


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  first report of a full-length octameric MCM helicase.
2 ement of Cdc45 and GINS to form the CMG holo-helicase.
3 ample is the genome maintenance protein RecQ helicase.
4 catalytic core of the eukaryotic replicative helicase.
5 ors, including Mpp6, Rrp47, and the Mtr4 RNA helicase.
6 f replication, oriC, to load the replicative helicase.
7 ely 80%, permits recoupling of polymerase to helicase.
8  along ssDNA; however, the monomer is a poor helicase.
9 ementary targets, and Cas3 executor nuclease/helicase.
10 zation domain extends toward the side of the helicase.
11 regions and supports the binding of Pif1 DNA helicase.
12 ogaster mutants that lack the Bloom syndrome helicase.
13 the DSB-responsive kinase Tel1, but not Sgs1 helicase.
14 trigger the assembly of the replication fork helicase.
15 ated that it is an ATP-dependent RNA and DNA helicase.
16 n many proteins but has not been reported in helicases.
17 t regulates DHX9 and, potentially, other RNA helicases.
18 and negatively by multiple host DEAD-box RNA helicases.
19  RecQ4 are DNA-stimulated ATPases and robust helicases.
20 n of multiple nucleases, topoisomerases, and helicases.
21 etic lethal interaction among the human RecQ helicases.
22  cycle of the common catalytic core of these helicases.
23 A replication, including the Mcm replicative helicases.
24 m is clearly different to those of other RNA helicases.
25 ntiviral RNAi pathway, such as Dicer-related helicase 1 (DRH-1), to display hypersusceptibility to VS
26 etic framework for G4 disruption by DEAH-box helicase 36 (DHX36), the dominant G4 resolvase in human
27                              Human RecQ-like helicase 4 (RECQL4) plays crucial roles in replication i
28 on by phosphorylating the Mcm2-7 replicative helicase [5-7].
29        In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Pif1 helicase, a telomerase inhibitor, lies at the interface
30 s, we propose a mechanism through which RecQ helicases achieve recombination precision and efficiency
31 gh Mcm2-7 activation requires binding of the helicase-activating proteins Cdc45 and GINS (forming the
32                                              Helicase activation occurs efficiently in the context of
33  helicase, and both ATPase and ATP-dependent helicase activities are inhibited by Rev in a dose-depen
34  that RPS3 inhibits ATPase, DNA binding, and helicase activities of RECQL4 through their direct inter
35                Our results indicate that WRN helicase activity alone is not rate-limiting for the dev
36 since Srs2 is a multifunctional protein with helicase activity and the ability to displace Rad51 reco
37           Understanding regulation of RECQL4 helicase activity by interaction partners will allow dec
38 rmational state of its 2B subdomain, and its helicase activity has been correlated with a closed 2B c
39                                     The Dna2 helicase activity has been implicated in Okazaki fragmen
40 ryotes, binds CMG and greatly stimulates its helicase activity in vitro.
41 e-dependent manner, although ATP-independent helicase activity is not.
42                      This indicates that the helicase activity of a UvrD dimer is promoted via direct
43                                     Notably, helicase activity of FANCJ was essential for controlling
44                     Mutations abolishing the helicase activity of Mss116 do not prevent the interacti
45 ed by the co-opted PK is used to promote the helicase activity of recruited cellular DEAD-box helicas
46 onding residues in bacterial uS3 promote the helicase activity of the elongating ribosome, suggesting
47 tion fork-like structures and stimulates its helicase activity on DNA fork duplexes.
48 e that Srs2 interaction with PCNA allows the helicase activity to unwind fork-blocking CAG/CTG hairpi
49 cellular partners in order to coordinate its helicase activity to various processes including replica
50                                              Helicase activity, as well as the conserved winged-helix
51 This result suggests that in addition to its helicase activity, eIF4A uses the free energy of ATP bin
52         Dna2, a flap endonuclease with 5'-3' helicase activity, is involved in the resection process.
53     Phosphorylation of RECQL4 stimulates its helicase activity, promotes DNA end resection, increases
54               Contrary to expectations, Mer3 helicase activity, proposed to extend the displacement l
55 sequence and position dependent and required helicase activity.
