


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ousehold economic hardship, and catastrophic health expenditure).
2 orresponding to an average of 4.6% of global health expenditure.
3  and for which long-term care costs outweigh health expenditure.
4 osed global goal with a moderate increase in health expenditure.
5 blic finance can insure against catastrophic health expenditures.
6 bstantial positive impact by lowering public health expenditures.
7 ization, the first major vascular event, and health expenditures.
8  domestically and externally financed public health expenditures.
9 lation $34,203,445.87 (198,037,951.56 LE) in health expenditures.
10 nancial risk to insurers can reduce budgeted health expenditures.
11 from 1997 to 2005, more rapidly than overall health expenditures.
12 und to protect families against catastrophic health expenditures.
13  treatment with antipsychotic medication and health expenditures.
14  longevity of the elderly without increasing health expenditures.
15 ed with any statistically significant mental health expenditures.
16 ; and change in proportion with catastrophic health expenditure: -7%, P = 0.02).
17 d by 38% from 2000 to 2005; equity of public-health expenditure across states improved; Seguro Popula
18 lion US dollars), the proportion of national health expenditures allocated to CCM decreased by 5.4%.
19 he proportion of hospital costs and national health expenditures allocated to critical care medicine
20 12-30, which represents 4-8% of total annual health expenditures among low-income and lower middle-in
21 y gap increase attributable to out-of-pocket health expenditures among the 122 countries in our sampl
22 verall, atopic dermatitis represents a major health expenditure and has been associated with multiple
23 ionships of common health system inputs (eg, health expenditure and workforces) to the GBD outputs in
24 strong standardised monitoring of government health expenditures and government spending in other hea
25 ed 13.3% of hospital costs, 4.2% of national health expenditures, and 0.56% of the gross domestic pro
26 ed 13.4% of hospital costs, 4.1% of national health expenditures, and 0.66% of the gross domestic pro
27 ical disease indicators, and higher domestic health expenditures are facilitating factors that promot
28 sts contributes to delay in seeking care, as health expenditures are financially catastrophic for fam
29  of people in households whose out-of-pocket health expenditures are large relative to their income o
30  this will result in considerable savings on health expenditure as, not only is raised blood pressure
31 xorable and unsustainable increase in global health expenditure attributable to diabetes, so disease
32      Although it is imperative that national health expenditure be controlled, ophthalmology has shou
33 levels expected in countries with per capita health expenditure below US$100, and lower than a tenth
34 der health systems financing and patterns of health expenditure beyond the three diseases.
35 pita is not strongly correlated with overall health expenditure, but does correlate strongly with mor
36                                   Increasing health expenditure by just $5 per person per year up to
37 d with 10.8% (7.8 million operations) in low health expenditure countries and 2.7% (5.1 million opera
38 ations) of the total surgical volume in poor health expenditure countries compared with 10.8% (7.8 mi
39 es and 2.7% (5.1 million operations) in high health expenditure countries.
40 prevalence of catastrophic and impoverishing health expenditures, especially for the poor.
41 th care system in the world, with per capita health expenditures far above those of any other nation.
42 ing a top-down approach based on WHO general health expenditure figures and prevalence data from the
43                      The expected cumulative health expenditures for healthier elderly persons, despi
44            Medicaid and Department of Mental Health expenditures for mental health per treated benefi
45  every US$1 of DAH to government, government health expenditures from domestic resources were reduced
46 o total health expenditure (THE), government health expenditure (GHE), income status and the burden o
47 cations greatly outpaced inflation, national health expenditure growth, and increases in reimbursemen
48 ries in the highest tertile of out-of-pocket health expenditures had higher odds of elevated choleste
49                                              Health expenditure has increased substantially since 199
50 ll countries without available data based on health expenditure in 2012 and assessed the proportion o
51 r less than 1 percent of all direct personal health expenditures in the United States.
52 man resources for health, high out-of-pocket health expenditures, inflation in health spending, and b
53  population, Medicare, Medicaid, and private health expenditures may be dramatically lower than if de
54 ries were defined as those with a per capita health expenditure of US$100 or less annually.
55 e defined as those with an annual per capita health expenditure of US$100 or less.
56  despite the several times higher income and health expenditures of the United States.
57  States spent an estimated 4.5% of its total health expenditures on biomedical research and 0.1% on h
58 following outcomes: health care utilization, health expenditure, or health outcomes.
59 r drugs (P=0.001) without increasing overall health expenditures (P=NS).
60                               Population and health expenditure per capita data were obtained from th
61                        Population and annual health expenditure per capita data were obtained from th
62 e available, the rate was imputed from total health expenditure per capita, fertility rate, life expe
63  P < .001), respectively (adjusted for total health expenditure per capita, population, percent of ur
64 d for economic output, adult HIV prevalence, health expenditure, population density, the percentage o
65 ficant after individual adjustment for total health expenditure, public expenditure on health, health
66                       The benefit in reduced health expenditures resulted in savings of 3.81 US dolla
67 or income inequality, and the share of total health expenditure spent by social security funds, other
68                Increasing the share of total health expenditure that is prepaid, especially through t
69 is required is increasing the share of total health expenditure that is prepaid, particularly through
70    A ten point increase in the percentage of health expenditures that were out-of-pocket was associat
71 attern of disbursements in relation to total health expenditure (THE), government health expenditure
72 the 20th to 80th percentile of out-of-pocket health expenditures was associated with an increase in r
73                          Significantly lower health expenditures were noted with favorable CRF profil
74                                Out-of-pocket health expenditures were strongly correlated with antimi
75                                Out-of-pocket health expenditures were the only factor significantly a
76              It has a major impact on public health expenditures with more than 1 in 10 health care d
77 ath and disability, and account for 90.2% of health expenditure worldwide.

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