


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 inkage and selection operator (Lasso) may be helpful.
2 81%) patients thought it was appropriate and helpful.
3 n and internet-based support groups are most helpful.
4 and tumor necrosis factor inhibitors as most helpful.
5 for individual CHB patients would be greatly helpful.
6 , 96% of males and 99% of females found them helpful.
7 apt approaches to diagnosis that are seen as helpful.
8                    Early prediction would be helpful.
9 es with indeterminate PET findings, would be helpful.
10 scontinued therapy did so because it was not helpful.
11 ing population pharmacokinetic models may be helpful.
12 t urinary acid excretion measurements may be helpful.
13 embolization and surgical treatment could be helpful.
14 approach with a low risk profile may be very helpful.
15 f these explanations are not always clear or helpful.
16 evidence for 'competitive altruism' in which helpful acts are used as a display to attract partners.
17                         Propranolol may be a helpful adjunct to behavioral therapy for PTSD, particul
18 nd their providers self-measured BP may be a helpful adjunct to routine office care.
19                            Serology can be a helpful adjunct to RT-PCR for research-based assessment
20 rum biomarkers including cytokines may offer helpful adjuncts to standard parameters for risk predict
21 ggest statistical software packages that are helpful and accessible to the clinician-researcher.
22 n subsequent analyses proved to be extremely helpful and is likely to become of even greater use with
23    Participants found the intervention easy, helpful and minimally distressing.
24 clude that both distinction and grouping are helpful and that it is important to take into account th
25 ikingly different properties, one type being helpful and the other harmful.
26                                   A range of helpful and unhelpful strategies were employed and altho
27  age of asthma onset in asthma modeling is a helpful approach in the search for disease susceptibilit
28 e analysis of survival end points and may be helpful as a measure of treatment benefit that has direc
29 t lesions; sonography might not always be as helpful as mammography and MRI (magnetic resonance imagi
30 e mass spectrometry or protein arrays may be helpful as well.
31 e of GIAO NMR shift calculations can provide helpful assistance in challenging cases of structural el
32                                  Both can be helpful but, by themselves, provide only a tunnel vision
33 mmentators saw our set of key ingredients as helpful, but there was disagreement regarding the origin
34              DOSY spectra could also be very helpful, but we will show here that it is not possible t
35 we do not know their potential for providing helpful clinical information.
36           CRP plus IL-6 seems to be the most helpful combination for preoperative discrimination of a
37                                     The most helpful criteria in correctly diagnosing SK-like melanom
38 s clear, thorough, clinically practical, and helpful, despite the limited availability of high-qualit
39     Although some of these interventions are helpful, few are based upon an understanding of pathophy
40 lance of antibiotic resistance that would be helpful for a better understanding of how to manage anti
41 strate a 3-D architecture of PCV that may be helpful for a better understanding of the anatomy, patho
42  to and provided novel insights that will be helpful for appropriate calibration of ELISAs.
43 d that identifies infected patients would be helpful for assertive diagnosis.
44 stimating direct and indirect effects can be helpful for assessing specific mechanisms.
45                            These results are helpful for assessing the pandemic risk of isolates and
46 surgeons select a THR fixation technique and helpful for both patient and surgeon in the decision-mak
47          DSA prior to treatment decisions is helpful for characterizing symptomatic PAVM, since it ca
48 relatively high detection limits, may not be helpful for classifying unidentified point defects in Ga
49                              Our results are helpful for conservatively bounding the number of gene t
50                      This system can also be helpful for controlling urban wastewater.
51 plant identification of patients with CAD is helpful for defining prognosis and whether preemptive co
52 in sensitivity, and trend-based analyses are helpful for determining and predicting overall visual fu
53                         These results may be helpful for development of novel applications for this n
54 ques such as in vivo confocal microscopy are helpful for diagnosing fungus and Acanthamoeba.
55 us, computed tomographic signs of DPO may be helpful for diagnosis of IPF.