56 D monomer to a more open state that shows no helicase activity.
57  is an RNA-induced ATPase with a 3'-->5' RNA helicase activity.
58 e 834 (R834C) and up to 90% reduction of WRN helicase activity.
59 more closed state resulting in activation of helicase activity.
60 hat the analogous Escherichia coli (Ec) DnaB helicase also interacts specifically with the excluded D
61                 We have measured the ATPase, helicase and DNA binding properties of various RECQL5 co
62 his new sub-pathway is mediated by RECQ1 DNA helicase and ERCC1-XPF endonuclease in cooperation with
63 k repair, including the Bloom syndrome (BLM) helicase and exonuclease 1 (EXO1), play a major role in
64 ions and revealed an interaction between HCV helicase and LGP2.
65 ging clarity to the respective roles of UvrD helicase and Mfd translocase in repair of UV-induced dam
66                Previous studies demonstrated helicase and NTPase activities for DDX3X, but important
67 que fusion of Cas2, with the type I effector helicase and nuclease for invader destruction, Cas3.
68       UL8 has been reported to stimulate the helicase and primase activities of the complex in the pr
69 teractions among the hepatitis C virus (HCV) helicase and RLR helicases in live cells with quantitati
70 he conserved winged-helix (WH) motif and the helicase and RNase D C-terminal (HRDC) domain play impor
71 l hairpin substrates in the presence of RecQ helicase and saturating adenine triphosphate let us dedu
72 sion process in which both strands enter the helicase and the duplex unwinding point is internal, fol
73 mediated TCR") that is dependent on the UvrD helicase and the guanosine pentaphosphate (ppGpp) alarmo
74 Our results demonstrate that DDX43 is a dual helicase and the KH domain is required for its full unwi
75      In eukaryotes, the Cdc45-MCM-GINS (CMG) helicase and the leading-strand polymerase, Pol epsilon,
76 ce [MCM] subunits 2-7, and the GINS complex) helicase and triggers disassembly of the replication mac
77 f yeast CMG shows that duplex DNA enters the helicase and unwinding occurs in the central channel.
78 known to modulate TE expression, such as RNA helicases and autophagy genes.
79 nation for the ATP-gated behavior of SF2 RNA helicases and receptor proteins.
80 is both an ATP-dependent and ATP-independent helicase, and both ATPase and ATP-dependent helicase act
81 s, oligomerizes to function as efficient RNA helicase, and does not unwind DNA duplexes.
82  major components: RNase E, PNPase, RhlB RNA helicase, and enolase.
83 strategy to explore selective inhibitors for helicases, and 9 could be a promising starting point for
84                   DDX43, also known as HAGE (helicase antigen gene), is a member of the DEAD-box prot
85          Here, we identify the conserved RNA helicase Aquarius/EMB-4 as a direct and essential link b
86 e duplication and demonstrate that accessory helicases are a major determinant of this balance.
87                                         RecQ helicases are essential in the maintenance of genome sta
88                                         RecQ helicases are important maintainers of genome integrity
89                                  Replicative helicases are loaded onto DNA by dedicated initiator, lo
90                                  Replicative helicases are ring-shaped hexamers that encircle DNA for
91                        Replicative hexameric helicases are thought to unwind duplex DNA by steric exc
92         This processing requires Zuc and the helicase Armitage (Armi).
93 ring-shaped minichromosome maintenance (MCM) helicases around DNA in opposite orientations.
