


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 iency phenotypes (increased growth rate when hemizygous).
2         Less than half of patients are 22q11 hemizygous.
3 e ancestral W female sex chromosome), and is hemizygous.
4 enital-anomaly disorders caused by a de novo hemizygous 22q11.2 deletion mediated by meiotic nonallel
5     A total of 829 patients with a confirmed hemizygous 22q11.2 deletion, recruited through 12 intern
6 ndrome (VCFS/DGS) is associated with de novo hemizygous 22q11.2 deletions and is characterized by mal
7 se reports of parkinsonism co-occurring with hemizygous 22q11.2 deletions and the associated multisys
8 iduals with this syndrome possess 1.5-3.0 Mb hemizygous 22q11.2 deletions.
9 e of stc1 was 2-fold lower when flanked by a hemizygous 25-kb retrotransposon cluster.
10                          We found 28% to 45% hemizygous and 15% to 57% homozygous deletions of the OL
11  Also, cultures from Nf1 mutant embryos with hemizygous and biallelic Nf1 mutations have dramatically
12                                       Pl-OGT hemizygous and EPS male placentas showed similar robust
13                                              Hemizygous and homozygous deletions in cell lines/xenogr
14 ocus heterozygotes develop as females, while hemizygous and homozygous eggs develop as haploid and di
15                             Healthy piglets, hemizygous and homozygous for the gene-targeted allele,
16                                   Deletions (hemizygous and homozygous) of GPx3 gene are frequent in
17 rotein are decreased in HDL2 brain, and Jph3 hemizygous and null mice exhibit abnormal motor function
18                                        PDAPP hemizygous and wild-type littermate control mice were ex
19 he gain-of-function Su(z)2(1) allele but are hemizygous and, in some cases, homozygous viable.
20 In the other, most intergenic insertions are hemizygous and, thus, incapable of homologous recombinat
21     Compared with p53 wild-type animals, p53 hemizygous animals had early onset of lesions and a pron
22 male, and individuals that are homozygous or hemizygous are male.
23                             We bred NOD mice hemizygous at both TCRalpha and beta (TCRalpha(+/-) beta
24  and grip force were lower in homozygous and hemizygous Berkley mice (BERK and hBERK1, respectively)
25 CI 0.86-1.11; p=0.82) or homozygous girls or hemizygous boys (0.93, 0.82-1.04; p=0.25), with the sole
26 no evidence for protection among G6PD c.202T hemizygous boys and homozygous girls (OR 1.18, 0.99-1.40
27 kg once daily for 3 days), 95 G6PD-deficient hemizygous boys, 24 G6PD-deficient homozygous girls, and
28 2%) children were either homozygous girls or hemizygous boys.
29 MO2 breast cancer cell line, which harbors a hemizygous BRCA1185delAG mutation.
30                                              Hemizygous ch1p36 deletion was common in LG serous carci
31 ouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) with nested hemizygous chromosomal deletions, we reveal that ribosom
32 gens with the amount of IL-4 produced in the hemizygous condition falling close to the threshold requ
33 eceptor channel was reduced to less than the hemizygous control and to less than half of the wild-typ
34 nces in this model compared with C57BL/6 and hemizygous controls.
35                                              Hemizygous Cthrc1 transgenic mice developed normally but
36      In this study, we provide evidence that hemizygous deficiency of KLF2 increased diet-induced ath
37 tly, KIF1Bbeta and DRP1 are silenced in 1p36 hemizygous-deleted neuroblastomas, indicating that dereg
38            This accounts for LOH in both its hemizygous deletion and copy-neutral forms, and does not
39                                 In addition, hemizygous deletion and down-regulation of myopodin expr
40                                      Whereas hemizygous deletion appears to be responsible for KLF5's
41 indicated that promoter hypermethylation and hemizygous deletion contributed to the down-regulation o
42 zygosity that accrues as gene conversion and hemizygous deletion expose preexisting recessive deleter
43 uish loss of heterozygosity events caused by hemizygous deletion from those that occur by copy-neutra
44 in squamous cell carcinomas detected a novel hemizygous deletion in INPP5A on 10q26.3.
