コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 oorganisms responsible for the activity will help us better understand anaerobic MTBE degradation pro
3 he study of this genomic architecture should help us better understand brain evolution and disease.
4 es on organismal evolution, such studies can help us better understand, by looking back in time, how
5 ring times of past abrupt climate change may help us better understand climate-carbon cycle feedbacks
7 pend on the oestrous cycle and therefore can help us better understand differences in responses in ma
9 for higher-order memory in network flows can help us better understand how real systems are organized
10 atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) variations help us better understand how the global carbon cycle an
11 emphasis on how studies in the zebrafish are helping us better understand how hematopoietic stem cell
12 jectories during population expansions, thus helping us better understand observed patterns in the ev
13 ed pathways from the mature human oocyte can help us better understand oogenesis, folliculogenesis, f
14 ysphoric experiences produce identity fusion helps us better understand such pressing social issues a
17 for epidemiology as the field that that can help us better understand the drivers of population heal
18 ting experimental data in humans and thereby help us better understand the dynamic imbalances of ener
19 estions and for developing methods that will help us better understand the effect of chemical exposur
20 e physiological roles of uterine miRNAs will help us better understand the genetic control of implant
24 determining the timing of birth in mice may help us better understand the mechanism of the timing of
25 nd populations in early stages of divergence help us better understand the microevolutionary processe
26 ubule-dependent tumor-specific pathways will help us better understand the molecular basis of clinica
27 ssimilation and tissue dedifferentiation may help us better understand the molecular mechanisms of ag
28 c genes in the intracellular environment may help us better understand the novel pathogenic mechanism
29 riations to sequence functional features can help us better understand the pathophysiological role of
30 these and other clinical descriptive studies help us better understand the rejection process in pedia
31 ollowing estrogen or tamoxifen treatment may help us better understand the role estrogen plays in tum
32 de ideas for further investigations that may help us better understand the role of cytokines in this
33 cent evidence from observational studies has helped us better understand the pathophysiology of diffe
34 liquid water in its supercooled region have helped us better understand the structure and behavior o
35 udied in the context of tissue inflammation, helping us better understand the relationship between ef
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