94 origin licensing requires loading two Mcm2-7 helicases around origin DNA in a head-to-head orientatio
95         Genetic analysis identified the Srs2 helicase as a prime candidate to promote SDSA.
96 ork identified a number of cellular DEAD-box helicases as in vivo binding partners of Rev, and siRNA
97 ion surface is important for origin melting, helicase assembly, and the recruitment of pol alpha to M
98 ipt and the phosphorylation of UPF-1, an RNA helicase associated with nonsense-mediated mRNA decay, s
99                        In contrast, the DnaB helicase associates stably with the replication fork, pr
100 tic factors, telomeric proteins, and the RNA helicase, ATRX.
101                               Brr2 is an RNA helicase belonging to the Ski2-like subfamily and an ess
102 t mechanisms whereby Cdc45-Mcm2-7-GINS (CMG) helicase binds Pol epsilon and tethers it to the leading
103 s1, the orthologue of human Bloom's syndrome helicase BLM, is a yeast DNA helicase functioning in DNA
104 hat whereas either WRN or the Bloom syndrome helicase (BLM) stimulates DNA polymerase delta progressi
105  domain, which also transiently contacts the helicase Brr2.
106 itution strongly and selectively reduces WRN helicase, but not exonuclease activity.
107  of human DDX3X are typical for DEAD-box RNA helicases, but diverge quantitatively from its highly si
108 an cells detect RNA viruses through a set of helicases called RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs) that initia
109 te between the C-terminal and the N-terminal helicase cassettes, while 12 binds an RNA-binding site i
110   We previously showed that the cellular DNA helicase ChlR1 is required for loading of the bovine pap
111  16 (HPV16), associate with the cellular DNA helicase ChlR1.
112 le is known about whether and how these RecQ helicases co-operate and/or complement each other in res
113 ary, these results reveal a new role for the helicase complex in 3' cap-independent translation eleme
114            Here we show that loss of the BLM helicase complex suppresses FANCC phenotypes and we conf
115 2 gene (UL52; a component of the DNA primase/helicase complex), bICP4, IEtu2, and the unique short re
116                                          The helicase complex, consisting of eIF4A, eIF4B, and ATP, s
117 res loading minichromosome maintenance (MCM) helicase complexes at many DNA replication origins, an e
118 step towards the assembly of two replicative helicase complexes at origins, moving in opposite direct
119 ilarities, physical interaction with the CMG helicase component SLD5, and an expression pattern confi
120     The eukaryotic CMG (Cdc45, Mcm2-7, GINS) helicase consists of the Mcm2-7 hexameric ring along wit
121                                It contains a helicase core domain in its C terminus and a potential K
122                                 DEAD-box RNA helicases (DBRHs) modulate RNA secondary structure, allo
123 genes ribosomal protein RPL35A, putative RNA helicase DDX24, and coatomer complex I (COPI) subunit AR
124                  Here, we identified the RNA helicase DDX39B as a potent activator of this exon and c
125                                Five host RNA helicases (DDX3X, DDX5, DHX9, DHX37, DDX52) were inhibit
126 cinoma cells, we identified the DEAD-box RNA helicase DDX41 as a novel regulator of p21 expression.
127                            Cellular DEAD-box helicase DEAD-box protein 1 (DDX1) plays a role in HIV r
128                            In addition, in a helicase-deficient mutant, Rad51-dependent JMs are detec
129 he absence of Srs2 recruitment to PCNA or in helicase-deficient mutants, breakage at a CAG/CTG repeat
130  We report a novel molecular assay, based on helicase-dependent amplification (HDA), for the detectio
131 fense and set the stage for the discovery of helicase-dependent functions in other Dicers.
132                  Here, we identified the RNA helicase DHX15 as a novel AR co-activator using a yeast
133 s anti-viral, while three other cellular RNA helicases (DHX29, DHX35, RIG-I) were identified as pro-v
134  increases the stability of the DEAH-box RNA helicase DHX33, which is critically involved in ribosoma
135 lasm, where it co-localizes with the RNA/DNA helicase Dhx9 and paraspeckles; as well as GW/P-bodies i
136 port on the identification of the DExH/D-box helicase DHX9 as an intranuclear Nup98 binding partner.