45 nes with one additional cell line exhibiting hemizygous deletion in the KLF4 gene.
46 -GATA site (T AGATAA: AGCCCC) and found that hemizygous deletion led to an embryonic lethal phenotype
47 eletion syndrome (22qDS), characterized by a hemizygous deletion of 1.5-3 Mb on chromosome 22 at locu
48 c genome rearrangement in TB that caused the hemizygous deletion of 313 genes, including the loss of
49                                              Hemizygous deletion of a 1.5- to 3-megabase region on ch
50 ychiatric abnormalities and is caused by the hemizygous deletion of a 1.5-3 Mb region of chromosome 2
51                                              Hemizygous deletion of a variable region on chromosome 1
52                   At the premalignant stage, hemizygous deletion of Bif-1 resulted in an increase in
53                                              Hemizygous deletion of chromosome 1p occurs in approxima
54 aniofacial development are associated with a hemizygous deletion of chromosome 22q11 in humans and in
55                                     In mice, hemizygous deletion of either Tbx1 or Gnb1l can cause de
56 ssues, we took advantage of the link between hemizygous deletion of human chromosome 22q11.2 and high
57                                              Hemizygous deletion of its gene has been implicated in s
58           We identified a single case with a hemizygous deletion of MIR223, resulting in the complete
59                    However, mice with global hemizygous deletion of Notch1 (N1(+/-)) developed larger
60                                      Indeed, hemizygous deletion of Notch1 in BM-derived cells leads
61 mouse models of human colorectal cancer with hemizygous deletion of POLR2A.
62                                      Neither hemizygous deletion of Pparg nor complete ablation of Pp
63 mors that lack intragenic mutations but have hemizygous deletion of PTEN, which includes the promoter
64                                We found that hemizygous deletion of Synj1 in the context of a mouse m
65 atment was identified who harbored a somatic hemizygous deletion of the DNA repair gene FANCA and put
66  mouse model (Df[h15q13]/+) was generated by hemizygous deletion of the orthologous region and charac
67                            Here we find that hemizygous deletion of the PIK3R1 gene encoding p85alpha
68 ation, and immunodeficiency resulting from a hemizygous deletion of the short arm of chromosome 4, ca
69                                              Hemizygous deletion of the Vps35 gene in mice promoted h
70                  In this paper, we show that hemizygous deletion of Vps35 in the Tg2576 mouse model o
71  neurodevelopment disorder associated with a hemizygous deletion on chromosome 7.
72 s syndrome (WS), a rare disorder caused by a hemizygous deletion on chromosome 7q11.23, including gen
73 22q11DS), the result of a 1.5- to 3-megabase hemizygous deletion on human chromosome 22, results in d
74                                              Hemizygous deletion promoted anchorage-independent growt
75 the observed 27-40% LOH presents evidence of hemizygous deletion with the remaining allele hypermethy
76 1.2 locus, to levels more than expected by a hemizygous deletion, and we demonstrate that this reduct
77 sus regions and the percentage of homozygous/hemizygous deletions across multiple samples.
78 CDKN1B in 14 of 180 SI-NETs, and we detected hemizygous deletions encompassing CDKN1B in 7 out of 50
79             We screened mutant mice carrying hemizygous deletions of 22q11DS genes and identified hap
80 syndromes have in common a high frequency of hemizygous deletions of chromosome 22q11.2.
81 otably, human high-grade gliomas carry focal hemizygous deletions of the X-linked Huwe1 gene in assoc
82  homozygous autosomal, complex autosomal and hemizygous deletions on the X chromosome of probands.
83 rier mutations, we identified homozygous and hemizygous deletions potentially causative for recessive
84 ber of probes for genomic amplifications and hemizygous deletions that were initially detected by Rep
85 ed aberrations include homozygous deletions, hemizygous deletions, copy-neutral LOH, duplications, an
86 rcinomas analyzed, 3 (13%) have somatic KLLN hemizygous deletions, with somatic loss of the wild-type
87 with cancer-relevant properties within these hemizygous deletions.
