


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 iders per vehicle (optimally) or three (with heuristics).
2 are less likely to switch to pro-cooperative heuristics.
3 stems have received much less attention than heuristics.
4  current methodologies depend a lot on human heuristics.
5 tools available for analysis of optimization heuristics.
6 m is, in practice, a tractable problem using heuristics.
7 searching algorithm, supplemented with local heuristics.
8  used multiple alignment methods have to use heuristics.
9 opposite or investing in more discriminating heuristics.
10 xed strategy agents with static behaviors or heuristics.
11 ms and their phonetic realizations defy such heuristics.
12 logistic regression modeling, and additional heuristics.
13 imize gains but often result in poor quality heuristics.
14 dressed cursorily and at times using various heuristics.
15 gmenting characters without CAPTCHA-specific heuristics.
16 ore accurate and precise than those based on heuristics.
17 NP-hard, restricting practical approaches to heuristics.
18 ing one random or "best" hit based on simple heuristics.
19 lectrophysiology protocols and global search heuristics.
20 encourage the use of formally less competent heuristics.
21 airport perimeters, or with dynamical ad hoc heuristics.
22 tion algorithms, integer linear programs and heuristics.
23 tly assigned to predicted target genes using heuristics.
24 lect the complexity of domain-specific moral heuristics.
25 optimizations, thereby motivating the use of heuristics.
26 g the efficient application of hill climbing heuristics.
27  techniques that minimize biases inherent in heuristics.
28 dollar spent compared with areas selected by heuristics accounting for richness alone or richness and
29 ion of the errors inherent in certain common heuristics alerts clinicians to their weaknesses as diag
30 f our study we defined a set of criteria and heuristics allowing us to automatically build a biologic
31        Based on evolutionary information and heuristics, an Evolutionary Trace Annotation (ETA) pipel
32           It is a mature technique, with the heuristics and accurate E-values required for screening
33  it highly desirable to search for efficient heuristics and algorithms to, at least, partially answer
34    Implementation of the criteria as well as heuristics and hardness proofs are available from the au
35  uncertainty language; the role of cognitive heuristics and of overconfidence; the choice of experts;
36 s found to be poor, leading to the view that heuristics and prior assumptions are critical for 3D mot
37 d current strategies to address it resort to heuristics and stochastic search techniques.
38                           We implemented our heuristics and used them to analyze biological as well a
39 undeveloped intuitions, produced by System 1 heuristics, and developed beliefs, constructed by System
40  paths that cut across revealed assumptions, heuristics, and disciplinary boundaries.
41 which are at least as important, 49 creative heuristics are described, divided into 5 categories and
42 cooperation is intuitive because cooperative heuristics are developed in daily life where cooperation
43  amount of work specific to tRNAs, where our heuristics are generic to any ncRNA.
44 reas higher level skills, such as the use of heuristics, are taught at postgraduate level.
45 ls with protein sequence queries using BLAST heuristics, at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/cdd
46 ding global compaction that are derived from heuristics based on amino acid compositions for IDRs wit
47 w that their accuracy is usually superior to heuristics based on BLAST.
48 l is selected from the CB513 dataset using a heuristics-based approach.
49 een explained through rationality as well as heuristics-based models.
50                          Key features of our heuristics can be generalized to more complicated protoc
51 natorial approaches led by genetic algorithm heuristics can enable identification of active additive
52                      This suggests that such heuristics can lead to erroneous results.
53    We have developed a set of algorithms and heuristics collectively called indelMINER to identify in
54 e rigorous filters make searches slower than heuristics could be.
55      More uniform use of explicit and better heuristics could lead to less practice variation and mor
56        Furthermore, since choice of the best heuristics depended critically on the properties of (e.g
57 rocesses are typically designed according to heuristics derived from batch experiments in which the i
58 rence heuristic" in a web of domain-specific heuristics (e.g., agent specific; action specific; conse
59 top of the existing force scheme, additional heuristics employing new types of forces and movement ru
60              In both cases, our criteria and heuristics exhibited very good performance with respect
61                  No systematic algorithms or heuristics exist to detect and filter batch effects or r
62 tude in execution time the best local search heuristics existing to date when applied to real data.
63 e techniques we describe also provide useful heuristics for assessing relevant properties of sample d
64  degree network nodes and the application of heuristics for both structural and affective information
65 ost of these problems are NP-hard, and offer heuristics for efficient and accurate reconstruction of
66  or traits of related organisms, and provide heuristics for experimental design and reconstruction of
67 contrast-relationships can serve as powerful heuristics for face detection.
68 ng transcripts that may not satisfy existing heuristics for gene prediction, we developed a computati
69 mproves upon the run time of standard search heuristics for gene tree parsimony, and enables the firs
70 rming function prediction algorithms rely on heuristics for important components of the algorithm, su
71 s related to phylogeography using integrated heuristics for location disambiguation including a dista
72                     We propose two efficient heuristics for minimizing the number of oligonucleotide
73                Using the Big Five factors as heuristics for organizing the research literature, numer
74 e Journal, Galea and Link identify important heuristics for our discipline.
75                 Further, we devise efficient heuristics for parsimony-based reconstruction of phyloge
76                              Here we develop heuristics for reliably detecting gene fusion events in
77 for sensitivity and on PSI-BLAST (and other) heuristics for speed.
78 ediction efforts have relied on a variety of heuristics for the choice of negative examples.
79 experimentally existing and new local search heuristics for the GTAP using simulated and real data.