56 tter insight into these differences would be helpful for differentiation based on disorder-specific u
57           Initial periodontal therapy may be helpful for diminishing oxidative stress in periodontiti
58 veral heuristic rules identified here can be helpful for discriminating between additive and nonaddit
59 frared imaging and PCA-LDA analysis could be helpful for easily assessing tumor viability.
60 vancement toward the multiple-gram scale are helpful for extending the applicability of LSPC-synthesi
61 network-centric approaches have proven to be helpful for finding genotypic causes of diseases, classi
62 tation spectrum of RP2 and RPGR, and will be helpful for further study molecular pathogenesis of XLRP
63                   This imaging method may be helpful for identifying target lesions before prostate b
64 lative costs of included treatments, will be helpful for individualized patient care decisions.
65 ith evidenced-based adherence counselling is helpful for individuals living with HIV/AIDS and depress
66                       These estimates may be helpful for informing efforts to improve prevention, dia
67 -scale organization of the brain is not only helpful for insight into its function, but is a requisit
68   Especially, the Raman method would be very helpful for investigating the weak spin-reorientation tr
69  metabolic imaging using (18)F-FDG PET/CT is helpful for lesion characterization differentiating beni
70 endent dataset, we believe that this will be helpful for neuropathologists in reporting a low, interm
71 ing of the receptor active site and are also helpful for optimization processes.
72 n, but also when it will happen is extremely helpful for optimizing perception and action.
73  relatively limited in scope and may be less helpful for patients treated in the United States.
74  in clinical routine and would be especially helpful for PET-indeterminate LNs.
75 ring polymerase inhibitor treatment might be helpful for predicting HBeAg seroconversion.
76                      Initial values were not helpful for prognostication.
77               Results from this study may be helpful for prospective postdoctoral periodontal program
78 mon mGluR1-based therapeutic strategy may be helpful for recovering cocaine and methamphetamine addic
79 ng sizes and complexity, and is particularly helpful for repeat-containing IDPs and low-complexity re
80 E. coli We propose that our findings will be helpful for researchers using Kdo and its chemical deriv
81 s are useful generally, but are particularly helpful for sample contamination levels from 2% to 20%.
82 se results suggest that the ROR score may be helpful for separating patients into risk groups who cou
83 F-fluoroethyl)-l-tyrosine ((18)F-FET) may be helpful for solving this diagnostic problem.
84 verse genetics system we constructed will be helpful for study of the pathogenesis of this group of v
85 rs of a diagnosis of hypersensitivity may be helpful for tailored plans.
86 ngs need a prospective validation and may be helpful for the design of clinical trials aimed at compa
87 re to functionalize carbon dioxide should be helpful for the development of new efficient (bio)cataly
88               Their full exploitation may be helpful for the food industry and consumers.
89 pectively, indicating that the method can be helpful for the forensic analysis of whisky samples.
90                 These observations may prove helpful for the future contextualization of patterns in
91 ling domain segments, which are particularly helpful for the hard targets for which current methods h
92 ic plasmonic and photonic structures and are helpful for the interpretation of future near-field expe
93  with a solid organ transplant specialist is helpful for the monitoring and management of systemic ad
94                This new animal model will be helpful for the testing of specific biologics neutralizi
95  of perfluorocarbon chain in PFOS, and it is helpful for the understanding of the transport and fate
96                                  This may be helpful for those who are neither willing nor able to sc
97 ndicate that palliative care would have been helpful for treating their symptoms (P < .001).
98 cts of M1 via apoptosome association will be helpful for understanding how to control apoptosis using
99 ons of both TBF and (18)F-FAZA uptake may be helpful for understanding the (18)F-FAZA signal.
100 teins within the viral particle that will be helpful for understanding the biology of tectiviruses in
101  a number of unique characteristics that are helpful for understanding the mechanism of superconducti
102                            These results are helpful for us to understand the possible evolution, to
103  the original encoding context is not always helpful, for instance, when retrieving a memory in a dif
104 ng better encapsulated products but might be helpful from their marketing point-of-view.