88 fications and large and small homozygous and hemizygous deletions.
89  Liver tissues from mice with liver-specific hemizygous disruption of Ppargc1a placed on an obesogeni
90 patients with heterozygous TERT mutations or hemizygous DKC1 mutations, these 2 homozygous TERT patie
91                                              Hemizygous dm(4)/Y mutants arrest as second instar larva
92 e resulting fitted models are applied to the hemizygous donors, one model (the one with the positive
93  these studies in wild-type C57BL/6 mice and hemizygous Drd1a-td Tomato (D1-Tmt), Drd1a-eGFP (D1-GFP)
94                      When transmitted from a hemizygous father (+/Tg), the Xist Tg demonstrates pater
95                            Ovaries of Tgkd/+ hemizygous female mice exhibit defects in luteinization,
96 ne result in Incontinentia Pigmenti in human hemizygous females.
97                               Homozygous and hemizygous flies with each allele are viable and fertile
98 ated FLT3/ITD homozygous (FLT3(ITD/ITD)) and hemizygous (FLT3(-/ITD)) mice.
99            Tumors exhibit numerous recurrent hemizygous focal deletions that contain no known tumor s
100                         As F(1) hybrid males hemizygous for a D. mauritiana (or D. simulans) X chromo
101                                         Mice hemizygous for a null allele of Tbx1 had mild malformati
102 ed Tconv clones from a female subject who is hemizygous for a null mutation in FOXP3, allowing the co
103                         Recently, using mice hemizygous for a site-directed VDJH and VJkappa transgen
104 lity of hybrid males that are simultaneously hemizygous for a small region of the D. simulans autosom
105  11 (g.73664C > T c.1846C > T p.Arg616*) and hemizygous for a transition mutation in Exon 6 of Nance-
106 of LOH: loss of transgene expression in mice hemizygous for a ubiquitously expressed enhanced green f
107  except at the test locus, which is rendered hemizygous for alternative alleles from the two parental
108 nd Pax6(+/+) littermates, age 3 to 28 weeks, hemizygous for an X-linked LacZ transgene, and Pax6(+/+)
109                              Plants that are hemizygous for AtLETM2 and homozygous for Atletm1 (letm1
110 nd related phenotypes of db/db mice that are hemizygous for both NSE-LEPR-B and SYN-LEPR-B transgenes
111                                         Mice hemizygous for C/EBPalpha displayed an intermediate-enha
112 odeletion syndrome (15q13.3DS) are typically hemizygous for CHRNA7, the gene coding for the alpha7 ni
113  that did not express Cre (Cre(0/0)) or were hemizygous for Cre (Cre(+/0)).
114              Here we show that juvenile mice hemizygous for Cyfip1 have altered presynaptic function,
115 uals derived from these inbred lines will be hemizygous for each of these non-allelic homologs but RI
116        Double knockout (KO) mutants that are hemizygous for either aapt1 or aapt2 display impaired po
117 onin neurons are genetically deleted in mice hemizygous for ePet1-Cre and homozygous for floxed Lmx1b
118 olving immature vessels was observed in mice hemizygous for Grk2 or in animals with endothelium-speci
119 /-) and Enpp1(asj) mice, either wild-type or hemizygous for human ENPP1.
120 sessed APC mobilization and function in mice hemizygous for knockout of the insulin receptor (IRKO) a
121 ncing confirms that the heterogametic sex is hemizygous for most sex-linked genes.
122 le explanations for lethality of human males hemizygous for null alleles of FLNA.
123 ial cells of mice that were Brca1 mutant and hemizygous for p53 increased the percentage of mice exhi
124  investigated using Brca1(f/f;MMTV-Cre) mice hemizygous for p53.
125 ine model and fibroblasts from XLID patients hemizygous for PLP2-(-113C>A).
