


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 beta-turn structures at the expense of alpha-helical structure.
2 ed with multiple domains and increased alpha-helical structure.
3 a disordered regime and only little residual helical structure.
4 t resides in their ability to adopt an alpha-helical structure.
5 ble oligomers that retain their native alpha-helical structure.
6 talyze the hydrolysis of the collagen triple-helical structure.
7           The N terminus of NaKtide adapts a helical structure.
8 e, consecutive nucleobase pairs might impact helical structure.
9 revealed that it folded in to a kinked alpha-helical structure.
10 interactions; and (3) non, disfavoring alpha-helical structure.
11 ulting in over half of the RD adopting alpha-helical structure.
12 ors, and the polypeptides regain their alpha-helical structure.
13 minantly as a tetramer that is rich in alpha-helical structure.
14 bilising tertiary interactions or persistent helical structure.
15 intermediate suggest that it may be a triple helical structure.
16 ions of DNA rather than to its native double helical structure.
17 tions at the G98 site that may perturb alpha-helical structure.
18 quence-related variations encoded within the helical structure.
19  direction of their effects reflecting alpha-helical structure.
20  compound to adopt a unique right-handed 311 helical structure.
21 on to form a coiled-coil or other interchain helical structure.
22 SP-Fab311 complex forming a highly organized helical structure.
23 ating a macromolecular ligand framework with helical structure.
24 iginates from their double protofilament and helical structure.
25 uoroethanol, a solvent that stabilizes alpha-helical structure.
26 rodimers and fold into a predominately alpha-helical structure.
27 y catalyze the hydrolysis of collagen triple helical structure.
28  proteins (OMPs), including those with alpha-helical structure.
29 forms from disordered (random coil) to alpha helical structure.
30 d from sites of local deformation in the RNA helical structure.
31 fications to create a membrane-spanning beta-helical structure.
32 the accommodation of the pendants within the helical structure.
33 r preferences, and stabilizes the C-terminal helical structure.
34 y members can potentially integrate into the helical structure.
35 ds stabilize a very different dimeric, alpha-helical structure.
36 1-4 are able to self-assemble into this beta-helical structure.
37  other terpene synthases having highly alpha-helical structures.
38 pattern associated with the formation of 2.5-helical structures.
39  hierarchy of more or less compact irregular helical structures.
40 require the formation of beta-sheet or alpha-helical structures.
41 tent of the cis isomer responsible for their helical structures.
42 eement with rotamers previously reported for helical structures.
43 '-5' exonucleases by highly conserved triple helical structures.
44 nd to be a poor denaturant for transmembrane helical structures.
45 acid sequence associated with straight alpha-helical structures.
46 is found to form both right- and left-handed helical structures.
47 ciations composed of regular, enantiomorphic helical structures.
48 son-Crick H-bonds are fully paired in double-helical structures.
49 e the AMBER ff03 potential is known to favor helical structures, a simple correction to the backbone
50 CT constructs identified one region of alpha-helical structure (A333-N361) that mediates CT dimerizat
51 on, the peptides adopt mainly either a alpha-helical structure able to permeabilize dimyristoylphosph
52                      Here we show that, with helical-structured acoustic metamaterials, it is now pos
53 nd does not affect the ultimate formation of helical structure across a membrane, it correlates with
54                   PAGE4 utilizes a transient helical structure adjacent to the central acidic region
55                                   The mostly helical structure also shows a beta-sheet motif typical
56  ("passenger") domain that folds into a beta-helical structure and a C-terminal beta-barrel ("beta")
57 perfusion phenotype show a small increase in helical structure and a diminished association with lipi
58 purified protein possesses significant alpha-helical structure and appears to be partially disordered
59  conserved BH3 motif that can adopt an alpha-helical structure and bind to a groove on prosurvival pa
60 een distance between two pyrenes on an alpha-helical structure and excimer/monomer (e/m) ratio.
61 la to Pro mutations in the region of NaKtide helical structure and generated several stable cell line
62 ral pH, accompanied by a substantial loss of helical structure and greatly increased exposure of the
63 ilizing interactions, preserving both triple-helical structure and heterospecificity of assembly.