105 urpose of the present article was to provide helpful hints for creating figures in SAS/GRAPH that mee
106 specific ramp-up strategy would be generally helpful if such could be developed.
107 olvement of Congress and the public would be helpful, if Americans want their taxes spent fairly on t
108 show the typical signs and symptoms, CT is a helpful imaging modality for patients with relatively lo
109  The present work is thus expected to have a helpful impact on the practice and design of SnH radical
110 nt approaches of cell-based therapies may be helpful in ameliorating some of the clinical features an
111 imulation (TMS)--an approach that has proven helpful in assessing objectively the level of consciousn
112             Awareness of these predictors is helpful in assessing patients with dry eye in clinical p
113 smith Infant Neurological Examination may be helpful in assisting clinical decisions.
114 , testing only GEC suspicious nodules may be helpful in avoiding false positives and altering the ext
115                         These results may be helpful in better understanding the maintenance mechanis
116 rity of participants felt that the video was helpful in cardiopulmonary resuscitation decision making
117 s unknown if a syndrome-based description is helpful in characterizing behavioral deficits across a l
118 his crisis employed by some countries can be helpful in charting a way forward.
119 tients with sCJD but these features were not helpful in classifying individual patients.
120                             Hence ST2 may be helpful in clinical practice for prognostication and tre
121 esis of the different forms of HUS may prove helpful in clinical practice.
122 pportunities in these challenges that can be helpful in coming decades.
123                         PCPs reported CT was helpful in confirming or excluding rule-out diagnoses in
124 These risk factors of emphysema patterns are helpful in deciding on the management, including surgica
125  model applied to individual patients may be helpful in decision making about the utility of life sup
126      Patients and surrogates found the video helpful in decision making and would recommend the video
127                    This information might be helpful in decision making for families and physicians o
128  enhancers for a given cell type and will be helpful in decrypting transcription regulation mechanism
129 nctional differences from NCCs that could be helpful in defining several aspects of the structure-fun
130 efined optimal screening parameters would be helpful in designing screens and constructing bespoke gR
131 ination with regular T2-weighted MRCP may be helpful in detecting anomalies of the biliary system.
132                              Imaging is also helpful in detecting extrarenal manifestations of ADPKD,
133  parameter and that intensive measurement is helpful in determining its characteristics.
134  suggest that snoring sound detection may be helpful in determining obstruction sites and predict sur
135                                    It may be helpful in determining the clinically relevant allergen.
136 e specific active ingredients in LCS will be helpful in developing effective pharmacological strategi
137 elevant physiological pathways but also very helpful in developing enzymatic-based biosensors for oth
138 ls involved in autoimmune responses could be helpful in diagnosing myocarditis.
139 e recognition of the mistletoe sign could be helpful in diagnosing retroperitoneal fibrosis.
140                            MR imaging can be helpful in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of child
141 large series of MPM to discover new pathways helpful in diagnosis, prognosis and therapy.
142                     SEL examination would be helpful in differentiation of the origin of the metastat
143                     These findings should be helpful in discussions with patients undergoing TAVR.
144 y in LP cells, provides antigens that may be helpful in distinguishing NLPHL from CHL, and suggests t
145     A combination of 5 clinical features was helpful in distinguishing patients with DOCK8 mutations
146 sistent in patients with LGMD2C-F and can be helpful in distinguishing sarcoglycanopathies from other
147  imaging criteria for MS are not necessarily helpful in distinguishing these two diseases.
148 ganisms and thermostable enzymes that may be helpful in environmental management and industrial proce
149 nces and standardized testing results may be helpful in etiologic efforts, and potentially in clinica
150 ution computed tomography (HRCT) and MRI are helpful in evaluating middle ear pathologies, usage bein
151                   Diagnostic imaging is also helpful in evaluating ongoing symptoms in the subacute o
152                                This could be helpful in evaluating tumors for malignant transformatio
153                          This information is helpful in forming conservation strategies for L. auricu
154 nflicting predictions that can be especially helpful in fostering novel theory development.
