


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 and generate traveling waves that decay from head to tail.
2 while extension movements elongate them from head to tail.
3 pidermal growth factor-like domains oriented head to tail.
4 ture to appear in a progressive fashion from head to tail.
5 e sheet to scan an unfolded biomolecule from head to tail.
6 t-like arrangement with Xis monomers aligned head to tail.
7 ody axis mediolaterally and elongate it from head to tail.
8 ng faces, six have such DAD vectors arranged head-to-tail.
9   The dimerization of methyl acrylate to the head-to-tail 2-methylene-pentanedioic acid dimethyl este
10    Although most duplications are positioned head-to-tail adjacent to the original locus, those that
11 merization driven by the C terminus, and the head-to-tail alignment of adjacent molecules.
12 rmation-dependent maturation from an initial head-to-tail alignment to a stable approximately one-thi
13 pomyosin is a coiled-coil protein that binds head-to-tail along the length of actin filaments in euka
14 inity and likely further disrupt the tubulin head-to-tail alpha/beta dimer-dimer interaction by virtu
15  by a cohesive primordium that migrates from head to tail and deposits future neuromasts at intervals
16 ation, contains two GAGGC sequences arranged head to tail and separated by a 7-bp AT-rich sequence.
17 ences, which allowed the polymers to connect head-to-tail and form supramolecular nanostructures.
18 nd monomer to bind in multiple orientations (head-to-tail and head-to-head), depending on the specifi
19 ked via K6, K11, K27, K29, or K33, or linked head-to-tail), and no structural information on these ch
20              A distribution of head-to-head, head-to-tail, and tail-to-tail regiochemistries was dete
21 hains linked via K29, K33, or K63, or linked head-to-tail are unable to form such a contact due to st
22 am distance and orientation (head-to-head or head-to-tail) are important for the promoter architectur
23                                         This head-to-tail arrangement along the c-direction places th
24                        Within each trimer, a head-to-tail arrangement causes the RFK and FMNAT cataly
25                                    We find a head-to-tail arrangement in the concatemers and circular
26 se data is that UL9 dimers are oriented in a head-to-tail arrangement in which the N terminus is in c
27 The structure shows a stable 2-fold dimer in head-to-tail arrangement of a triose-phosphate isomerase
28 nds of the heptamer, our findings indicate a head-to-tail arrangement of elongated Nup84 complexes in
29 -sheet arrangement along the b-direction and head-to-tail arrangement of such beta-sheets along the c
30           Diffraction studies elucidated the head-to-tail arrangement of the coiled-coil linear stran
31 f the two protomers rather than the expected head-to-tail arrangement seen in nuclear receptors bound
32                                          The head-to-tail arrangement was disfavored by adding site-d
33 n-protein contacts to stack along dsRNA in a head-to-tail arrangement, and that the signaling domain
34          The duplications are typically in a head-to-tail arrangement, and they vary in size and gene
35 iation of the two NBDs, forming a dimer in a head-to-tail arrangement, with two nucleotides "sandwich
36  likely accompanies complex formation on the head-to-tail array of binding sites in oriCII.
37 AAV genomes were arranged predominantly in a head-to-tail array, with deletions and extensive rearran
38 es, but the adjacent downstream element in a head-to-tail array.
39 rs of different gene families, arranged in a head-to-tail array.
40 anspositions to chromosome ends produce long head to tail arrays of these elements.
41  and presumably involved in the formation of head-to-tail arrays of migrating cells.
42 complicated due to multilayer formations and head-to-tail assemblies resulting from the strong fuller
43 mplications due to multilayer formations and head-to-tail assemblies were revealed.
44 in of a second molecule, thus permitting the head-to-tail assembly of 3Dpol monomers into long fibers
45                                            A head-to-tail association has also been reported for EBP5
46 rms of the monomer; second, they mediate the head-to-tail association of monomers to form the elongat
47 decorated with an anti-FLAG antibody reveals head-to-tail association with mean distances between the
48 anslocation, with IgH Cmu and Pvt-1 oriented head to tail at the breakpoint, resulting in an elevated
49 cation, resulting in multiple genomes linked head to tail at the cos site.