64  RNP, defining the attributes of its largely helical structure and how polymerase interacts with nucl
65 gs suggest that GTP caps retain the filament helical structure and hydrolysis triggers filament stiff
66 at Val(362) is important for maintaining the helical structure and is crucial for the role of Cx50 in
67 e coefficient was found to be independent of helical structure and long range molecular order, possib
68 nd it is capable of adopting secondary alpha-helical structure and more stable tertiary folding eithe
69 dues, which appear to be essential for alpha-helical structure and oligomerization.
70 e fusion-null phenotype shows no increase in helical structure and only a minimal association with li
71  design: only Hcy-Cys bridges improve triple-helical structure and stability upon disulfide-bond form
72 usion peptides that exhibit stabilized alpha-helical structure and striking proteolytic resistance.
73                             Full recovery of helical structure and substrate binding occurs in dodecy
74  nontrivial interplay between the effects of helical structure and thermal fluctuations on electrosta
75         G-quadruplex DNAs form four-stranded helical structures and are proposed to play key roles in
76 eins in mammals, are defined by their triple-helical structures and distinctive Gly-Xaa-Yaa repeating
77  phospholipid vesicles also exhibited highly helical structures and proton transport that is activate
78 l not clear how perversions arise in various helical structures and which universal principles govern
79 (L)(phen)]) are both 1D MOFs (AEPF-16 with a helical structure), and AEPF-17 ([Mg(H(2)O)(L)(phen)]) w
80 nship among base stacking, groove occupancy, helical structure, and DNA bend stiffness.
81  and apoMb at pH 4.1 have significantly less helical structure, and for the latter, that may correspo
82 h these surface ion pairs, destabilizing the helical structure, and perturbing the primary Cd(II) bin
83            We observed that AglR decorated a helical structure, and the AglR helices rotated when cel
84 phorylation, from a random coil to a largely helical structure, and V(19)L(23) becomes more extended
85   All regions encompass coiled-coil or alpha-helical structures, and three are involved in DISC1 olig
86 that loss of hydrophobic bonding and loss of helical structure are key events in the loss of Urc acti
87 ver, indicates that approximately 20% of the helical structures are formed with the "unexpected" hand
88 rrespondingly, the distortions of the double-helical structures are more pronounced on the 5'- or the
89  sequences, presumably adopting more-defined helical structures, are more potent than shorter ones.
90 e (CT1-long; Gly-45-Lys-74) exhibit an alpha-helical structure, as determined by CD measurements.
91  by dehydration stimulated it to fold into a helical structure, as it did when the aqueous solution w
92                                    The alpha-helical structure, as modeled by threading and molecular
93 rich sequences maintain the canonical triple-helical structure at body temperature.
94                         The unwinding of the helical structure at the grid walls drives the lens shap
95                    In fact, the steady-state helical structure becomes chaotic when the longest chara
96 otein binding depends not only on the triple-helical structure but also its nucleotide composition.
97 e other hand, rat IAPP forms transient alpha-helical structures but does not progress further to form
98 t proteases due to the tightly packed triple-helical structure, but are readily cleaved at a specific
99 that the p55 domain has a predominantly beta-helical structure, but no structural data are available
100 binant proteins studied formed stable triple helical structures, but the stability varied depending o
101                     The stabilization of the helical structure by amidation has previously been shown
102 aracterized for thermal stability and triple-helical structure by circular dichroism and NMR.
103                     Similarly, disruption of helical structure by proline replacement, either single
104 of Mia40, and chemical induction of an alpha-helical structure by trifluoroethanol suffices to accele
105 lecular level that variations in the F-actin helical structure can be modulated by cooperative bindin
106 e PR regions nor their NPB exhibit the alpha-helical structure characteristic of much of the protecti
107             These peptides in solution adopt helical structures closely resembling that of ShK.
108    Moreover, a narrowly distributed nonideal helical structure coexists with a broadly distributed id
109           The proteolysis of collagen triple-helical structure (collagenolysis) is a poorly understoo
110 e near their C termini rather than the alpha-helical structure common to peptides that bind related G
111 rent pH values support formation of a triple-helical structure composed of multiple U*A-U base triple
112 erized as type I and maintained their triple-helical structure, confirmed by SDS-PAGE and FTIR.