137                  Our data show that, via RNA helicase Dhx9, Nlrp9b recognizes short double-stranded R
138                           Chd1 (Chromodomain Helicase DNA Binding Protein 1) is a conserved ATP-depen
139 tions, this approach uncovered the chromatin helicase DNA-binding factor CHD1 as a putative synthetic
140                             The chromodomain helicase DNA-binding family of ATP-dependent chromatin r
141                         For the chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 1 (Chd1) remodeler, nucleos
142     TCF19 interacted with CHD4 (chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 4), which is a part of the
143 m loss of function mutations in chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 7 (CHD7(LOF)) and lysine (K
144  We herein demonstrate that the chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 7 (Chd7), frequently associ
145 modelers, we found that ATPases chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 9 (CHD9) and Brahma homolog
146     Recently, it was shown that chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein-7 (CHD7) interacts with RUN
147 ngly, the stoichiometries of the replicative helicase, DNA polymerase, and clamp loader complexes are
148                             The Chromodomain-Helicase-DNA binding (CHD) Type III proteins are a subfa
149                   The group III chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding (CHD) family of ATP-dependent chrom
150 he structurally similar Escherichia coli Rep helicase does not elicit this effect.
151 y of the full-length protein, the C-terminal helicase domain had no unwinding activity on RNA substra
152  is locally unwound and threaded through the helicase domain in an adenosine triphosphate-dependent m
153  upon recent findings on the function of the helicase domain in discriminating between different RNAs
154  NS5 MTase or POL domain or in the DENV2 NS3 helicase domain in the DENV2 chimera RNAs by repeated pa
155 RNA termini, unexpectedly, we found that the helicase domain is required for binding blunt, but not 3
156 ll positioned to recruit substrates into the helicase domain of Dicer-2.
157 ve determined crystal structures of the core helicase domain of RECQL5 both with and without the nucl
158 ethylase and four other genes annotated as a helicase domain, a phospholipase D (PLD) domain, a DUF19
159 erted in between the RecA modules of the RNA helicase domain.
160 nteract with the Hel2 subdomain of Dicer-2's helicase domain.
161  region, which connects the HIRAN and ATPase/helicase domains.
162         The assembly of the replication fork helicase during S phase is key to the initiation of DNA
163 th cellular E2-binding factors and the viral helicase E1; however, in contrast, the Y102E mutant asso
164 e function is by steric exclusion, where the helicase encircles one DNA strand and excludes the other
165  unwind DNA by steric exclusion in which the helicase encircles the tracking strand only and excludes
166           Hepatitis C viruses (HCV) encode a helicase enzyme that is essential for viral replication
167                     Unlike other replicative helicases, eukaryotic CMG helicase partially encircles d
168 trigger (RQT) subcomplex composed of the RNA helicase-family protein Slh1/Rqt2, the ubiquitin-binding
169 1, and is countered by the FANCM-related DNA helicase Fml1.
170 cation termination is the removal of the CMG helicase from chromatin.
171 we present the structure of the archaeal MCM helicase from Pyrococcus abyssi in its single octameric
172 s, including a detailed understanding of DNA helicase function and synaptonemal complex structure.
173 solution, elucidating the molecular basis of helicase function by relaxases and revealing insights in
174     The currently accepted view of hexameric helicase function is by steric exclusion, where the heli
175 Unexpectedly, we found a requirement for the helicase function of Dna2 in end resection in budding ye
176 loom's syndrome helicase BLM, is a yeast DNA helicase functioning in DNA replication and repair.
177                                The PcrA/UvrD helicase functions in multiple pathways that promote bac
178                    Escherichia coli UvrD DNA helicase functions in several DNA repair processes.
179 ss, by crRNA-displaying Cascade and nuclease-helicase fusion enzyme Cas3, respectively.
