


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 of the complementary strand, producing a new heteroduplex.
2 ve site is expanded to accommodate a growing heteroduplex.
3 st chromosome to form a physical and genetic heteroduplex.
4 sion to the discontinuous strand of a nicked heteroduplex.
5 nerating increasing or decreasing lengths of heteroduplex.
6 cal geometry into the DNA/RNA portion of the heteroduplex.
7 ge of complementary base pairs to form a new heteroduplex.
8 ch with its own rules for mismatch repair of heteroduplexes.
9 RNA duplexes but not DNA duplexes or RNA-DNA heteroduplexes.
10 rna22 identifies most of the currently known heteroduplexes.
11 croRNA binding sites and their corresponding heteroduplexes.
12 ha, which efficiently corrects both types of heteroduplexes.
13 epleted HeLa extract in repair of mismatched heteroduplexes.
14 ctly on the surface concentration of DNA-RNA heteroduplexes.
15 mediate mutants that carry (CA)(13).(GT)(12) heteroduplexes.
16 , intramolecular stem-loops into more stable heteroduplexes.
17 tions happen and the specifics of the formed heteroduplexes.
18 omplementary cytosine-rich sequences to form heteroduplexes.
19 from Ago2 peaks and prediction of miRNA::RNA heteroduplexes.
20 g activity when interacting with nucleosomal heteroduplexes.
21 tion of loaded beta clamp on either 3' or 5' heteroduplexes.
22 he mismatch and a d(GATC) site in a circular heteroduplex abolishes MutH activation, whereas a double
23 sed, the mismatch insensitive binding in the heteroduplex allows short mismatched regions to be incor
24                 MutS800 binds a 20-base pair heteroduplex an order of magnitude more weakly than full
25 by single-strand conformational polymorphism-heteroduplex analysis (SSCP-HA) and by direct sequencing
26   The K3326X polymorphism was detected using heteroduplex analysis and DNA sequencing.
27 ded to each unknown before PCR, quantitative heteroduplex analysis can differentiate heterozygous, ho
28                                              Heteroduplex analysis of clinical samples from geographi
29 mperature-gradient capillary electrophoresis heteroduplex analysis of PCR amplicons of genes and ESTs
30                        In the current study, heteroduplex analysis of the ISR was used to determine t
31 givalis strain diversity, we previously used heteroduplex analysis of the ribosomal operon intergenic
32 formed on 7 by PCR of each exon, followed by heteroduplex analysis using denaturing high-performance
33 this study was to apply temperature-mediated heteroduplex analysis using denaturing high-performance
34 by restriction fragment length polymorphism, heteroduplex analysis, or allelic discrimination.
35 onto the RNA array to form a surface RNA-DNA heteroduplex and (ii) the hydrolysis of the RNA microarr
36 yribonucleotide at the catalytic site of the heteroduplex and consisted of southern, northern, and ea
37                                              Heteroduplex and DNA sequence analyses were then perform
38 exon 10 microsatellite significantly reduced heteroduplex and full mutation in hMLH1(-/-) cells.
39 atin assembly is differentially regulated on heteroduplex and homoduplex substrates.
40  effect not only on the melting point of the heteroduplex and the homoduplex but also on the hybridiz
41 e show that a more detailed model, involving heteroduplex and transient-duplex formation, leads to si
42 h RNase H required the presence of a surface heteroduplex and, upon completion, regenerated the origi
43 ridization of different subtypes resulted in heteroduplexes and generated multiple TGCE peaks.
44 es the resolution, with better separation of heteroduplexes and homoduplexes.