50 l data for mammalian myosin V suggest that a head-to-tail autoinhibitory interaction is a primary mea
51 nts displayed a pronounced shortening of the head-to-tail axis as well as compression, flattening, an
52 d the subsequent formation of the embryonic (head to tail) axis.
53 llowed the assignment of the rostral/caudal (head-to-tail) axis for the first time.
54                            The rostrocaudal (head-to-tail) axis is supplied by populations of progeni
55 suggesting that the mutation interferes with head-to-tail beta-tropomyosin polymerization and with ov
56 cis,syndiotactic microstructure with minimal head-to-tail bias was observed.
57                            Elongation of the head-to-tail body axis by convergent extension is a cons
58                                          The head-to-tail body axis of vertebrates is elongated in em
59 bile acids with the steroid backbone flipped head to tail, both of which have important functional ra
60 bound dodecanethiolate ligands as well as of head-to-tail bound R-S-R molecules.
61 s, or pinocytosis, inhibits the formation of head-to-tail cell streams during cAMP-induced aggregatio
62 i) There is an increasing cranial-to-caudal (head-to-tail) cell-autonomous motility gradient, with ca
63 cked streams in which cells are organized in head-to-tail chains.
64 the structure of MccJ25 was reported to be a head-to-tail circle, cyclo(-G(1)GAGHVPEYF(10)VGIGTPISFY(
65 gamma di- and triterpene synthases; the zeta head-to-tail cis-prenyl transferases that produce the ci
66 rmed during re-replication are the result of head-to-tail collisions and collapse of adjacent replica
67 neous recombinant allele, V99A(T)/V99A(T), a head-to-tail concatemer of three V99A targeting construc
68 mplification of loci 3, 4, 6, and 8 produced head-to-tail concatemeric intermediates; loci 1, 2, and
69 e (nt) sequence found at the junction of the head-to-tail concatemers of T7 genomic DNA generated dur
70 mosome (BAC) was based on circularization of head-to-tail concatemers of VAC DNA.
71 ted leading to formation and accumulation of head-to-tail concatemers, in addition to the usual head-
72 iphosphate synthase catalyzes the sequential head-to-tail condensation of two molecules of isopenteny
73 ate (FPP) synthase catalyzes the consecutive head-to-tail condensations of isopentenyl diphosphate (I
74 d in vivo that linking two LpL monomers in a head to tail configuration creates a functional LpL.
75 demonstrate that NBD1 and NBD2 interact in a head-to-tail configuration analogous to that in homodime
76 equence homology, the genes are aligned in a head-to-tail configuration and joined by chromosomal rea
77 and rat-human chimeric PXR cDNAs in a tandem head-to-tail configuration were created using a random c
78                       The NBDs dimerize in a head-to-tail configuration, forming two ATP binding pock
79                                   This novel head-to-tail conformation masked the interaction of both
80 otion of the cohesin ring is able to adopt a head-to-tail conformation, in agreement with experimenta
81 pothesis that EL is active as a homodimer in head-to-tail conformation.
82 yrazole with an oxalyl spacer and a trimeric head-to-tail connected aminopyrazole, of nine similar am
83 n whether EPs are made of one (4, 5) or two "head-to-tail"-connected pyridinium rings (6-10), the nat
84 nd CO(2), yielding iso-enriched PPC with 94% head-to-tail connectivity.
85 0 A-long helical tail structure to reach the head-to-tail connector.
86                      D1 and D2 are connected head-to-tail consistent with a cooperative and vectorial
87 amagnetic in the solid due to close (3.26 A) head-to-tail contact between Ru pyridine planes of neigh
88     Adjacent, horizontally oriented MDs form head-to-tail contacts and repress ClpB activity by preve
89 , methyl 3,4-epoxybutanoate, displayed 91.8% head-to-tail content and a lower Tg of 18 degrees C.