155       We suggest that this classification is helpful in framing new diagnostic and therapeutic approa
156 by investigators and coordinators and may be helpful in future clinical trials.
157 med progression model cell lines can be very helpful in gaining valuable mechanistic insight into UVB
158                          This finding may be helpful in guiding choice of ring size to prevent recurr
159                       Epicardial mapping was helpful in guiding endocardial ablation in 2 patients (9
160 roteins with atomic details, which should be helpful in guiding future biomedical applications of MoS
161              Molecular marker testing may be helpful in guiding patient-oriented and tailored managem
162 th currently available experimental data are helpful in identifying a specific parametric model-the f
163                     Sixty-four slice MDCT is helpful in identifying masses amenable to thrombolysis i
164                     Such measurements may be helpful in identifying older prescription drugs at highe
165                          Our findings may be helpful in identifying transplantation recipients at ris
166 tion in geologic formations and will also be helpful in improving designs for subsurface CO2 injectio
167 legans or Galleria mellonella, has been very helpful in increasing our understanding of the pathogene
168 es are highest in ileal NETs and may also be helpful in insulinomas.
169                      Its use is particularly helpful in intermediate or angiographically ambiguous le
170 s at risk for arrhythmic events and could be helpful in investigating syncope not related to VAs.
171 predict post-LAT kidney function, and may be helpful in kidney allocation for liver transplant candid
172 , and sonography findings can be potentially helpful in making an early diagnosis of dengue fever.
173 al findings described in this article may be helpful in making preoperative radiological diagnosis of
174 nies, a PhD in the life sciences can be very helpful in making this determination.
175 is a surrogate marker of vision and could be helpful in making treatment decisions for children with
176 urther dissecting AP catalysis and may prove helpful in mechanistic studies of other phosphoryl trans
177                      Advanced warning can be helpful in mitigating and preparing for an impending or
178 rusen substructures may be a clinical entity helpful in monitoring AMD progression and informing mech
179 ies in the routine diagnosis of dSNMG may be helpful in ocular MG.
180 s methods presented in our study may also be helpful in other fields of cellular biophysics.
181           Additionally, these two ratios are helpful in our understanding of the patterns of DNA sequ
182 ion about hereditary risks of cancers may be helpful in patient education and cancer risk counseling.
183 imal punctum infrared and OCT imaging may be helpful in predicting patients more likely to benefit sy
184 dynamic properties of proteins which will be helpful in predicting their functions.
185                     Thus, C1-INH may also be helpful in preserving function of established grafts.
186 f other bone-augmenting agents is considered helpful in preventing such side effects by reducing the
187 rom birth to 6 months of age) is potentially helpful in preventing the development of atopic dermatit
188 d diligent selection of embolic material are helpful in preventing this adverse event.
189                       The proposed method is helpful in promoting the application of conformal mappin
190 nation begins quickly, school closure may be helpful in providing the time to vaccinate school-aged c
191 n of designed primers across targets is most helpful in quickly ascertaining primer coverage.
192  that functional structure blocks (FSBs) are helpful in rational design of inorganic dielectrics with
193 on out-coupling position are far apart, thus helpful in reducing contribution of auto-fluorescence fr
194                                 The model is helpful in screening children with high risk of developi
195                       Genetic testing may be helpful in some cases where a type 2 VWD variant is susp
196 e-molecule results suggest that RLSM will be helpful in studying single molecules or complexes in mul
197 ronment gained through the OPV switch can be helpful in supporting further stages of the polio end ga
198 enous vasoactive agent administration may be helpful in suspicious cases for differential diagnosis a
199 ticosteroids or antiepileptic medications is helpful in symptomatic patients.
200  behavioral addiction and that interventions helpful in targeting behavioral and substance addictions
201 dditional details of the method that will be helpful in the application of the protocol to other halo
202  establish the imaging criteria which may be helpful in the assessment of disease staging, qualificat
203 ogether called "protocols") can be immensely helpful in the clinical arena.