45 ly in cleaving non-specifically at bulges in heteroduplexes, and single-base mismatches are the least
46 EDC and imidazole, of the hybridized PNA/DNA heteroduplexes, and then they were exploited as the elec
47 fic RNA-DNA antibodies recognizing miRNA-DNA heteroduplexes, antipoly(A)-poly(dT) and anti-S9.6, were
48       Severe distortions of the guide-target heteroduplex are observed in the ruinous 4-sites mismatc
49 or human and mouse miRNAs revealed that many heteroduplexes are "non-canonical" i.e. their seed regio
50               Mismatched base pairs in these heteroduplexes are cleaved by digestion with a single-st
51     In the presence of target miRNA, DNA-RNA heteroduplexes are formed and become substrate for the e
52                 After heating and annealing, heteroduplexes are nicked at mismatched sites by the end
53         The CPs together with the QDs in the heteroduplexes are subsequently cleaved off the magnetic
54  on both reparable and irreparable 3' and 5' heteroduplexes as judged by [32P]dAMP incorporation.
55 in the genital tract and blood, we performed heteroduplex assays on amplified env products from cell-
56 he native strand in a native:phosphoramidate heteroduplex at a rate comparable to that observed with
57               We report the development of a heteroduplex-based mutation detection method using multi
58 ctly purifies the single-stranded regions of heteroduplexes between alternative splices formed in the
59 , samples are denatured and annealed to form heteroduplexes between polymorphic DNA strands.
60 pts a bilobed architecture, with the RNA-DNA heteroduplex bound inside the central channel.
61 nd at saturating protein concentrations, the heteroduplex-bound mass observed with MutS800 is only ha
62 , indicating that the subunit copy number of heteroduplex-bound MutS is twice that of MutS800.
63 counter, and is sufficient to unwind RNA-DNA heteroduplex but not duplex DNA.
64  required for genome packaging, disrupts the heteroduplex by binding tightly to U5 (K(d) = 122 +/- 10
65 Incision of a nicked mismatch-containing DNA heteroduplex by this four-protein system is strongly bia
66 es were introduced to the hybridized PNA/DNA heteroduplexes by employing phosphate-zirconium-carboxyl
67  preferential processing of base-base and ID heteroduplexes by MutSalpha and MutSbeta is determined b
68 duplexes and support ribonuclease H mediated heteroduplex cleavage, all with negligible non-specific
69 ltered enzymatic activity toward immobilized heteroduplexes compared to substrates free in solution.
70 drolysis of nucleotide cofactors by the MutS-heteroduplex complex are required for downstream MMR act
71 insic dissociation rate of a particular MutS-heteroduplex complex.
72    Quasispecies emergence was determined via heteroduplex complexity assay.
73  for a C3'-endo conformation, and stabilizes heteroduplexes composed of modified DNA and complementar
74 from D344R, the sequence of which revealed a heteroduplex consistent with Int(Tn916)-mediated excisio
75 ence intensity of cells transfected with the heteroduplex construct divided by that of cells transfec
76                                              Heteroduplexes contain thermodynamically unstable nucleo
77   Here, we showed that MutS bound to a 30-bp heteroduplex containing an unpaired T with a binding aff
78 ocess DNA loop structures, a set of circular heteroduplexes containing a 30-nucleotide loop were cons
79                                              Heteroduplexes containing modifications exhibiting stron
80                            Finally, modified heteroduplexes containing modifications predicted to mim
81 ased and artifacts are reduced by generating heteroduplexes containing only one of the two possible m
82 pecific recognition and binding of MutS to a heteroduplex, containing either a mismatch or an inserti
83  melting curve separation is proportional to heteroduplex content difference and that the addition of
84 tions existing in the heteroplasmic state if heteroduplexes could be generated.
85 tion using a fluorescein-tagged 20-base pair heteroduplex demonstrated that native MutS forms a tetra
86 ection system to assay cleavage of amplified heteroduplexes derived from a variety of induced mutatio
87  of MutH endonuclease on a 6.4-kilobase pair heteroduplex, displaying only 1 to 2% of the activity of
88 the mechanism of gene targeting, we examined heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) formation during targeting of tw
89  differences in the extents and locations of heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) in NCO versus CO products.