90 ely debond from a surface by stimuli-induced head-to-tail continuous depolymerization of poly(benzyl
91 enic Marek's disease viruses (MDVs) have two head-to-tail copies of a 132-bp repeat.
92 ence of a SWNT, followed by the formation of head-to-tail covalent bonds, yielding closed rings on th
93 ilar three-helix-junction elements associate head-to-tail, creating a trough that cradles two c-di-AM
94 e disulfide bond, respectively, within their head-to-tail cyclic backbones.
95 ino acid degenerated repeat constrained by a head-to-tail cyclic peptide backbone and two cross-braci
96                                MCoTI-II is a head-to-tail cyclic peptide with potent trypsin inhibito
97  date, the most commonly used method for the head-to-tail cyclization of peptides has been native che
98                                              Head-to-tail cyclization of the mu opioid receptor (MOR)
99 angement mechanism is thought to be due to a head-to-tail cyclization reaction, where the N-terminal
100                Circular proteins, defined as head-to-tail cyclized polypeptides originating from ribo
101 om the decapeptide tyrocidine synthetase, 13 head-to-tail cyclized tyrocidine derivatives were obtain
102                                              Head-to-tail cyclodimerization of resin-bound oligopepti
103                             Since Rings with head-to-tail DADs would be unlikely to self-assemble or
104                                   Continuous head-to-tail depolymerization provides faster rates of r
105     The polymers in these networks undergo a head-to-tail depolymerization upon removal of the trigge
106 omplex form consisting of two genomes joined head-to-tail) despite their close association with human
107 how that a geometric constraint-exclusion of head-to-tail dihedral angle discrepancies (DADs)-explain
108 ticle, we proposed that fullerene cages with head-to-tail dihedral angle discrepancies do not self-as
109 symmetry-related actin-actin contacts form a head to tail dimer that is strikingly similar to the lon
110               Models of Itk suggest either a head to tail dimer, with the SH2 domain interacting with
111 al structure of MAP-1, which also contains a head-to-tail dimer approximately 146 A long.
112         NK1, which is a Met agonist, forms a head-to-tail dimer complex in crystal structures and mut
113 C222 and has a structure very similar to the head-to-tail dimer in the P2(1) unit cell.
114 e ligand-receptor fusion forms a reciprocal, head-to-tail dimer that provides a reservoir of inactive
115 rate, showing that two FAN1 molecules form a head-to-tail dimer to locate the lesion, orient the DNA
116                        NK1 crystallizes as a head-to-tail dimer with an extensive inter-protomeric in
117 )7B89 reveals a tightly associated, extended head-to-tail dimer, which is stabilized via pair-wise sh
118 olved in protein/protein interactions in its head-to-tail dimer.
119 t the CvaB CTD formed a nucleotide-dependent head-to-tail dimer.
120 ead stacked dimer, and the third as a single head-to-tail dimer.
121                                           A "head-to-tail" dimer ([M + H]+ at m/z 217) was exhibited
122 sphocholine (PC) groups forms a macrocyclic "head-to-tail" dimer stabilized by NH(urea)...OP(PC) hydr
123 he nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) form a "head-to-tail" dimer upon binding ATP; and the cytoplasmi
124 Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is a 448-amino-acid head-to-tail dimeric enzyme that hydrolyzes triglyceride
125                            4c-e catalyze the head-to-tail dimerization of tert-butyl acetylene by an
126 l in which EcoPrrC toxicity is contingent on head-to-tail dimerization of the NTPase domains to form
127                                 A reversible head-to-tail dimerization of the O-nitrooxide to the 1,2
128 sertion of ED-B appears to stabilize overall head-to-tail dimerization of two separate Fn chains, whi
129 tion of the holoprotein structure because of head-to-tail dimerization under the conditions of the NM
130                                 Spontaneous "head-to-tail" dimerization of these dyes via the formati
131             In contrast to the antiparallel (head-to-tail) dimerization reported previously for the o
132 cyclopentenone, forming their respective exo head-to-tail dimers in high conversion.