126 uppressing the expression of EphB4; PV cells hemizygous for Pten show an approximately 2-fold increas
127 ly, we estimate that typical individuals are hemizygous for roughly 30-50 deletions larger than 5 kb,
128  further revealed that undifferentiated ESCs hemizygous for Rps5 showed reduced expression levels of
129                         Thymocytes from mice hemizygous for the CD8 transgene have a less severe rear
130                         Some individuals are hemizygous for the Crs-1 locus, indicating major haploty
131 gion of the D. simulans autosomal genome and hemizygous for the D. melanogaster X chromosome.
132 dually lost in diploid strains, which become hemizygous for the destabilized chromosome.
133 , the use of inbred strains of mice that are hemizygous for the Drd2 BAC transgene provides a reliabl
134 ccurred in 5 patients, of which 3 males were hemizygous for the G6PD-Mahidol mutation.
135                                      Kernels hemizygous for the gamma-zein deletion had intermediate
136 ontransgenic (NTg) db/db mice and db/db mice hemizygous for the human SOD-1 transgene (SOD-Tg).
137                      However, most lines are hemizygous for the insertion, necessitating a genotyping
138         We cloned genomic DNA from two males hemizygous for the long and short repeats of the microsa
139                The TgM83(+/-) mice that were hemizygous for the mutant transgene did not develop spon
140 nic animals that were homozygous rather than hemizygous for the Sp2 transgene exhibited a striking ar
141                       Several F1 populations hemizygous for the synthRBCSB1 gene cluster gave rise to
142 resulting in yellow (ch-42) sectors that are hemizygous for the trait of interest.
143                               Mice that were hemizygous for the transgene with CRP levels of 9 microg
144  10 mo of age, uninoculated TgM83(+/-) mice (hemizygous for the transgene) remain healthy.
145 d strains of mice (C57BL/6, FVB/N) that were hemizygous for the transgene, the Drd2-eGFP BAC transgen
146 single SNP (rs721575) and their parents were hemizygous for this marker.
147                                         Mice hemizygous for transgenic expression of human IAPP did n
148  sex determination) locus, whereas males are hemizygous (from unfertilized eggs).
149 x invasion are enzymatically normal, even in hemizygous G6PD-Mahidol G487A mutants; thus, allowing th
150                                We found that hemizygous gamma-TuSC mutants exhibit higher rates of ch
151 rtnering subunits, which was not seen in the hemizygous gene deletion control.
152 ome-wide transcriptional consequences of the hemizygous genomic microdeletion at chromosome 7q11.23.
153 FISH) was used to confirm that the ASGR is a hemizygous genomic region and to determine its chromosom
154                                          The hemizygous genotype had no effect on either acquisition
155  of the csd gene determine femaleness, while hemizygous genotypes (single specificity) determine male
156  comparing phenotypes between homozygous and hemizygous hA-transgenic mice.
157 cus develop as females; individuals that are hemizygous (haploid) or homozygous (diploid) at the sex
158             Mice that are 53bp1 deficient or hemizygous have an increased incidence of lymphoid malig
159 hat lack a functional androgen receptor (Tfm hemizygous) have reduced levels of renal CYP2J5 and do n
160  identify rare and intragenic homozygous and hemizygous (HMZ) deletions that may represent complete l
161 ess, a specific facial nerve hypomorphism in hemizygous Hoxb1(A1/-) mice and decreased viability in h
162 inue to collapse the homozygous (i.e., A/A), hemizygous (i.e., A/0), and duplicative (i.e., A/A/A) ge
163                               Both genes are hemizygous in Jacobsen syndrome, an 11q contiguous gene
164                           The homozygous (or hemizygous in males) CLDN2 genotype confers the greatest
165 e fused to the ancestral X chromosome and is hemizygous in males.
166 osomes show male-biased inheritance) and are hemizygous in the heterogametic sex.
167 veral of these markers have been shown to be hemizygous in the polyploid genome of P. squamulatum.
168 monary tumorigenesis was also accelerated by hemizygous inactivation of Lkb1.