113                Despite its amphipathic alpha-helical structure, Ctn[1-14] was totally inert toward ba
114 mide protons by formation of hydrogen-bonded helical structure during the early folding events has be
115 at the peptide monomer tends to adopt a more helical structure during the hydrogelation as the DMSO/H
116 hat nearly the entire apoA-I molecule adopts helical structure (except for the terminal residues 1-6
117                                          The helical structure facilitates sampling of H3K4 methylati
118 in of Ag43a displays a twisted L-shaped beta-helical structure firmly stabilized by a 3D hydrogen-bon
119 es, the core of the protein adopts a compact helical structure flanked by flexible N and C termini.
120 er paramyxovirus FPs likely require an alpha-helical structure for efficient membrane disordering and
121 a channel that is predicted to have an alpha-helical structure for protein import.
122 rged lipid vesicles, it contains significant helical structure for the lipid compositions and peptide
123 ure of all collagen types is a unique triple-helical structure formed by tandem repeats of the consen
124        Hydrophobic amino acids forming alpha-helical structures frequently line the binding pockets.
125 lymer morphologies, including tetragonal and helical structures, from a combination of polyferrocenyl
126  an interface, consisting of two hydrophobic helical structures, from the HCV E2 surface glycoprotein
127 phase of refolding, attributed to non-native helical structure frustrating microsecond refolding.
128 PVs that lead to hydrogen bonded aggregates, helical structures, gels, nanoparticles, vesicles, mesos
129 tapling of side chains to stabilize an alpha-helical structure has been generally associated with an
130  cleave triple helical collagens, the triple helical structure has to be locally unwound before hydro
131                       Contrary to DNA double-helical structures, hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) involving n
132 lian cells, which is usually associated with helical structure, hydrophobicity, and charge density.
133  provide the first observations of extensive helical structure in a histone tail, revealing the inher
134       RemCA switches from unordered to alpha-helical structure in a nonpolar environment.
135 mperature melts indicated that partial alpha-helical structure in cross-linking domains at lower temp
136 sidues are critical for maintaining a strong helical structure in detergent, whereas the positively c
137 minus has previously been found to take up a helical structure in fibrils.
138 tro, the predicted TM domain adopts an alpha-helical structure in lipid environments and can function
139 ontrast to KYE28, KYE28A adopted an extended helical structure in LPS with extended N and C termini.
140 ese mutants do not show patterns of an alpha-helical structure in monomeric and filamentous actin, ir
141 UBpep and Ca(2+)/CaM with substantially more helical structure in RUBpep and a global structural chan
142 l of human Oxa1L does not form a coiled-coil helical structure in solution.
143 tion-arresting SP1 mutation T8I also induces helical structure in SP1 and further global dynamical an
144 lobes of CaM with concomitant formation of a helical structure in the CaMBD.
145  a significant preference to form non-native helical structure in the cold denatured state.
146 R AF1 domain to increase the amount of alpha-helical structure in the complex.
147 ve introduced mutations to augment intrinsic helical structure in the F helix of the kinetic folding
148                            Second, the alpha-helical structure in the middle of the helix F is replac
149 ies were consistent with the predicted alpha-helical structure in the N-terminal F1 region and demons
150           For both mutants, stabilization of helical structure in the N-terminal region of the B heli
151 ral angle bias in the unfolded state and PP2 helical structure in the native state.
152  Results demonstrate that LLP peptides adopt helical structure in the presence of SDS or trifluoroeth
153                         Moreover, we observe helical structure in the repeat regions of the MT bindin
154 here was little indication of extended alpha-helical structure in the tail, but molecules viewed by m
155 emical shifts shows the location of residual helical structure in the transient intermediate and iden
156 fore, the alpha clamp and its recognition of helical structure in the translocating substrate play ke
157 etics of a beta-peptide that folds into a 14-helical structure in water.
158 y bacterial endonuclease that cleaves double-helical structures in diverse coding and noncoding RNAs.