90    These models differ in the arrangement of heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) in recombination intermediates.
91 y a nondestructive dismantling of mismatched heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) intermediates.
92 e function of Rad54 is removal of Rad51 from heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) to allow HR-associated DNA synth
93 tiating DSB, with a short (<300 bp) tract of heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) to one side and hDNA on the othe
94                                              Heteroduplex DNA (hetDNA) is a key molecular intermediat
95 entical, there will be mismatches within the heteroduplex DNA (hetDNA).
96 issociating yeast Rad51 protein bound to the heteroduplex DNA after DNA strand invasion.
97 rkers spanning the DSB should be included in heteroduplex DNA and be detectable as non-Mendelian segr
98 e 3' invading strand to be incorporated into heteroduplex DNA and to be extended by DNA polymerases.
99                                Mismatches in heteroduplex DNA are recognized and repaired efficiently
100 ous conversion tracts, as well as persistent heteroduplex DNA at crossover sites in mature spermatozo
101                                      Relaxed heteroduplex DNA containing a two or three-repeat unit e
102 ion between divergent sequences by rejecting heteroduplex DNA containing excessive nucleotide mismatc
103 hought to promote dissociation of RAD51 from heteroduplex DNA following strand exchange during homolo
104 e tract length and directionality, including heteroduplex DNA formation, transcription, replication a
105  with wild-type HIS4 sequence during meiotic heteroduplex DNA formation.
106 cture-specific proteins on TGR frequency and heteroduplex DNA formation.
107 ins are crucial for strand discrimination of heteroduplex DNA formed during ICTS.
108  (OsPERT) was primarily developed to prepare heteroduplex DNA from alkali-denatured high molecular we
109  the repair of 1-nucleotide loop mispairs in heteroduplex DNA generated during meiotic recombination.
110 ed in the rad51Delta mutant, indicating that heteroduplex DNA has an altered structure, or is process
111 ticular type of recombinant containing trans heteroduplex DNA has been observed at two loci.
112   We have analyzed repair of nicked circular heteroduplex DNA in extracts of Exo1-deficient mouse emb
113 port of this, analysis of the arrangement of heteroduplex DNA in the postmeiotic segregation products
114 ation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, heteroduplex DNA is formed when single-stranded DNAs fro
115 l repeats can be used for repair showed that heteroduplex DNA is likely to be unwound rather than deg
116       Mismatch correction of strand invasion heteroduplex DNA is strongly polar, favouring correction
117 ad51 protein is stuck on the double-stranded heteroduplex DNA product of DNA strand invasion.
118 g the process of homologous recombination, a heteroduplex DNA structure, or a 'Holliday junction' (HJ
119 actions between polymerase II (Pol II) and a heteroduplex DNA template do not depend on general trans
120 ces to cleave single base pair mismatches in heteroduplex DNA templates used for mutation and single-
121 phosphorylated RPA initially binds to nicked heteroduplex DNA to facilitate assembly of the MMR initi
122 ive branch migration to extend the region of heteroduplex DNA, even without RecA.
123 Bs) but does not progress beyond this stage; heteroduplex DNA, joint molecules, and crossovers are no
124  of 0.7 microm in the absence or presence of heteroduplex DNA.
125 eleting mismatch repair proteins to identify heteroduplex DNA.
126 S forms a tetramer on this single site-sized heteroduplex DNA.
127 tein that displays increased specificity for heteroduplex DNA.
128 ch as single-stranded (ss) DNA, DNA ends and heteroduplex DNA.
129 hat observed with otherwise identical nicked heteroduplex DNA.
130 ous dsDNA undergoes strand exchange yielding heteroduplex dsDNA in site I and the leftover outgoing s
131 d of a double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and forms heteroduplex dsDNA in site I if homology is encountered.