133 o suppress the influence of the attractive, 'head-to-tail', dipolar interactions.
134 id-state NMR not only confirms that there is head-to-tail disorder of the C identical withN groups pr
135        The quaternary structure of GabR is a head-to-tail domain-swap homodimer.
136 hat differ in the overall orientation of the head to tail domains.
137 ents, respectively, allows a head-to-head or head-to-tail double helix to be generated.
138 oposed that the ori DNA is first melted by a head-to-tail double trimer of E1 that evolves into two h
139  coordinating rhythmic undulatory waves from head to tail during forward movement.
140 ster substrates and afford the corresponding head-to-tail (E,E)-dimeric (and trimeric) macrocycles.
141 pase structures suggests a structure for the head-to-tail EL homodimer that is consistent with the ex
142                                  Because the head-to-tail exclusion rule is an implicit geometric con
143 gon pairs, we prove that for all n > 60, the head-to-tail exclusion rule permits only (and all) fulle
144 elf-assemble, we proposed a hypothesis, the "head-to-tail exclusion rule" (the "Rule").
145 y that obeys the IPR may be explained by the head-to-tail exclusion rule, a geometric constraint.
146 wer, we described a geometric constraint-the head-to-tail exclusion rule-that permits self-assembly o
147 n this process, cells orient themselves in a head to tail fashion as they are migrating to form aggre
148 opose that peptide helices are arranged in a head to tail fashion to cover the edge of the disc.
149 ber is formed by PitB monomers associated in head-to-tail fashion and that short, flexible fibers can
150  assemble trimeric coiled-coil peptides in a head-to-tail fashion into linear strands with interstran
151  structure revealed two molecules bound in a head-to-tail fashion on opposite sides of the DNA.
152 bp-long arrays of tandem repeats arranged in head-to-tail fashion separated by an intergenic spacer (
153 ers built of tubulin dimers that attach in a head-to-tail fashion to form protofilaments, which furth
154 mer composed of multiple genomes linked in a head-to-tail fashion, and terminase enzymes perform two
155 determinant of their ability to migrate in a head-to-tail fashion, requires vesicular trafficking.
156 interlocking interfaces with G5 domains in a head-to-tail fashion, resulting in a contiguous, elongat
157 ophobicity of the (iPr)Th group, occurs in a head-to-tail fashion, the formyl headgroups being locate
158 r complex, the two PDZ domains interact in a head-to-tail fashion, with an internal sequence from the
159  with neighboring molecules interacting in a head-to-tail fashion.
160 ng composed of eight heptamers arranged in a head-to-tail fashion.
161 h sequence similarity and are organized in a head-to-tail fashion.
162 tein composites by fusion of polypeptides in head-to-tail fashion.
163                     FtsZ monomers polymerize head to tail forming tubulin-like dynamic protofilaments
164 ms such as mammals, only a small fraction of head-to-tail genes have retained a short upstream distan
165 eosomes that flank the core promoter than do head-to-tail genes.
166 most cpDNA in genome-sized linear molecules, head-to-tail genomic concatemers, and complex branched f
167 e, with the dimerized anthracenes assuming a head-to-tail geometry, as evidenced by NMR spectroscopy
168 (t1/2 approximately 10(7) y),(5) of the 1-4 "head-to-tail" glycosidic linkages that join the common g
169 find the ends of linear genomic monomers and head-to-tail (h-t) concatemers within inverted repeat se
170              A construct encoding a covalent head-to-tail homodimer of EL (EL-EL) was expressed and h
171  whereas i-PrLi/(+)-sparteine surrogate is a head-to-tail homodimer.
