


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 onstituents that represent a potential human health hazard.
2 limate change and also represent a potential health hazard.
3 d shows that CNT and asbestos pose a similar health hazard.
4  and Staphylococci has become a major global health hazard.
5 oses and water distribution presents a major health hazard.
6 The Zika virus (ZIKV) has emerged as a major health hazard.
7 rial water pollution has become a widespread health hazard.
8  it is not necessary is a foe and a neonatal health hazard.
9 exposure presents an important environmental health hazard.
10 s to combat this increasingly serious public health hazard.
11 ontamination leading to spoilage of food and health hazards.
12 t commonly used nanomaterials with potential health hazards.
13 ntially leading to significant environmental/health hazards.
14 ial cytotoxicity of monomers present serious health hazards.
15 y, this leads them to cause cancer and other health hazards.
16 alleled in scale, and pilgrims face numerous health hazards.
17 es is important to prevent economic loss and health hazards.
18 V-1 and hepatitis B virus can pose long-term health hazards.
19 ial strains, which pose increasingly serious health hazards.
20  air to which people are exposed with severe health hazards.
21 nctions while reducing the risk of potential health hazards.
22 Hepatitis C is a major worldwide disease and health hazard, affecting approximately 3% of the world p
23 erational cost) and N-nitrosamine formation (health hazards), all of which are challenges for commerc
24                   In order to minimize these health hazards, an effective and rapid assay for detecti
25 tillery and firing ranges and become a major health hazard and environmental problem for both militar
26 (e.g., PBDEs and TDCIPP) are associated with health hazards and are now restricted from use in some r
27 garette smoking (CS) continues to be a major health hazard, and it contributes significantly to cardi
28 entify which radionuclide might constitute a health hazard, and the factors conditioning it.
29  exposure has become of major interest since health hazards arising from fine and ultrafine dust part
30 dents and humans and therefore poses serious health hazards around the world.
31 oride content in drinking water is a serious health hazard as it may lead to fluorosis, a serious bon
32 ically evaluated to identify potential human health hazards associated with biphenyl exposure.
33                                              Health hazards associated with epidemic of obesity and p
34 ap that exists to assess the potential human health hazards associated with hydraulic fracturing.
35 these findings raise concern about potential health hazards associated with TiO(2) nanoparticles expo
36                  Cocaine use is an expanding health hazard, despite intense governmental efforts to c
37                                          The health hazards due to exposure to environmental tobacco
38  into a hypoallergenic immunogen to restrain health hazards during desensitization.
39 vention efforts with work-related safety and health hazard efforts.
40 used severe environmental stress and posed a health hazard far beyond the borders of Iceland.
41 ns of asbestos utilized in the past remain a health hazard for current and future generations because
42 AFB1 and OTA, respectively poses significant health hazard for local population.
43 utes of exposure and poses a potential human health hazard for noncancer toxicity to the central nerv
44                   This may lead to a serious health hazard for those people taking groundwater as the
45 ic exposure to light at night contributes to health hazards for humans, including disorders of sleep.
46 estigation focuses on the effect of a DOC on health hazards from combustion of four different fuels:
47 re is not supported by population studies of health hazards from exposure to background radiation, ra
48                                When chemical health hazards have been identified, probabilistic dose-
49 edictions are essential to prevent future Se health hazards in a world that is increasingly affected
50 olcanic eruption would therefore be a severe health hazard, increasing excess mortality in Europe on
51 mensions of global change and thus introduce health hazards into new areas.
52  mediator for weight fluctuation per se as a health hazard is also a problem.
53 icacy of roadside trees for mitigation of PM health hazard might be seriously underestimated in some
54     Higher risk of exposure to environmental health hazards near oil and gas wells has spurred intere
55    Kidney toxicity is also a potential human health hazard of biphenyl exposure.
56                                    While the health hazard of pesticide use has been well documented,
57 tection Agency (EPA) has evaluated the human health hazards of biphenyl exposure.
58 related to the carcinogenicity and noncancer health hazards of biphenyl were examined based on eviden
59  significance in the discussion of potential health hazards of electromagnetic radiation.
60 ed "rave" parties, yet the data on potential health hazards of its abuse remain controversial.
61         Physical activity may ameliorate the health hazards of metabolic disorders but evidence is in
62 se training appears to partly ameliorate the health hazards of obesity and a number of mechanisms mig
63                                       If the health hazards of raw milk could be overcome, the public
64 on of GPR15 could explain to some extent the health hazards of smoking with regard to chronic inflamm
65            Safe systemic protection from the health hazards of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in sunligh
66 rceive indoor air pollution as a significant health hazard, prioritize other basic developmental need
67 age, comorbidity, and self-perceived general health (hazard ratio, 0.97; 95% confidence interval, 0.7
68                                    The human health hazards related to persisting use of bisphenol-A
69  and comparing IAPs with other environmental health hazards require a common metric of harm.
70                                       Lead's health hazards require major attention, which can first
71 unities and a rapid identification system in health hazard situations.
72                           Obesity is a major health hazard that is caused by a combination of genetic
73   Air pollution is a pervasive environmental health hazard that occurs over a lifetime of exposure in
74 entified process represents an unappreciated health hazard through dermal exposure, dust inhalation,
75 ting maize and producing aflatoxins that are health hazards to humans and animals.
76 ironmental contaminants possessing potential health hazards to living organisms.
77 uents into water and to assess the potential health hazard using in vitro bioassays with bacteria and
78                           Smoking is a major health hazard with proven deleterious effects on the cer
79 d the most important environmental childhood health hazard worldwide.

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