159                               The utility of helical structures in driving motion of microorganisms a
160 ects (NOE) with 600 MHz NMR and CD confirmed helical structures in micelles, which were rationalized
161 s) is an attractive strategy for stabilizing helical structures in N-a-chiral aromatic peptoids, whic
162 if 6 in Xenopus, and similarly located alpha-helical structures in other vertebrate FoxD proteins.
163 pressure, explaining the frequently observed helical structures in pressure-unfolded proteins.
164 ino acid is an effective stabilizer of 3(10) helical structures in short peptides.
165 ybrid HTH" motifs with more than one kind of helical structures in them.
166 n the N-terminus of the B helix to stabilize helical structure (in the mutant G23A/G25A) and to promo
167 retched, almost planar and practically rigid helical structure, inert to external stimuli and prone t
168 ation-dependent conversion of PrP from alpha-helical structures into beta-sheet structures was confir
169 it from the ER to the Golgi is increased and helical structure is compromised.
170 hly conserved within the family, its nascent helical structure is conserved.
171 osecond timescale, indicating that the alpha-helical structure is only part of the equilibrium regime
172 ditions, where the fully base-paired, double-helical structure is preserved, is lacking.
173 amic conformational disorder remains and the helical structure is sampled <20% of the time.
174 tendency to adopt both native and non-native helical structure is stronger at pH 3.8, demonstrating t
175 sis suggests that that the formation of this helical structure is supported by intermolecular interac
176 ions-suggests that deformation of the double-helical structure is the origin of DNA allostery.
177 ide groups in hydrogen-bond stabilization of helical structures is a major factor, which determines s
178 ntrinsic W423 fluorescence and induced alpha-helical structure, it is inferred that binding of LPG ne
179 -spherical bacteria, where it assembles into helical structures just underneath the cytoplasmic membr
180 nucleotides can fold into quadruple-stranded helical structures known as G-quadruplexes.
181 f hydrophobic interactions, ionic bonds, and helical structure, leads to Urc inactivation and aggrega
182 ed and regulated and suggest that RNA triple-helical structures likely have key regulatory functions
183   The p55 domain, composed primarily of beta-helical structures, localizes to the peripheral arms, wh
184 wo-state mechanism, with loss of ~20% of the helical structure, loss of the majority of the tertiary
185 ee state and upon binding folds into a local helical structure mediated by an extensive network of in
186                                          The helical-structured metamaterials present a non-dispersiv
187                                          The helical-structured metamaterials will have profound impa
188 ally and experimentally demonstrate that the helical-structured metamaterials with designed inhomogen
189 eated to produce a predicted amount of alpha-helical structure: mostly helical, some helical, and no
190 that Aib(8)GlyAib(8) forms the longest 3(10) helical structure observed crystallographically to date.
191  tyrosine into the cationic polypeptide, the helical structure of AMPs was distorted owing to the sid
192                                   The triple-helical structure of collagen peptides has recently been
193                                   The triple-helical structure of collagen, the most abundant protein
194 in a significant stabilization of the double-helical structure of DNA against thermal denaturation.
195 s in which the intrinsic chirality of double helical structure of DNA forms the primary determinant o
196 nA(1-300)-induced cooperative changes in the helical structure of F-actin and observe the binding coo
197 endence suggests that the negatively charged helical structure of heparin electrostatically complemen
198 idues that contain a bulky side chain in the helical structure of NaKtide by alanine abolished the in
199    Circular dichroism measurements confirmed helical structure of peptides in lipid bilayer, in the p
200 dicated by an overall reduction of the alpha-helical structure of proteins and increase in the concen
201 veals that both lobes of CaM collapse onto a helical structure of PSD-95 formed at its N-terminus (re
202                               In apo-IC, the helical structure of region 1, the nascent helix of regi
203 ed binding surface of Juno may recognize the helical structure of the amino-terminal domain of Izumo1
204                    Here, we report the alpha-helical structure of the membrane domain of complex I fr
205  the monomeric protein reveals that the beta-helical structure of the p55 domain extends into the C-t
206 esults provide support for the idea that the helical structure of the p75(NTR) transmembrane domain,
207 liquid versus solid) on chirality, the alpha-helical structure of the positively charged polypeptide
208 sed rotating interface both support the long helical structure of the region and provide strong exper
209 that substrate dimerization and/or the alpha-helical structure of the substrate can regulate the site
210 ons induce distinct alterations in the alpha-helical structure of the TILRR core protein.