132                       After strand exchange, heteroduplex dsDNA is bound to site I.
133  leading end of a RecA/ssDNA filament, while heteroduplex dsDNA unbinds from the lagging end via ATP
134 airing events but, rather, it stimulates DNA heteroduplex extension in the 3' --> 5' direction relati
135         Conversely, Mer3 helicase blocks DNA heteroduplex extension in the 5' --> 3' direction.
136  of DNA strand reinvasion or a defect in DNA heteroduplex extension is responsible for the impaired r
137 e stabilizes nascent joint molecules via DNA heteroduplex extension to permit capture of the second p
138  of the Escherichia coli RecA-ssDNA and RecA-heteroduplex filaments.
139                           Optimal nicking of heteroduplexes for mismatch detection was achieved using
140 CVR2 exon 3 and 10 microsatellites underwent heteroduplex formation (A(7)/T(8)) in hMLH1(-/-) cells,
141 een homeologous repeats yielded evidence for heteroduplex formation and preferential migration of the
142 ing that mismatches encountered early during heteroduplex formation induce rapid rejection of off-tar
143 dence that DNA strand separation and RNA-DNA heteroduplex formation initiate at the PAM and proceed d
144 racts primarily through base pairing, making heteroduplex formation strictly dependent on complementa
145 stal gene conversion requires both hMSH2 and heteroduplex formation.
146  mRNA expression in these cells via RNA/mRNA heteroduplex formation.
147 elting studies of Watson-Crick complementary heteroduplexes formed between 2'-O-methyl RNA and RNA ol
148            DNA mismatches are generated when heteroduplexes formed during recombination involve DNA s
149 phoretic analysis of splicing variants where heteroduplexes formed from different variants can produc
150 se H (RNase H) surface hydrolysis of RNA-DNA heteroduplexes formed on DNA microarrays was studied usi
151 oyed enzymatic or physical discrimination of heteroduplexed from homoduplexed target DNA.
152                    A multiple-codon-specific heteroduplex generator probe was constructed to improve
153                        The protease gene RNA heteroduplex generator-tracking assay (RNA-HTA) was test
154 omplexes were assembled by using a series of heteroduplex HIS4 promoters, TATA binding protein (TBP),
155       We also show that either strand of the heteroduplex in a 30 bp synaptic complex can be replaced
156  nuclease lobes, accommodating the sgRNA:DNA heteroduplex in a positively charged groove at their int
157                      Modelling of an RNA-DNA heteroduplex in the interior of this ring demonstrates a
158  The causes of anomalous migration of Ppd-A1 heteroduplexes in gels were found to be the localization
159 acterized the preference of Pif1 for RNA:DNA heteroduplexes in vitro by investigating several kinetic
160 early step for HR pathways is formation of a heteroduplex, in which a single-strand from the broken D
161 ydrolyzable ATP analogue modulates MutSalpha.heteroduplex interaction in a manner that is distinct fr
162 tochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication, DNA/RNA heteroduplex intermediates are formed.
163             Processing of the irreparable 3' heteroduplex is also associated with incision of the dis
164 hat one-sided events reflect events in which heteroduplex is formed predominantly on only one side of
165 MeG is located on the continuous strand, the heteroduplex is irreparable.
166                     Once formed, the DNA-RNA heteroduplex is susceptible to RNAse H enzymatic cleavag
167 n to generate noncrossover products in which heteroduplex is unrepaired.
168     Interestingly, binding of MutSbeta to ID heteroduplexes is greatly stimulated when the MutSalpha:
169 rmodynamic properties of 2'-O-methyl RNA/RNA heteroduplexes is reported.
170              Insertion and deletion of small heteroduplex loops are common mutations in DNA, but why
171 te could not be attributed solely to altered heteroduplex melting, strongly suggesting that specific
172 e phosphate groups of the hybridized PNA/DNA heteroduplexes merely through one-step conjugation in th
173                                              Heteroduplex mobility analysis (HMA) is a rapid, inexpen
174                    To address this question, heteroduplex mobility analysis (HMA) of portions of the
175 nfected, using clonal frequency analysis via heteroduplex mobility analysis of the second envelope ge
176                                The gag-based heteroduplex mobility assay (gag-HMA) was evaluated for
177                In this study, we developed a heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA) for quickly identifyin
178 assay compared to either the sequence or the heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA)-determined subtypes.