172                      Remarkably, despite the head-to-tail homology shared with several fungal and bac
173  determinations of the head-to-head (HH) and head-to-tail (HT) adducts of dirhodium tetraacetate with
174 ed by biomimetic heterocycle-hydroxycarbonyl head-to-tail hydrogen-bonding.
175  form sensory structures, that migrates from head to tail in the zebrafish embryo.
176 atic poly(carbamates) that depolymerize from head-to-tail in low dielectric constant environments whe
177 of alphabeta-tubulin heterodimers that align head-to-tail in the MT wall, forming linear protofilamen
178  V Myo2p to reveal that it is regulated by a head-to-tail interaction and that loss of regulation ren
179 pact ring-shaped tetramer featuring a unique head-to-tail interaction at its center that replicates t
180 n which protocadherin cis-dimers engage in a head-to-tail interaction between EC1-EC4 domains from ap
181 temporal regulation of myosin V in vivo by a head-to-tail interaction is critical for the normal deli
182 a7, beta6, and beta8), revealing a canonical head-to-tail interaction mode for homophilic trans dimer
183 of the two halves of the Venus molecule, the head-to-tail interaction of NC-Venus-ICP27 locks ICP27 i
184 at occurs in vivo and likely disrupts NHERF1 head-to-tail interaction.
185 the assembly of the dodecamer occurs through head-to-tail interactions of the bipolar monomers.
186 ent structure, most likely requiring unusual head-to-tail interactions.
187 pha motif (SAM) domains, revealing versatile head-to-tail interactions.
188                                              Head-to-tail interchain disulfide bonds link subunits wi
189 re used to functionally evaluate directional head-to-tail intermolecular viral genome concatamerizati
190 ceptor photobleaching that ICP27 undergoes a head-to-tail intramolecular interaction but not head-to-
191 the N and C termini of ICP27 could undergo a head-to-tail intramolecular interaction that exists in o
192 tion, branching, or cyclobutanation have non-head-to-tail (irregular) skeletons.
193 n), the 4,1'-dipyridinium isomer (so-called "head-to-tail" isomer) undergoes two electron transfers a
194 udy of the H8 (1)H NMR resonance for the HT (head-to-tail) isomer of Rh(2)(OAc)(2)(5'-GMP)(2), are co
195 or PSPP ionization; and the observation that head-to-tail isoprenoid synthases as well as terpene cyc
196 en described as card-packed H-aggregates and head-to-tail J-aggregates, respectively.
197  Here, using RT-PCR and sequence analyses of head-to-tail-ligated (-) strands, we show that after tra
198 ficiency of dual-vector gene expression from head-to-tail linear and/or circular heterodimers.
199 on origins on linear molecules to generate a head-to-tail linear concatemer, followed by recombinatio
200                                Although the "head-to-tail" linear complexes display classic J-aggrega
201 ry can be captured by a free subunit through head-to-tail linkage of juxtaposed amino (N)- and carbox
202 licative intermediates that are comprised of head-to-tail linked genomes.
203 erial cells we reveal the predicted chain of head-to-tail linked subunits in the transit channel of f
204 d by the known structures of K48-, K63-, and head-to-tail-linked chains.
205  information on the crystal structure of the head-to-tail-linked diubiquitin (Ub(2)).
206 licative intermediates that are comprised of head-to-tail-linked genomes.
207                                              Head-to-tail-linked polyubiquitins (Ubq1-11) were used t
208 role in the assembly and/or stabilization of head-to-tail lipase homodimers.
209 ed and larger fragments an isomerization to "head-to-tail" macrocycles is observed (see picture).
210 C TE, retains autonomous ability to catalyze head-to-tail macrocyclization of a linear peptide thioes
211 eport that peptoids undergo highly efficient head-to-tail macrocyclization reactions.
212       We analyze the relevance of the CaFADS head-to-tail macromolecular interfaces to stabilization
213 al how the dimeric unit self-associates in a head-to-tail manner and demonstrate the importance of se
214 to group migration in which cells align in a head-to-tail manner to form streams.