211 of Lys(63)-linked diubiquitin stabilizes the helical structure of the UIM domain and that the corresp
212 emonstrate that phosphorylation distorts the helical structure of TIRAP PBM, reducing PI interactions
213 eport our observations of multiple staggered helical structures of two canonical coiled coils.
214 sformations by either intensifying the alpha helical structure or changing from alpha helical to beta
215 taining anionic lipids, (ii) adopts an alpha-helical structure oriented in plane with respect to the
216 osteric site preferentially recognizes alpha-helical structure over beta-sheet structure.
217 lucidate the macroscopic distribution of the helical structure over the entire shell (~1 mm), the str
218 cture prediction programs predicted an alpha-helical structure overlapping with amphibian-specific Mo
219 h amino acid residues that disrupt the alpha-helical structure predicted by molecular modeling, such
220 tions with various chemical groups and alpha-helical structure presented by the unfolding polypeptide
221 erged as one such solution, conferring alpha-helical structure, protease resistance, cellular penetra
222          gammaTuSCs associate laterally into helical structures, providing a structural template for
223 ability-the stiff, naturally straight double-helical structure-rather than to the unique features of
224 ed domains dominated by beta sheet and alpha helical structure, respectively.
225  symmetry space by efficient modeling of the helical structure restrained by interprotomer ssNMR dist
226     Mutations predicted to disrupt the alpha-helical structure resulted in a significant decrease in
227 main showed that disruption of the signature helical structure resulted in the loss of gamma-secretas
228 tations that closely resemble ideal sheet or helical structures, similar non-ideal structures at PPI
229 affected by irregularities in the DNA double helical structure, so mismatches almost terminate a spon
230              The mutation profoundly impacts helical structure stability of D25V-variant, which is re
231         A perversion in an otherwise uniform helical structure, such as a climbing plant tendril, ref
232 ur data establish a locally perturbed double helical structure that accommodates the bulky adduct by
233 of apoA-IV shows that it adopts an elongated helical structure that dimerizes via two long reciprocat
234  the substrate binding pocket, as well as to helical structure that extends beyond the membrane.
235 ed to aqueous and is potentially folded in a helical structure that intimately interacts with the NBC
236 a classical NLS at the far C terminus of its helical structure that is conserved only in two genera o
237  type 2 dUTPase (DutNM1), which has an alpha-helical structure that is distinct from the type 1 trime
238 H C terminus forms a stable membrane binding helical structure that is important for CLD secretion.
239 ubic phase bilayer, yielding a dimeric alpha-helical structure that is in excellent agreement with pr
240 C terminus is an independently folding alpha-helical structure that is relatively resistant to urea d
241 minal residues are not disordered but have a helical structure that predicts residual dipolar couplin
242 a major contribution from H3, which adopts a helical structure that projects into a deep, wide groove
243              The 3' end forms a novel triple-helical structure that supports export and translation a
244 ntermediate has approximately 10% less alpha-helical structure that the native conformation.
245 The two parallel cable elements form twisted helical structures that are connected by transversal fil
246 nus of PduP and C terminus of PduA both form helical structures that bind one another via the key res
247 ins, do not interact cooperatively, and form helical structures that deviate considerably from the qu
248  aggregates, whereas inhibitors induce alpha-helical structures that form stable dimeric/trimeric oli
249 ite-specific binding and creation of altered helical structures that provoke DNA repair.