204                       This technology may be helpful in the design of future high-resolution sensory
205 ry profile of peri-implant diseases could be helpful in the development of host-targeted preventive a
206 ionally, detection of BRAFV600E mutations is helpful in the diagnosis of classical hairy cell leukemi
207 nce cholangiopancreatography (MRI/MRCP), are helpful in the diagnosis of hydatid disease.
208    Abdominal ultrasound examination might be helpful in the diagnosis of NEC, especially when plain a
209                        These findings may be helpful in the differential diagnosis of parkinsonian di
210 lication of previously undiagnosed CC may be helpful in the evaluation and management of patients pre
211 nsensitive, while MRI appears to be the most helpful in the evaluation of encephalopathies.
212 nt clinical-genetic associations that may be helpful in the evaluation of NEFL sequence variants and
213 use of electrical therapies that have proven helpful in the past for patients with functional disorde
214  mechanism of action of these ligands can be helpful in the rational refinement and enhancement of sm
215 s(2, 2-dinitro-2-chloro-ethanamine) (12) was helpful in their characterization.
216 d new techniques of cardiac imaging are also helpful in this regard.
217 +) signal generation in PSCs and this may be helpful in treating acute pancreatitis.
218       MYD88 and CXCR4 mutation status may be helpful in treatment selection for symptomatic patients.
219  VWD variant is suspected but is usually not helpful in type 1 VWD.
220 al concept of "polymers pushing polymers" is helpful in understanding and quantification of concrete
221 nd functions of moonlighting proteins can be helpful in understanding how novel protein functional si
222                          Our results will be helpful in understanding low temperature superconducting
223                 miRegulome and its tools are helpful in understanding the biology of miRNAs and will
224      These bioreporters will be particularly helpful in understanding the dynamics of root exudation
225 od to generate patterned charges and also be helpful in understanding the mechanism of nanotriboelect
226 in tissue microstructure, which is extremely helpful in understanding various neuropathologies and ne
227 oring of antenatal HCV prevalence might be a helpful indicator of population trends in HCV infection;
228 ntiation of bacteria using LOC-SERS provides helpful information for physicians to define the conditi
229 l in its infancy, these examples may provide helpful insights how lncRNAs interfere with cardiovascul
230                   The observed KIEs provided helpful insights into a qualitative description of the b
231                 These findings thereby offer helpful insights into the mechanism of the wetting and t
232 d sequences and structures, this can lead to helpful insights.
233 lt-in approach for handling ascertainment, a helpful integrated tool for genetic data simulation, and
234 gamma immunohistochemistry was found to be a helpful marker in the histological differential diagnosi
235 o measure in the clinical setting and may be helpful markers in guiding treatment decisions.
236                          Such information is helpful not only for environmental remediation but also
237                       These findings will be helpful not only for the design of regio- and stereospec
238 /or at the posterior pole and may serve as a helpful ocular diagnostic clue and an indicator of poste
239 sting microbiomes and replace them with less helpful ones.
240 , prospective data from this study will be a helpful resource for guiding the difficult HSCT decision
241 underway, the COS-STAR Statement should be a helpful resource to improve the reporting of COS studies
242                              The top 5 "most helpful" reviews (positive and critical) were analyzed a
243  against several common errors and introduce helpful statistical concepts that may be unfamiliar to r
244 ceived responses and impacts, supportive and helpful strategies and reflection of change over time co
245                   DecisionDx-UM GEP may be a helpful test for molecular prognostication in patients w
246 ight impact negatively on the development of helpful therapeutic relationships.