169                                              Hemizygous insertion of Gp1ba promoter-driven human alph
170                               The tubules of hemizygous KitL(L263A/Sl) mice completely lack germ cell
171 erve a significant 1.5-fold increase in rare hemizygous knockouts in males, contributing to another 2
172 ic ablation of Atp6ap2 resulted in both male hemizygous lethality and female haploinsufficiency.
173 as the remaining lines caused homozygous and hemizygous lethality.
174 ion of mitochondrial proteins was reduced in hemizygous (letm1(-/-) LETM2(+/-)) plants.
175 as heritable and gene dosage dependent, with hemizygous lines showing intermediate HFA levels.
176 brid mapping population was developed from a hemizygous (lo) scsae--line using 35 krad gamma rays.
177  critical for normal cognitive function; its hemizygous loss is linked to the severe mental retardati
178  example, breakpoints leading to large-scale hemizygous loss of chromosome 11q were highly clustered
179 cent studies have revealed downregulation or hemizygous loss of Dicer in many tumor models and demons
180                               In comparison, hemizygous loss of Dicer in the same model also reduces
181                                 We confirmed hemizygous loss of Faf1 and down-regulation of Faf1 prot
182                                              Hemizygous loss of ID4 in nontransformed TCL1-positive B
183       Although we have previously shown that hemizygous loss of RPS14 recapitulates the failed erythr
184 y, rare human prostate cancer samples showed hemizygous loss of the COP1 gene, loss of COP1 protein,
185 u syndrome (PTS) seems to occur by virtue of hemizygous loss of the FLI1 transcription factor gene.
186                                              Hemizygous loss of the Stat5a allele significantly reduc
187 tion driving aberrant MYB-QKI expression and hemizygous loss of the tumor suppressor QKI.
188                        We identified a 99-kb hemizygous loss on chromosome Xq13.2 that involved three
189 m to complete IL-4Ralpha(-/-) mice to obtain hemizygous LysM(cre)IL-4Ralpha(flox/-) mice.
190 alphaS homozygous M83 Tg mice and 3-4 mo for hemizygous M83 Tg mice, these animals developed a rapid,
191 oneal (i.p.) injections of alphaS fibrils in hemizygous M83 transgenic (M83(+/-)) mice resulted in CN
192 3-5 months, 7-10 months and 18-20 months) in hemizygous male and heterozygous female mice.
193 e-specific inheritance pattern of FDH, Porcn hemizygous male embryos arrest during early embryogenesi
194 limb strength and exercise capacity in adult hemizygous male mice starting from 7 to 10 months of age
195                                        Since hemizygous male mice with Nsdhl mutations die by midgest
196                                              Hemizygous male Mtm1 p.R69C mice develop early muscle at
197                                              Hemizygous male mutant cells showed a strikingly enhance
198                                              Hemizygous male null mice (-/Y) developed testes but wer
199                                  Thus, adult hemizygous male, but not heterozygous female, mice showe
200 thogenesis of developmental epilepsy in both hemizygous males and carrier females.
201 type I syndrome leading to prenatal death in hemizygous males and dysmorphic faces and brain malforma
202                         Nevertheless, Pcdh19 hemizygous males and heterozygous females showed impaire
203 to confer some resistance to malaria in both hemizygous males and heterozygous females.
204 test is applied to the females only, and the hemizygous males are considered to be uninformative.
205                                              Hemizygous males are primarily affected clinically with
206                                              Hemizygous males usually die of neonatal encephalopathy.
207 ue boundaries-a process that cannot occur in hemizygous males.
208  and reduced copper content in the brains of hemizygous males.
209 s and is generally lethal (cause unknown) in hemizygous males.
210 ous females show more severe phenotypes than hemizygous males.
211 and identifiedacorrelation with phenotype in hemizygous males.
212 ndividuals with MDS and AML-in an inducible, hemizygous manner in hematopoietic cells.