250 s that, through the recognition of unfolding helical structure, the alpha clamp can accelerate the ra
251 ible expansion linker contracts to a compact helical structure, the CTD translates 6 A and becomes te
252                       Aside from stabilizing helical structures, the ketone moiety embedded in the li
253  change from compact random coil to extended helical structure-the disappearance of a band at 495 nm
254 tution expected to break the predicted alpha-helical structure; this significantly reduced FoxD4L1's
255 Cd(II), the Glu residues stabilize the three-helical structure though salt bridge interactions with s
256 ble-helical DNA is capable of forming triple-helical structures through Hoogsteen and reverse Hoogste
257 ated by bacterial phosphatase to restore the helical structure, thus contributing to strong membrane
258        Subunit b contributes a central alpha-helical structure to the peripheral stalk, extending fro
259 ightforward approach for the design of alpha-helical structure to validate the knob-socket model.
260               In contrast to the ideal alpha-helical structures typically assumed in mechanistic mode
261 es coupled folding and binding to form alpha-helical structure upon interacting with KIX.
262 tion resulted in the formation of a straight helical structure upon the neutralization of the hinge h
263 ondary structural motifs, including an alpha-helical structure, upon binding to cyclin-dependent kina
264 ch agrees favorably with the prediction of a helical structure using molecular modeling.
265                            The relaxation of helical structures very close to equilibrium is observed
266 alpha-syn involves anionic phospholipids and helical structure, we discovered that the protein deform
267 is an all-or-none process related to loss of helical structure, weak unfolding and ejection of the pr
268 largely unfolded, has a weak tendency toward helical structure when free in solution.
269 ular dichroism revealed an amphiphilic alpha-helical structure when reconstituted in lipid vesicles,
270 the active peptides adopted highly coiled to helical structures when bound to a membrane surface.
271 nism for pH-controlled structural changes in helical structures when histidines act as the pH sensor.
272               We find that CsgA forms a beta-helical structure, where each turn corresponds to previo
273 ies suggest that PrPC is enriched with alpha-helical structure, whereas PrPSc contains a high proport
274 with micelles stabilizing a particular alpha-helical structure, whereas submicellar lipids stabilize
275 r, this interaction leads to a change in the helical structure, which alters G-domain interactions to
276 he assembly adopts the polyproline II (PPII) helical structure, which brings the chromophores into cl
277 ding/refolding process, a loss/gain of alpha-helical structure, which did not disrupt the capsid inte
278 acid at a time, without altering their alpha-helical structure, which is required for correct antigen
279  by combining reinforcement of overall alpha-helical structure, which slows the kinetics of proteolys
280 o observe repeated formation and breaking of helical structure, which we found to occur on a multimic
281 tical framework for parameterizing arbitrary helical structures, which reduces to the Crick parameter
282 gens three polypeptides form a unique triple-helical structure with a one-residue stagger to fit ever
283 tide in a lipid bilayer demonstrate a stable helical structure with an average tilt of 24 degrees, wi
284 tive mutations to the NTD, suggesting that a helical structure with defined orientation in the membra
285 tions of molecules with either beta-sheet or helical structure with greater beta-sheet population obs
286        The protein-free RNA aptamer adopts a helical structure with multiple non-canonical base pairs
287  a self-assembled one-dimensionally periodic helical structure with pitch [Formula: see text] in the
288 acks roll up to form a supramolecular double helical structure with the internal ordering of the stac
289 amide 2c generates, in a cooperative manner, helical structures with a preferred handedness in a proc
290 may effectively operate as three-dimensional helical structures with broadband bianisotropic optical
291  appropriate length and sequence form triple-helical structures with purine-rich sequences of duplex
292 types, customized single-stranded and double-helical structures with user-defined base-pair parameter
293 how that BASIC contains an amphiphilic alpha-helical structure within its N-terminal domain.
294 rop, at least some lambda*YA forms misplaced helical structure within microseconds.
295 tly, gain-of-function mutations in the alpha helical structure within the linker sequence of the E3 u
296  hydrophilic segment adopted a stable, alpha-helical structure within the tunnel when the most C-term
297 on of the Q239-D258 fragment confirmed alpha-helical structures within the linker, with a short beta-
298   The natural collagen domain forms a triple helical structure without 4-hydroxylation of proline at
299 e, cell-derived alpha-synuclein showed alpha-helical structure without lipid addition and had much gr
300 uin Zn(2+)-tetrathiolate and a loss of alpha-helical structure without overall thermal destabilizatio

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