180        Loss-of-function mutations in the WRN helicase gene cause Werner syndrome- a progeroid syndrom
181  a conserved complex of genes, including the helicase gene, showing consistently high levels of adapt
182                                         This helicase has become the focus of extensive basic researc
183 ataricus minichromosome maintenance (SsoMCM) helicase has been shown to unwind DNA via a SEW mode to
184  strand on the exterior surface of hexameric helicases have also been shown to be important for DNA u
185 he ATP hydrolysis cycle of the superfamily 2 helicase Hel308 during translocation on single-stranded
186 e DNA transactions are promoted by RECQ5 DNA helicase in a manner dependent on its Ser727 phosphoryla
187 elicase-like transcription factor (HLTF) DNA helicase in a proteasome-dependent manner by redirecting
188 patterning in Drosophila and the role of Blm helicase in controlling this patterning.
189 1 and FAN-1 nucleases, and the DOG-1 (FANCJ) helicase in ICL resolution, influenced by the replicativ
190 ese data unravel the novel function of FANCJ helicase in regulating SCR and SCR associated gene ampli
191                                  Replicative helicases in all cell types are hexameric rings that unw
192 the hepatitis C virus (HCV) helicase and RLR helicases in live cells with quantitative microspectrosc
193             Our work implicates distinct RNA helicases in specific steps along the nuclear piRNA path
194 y screen targeting the 58 human DEAD-box RNA helicases in two permissive human cancer cells (HeLa and
195 e potent and selective Brr2 inhibitor 9 with helicase inhibitory activity.
196 MCM, the motor of the eukaryotic replicative helicase, into double hexamers at replication origins.
197            DDX3X is a conserved DEAD-box RNA helicase involved in translation initiation and other pr
198                                  Unlike many helicases involved in genome stability no hUPF1 binding
199 Minichromosome Maintenance (MCM) replicative helicase is a crucial component of replisomes.
200                         The replication fork helicase is composed of Cdc45, Mcm2-7 and GINS (CMG).
201                                The FANCJ DNA helicase is linked to hereditary breast and ovarian canc
202 chinery, and that unloading of Rad51 by Srs2 helicase is required for efficient PCNA loading and rest
203     Activation of the Mcm2-7 replicative DNA helicase is the committed step in eukaryotic DNA replica
204 3 and of all other spliceosomal DEAH-box RNA helicases is still elusive.
205  DNA damage at tDNAs in the absence of these helicases is suppressed by destabilizing R-loops while P
206             Unlike other superfamily 2 (SF2) helicases, JFH-1 NS3 does not require long 3' overhangs,
207 rated mice expressing a mutant mitochondrial helicase (K320E-TWINKLE) in the epidermis to accelerate
208 mponents of the HCV replication complex is a helicase known as nonstructural protein 3 (NS3).
209 : an endonuclease (R.CglI) and a DEAD-family helicase-like ATPase (H.CglI).
210                   Chromatin remodelers use a helicase-like ATPase motor to reposition and reorganize
211 eomic approaches suggested that Vpr degrades helicase-like transcription factor (HLTF) DNA helicase i
212 anking nucleosomes or roadblocks resulted in helicase loading being dependent on an additional origin
213 blocks that inhibited ORC-DNA binding showed helicase loading defects.
214                    We observed inhibition of helicase loading without inhibition of ORC-DNA binding o
215 ed, the remaining roadblock had no effect on helicase loading.
216 n specificity by preventing non-specific MCM helicase loading.
217                    Consistent with a sliding helicase-loading intermediate, when either one of the fl
218 sides of the origin to restrict sliding of a helicase-loading intermediate.
