


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n proteins produced from a CTX prophage (its helper phage).
2 ustly with packaging by conventional M13-KO7 helper phage.
3 face, if packaged by the modified M13-KO7(+) helper phage.
4 ing particles using proteins supplied by the helper phage.
5 etic elements that are mobilized by specific helper phages.
6 lls and amplified in vivo in the presence of helper phages.
7  of SaPI1 transducing particles and those of helper phage 80alpha was investigated by direct comparis
8 can be mobilized by infection with S. aureus helper phage 80alpha.
9                                 In contrast, helper phage activators do not show this increase in tra
10                                          The helper phage activators have more activity on the P4 pha
11 4 sid promoter, which has more activity with helper phage activators, has a second binding site cente
12  of SaPI excision and replication by certain helper phages and their efficient encapsidation into pha
13 but are nevertheless packaged efficiently by helper phages and transferred at high frequencies.
14  with the phagemids and infected with VCSM13 helper phage, and the resulting AtT-20 cDNA-bacteriophag
15                   Using standard technology, helper phage are essential for the replication and assem
16 posed of structural proteins supplied by the helper phage but having smaller capsids.
17 g particles comprise proteins encoded by the helper phage, but have a smaller capsid commensurate wit
18 ssemble phagemid particles as efficiently as helper phage, but without helper phage contamination.
19           We have eliminated the need to add helper phage by using 'bacterial packaging cell lines' t
20  as efficiently as helper phage, but without helper phage contamination.
21 1 is encapsidated in a virion assembled from helper phage-encoded proteins.
22                         SaPI1 depends on the helper phage for excision, replication and genome packag
23   These packaging cells eliminate the use of helper phage from phagemid-based selection protocols; re
24 id transcription unit are needed only when a helper phage is present; thus, the satellite phage activ
25 ged into phage-like transducing particles by helper phages like 80alpha or phiNM1.
26  on how they interact and interfere with the helper phage machinery for their own benefit.
27 ge-like particles either by typical pac-type helper phages, or by cos-type phages--i.e., it has both
28 delivery system that utilizes a cell-binding helper phage preselected from a landscape phage display
29                    gIII was deleted from two helper phages: R408 and VCSM13, which were then propagat
30                    SaPIs also interfere with helper phage reproduction, blocking plaque formation, sh
31 I-encoded mechanisms severely interfere with helper phage reproduction, thereby enhancing survival of
32 arriage of important genes-interference with helper phage reproduction, which could ensure their tran
33 id amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), and by helper phage rescue of unamplified clones.
34                            Also, a different helper phage, selected from a phage display library, suc
35       The activators from both satellite and helper phages stimulate transcription from Psid.
36 e of a helper plasmid, rather than exogenous helper phage, to produce single-stranded DNA; (ii) use o
37 nsfer of the island itself requires specific helper phages, transfer of unlinked chromosomal segments
38 e generated lysate (the lysogen inhibits the helper phage used to package the recombinant andenoviral
39 ion protein consisting of adapter GR2 in the helper phage vector.
40 ame phagemid vectors combined with different helper phage vectors.
41                       A series of engineered helper phages were constructed to facilitate both displa
42 at exploit the life cycle of their temperate helper phages with elegant precision to enable their rap
43 ms, we compared activators from two P2-like (helper) phages with those encoded by two satellite phage

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