


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 kage path (cavity) to CO2 saturated brine at high pressure.
2 nd that of other metals) at both ambient and high pressure.
3  prepared by inserting helium into CaZrF6 at high pressure.
4 rystallizing and polymerizing p-xylene under high pressure.
5 possible realization of superconductivity at high pressure.
6 ns of MgO6 octahedra and VO6 octahedra under high pressure.
7 pens a possibility of nitrogen-based life at high pressure.
8 ction of Xe3O2 as a stable xenon oxide under high pressure.
9  are found to be thermodynamically stable at high pressure.
10 ewable, circumventing the use of ethylene at high pressure.
11 irmed" antiferromagnetic structure under the high pressure.
12 e possibility of synthesizing graphane under high pressure.
13 loyed to interrogate the material in situ at high pressure.
14 saltic glasses and iron-rich alloys, even at high pressure.
15  of nonmagnetic Co in the earth's core under high pressure.
16  spectroscopy of double-layer graphene under high pressure.
17 n and phase transformation of p-xylene under high pressure.
18 rs the melt density, the effect is modest at high pressures.
19 nt pressure, but the degeneracy is lifted at high pressures.
20  direct reaction between xenon and oxygen at high pressures.
21 neutral collision peak broadening effects at high pressures.
22 t CH4 adsorbed phase density enhancements at high pressures (0.15 and 0.21 g cm(-3) at 35 and 65 bar,
23 esigned pressurization cell using krypton at high pressure, a new gas binding site has been character
24 t of Cr2TiAlC2 at 0 GPa and disappearance at high pressures above 50 GPa.
25 dynamic simulation, we discovered that under high pressure, acetylene molecules react along a specifi
26 eat potential for measuring HIFU field under high-pressure amplitude.
27                                        These high pressure and high temperature (HPHT) data with high
28 instead defective cubic diamond formed under high pressure and high temperature conditions.
29 re analyses of pure Bi samples treated under high pressure and high temperature conditions.
30 usly unsuspected transition in molybdenum at high pressure and high temperature, which yields highly
31 talline hexagonal epsilon-NbN synthesized at high pressure and high temperature.
32 ium phosphide, Ir2P, has been synthesized at high pressure and high temperature.
33                   In this letter, we combine high pressure and in situ laser heating techniques to co
34                         beta-GeSe is made at high pressure and temperature and is stable under ambien
35 s was designed by using water and ethanol at high pressure and temperature conditions.
36 rface oxides form only when Pt is exposed to high pressure and temperature, highlighting the need to
37 sp (3)-bonded amorphous form of carbon under high pressure and temperature, show that it has bulk mod
38 ed into commodity and specialty chemicals at high pressure and temperature.
39 ative to decomposition into the elements) at high pressure and temperature.
40 e conditions including elevated temperature, high pressure and the presence of CO2 saturated brine is
41 ngs indicate that the locus of central Asian high pressures and concurrent aridity is a resilient fea
42 , electronic and magnetic transformations at high pressures and high temperatures.
43                                 Materials at high pressures and temperatures are of great current int
44 ndustrial processes/events that may occur at high pressures and temperatures where this calibration a
45                        Limiting cases, under high pressures and temperatures, have had a profound imp
46 s of quantitative deformation experiments at high pressures and temperatures, we deformed a mixture o
47 with the B-phase stable everywhere except at high pressures and temperatures, where the A-phase is fa
48 CO2 component remains soluble in the melt at high pressures and the solution is nearly ideal.
49 be interfacing is an enabling technology for high-pressure and high-speed liquid chromatography on ch
50 d perovskite BiMn3 Cr4 O12 synthesized under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions.
51                                      Through high-pressure and high-temperature synthesis, a new type
52                A combination of experimental high-pressure and high-throughput screening, and computa
53 its structural stability investigation under high pressure, and so far no one reported the observatio
54 th a H2 partial pressure of 0.04 bar) and H2 high-pressure annealing (H2-HPA at 30 bar) methods.
55 stablishment of persistent, quasi-stationary high-pressure anomalies over high latitudes of the CNP.
56 ed by quasi-elastic neutron scattering under high pressure are compared with the existing data from n
57 gh pressure gradient and, consequently, with high pressure are predicted theoretically.
58 s for overcoming these challenges, including high pressures associated with using the 300-Da membrane
59  a model system to investigate the impact of high pressure at variable temperatures on the hydrogen-t
60   Bioprosthetic valve fracture (BVF) using a high-pressure balloon can be performed to facilitate VIV
61 d before or after VIV TAVR by inflation of a high-pressure balloon positioned across the valve ring d
62                                              High-pressure behavior is found to depend on the species
63                                        Their high-pressure behavior is important because of their abu
64 Density Functional Theory to investigate the high-pressure behavior of the crystal structure and how
65           Our measurements show an anomalous high-pressure behavior of the transverse acoustic mode a
66 nite (Mg0.9Fe0.1Si0.9Al0.1)O3 measured using high-pressure Brillouin spectroscopy and X-ray diffracti
67 ds can be activated by the cyano group under high pressure, but at room temperature.