219 ur findings support a model in which sliding helicase-loading intermediates increase the flexibility
220             DNA unwinding by the replicative helicase may continue during such pauses, but a self-gov
221  that DHX36 disrupts G4s with a conventional helicase mechanism that is tuned for great efficiency an
222 s of extensive basic research on the general helicase mechanism, and it is also of interest as a nove
223 rk stability by inhibiting DNA2 nuclease/WRN helicase-mediated degradation of stalled forks.
224  changes are located within highly conserved helicase motifs and were found to either impair ATPase a
225 ication are licensed upon loading of the MCM helicase motor onto DNA.
226 Ps, including the binding effects of the RNA helicase MOV10 on mRNA degradation, the potentially diff
227 ical proximity and coupled activities of RNA helicase Mtr4 (and senataxin) with the noncoding RNA pro
228                                The HerA-NurA helicase-nuclease complex cooperates with Mre11 and Rad5
229                                   AdnAB, the helicase-nuclease implicated in mycobacterial HR, consis
230  double-strand break (DSB) by a multisubunit helicase-nuclease machine (e.g. RecBCD, AddAB or AdnAB)
231 o target dsDNA degradation by a trans-acting helicase-nuclease.
232 NA replication origins, load the replicative helicase on DNA, unwind DNA, synthesize new DNA strands,
233 n the strategies used to deposit replicative helicases onto DNA and to melt the DNA helix in preparat
234 A replication, but not its activity as a DNA helicase or its ability to bind to ssDNA.
235 , whereas integration was independent of the helicase or nuclease activities of Cas3.
236  YFP fused to either biologically active HCV helicase or one RLR (i.e. RIG-I, MDA5, or LGP2), express
237 and FCD-2 (FANCD2), the WRN-1 or HIM-6 (BLM) helicases, or the GEN-1 or MRT-1 (SNM1) nucleases.
238 d that Dia2 functions with the Sgs1 and Mph1 helicases (orthologs of human BLM and FANCM, respectivel
239  other replicative helicases, eukaryotic CMG helicase partially encircles duplex DNA at a forked junc
240 ic interaction of Sub1 with the G4-resolving helicase Pif1, suggesting a possible mechanism by which
241 myces cerevisiae encodes two Pif1 family DNA helicases, Pif1 and Rrm3.
242                                  Specialized helicases play an important role in unwinding DNA struct
243  incorporation of Cdc45 into the replicative helicase, possesses a partner called MTBP (Mdm2-binding
244 tive to DNA sequence and structure, with the helicases preferentially unwinding D-loops.
245 's replication machinery includes a trimeric helicase-primase composed of helicase (UL5) and primase
246 ethyl-2-[4-(2-pyridinyl)phenyl ]acetamide, a helicase-primase inhibitor for the treatment of herpes s
247 , whereas deletion of the FANCM-related Mph1 helicase promotes BIR.
248          We identify a new role for the Pif1 helicase: promotion of replication and suppression of DN
249 n and potentially regulating activity of the helicase Prp22.
250                                 The DEAH-box helicase Prp43 is a key player in pre-mRNA splicing as w
251       Together, these data suggest that this helicase regulates p21 expression at the translational l
252  factors in assembly of the replication fork helicase remain unclear.
253                          UPF1 is a conserved helicase required for nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) regu
254 ion events in bacteria often require the RNA helicase Rho.
255 e terminators, or by a nascent RNA-dependent helicase, Rho.
256 and in solution, similar to the HJ migration helicase RuvB in Gram-negative bacteria.
257                                  The RNA/DNA helicase senataxin (SETX) is one of the best characteris
258 ort second-end homology, absence of the RecQ helicase Sgs1 promotes gene conversion, whereas deletion
259  (with the exception of TLR3) and RIG-I-like helicase signaling, whereas in vaccinated MyD88(-/-) mic
260 sponses needed concurrent TLR and RIG-I-like helicase signaling.