179 -strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA).
180  this novel long-amplicon method followed by heteroduplex mobility assay combined with single-strande
181    Polymerase chain reaction combined with a heteroduplex mobility assay was subsequently used to eff
182 orbent assay, reverse transcriptase PCR, the heteroduplex mobility assay, and DNA sequencing.
183 assessed 64 patients for dual infection with heteroduplex mobility assay, viral sequencing, and phylo
184 mobility shift (MMS) values derived from the heteroduplex mobility assay.
185                                              Heteroduplex mobility assays were unable to distinguish
186 ir sexual partners were analyzed by RFLP and heteroduplex mobility assays.
187 and that the tetramer can bind only a single heteroduplex molecule, implying nonequivalence of the tw
188                            Furthermore, both heteroduplex (n = 21) and phylogenetic (n = 9) analyses
189 moduplexes of DNA, aeg-PNA, gamma-PNA, and a heteroduplex of DNA/aeg-PNA with identical nucleobase se
190              Here we develop a short DNA/RNA heteroduplex oligonucleotide (HDO) with a structure diff
191 striction endonucleases to hydrolyze RNA-DNA heteroduplex oligonucleotide substrates was assessed.
192  bulk, and conformational flexibility of the heteroduplex on enzyme efficiency.
193 g zippering up of 20-bp guide RNA:target DNA heteroduplex on ternary complex formation.
194 omyces cerevisiae, however, failed to detect heteroduplexes on both sides of the DSB site.
195 vely and repeatedly destroy RNA from RNA-DNA heteroduplexes on gold surfaces; when used in conjunctio
196 o the formation of a high density of PNA/DNA heteroduplexes on the electrode surface for the subseque
197 not be used in analytical methods to resolve heteroduplexes; only with the simplex system can proper
198 some with much lower efficiency than a naked heteroduplex or a heterology free of histone proteins bu
199  most cases, dimorphisms were detected using heteroduplex or single-strand conformational polymorphis
200 ns based on single-base mismatch cleavage of heteroduplexed PCR products.
201                                          The heteroduplex plasmid and a similarly constructed homodup
202 mismatch to G-C or T-A, respectively, in the heteroduplex plasmid generates a functional EGFP gene ex
203 s in lower mismatch signals than the RNA-DNA heteroduplexes produced by IVT amplification.
204  and is associated with translocation of the heteroduplex product as well as strand separation of the
205 ors, the MMR system can remove mismatches in heteroduplex recombination intermediates to generate gen
206 cesses are formed and constrained within the heteroduplex region of the D-loop.
207 n in DNA interstrand crosslink repair and/or heteroduplex rejection are mutually exclusive.
208                  The involvement of Sgs1p in heteroduplex rejection but not nonhomologous tail remova
209                             In contrast, the heteroduplex rejection function of MMR during recombinat
210                       In mlh1 Delta strains, heteroduplex rejection was greater than in msh6 Delta st
211                            This reduction in heteroduplex rejection was suppressed in a mismatch repa
212 to nonhomologous tail removal during SSA and heteroduplex rejection were characterized.
213 combination between divergent DNA sequences (heteroduplex rejection) during SSA.
214 Deleting PMS1, MLH2,or MLH3 had no effect on heteroduplex rejection, but a pms1 Delta mlh2 Delta mlh3
215 indicate a temporal coupling of MMR, but not heteroduplex rejection, to DNA replication.
216 t deleting the SGS1 helicase also suppressed heteroduplex rejection.
217 ative MMR and also plays a prominent role in heteroduplex rejection.