215 ial cytoskeletal protein FtsZ assembles in a head-to-tail manner, forming dynamic filaments that are
216 omposed of repeating monomers assembled in a head-to-tail manner.
217 ster of three intronless genes arranged in a head-to-tail manner.
218 cuments that GABARAP can self-associate in a head-to-tail manner.
219 moted by pentanucleotide pairs arranged in a head-to-tail manner.
220 ntrast to the previously proposed asymmetric head-to-tail model.
221 pening of the split channels, firmly linking head-to-tail NBD1-NBD2 association to channel opening.
222 TERT can form head-to-head, tail-to-tail and head-to-tail oligomers in vitro, implying that E.crassus
223  of target site orientation (head-to-head or head-to-tail) on the TPM behavior of synapsed DNA molecu
224 ongation is a conserved process in which the head-to-tail or anterior-posterior (AP) axis of an embry
225  limited, the cycloadditions proceed to give head-to-tail or head-to-head regioisomers, depending on
226  diphosphate (CPP), a monoterpene with a non-head-to-tail or irregular c1'-2-3 linkage between isopre
227 d-to-tail intramolecular interaction but not head-to-tail or tail-to-tail intermolecular interactions
228 presence of two genes that are arranged in a head to tail orientation.
229 mammaglobin and lipophilin B are bonded in a head to tail orientation.
230 a to DNA containing tandem bicoid sites in a head-to-tail orientation (Hill coefficient, 1.73).
231 rs confirmed that they packed in the desired head-to-tail orientation and within a viable distance fo
232                           Xis binds DNA in a head-to-tail orientation to generate a micronucleoprotei
233 ene consisting of a partial duplication in a head-to-tail orientation without altering the NSP3 open
234  arrayed at their endogenous locus in direct head-to-tail orientation.
235 lar DNA harboring two recombination sites in head-to-tail orientation.
236 D1 homodimerizes in solution in the expected head-to-tail orientation.
237 P(exsD), P(exoT), and P(pcrG) promoters in a head-to-tail orientation.
238 head-to-head) orientation, others in repeat (head-to-tail) orientation.
239 ng RNA polymerases in either head-to-head or head-to-tail orientations, as well as EcoRI(E111Q), lac
240 ation between sites in both head-to-head and head-to-tail orientations, we could show that motor acti
241 tely 10-20 copies of an amplicon in adjacent head-to-tail orientations.
242 rly exclusive products from head-to-head and head-to-tail oriented "non-homologous" FRT partners are
243 bilizing elements, favoring the formation of head-to-tail overlap complexes in four of five crystallo
244 es are joined together by a 9- to 10-residue head-to-tail overlapping domain to form a continuous cab
245  significance of the molecular swivel at the head-to-tail overlapping ends of contiguous tropomyosin
246 n compound 4 is crystallized from solution a head-to-tail packing arrangement is formed, but during r
247 f Hcp1 contains rings stacked in a repeating head-to-tail pattern.
248 and the molecular mechanism for establishing head-to-tail polarity is poorly understood.
249 en by a single gene, bicoid, which generates head-to-tail polarity of the main embryonic axis.
250   We have identified a gene that establishes head-to-tail polarity of the mosquito-like midge, Chiron
251 el of polymerization proposes that a linear, head-to-tail polymer forms by sequential insertion of th
252 fragment in vitro, self-associates to form a head-to-tail polymer.
253 h is assembled by Dishevelled via reversible head-to-tail polymerization by its DIX domain.
254 opomyosin and other molecules and to disturb head-to-tail polymerization of beta-tropomyosin dimers.
255 rization appears to proceed via the addition/head-to-tail polymerization of short-lived free phosphin
256 y depends on its DIX domain, which undergoes head-to-tail polymerization to assemble signalosomes.