261 auses, but a self-governing mechanism, where helicase speed is reduced by approximately 80%, permits
262 re complex structure used in high-resolution helicase studies, a DNA hairpin adjacent to 33 nt of ssD
263 interacting peptide (CIP) of the replicative helicase subunit Sld5.
264 it interacts with the MOV10 RISC complex RNA helicase, suggesting a role for IRAV in the processing o
265 rner syndrome protein (WRN) is a RecQ family helicase that has been implicated in the efficient proce
266 LIMIT2 (ISE2) is a chloroplast-localized RNA helicase that is indispensable for proper plant developm
267         The BLM gene product, BLM, is a RECQ helicase that is involved in DNA replication and repair
268                               UPF1 is an RNA helicase that orchestrates nonsense-mediated decay and o
269 d that ISE2 is a non-canonical Ski2-like RNA helicase that represents a separate sub-clade unique to
270 ore enzyme of the eukaryotic DNA replicative helicase, the Mcm2-7 (minichromosome maintenance) comple
271 Mcm2-7 hexamer structure found in the active helicase, the N-tier ring of the Mcm2-7 hexamer in the D
272 lisome requires 24 proteins, forming the CMG helicase, the Pol epsilon DNA polymerase, the RFC clamp
273 cation initiation, the core component of the helicase-the Mcm2-7 hexamer-is loaded on origin DNA as a
274 D) of DnaB to impair the ability of this DNA helicase to interact with primase.
275 quires an active large T (LT) phosphoprotein helicase to replicate.
276 on factories depend on ring-shaped hexameric helicases to aid DNA synthesis by processively unzipping
277            This mode of translocation allows helicases to bypass blocks on the strand that is exclude
278 ouble HJs are primarily dissolved by the BLM helicase-TopoisomeraseIIIalpha-RMI1-RMI2 (BTR) complex,
279 f the host restriction factor SAMHD1 or host helicase transcription factor (HLTF), respectively.
280         Escherichia coli UvrD is an SF1A DNA helicase/translocase that functions in chromosomal DNA r
281 quence within Hel308 affects the kinetics of helicase translocation.
282  that sheds light on how superfamily 1 and 2 helicases turn ATP hydrolysis into motion along DNA.
283 teracted functionally with the mitochondrial helicase TWINKLE.
284                       In addition to the RNA helicase UAP56 and the mRNA export factors ALY2-4 and MO
285 udes a trimeric helicase-primase composed of helicase (UL5) and primase (UL52) subunits and a third s
286 xpands on the existing SE model of hexameric helicase unwinding to include contributions from the exc
287                                     The Srs2 helicase unwinds DNA hairpins, facilitates replication,
288 we describe a new role for the ATP-dependent helicase UPF1 and its interaction with the RNA localizat
289 iRNAs does not require the ATP-dependent RNA helicase UPF1 in vitro, we report here that cellular Tum
290 ly, strand-specific blocks only affect these helicases when placed on the tracking strand, not the ex
291 talytic lobe is anchored to the motor of the helicase, whereas the polymerization domain extends towa
292                        Humans have five RecQ helicases, whereas simpler organisms have only one.
293 ly interacts with the conserved meiotic Mer3 helicase, which recruits it to recombination hotspots, i
294 case activity of recruited cellular DEAD-box helicases, which are involved in the production of exces
295                 Many RNA viruses also encode helicases, which are sometimes covalently linked to prot
296  DHX30 is a member of the family of DExH-box helicases, which use ATP hydrolysis to unwind RNA second
297 tes the Cdc45-MCM-GINS (CMG) replicative DNA helicase with DNA polymerases alpha, delta, and epsilon
298                       DDX3 is a DEAD box RNA helicase with oncogenic properties.
299 ed DNA is promoted by Rep and UvrD accessory helicases with Deltarep DeltauvrD cells being inviable u
300 he H/ACA snoRNP protein yNhp2/hNHP2, the RNA helicase yRok1/hROK1(DDX52), the ribosome biogenesis fac

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