80 xtraction especially when good normalization heuristics for the target terminology are not fully know
81 ntrolled animal breeding problem and analyse heuristics for two possible objectives: (1) breeding for
82       The purpose of our work was to develop heuristics for visualizing and interpreting gene-environ
83 he idea that control is recruited to prevent heuristics from producing biased choices, the right infe
84                          Through graph-based heuristics, GeD identifies dense subgraphs in the eQTL a
85 Response behaviours were often influenced by heuristics-guided appraisal (i.e. mental rules of thumb)
86                                Each of these heuristics has often been used to generate hypotheses in
87                                        These heuristics, however, usually only apply to pairwise sequ
88                         We test this 'social heuristics hypothesis' by aggregating across every coope
89 rds and that they abstained from some simple heuristics in assessment of the alternative paths, such
90 uristics that get replaced by better adapted heuristics in the long run.
91 istics with those used in tRNAscan-SE, whose heuristics incorporate a significant amount of work spec
92  are consistent with a combination of simple heuristics involving early-spending, spreading or saving
93  Hence, devising efficient network alignment heuristics is currently a foremost challenge in computat
94                                   The use of heuristics is motivated by showing the NP-hardness of a
95          Instead, ad hoc rules of thumb, or "heuristics," must guide them, and many of these are prob
96 iated with factors that likely represent the heuristics nurses use to assess whether an alarm represe
97                                          The heuristics of medicine should be discussed, criticized,
98 the alignment and model to satisfy the known heuristics of protein structure by means of a set of ana
99 es in the sequenced data and assumptions and heuristics of the assemblers.
100  evidence can be computed exactly-that these heuristics often fail to estimate the true evidence and
101 nt approaches to fragment assignment rely on heuristics or approximations for tractability.
102 stematic biases that are often attributed to heuristics or limitations in cognitive processes.
103                         Five common clinical heuristics or other sources of cognitive error are illus
104                               Physicians use heuristics or shortcuts in their decision making to help
105 e partially accounted for using "compression heuristics", or schemata that simplify the encoding and
106                             RECENT FINDINGS: Heuristics, or mental shortcuts, allow physicians to mak
107 as roughly comparable, so we expect that our heuristics provide a high-quality solution that--unlike
108  the network alignment problem, aligners are heuristics providing divergent solutions and no consensu
109                                       The 49 heuristics range from common sense perceptiveness of the
110 social preferences guided by simple decision heuristics, rather than the rational examination of payo
111 d the relative competitiveness of the mating heuristics remains the same.
112                   A variety of computational heuristics, some with a long history, have been proposed
113 hich require several empirical parameters or heuristics such as patterning of residues or rotamers, E
114 bers of putative ligands; therefore, various heuristics (such as estimation of binding affinity and s
115                     Many popular beliefs and heuristics, such as high tannin wines should be balanced
116 orks is computationally infeasible, and thus heuristics, such as the degree distribution, clustering
117 ich exposes experiential learners to climate heuristics that differ from the global average.
118 method can greatly improve upon the speed of heuristics that do not consider the Pareto consensus pro
119  with exponential worst-case running time or heuristics that do not guarantee optimal solutions.
120 m to avail themselves of many strategies and heuristics that efficiently simplify, approximate, and h
121 In the short run subjects use naive learning heuristics that get replaced by better adapted heuristic
122 sis procedure is a series of constraints and heuristics that limit the number of ways metabolites can
123 ary determinant of alignment accuracy, while heuristics that prevent consideration of certain alignme
124                       We use a simple set of heuristics that provide a more efficient solution than t
125   Here, we propose a descriptor based on the heuristics that structural and energetic 'confusion' obs
126 er, there are pitfalls to the use of certain heuristics, the same ones to which humans are prone in e
127 oach to alignment with seeding and expansion heuristics to accelerate discovery of significant alignm
128  show that humans adaptively use compression heuristics to allow larger amounts of social information
129 eady-state mass is a by-product and (ii) use heuristics to design a greedy algorithm.
130 urate RNA pseudoknot searches, we need novel heuristics to ensure that, without degrading the accurac
131 e test a range of scoring metrics and search heuristics to find an effective algorithm configuration
132                      Furthermore, we provide heuristics to identify, at the proteome level, proteins
133 amic incremental search approach among other heuristics to optimize every step of the mapping process
134 optimal local alignment of two profiles with heuristics to preserve continuity within core regions.
135                      CD-Search uses BLAST(R) heuristics to provide a fast, interactive service, and s
136 uences, using local alignment algorithms and heuristics to put together a global spliced alignment.
137             Therefore, humans frequently use heuristics to reduce the complexity of decisions.
138 hods, with different objective functions and heuristics to search for the optimal MSA.
139 one, alignment per query, or that use simple heuristics to select alignments, YAHA uses a directed ac
140 t to existing approaches that employ various heuristics to select independent aberrations, RAIG optim
141  quantitatively with the goal of developing "heuristics" to define structural requisites governing ac
142 bolic knowledge-based representations (e.g., heuristics) to address effects that motivate QP.
143  for the second we propose several efficient heuristics, trading set size for speed and memory.
144 es (i) relate to the objective functions and heuristics used in MSA methods, and (ii) affect downstre
145    We present a rigorous comparison of these heuristics, utilizing a temporal holdout, and a novel ev
146    By extending the study of fast-and-frugal heuristics, we view social perceptions as judgment tools
147 e to which people use "irrational" cognitive heuristics when choosing under uncertainty can determine
148                      In contrast to previous heuristics which either search for exact matches while i
149                                              Heuristics which implicitly address this problem have em
150                    Moreover, we compared our heuristics with those used in tRNAscan-SE, whose heurist
151  small-brained animals using simple learning heuristics, without the need for a cognitive map.

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