247 ersion, biomarkers, and anthropometry can be helpful, these are often costly, nonspecific, and unsuit
248    When segmenting an ambiguous scene, it is helpful to already know the present objects and their sh
249 ental formulas from accurate m/z values, was helpful to annotate specific compounds, such as alkaloid
250 prehensive set of experimental data would be helpful to benchmark the predictions made by simulations
251  registry or population-based study would be helpful to confirm this rebound phenomenon and to determ
252 n worry about defining curiosity, it is more helpful to consider the motivations for information-seek
253                   Additional cohorts will be helpful to define individuals at higher risk of carrying
254                                      This is helpful to design miRNA-based biotechnology for improvin
255 nal studies of TRBF in eyes with DR would be helpful to determine whether reduced TRBF is a risk fact
256  mechanisms driving a GWAS risk locus, it is helpful to determine which gene is affected in specific
257                            These data may be helpful to develop a standardized, donor-tailored inform
258 d semiquantitative (123)I-MIBG uptake may be helpful to distinguish between pheochromocytoma and phys
259 isorder prediction-based truncation would be helpful to efficiently improve the enzyme activity and c
260 nfection and antimicrobial resistance, it is helpful to elucidate drug mechanism(s) of action.
261 ng dobutamine stress echocardiography may be helpful to enhance risk stratification in low LV ejectio
262 es and basophil activation tests can also be helpful to establish correct diagnosis.
263                                 Histology is helpful to establish diagnosis.
264          A future prospective study would be helpful to further delineate an association between musi
265 the body and individual tissues, it would be helpful to have temperature maps superimposed on spatial
266 l emphasis on typological analysis, although helpful to hypothesize the direction of contacts, has le
267                         It may be especially helpful to identify patients with ocular surface inflamm
268                         Therefore, it may be helpful to identify the associations of RPD with other d
269         This kind of new device may not only helpful to implement adaptive information processing tec
270 n the process of fiber development, which is helpful to increase fiber yield and improve fiber qualit
271 ue's unusual mixed paint media that are also helpful to inform appropriate conservation treatments fo
272 ighted hierarchy of topical questions may be helpful to inform preliminary risk governance and guide
273  use of 1D and 2D NMR spectra is indeed very helpful to investigate the covalent grafting of organic
274 demonstration of the relBEsca locus might be helpful to investigate the key roles of type II TA syste
275 tins indeed protect against OAG, it would be helpful to know whether specific daily dosages or types
276 date and provide recommendations that may be helpful to nursing leaders and researchers who plan to u
277                        These findings may be helpful to patients in setting expectations after weight
278  simplest perfect-sink DGT expression can be helpful to predict (overestimation lower than 5%) the ac
279 patients with elevated syndecan-1, it is not helpful to predict de novo AKI.
280 ausible transmissions; (2) WGS technology is helpful to rule out the possibility of direct transmissi
281 e identification of AVRFOM2 will not only be helpful to select melon cultivars to avoid melon Fusariu
282  their reduced antifungal activity, could be helpful to solve drawbacks such as solubility and stabil
283 uations of complex interventions, it will be helpful to start by identifying the sources of complexit
284 e edited to obtain any desired IgH switching helpful to study the biology of normal and lymphoma B ce
285 flammation in mice and that our model may be helpful to study the inflammatory events that underlie t
286  and provides a deep comprehension, which is helpful to the cathode materials rational design and pra
287                    These observations may be helpful to the development of vaccines designed to elici
288 ecific miRNA-TF regulatory network, which is helpful to understand the complex CRC regulatory mechani
289 ol NF-kappaB activity therapeutically, it is helpful to understand the molecular mechanisms that norm
290 toward improving immunization systems, it is helpful to use a comprehensive approach that allows for
291               Transcriptional profiling is a helpful tool for diagnosis of LRTI.
292  and as such this animal model could prove a helpful tool for exploring new strategies for mitigating
293 ulatory chromatin regions, but constitutes a helpful tool for optimizing the parameter settings of pe
294  simultaneously, it is expected to provide a helpful tool for the study of complex systems in synthet
295  of these events, or what is perceived to be helpful/unhelpful by midwives afterwards.
296  with a dominant caring disposition that was helpful (via solving urgent matters) and hindering (via
297 ocus, and consider how this might serve as a helpful way to conceptualise a diagnostic algorithm.
298                                   The EQA is helpful when new technologies are introduced, and reveal
299 ate and tongue obstructions, and this can be helpful when planning surgery for patients with OSA.
300 ation of clinical chemistry is probably most helpful when the medical supportive care implemented at

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