movements were monitored by a motion capture system
190                                              Head movements were monitored by tracking black adhesive
191 ertical eye and head movements and torsional head movements were not as discriminatory as were their
192                                      Eye and head movements were recorded for performance analyses th
193                           Horizontal eye and head movements were recorded objectively and simultaneou
194                                      Eye and head movements were recorded with search coils in three
195 the trajectories could be very different and head movements were significantly more variable than gaz
196 occurs concurrently with quantum dot-labeled head movement, whereas the other occurs with movement of
197  in vestibular reflexes respond to identical head movements with a wide range of firing responses.
198                                              Head movements with PALs for the SP condition were simil
199  detect or discriminate small differences in head movement, with little noise added during downstream

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