68 behavior and becomes a semiconductor for the high-pressure C2/c-RuN4 phase.
69 do not prove the presence of hydrogen in the high-pressure cavity.
70 e called AI-ETD+ that combines AI-ETD in the high pressure cell of the QLT with a short infrared mult
71                                              High pressure chemical vapor deposition may open a new w
72 st important planet-forming systems, but its high-pressure chemistry is not well known.
73                              This unexpected high-pressure chemistry is rationalized by analyzing cha
74                                We found that high-pressure chemistry of hydronitrogens is much more d
75 tively), 11 of them were quantified by ultra high pressure chromatography (UPLC) with quadruple and t
76 e border of an insulator-metal transition at high pressures close to 96 GPa is thus truly remarkable.
77 ion with theoretical computations shows that high-pressure compression can systematically tune the op
78 ter, modeling the effect of the experimental high pressure condition.
79                                              High pressure conditions dramatically favor the aqueous
80 situ electrical resistance measurement under high pressure conditions.
81 nly performed under extreme high-temperature/high-pressure conditions and resulted in c-BN NDs with m
82                                              High pressure conductivity measurements indicate that th
83 r macroscale metallic sliding components and high-pressure contacts.
84 in an automated Phoenix high-temperature and high-pressure continuous flow reactor.
85 gement of both gallium phase II and III (the high pressure crystalline phase).
86                        Here we report that a high-pressure crystalline phase of bismuth can melt into
87                                              High pressure crystallographic measurements confirm unif
88 ient pressure data for supercooled water and high pressure data for stable water.
89 associated grain-boundary sliding) attending high-pressure dehydration as a likely seismogenic mechan
90                                          The high-pressure deposition process is represented by the m
91 tified as carbonic acid, was observed in the high-pressure diamond-anvil cell.
92 aS sequence in this process, we measured the high-pressure dissociation of amyloids formed by covalen
93  at a very narrow flow rate range due to the high pressure drops at small intermembrane distance.
94 tructural nature of hybrid perovskites under high pressure: during the drastic cubic-orthorhombic str
95                                   Studies of high pressure dynamic effects in live organisms are need
96 tial quasiatoms (ISQ) that characterize some high pressure electrides have been postulated to show so
97                             A combination of high-pressure electrochemistry and variable-temperature
98  Besides uncovering new stable polymorphs of high-pressure elements and known molecules, we predicted
99  Lorentz formula still remains applicable to high-pressure environments, the laser deflection method
100 odology is operationally simple requiring no high pressure equipment or handling of pure oxygen.
101 fact that very inert C-H can be activated by high pressure, even at room temperature and without a ca
102 s is also known to be a superconductor under high pressure exceeding 10 GPa.
103                                        Using high-pressure experiments and theoretical calculations,
104 ered as a constant pressure or constant flow high-pressure filtration of a suspension inside a column
105 nchTope based on data from high-temperature, high-pressure flow-through experiments.
106  Hydraulic conductivity measurements using a high-pressure flowmeter (HPFM) revealed that overexpress
107 y and do not require cryogens or exceedingly high pressures for operation.
108                                We review the high pressure forced intrusion studies of water in hydro
109 fold using the unique possibility offered by high-pressure Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.
110 positions of these Golgi stacks, we examined high-pressure frozen/freeze-substituted alfalfa root cap
111                                        Under high pressure, GaSb undergoes grain refinement, the numb
112 d in a diamond anvil cell (DAC), with a very high pressure gradient and, consequently, with high pres
113   100 mus before the partial collapse of the high pressure gradient boundary region (called pedestal)
114  revealed phenomenon of generating extremely high pressure gradient is called the pressure self-focus
115 he synthesis of a polar corundum GaFeO3 by a high-pressure, high-temperature route and demonstrate th
116 ow clustering of carbon atoms in the melt at high pressures, hinting towards possible exsolution of c
117                                        Ultra-High Pressure Homogenization (100-300MPa) has great pote
118                                        Ultra high pressure homogenization (UHPH) of food is a process
119 (Morus nigra) extract (BME) were prepared by high pressure homogenization at 25,000 psi.
120 own that the increment of the viscosity upon high pressure homogenization is determined by the presen
121 kiwifruit puree (clean label ingredient) and high pressure homogenization on quality changes of cloud
122 ecific approach to investigate the effect of high pressure homogenization on the carotenoid bioaccess
123      The use of kiwifruit puree addition and high pressure homogenization resulted in a juice with im
124 scosity and carotenoid bioaccessibility upon high pressure homogenization was found.
125 taxanthin or lycopene) emulsions obtained by high pressure homogenization were investigated for their
126 d vs. uncontrolled) were investigated during high pressure homogenization-induced autolysis of Saccha
127  bioaccessibility and viscosity changes upon high pressure homogenization.