218 tion, suppression of synthetic lethality and heteroduplex rejection.
219 ided events are the norm but are "hidden" as heteroduplex repair frequently restores the parental con
220 no effect on the distribution of events when heteroduplex repair is lost.
221                            In the absence of heteroduplex repair, the first model predicts that two-s
222 arison of the PNA homoduplex and the PNA-RNA heteroduplexes reveals PNA's intrinsic structural proper
223        Knockdown of DHX9 expression by small heteroduplex RNA dramatically blocked the ability of mDC
224 ion: it not only determines the guide-target heteroduplex's nucleation and propagation, but also regu
225 resence of sequence heterogeneity in a given heteroduplex sample by introducing a thermal denaturing
226       Instead, PCR amplification followed by heteroduplex scanning and/or direct nucleotide sequencin
227                                A VEGF164/120 heteroduplex species was identified as a PCR artefact, s
228 However, correction of the mismatches within heteroduplex SSA intermediates required PMS1 and MLH1 to
229  and theoretical results suggesting that the heteroduplex stability is insensitive to mismatches.
230 pting a pre-existing stem loop and forming a heteroduplex stabilized by 11 Watson-Crick base pairs (K
231 depends on MutL alpha incision of the nicked heteroduplex strand and dNTP-dependent synthesis-driven
232 ndent instability in the base pairing in the heteroduplex strand exchange product could provide strin
233 ovoked by MeG-T is restricted to the incised heteroduplex strand, leading to removal of the MeG when
234 und that Artemis is capable of nicking small heteroduplex structures and is even able to nick single-
235  RNA-functionalized AuNPs which form DNA-RNA heteroduplex structures through specific hybridization w
236    Here, we identify the substituents on the heteroduplex substrate and the amino acid residues withi
237 e interaction between human RNase H1 and the heteroduplex substrate as well as approaches to enhance
238 gar conformation and helical geometry of the heteroduplex substrate at the catalytic site of human RN
239 rminants in the selective recognition of the heteroduplex substrate by human RNase H1 and offer immed
240 y a role in the selective recognition of the heteroduplex substrate by the enzyme.
241            A repair assay utilising a nicked heteroduplex substrate with a GT or a GG mismatch in the
242                                 Finally, the heteroduplex substrates exhibited preferred cleavage sit
243 NA elements, and RNA length to slipping on a heteroduplex template using a highly purified human pol
244 active on duplex DNA, were suppressed by the heteroduplex templates, showing that a major function of
245 upport assembly of the yMutLalpha.yMutSalpha.heteroduplex ternary complex.
246 r trans-T(p) by sequestering trans-T(p) in a heteroduplex that is more stable than homoduplex [T(p).T
247 ence of any mutation on the target DNA forms heteroduplexes that are subsequently denatured from the
248 e (MeG), we have constructed nicked circular heteroduplexes that contain a single MeG-T mispair, and
249                                 By using DNA heteroduplexes that inhibit rewinding of the upstream pa
250 fically recognizes both types of nucleosomal heteroduplexes, the protein bound the mismatch within a
251 sequesters mature miR-122 in a highly stable heteroduplex, thereby inhibiting its function.
252  genes are denatured and re-annealed to form heteroduplexes; they are then incubated with either comp
253 isense oligodeoxyribonucleotide (ASO) of the heteroduplex to alter the helical geometry of the substr
254  exon 10 frameshifts and inability of exon 3 heteroduplexes to fully mutate.
255 ons of the env gene were examined by using a heteroduplex tracking assay (HTA) capable of resolving t
256                          Recent work using a heteroduplex tracking assay (HTA) to identify resident v
257                                 The original heteroduplex tracking assay (HTA) was modified by incorp
258 c variants that could be resolved by using a heteroduplex tracking assay (HTA).