213 0.81%-units (95% CI 0.66-0.96) per allele in hemizygous men, and 0.68%-units (95% CI 0.38-0.97) in ho
214 all EGFPf-positive cultured DRG neurons from hemizygous mice (TRPM8(EGFPf/+)) responded to cold and m
215                                    OPCs from hemizygous mice also undergo precocious differentiation,
216 NF-kappaB essential modulator) are lethal in hemizygous mice and men, whereas hypomorphic alleles typ
217                                        Clic4 hemizygous mice had intermediate deficits in the above p
218 cient operation of the shuttle in the aralar hemizygous mice prevents the protective role of L-lactat
219                  Furthermore, examination of hemizygous mice with a single Taar allele suggests that
220   The prediabetes stage was prolonged in the hemizygous mice, wherein beta-cell dysfunction and exten
221 ype AQP2 and AQP2-T126M were bred to produce hemizygous mice, which following excision of the wild-ty
222 homozygous mice and prevented oncogenesis in hemizygous mice.
223 n is absent from tumors arising in p27(Kip1) hemizygous mice.
224       There was no loss of LC neurons in the hemizygous mice.
225 rome (WS), a genetic disorder resulting from hemizygous microdeletion of chromosome 7q11.23, has emer
226  syndrome (WS), a genetic disorder caused by hemizygous microdeletion on chromosome 7q11.23 and chara
227               Williams syndrome, caused by a hemizygous microdeletion on chromosome 7q11.23, is chara
228 drome (WS) is a genetic disorder caused by a hemizygous microdeletion on chromosome 7q11.23.
229 alysis in each family identified overlapping hemizygous microdeletions.
230          We identified 11 male patients with hemizygous missense mutations in ATP6AP1, encoding acces
231 ically diagnosed with WDSTS; this revealed a hemizygous, missense mutation in SMC1A that was predicte
232 ale embryos were more severely affected than hemizygous mutant male embryos.
233        As predicted for a nonsense mutation, hemizygous mutant male mice are null and heterozygous ca
234 in by CRISPR-Cas9 mutagenesis and found that hemizygous mutants displayed significant differences in
235              We describe a young male with a hemizygous mutation in the X-chromosome gene FIGF (c.352
236                                 In addition, hemizygous mutations in GATA2, as well as heterozygous a
237                       Here, we report on two hemizygous mutations in OGT in individuals with X-linked
238                                              Hemizygous mutations in the human gene encoding platelet
239                                  We observed hemizygous mutations in the moesin (MSN) gene (located o
240  of the autosomal type IV collagen genes, or hemizygous mutations in the X-linked gene encoding the a
241                                              Hemizygous mutations predictive of the absence of WAS pr
242 n we sequenced TET2, we found homozygous and hemizygous mutations.
243 esting following Val(158)Met genotyping (Met hemizygous: N=16; Val hemizygous: N=28).
244 58)Met genotyping (Met hemizygous: N=16; Val hemizygous: N=28).
245                                        Their hemizygous nature contributes to faster divergence and r
246 crest cells in Lgdel/+ mice and we performed hemizygous neural crest-specific inactivation of Lgdel.
247 noma NCI-H460 cells, which we show contain a hemizygous nonsense mutation in the Arkadia/RNF111 gene,
248 nts and exonic copy number variants, such as hemizygous nonsense, frameshift, and missense changes in
249                      We show that thrums are hemizygous not heterozygous for the S locus, which sugge
250 hT17M rhodopsin transgene in a line that was hemizygous null for wild-type mouse rhodopsin (mrho(+/-)
251 ssessments have been conducted in male Mecp2 hemizygous null mice as offspring of heterozygous dams.
252                 In addition, transgenic mice hemizygous-null for nm23-m1 and nm23-m2 exhibited UVR-in
253  in the neonatal brain of placental-specific hemizygous OGT mice was substantially altered.
254 u-3 and H-1573, supports the hypothesis that hemizygous or homozygous deletions are responsible for t
255                               The finding of hemizygous or homozygous deletions at band 14 on chromos
256 cer Genome Atlas project, 93 (21%) have KLLN hemizygous or homozygous deletions.
257                     Mice with liver-specific hemizygous or homozygous disruption of Ppargc1a (Ppargc1
258                                         Mice hemizygous or homozygous for either knockin allele exhib
259                               Here we report hemizygous or homozygous inactivating mutations of the c
260 re dominant and functioned equally well in a hemizygous or homozygous state.