257             Both kinds of homodimers adopt a head-to-tail quaternary structure and thus do not contai
258 ed greater than 99% carbonate linkages, 100% head-to-tail regioselectivity, and a glass-transition te
259  molecules produced by chain elongation have head-to-tail (regular) carbon skeletons, while those fro
260 nt; single sites or pairs in tail-to-tail or head-to-tail repeat only supported a DNA nicking activit
261 ive transpositions, producing long arrays of head-to-tail repeat sequences.
262 meric polyubiquitin arranged as five tandem, head-to-tail repeats of 76 aa.
263  All but one of these mutants carried tandem head-to-tail repeats of a chromosomal segment (amplicon)
264 mal RNAs (rDNA) are clustered in long tandem head-to-tail repeats.
265 hydroxyurea, supporting a model of increased head-to-tail replication fork collisions due to over-ini
266  to extensive DNA damage, potentially due to head-to-tail replication fork collisions that ultimately
267  and may mediate its effect via the putative head-to-tail response element.
268 certain genes by directly binding to a novel head-to-tail response element.
269                                     Directed head-to-tail self-assembly was driven by genetically enc
270 ent coimmunoprecipitation experiments, and a head-to-tail self-interaction of hmwBP was also observed
271 p-dinaphthoporphyrins were synthesized by a "head-to-tail" self-condensation of a dipyrrylmethane ald
272 ntiation takes place in the spinal cord in a head to tail sequence.
273  the rearrangement originates from a partial head-to-tail sequence duplication that initiates after t
274 tterning of the vertebrate embryo occur in a head-to-tail sequence.
275  a [(HO(2))(HO(3))] hydrogen-bonded complex [head-to-tail seven-membered ring (7r)].
276 lls: Head-to-head signaling is stronger than head-to-tail signaling.
277 n negatively supercoiled plasmids containing head-to-tail sites, the reaction produces a series of kn
278 ptide is an 18-residue chimera formed by the head-to-tail splicing of nonapeptides derived from two s
279 the macrocyclic -defensins are formed by the head-to-tail splicing of nonapeptides excised from a pai
280 ensins (BTD-1 to BTD-10) produced by binary, head-to-tail splicing of nonapeptides excised from paire
281 cked aggregates, which show a preference for head-to-tail stacking and antiparallel dipole order.
282                 As a result, not only is the head-to-tail structure of amino acid columns confirmed b
283 interacted in a rotational (N- to C-terminal/head-to-tail) symmetry.
284 le relative orientation of dipoles including head-to-tail, tail-to-tail pairs, and antiparallel chain
285           The polymorphism is organized as a head-to-tail tandem 25-kb repeat containing one to five
286                           Using the accepted head-to-tail tandem-binding model as a guide, we set out
287 or p1 allele, P1-wr, is composed of multiple head-to-tail tandemly arranged copies of the complete ge
288 ses for these recombinases, action of Cre on head-to-tail target sites produces mainly unlinked circl
289 formation of tandem pairs of cells connected head to tail to which other cells subsequently adhere.
290 these enzymes: the alphaalpha and alphadelta head-to-tail trans-prenyl transferases that produce tran
291                  Their anti-parallel head-to-head-to-tail 'triplex' strand arrangement creates an amp
292 r-neighbour FUs along the thin filament (via head-to-tail tropomyosin interactions).
293  the G-tetrad core; in the second structure (head-to-tail), two loops are located on opposite ends of
294 ence of Oct-1-binding element and a putative head-to-tail-type p53-binding site.
295 ubiquitin-like protein containing two tandem head-to-tail ubiquitin-like domains.
296  disassemble in a domino-like mechanism from head-to-tail upon a triggering event induced by an exter
297 so show that linking two identical fragments head-to-tail using diglycine increases the proportion of
298                                    The lipid head-to-tail vector field is examined and shows strong o
299 As) are single-stranded RNAs that are joined head to tail with largely unknown functions.
300 GPO), as pairs of triple helices interacting head-to-tail, yielded stabilization energies in the orde

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