259 RT followed by 8 weeks on HAART by using the heteroduplex tracking assay and novel statistical tools.
260                                      We used heteroduplex tracking assay and single-genome sequencing
261 erse transcriptase inhibitor therapy using a heteroduplex tracking assay designed to detect common re
262          HIV-1 env diversity was analyzed by heteroduplex tracking assay in 27 infected subjects with
263 peripheral blood were determined by use of a heteroduplex tracking assay specific for the EBV gene en
264 od plasma and CSF were characterized using a heteroduplex tracking assay targeted to the V1/V2 hyperv
265 ild-type genotype ratio was measured using a heteroduplex tracking assay targeting tenofovir-selected
266 with matching blood were analyzed by using a heteroduplex tracking assay to distinguish LMP1 variants
267                                            A heteroduplex tracking assay used to genotype Plasmodium
268 ax merozoite surface protein 1 gene (Pvmsp1) heteroduplex tracking assay, we genotyped 107 P. vivax i
269                              We have applied heteroduplex tracking assays (HTA) specific to variable
270 om 14 men with chronic HIV-1 infection using heteroduplex tracking assays (HTA).
271                                        Using heteroduplex tracking assays and direct DNA sequencing,
272 chronic phase of disease, and we analyzed by heteroduplex tracking assays and sequence analysis the d
273                                        Using heteroduplex tracking assays targeting the highly variab
274                                      We used heteroduplex tracking assays targeting the variable regi
275                                  We utilized heteroduplex tracking assays to differentiate CSF HIV-1
276                                    Using DNA heteroduplex tracking assays, we characterized human imm
277 rehensively examine the variability of major heteroduplex type strains by using the entire genome.
278 of the genomes of seven clinically prevalent heteroduplex type strains identified 133 genes from stra
279 fied 6 predominant geographically widespread heteroduplex types (prevalence, > or = 5%) and 14 rare h
280 ex types (prevalence, > or = 5%) and 14 rare heteroduplex types (prevalence, <2%) which are found in
281 trains in clinical samples and identified 22 heteroduplex types.
282 cess called large loop repair (LLR) corrects heteroduplexes up to several hundred nucleotides in bact
283  has been employed that combines cleavage of heteroduplexes using the Cel nuclease (Cel I), post-clea
284    Cleavage of a fluorescein-labeled RNA-DNA heteroduplex was monitored by capillary electrophoresis.
285 that the difference in MutS K(d) for various heteroduplexes was attributable to the difference in int
286 kinetic association event of MutS binding to heteroduplexes was marked by positive cooperativity.
287 latinated strands (even a unique G3,G4/G4,G5 heteroduplex) were formed.
288 MSH3, together with MSH2, forms the MutSbeta heteroduplex, which interacts with interstrand cross-lin
289 th temperatures that destabilize or melt the heteroduplex while maintaining the stability of the homo
290  (DSBR) model of recombination predicts that heteroduplexes will be formed in regions that flank the
291 s from a single strand of targeting DNA into heteroduplex with the targeted locus creates a mismatch
292 on, orientation-specific mismatch removal of heteroduplexes with a pre-existing nick was monitored in
293 ing of protease variants isolated as RNA/DNA heteroduplexes with different electrophoretic mobilities
294  Pol delta, RFC and PCNA, repair occurred on heteroduplexes with loops ranging from 8 to 216 nt.
295 nstead, Pif1 is capable of unwinding RNA:DNA heteroduplexes with moderately greater processivity comp
296  vaccine strain resulted in the formation of heteroduplexes with reduced mobility in polyacrylamide g
297 In a sample solution, strands of DV RNA form heteroduplexes with the QD-CPs on the magnetic beads.
298 uman RNase H1 cleavage patterns observed for heteroduplexes with various 3'-DNA/5'-RNA and 5'-DNA/3'-
299  purely based on thermal denaturation of DNA heteroduplexes without the need for enzymatic reactions.
300 tisense oligonucleotides that generated high heteroduplex yield with IGF1R but not insulin receptor t

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