261 iciency phenotypes (reduced growth rate when hemizygous) or haploproficiency phenotypes (increased gr
262     Analyses of covariance revealed that Met-hemizygous patients performed significantly better on a
263  attention, and working memory) than did Val-hemizygous patients.
264                                              Hemizygous plants displayed a semi-dwarfing phenotype, i
265 as expressed at a level approximating normal hemizygous protein output.
266 PCR techniques, we identified three germline hemizygous PTEN deletions in 122 apparently mutation-neg
267  heterozygous rare variants in autosomes and hemizygous rare variants in the X chromosome of males.
268 of the ASGR, currently defined as the entire hemizygous region that hybridizes with apomixis-linked b
269 of PDGF-B in the retinas of transgenic mice (hemizygous rho/PDGF-B mice) results in rapid-onset retin
270                                              Hemizygous rhodopsin promoter/PDGF-B (rho/PDGF-B) transg
271                                              Hemizygous rhoPDGF-B or homozygous rho/PDGF-A mice were
272 etinograms (ERGs) were recorded from 44 male hemizygous Rs1h-KO and 44 male wild-type (WT) C57BL/6J m
273                                              Hemizygous s6k1s6k2/++ mutant and S6K1 RNAi lines show h
274 f the intermediate phenotype of functionally hemizygous Scn8a(N1768D/-) mice indicates that severity
275 contrast, papillomas formed normally in Chk1 hemizygous skin but showed an increased propensity to pr
276 , heterozygous Sod2-knockout mouse (HET) and hemizygous Sod2 mice with overexpression of the enzyme (
277 ccur for transgenes that are maintained in a hemizygous state for several generations.
278 anel of single-allele knockout strains whose hemizygous state mimics the genes' adaptive down-regulat
279 ncreased lysine in QPM in its homozygous and hemizygous states.
280  degree of correction in db/db mice that are hemizygous (Syn db/db) and homozygous (Syn/Syn db/db) fo
281       In a first series of experiments using hemizygous tamoxifen-induced genetic inactivation of a f
282                                In our study, hemizygous TEX11 mutations were a common cause of meioti
283  GLUD protein and activity in CNS neurons of hemizygous Tg mice were associated with increases in the
284      Study animals were PS19, homozygous and hemizygous Tg(MAPT*P301S), and B6/J mice.
285                                              Hemizygous Tg-TBK1 mice (with one TBK1 transgene per gen
286 zygous Tg-TBK1 mice had 7.6% fewer RGCs than hemizygous Tg-TBK1 mice and 20% fewer RGCs than wild-typ
287 ghbouring genes, rendering cancer cells with hemizygous TP53 deletion vulnerable to further suppressi
288 ic potential of colorectal cancer cells with hemizygous TP53 loss in a p53-independent manner.
289 at transgene expression can be restored when hemizygous transgenes that were silenced via multigenera
290 mLECs) derived from human IDO-overexpressing hemizygous transgenic (hemTg) and wild-type (Wt) mice we
291 ory hair cells within inner ear epithelia of hemizygous transgenic females due to X inactivation.
292                                              Hemizygous transgenic mice harboring increased levels of
293 ces within a 200-kb X-linked region, and the hemizygous (unpaired) state of the Xist region promotes
294 on, we identified four predicted pathogenic, hemizygous variants on chromosome X in two known disease
295        However, Pl' can revert to Pl-Rh when hemizygous, when heterozygous with pl1 alleles other tha
296 y one-quarter were viable when homozygous or hemizygous, whereas the remaining lines caused homozygou
297 73 HMZ deletion calls (567 homozygous or 206 hemizygous) with an estimated sensitivity of 86.5% (82%
298                                              Hemizygous worms [spe-46(hc197)/mnDf111] are effectively
299 ous recombination to modify a native gene in hemizygous (wt/Deltaexon) human cancer cells, generating
300 o females, due to dosage compensation of the hemizygous X.

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