


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n the ER to promote the secretion of certain hexose transporters.
2 the competitive binding of the two sugars to hexose transporters.
3 ered the S. cerevisiae mutant lacking all 20 hexose transporters a high glucose uptake activity, demo
4                In addition to K+, the mutant hexose transporters also conferred permeation of other c
5      hSLC2A9 is a high affinity-low capacity hexose transporter and a high capacity urate transporter
6   SGB1 is shown here to be a Golgi-localized hexose transporter and acts genetically with AGB1 in ear
7 ling pathways converge onto Csr2 to regulate hexose transporter endocytosis by glucose availability.
8 ion, none imported sucrose, and 11 increased hexose transporter expression, a strategy we had not eng
9 ific to Pho84p, because other members of the hexose transporter family to which Pho84 belongs are not
10   These results underscore the importance of hexose transporters for the infectious stage of the para
11   According to a homology model of the yeast hexose transporter Gal2 deduced from the crystal structu
12 RSLip was inhibited in R plants in which the hexose transporter gene LeHT1 was silenced.
13 g glucose or with low levels of glucose, the hexose transporter genes are subject to repression by a
14  the increased and unregulated expression of hexose transporter genes.
15 and hexoses by directly interacting with the hexose transporter GLUT1 and interfering with its transp
16                             The facilitative hexose transporter GLUT1 is a multifunctional protein th
17 tent inhibitor of the mammalian facilitative hexose transporter GLUT1.
18                                          The hexose transporter, GLUT2 (SLC2A2), which is expressed b
19               Fructose-specific facilitative hexose transporter GLUT5 represents an alternative bioma
20 , we found in these resistant cells that the hexose transporters had been silenced.
21                      A cDNA clone encoding a hexose transporter has been isolated from a library prep
22 isiae, glucose induces the expression of the hexose transporter (HXT) genes by modulating the activit
23          The signal for glucose induction of hexose transporter (HXT) genes is generated via two gluc
24 uired for induction of expression of several hexose transporter (HXT) genes, encoding glucose transpo
25 al role in the glucose-induced expression of hexose transporter (HXT) genes.
26 tes expression of an important subset of the hexose transporter (HXT) superfamily.
27 or induction of expression of genes encoding hexose transporters (HXT genes).
28  confirmed a single amino acid change in the hexose transporter HXT7 coding sequence to be responsibl
29  as well as unveiling the expression of this hexose transporter in mosquito stages of the parasite, w
30 50 genes sharing high sequence homology with hexose transporters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
31 ukaryotic SWEETs and identification of SWEET hexose transporters in the amphibian chytrid pathogen Ba
32 ose repression (reg1, glc7, hxk2, and ssn6), hexose transporter induction (snf3 rgt2), and cAMP-depen
33           In this study, we investigated two hexose transporter-like proteins (Hxs1 and Hxs2) in Cryp
34 nome of S. cerevisae encodes at least twenty hexose transporter-like proteins.
35 hese methods, examples of porins, connexins, hexose transporters, nuclear membrane proteins, and pota
36 lasmodium spp., we functionally analysed the hexose transporters of both the human parasite P. falcip
37 chromosome 4 that includes the high-affinity hexose transporters; one of these also had the aforement
38 dent malaria parasite orthologue, P. berghei hexose transporter (PbHT) gene, was similarly refractory
39                      A Plasmodium falciparum hexose transporter (PfHT) has previously been shown to b
40 bohydrate metabolism, we observed changes in hexose transporter, plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase, ZmMADS1
41 s have amplified the gene for an alternative hexose transporter, the LmGT4 permease (previously calle
42 ose induces expression of HXT genes encoding hexose transporters through a signal generated by the Sn
43  by integrating the gene encoding a chimeric hexose transporter, Tm6*, into the genome of an hxt null
44                 In this study the ability of hexose transporters to facilitate arsenic trioxide uptak
45 cellular flux of substrates through GLUT1, a hexose transporter universally expressed in cells, and i
46                      In these cases, primary hexose transporters were rewired into xylose transporter
47 most of which are conserved among eukaryotic hexose transporters, were revealed to be essential for g
48  fructose is carried out by the facilitative hexose transporter, which has been designated as GLUT5.

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