128       Nearly 2% astaxanthin was extracted by high-pressure homogenization of dried Haematococcus pluv
129 hemistry is widely used for example in large high pressure (HP) boilers operating in municipal waste
130                                              High pressure (HP) can drive the direct sintering of nan
131 mogenization treatments, High Shear (HS) and High Pressure (HP), on the structure and antioxidant act
132                                        Using high-pressure (HP) single-crystal X-ray diffraction, den
133                         The phase diagram of high-pressure hydrogen is of great interest for fundamen
134 res high temperature, and in some cases also high pressure in bulk oxide materials.
135 record-TC superconductivity discovered under high pressure in sulfur hydride.
136 anced model for elastoplastic material under high pressures in finite element method (FEM) simulation
137  two or more layers of graphene subjected to high pressures in the presence of specific chemical grou
138                                              High pressure (in the kbar range) and alkaline pH were u
139                              In this work, a high-pressure, in situ measurement capability was develo
140 y experimentally observes for the first time high-pressure-induced comminution and recrystallization
141                                              High pressure inhibited the inactivation of the enzyme w
142                                Historically, high pressure ion mobility drift tubes have suffered fro
143                Kinetic studies using in situ high pressure IR (HPIR) and the reaction progress kineti
144                               Application of high pressure is known to promote states with higher ato
145                                          The high pressure is released via excitation of a short-wave
146  the dissociation of wild-type aS fibrils by high pressure is reversible upon pressure release, the d
147 t of interfaces for sample introduction from high pressures is important for real-time online hyphena
148                               Development of high pressure isolation process and comprehensive charac
149 membrane oxygenation return flow generates a high-pressure jet that has potential to exert focal pres
150 ltidimensional tunneling (MS-CVT/SCT) at the high-pressure limit.
151                                              High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) enabled the c
152 ndly microextraction by packed sorbent ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography analysis (MEPS/UHPLC
153        In parallel, the combination of ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography and high resolution
154  end groups (FTD) were investigated by ultra high pressure liquid chromatography under critical condi
155  costly and time consuming processes such as high pressure liquid chromatography, ultrahigh pressure
156                             Herein, an ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography-mass spectrometer (U
157  sources, magnitudes, and variability) for a high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) method design
158 hase extraction (SPE) apparatus intended for high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)-NMR hyphenati
159 ic extraction with subsequent reversed-phase-high-pressure liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) separation
160                          Reverse-phase ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography (RP-UHPLC) analysis
161 rrant simple sugar profile was determined by high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled with refract
162 and (poly)phenol catabolites with the use of high-pressure liquid chromatography-high resolution mass
163  Trp and Kyn concentrations were analyzed by high-pressure liquid chromatography.
164 asured every 12 hours over a 7-day period by high-pressure liquid chromatography.
165 ouling and superior mechanical properties of high pressure load and better abrasion resistance.
166                               Here we report high-pressure magnetotransport measurements in FeSe up t
167 ectron helimagnet MnP via the application of high pressure makes MnP the first Mn-based superconducto
168 rtainty over the melting temperatures of the high-pressure mantle mineral, bridgmanite (MgSiO3-perovs
169        We present the first demonstration of high pressure mass spectrometry (HPMS), which we define
170 ctrospray ionization source was coupled with high pressure mass spectrometry (HPMS).
171 The difficulty with experimentally measuring high pressure melting temperatures has motivated the use
172                                              High-pressure melting anchors the phase diagram of a mat
173 ed success is biofouling of feed channels in high-pressure membrane elements for water treatment.
174                                 Here, we use high-pressure metal-silicate partitioning experiments to
175                                          The high-pressure metallization and electrical transport beh
176 ass balance considerations and N contents of high pressure metamorphic rocks imply massive addition o
177          Here we used the recently developed high-pressure metathesis to prepare the first rare-earth
178                                              High-pressure methane adsorption isotherms revealed a hi
179 ow-pressure N2 and CO2 adsorption (LPGA) and high-pressure methane adsorption methods.
180 itions but a significant reduction occurs in high pressure mobility.
181                          Finally, the second high-pressure modification appearing above 15 GPa appear
182 r to the electronic structure changes of the high-pressure monoclinic phase.
183  to dislocation-slip-dominated plasticity at high pressure (more than 150 gigapascals), a regime that
184                              Here, we report high-pressure muon-spin rotation experiments probing the
185                                The Wisconsin High Pressure NMR Reactor (WiHP-NMRR) has enabled the ob
186                         We report an in situ high-pressure NMR capability that permits natural abunda
187                                        Using high-pressure NMR spectroscopy and differential scanning
188  of alkyl iodides under harsh conditions and high pressures of CO.
189                                  Addition of high pressures of H2 to five-coordinate [((tBu)4)(POCOP)
190  to study the preferred modes of slip in the high-pressure omega phase of Zr.
191 CIT than on the Synapt G2 as expected due to high-pressure operation.
192                                  We combined high pressure perturbation with ZZ-exchange spectroscopy
193                                              High-pressure phase behavior of systems containing water
194 f the gap reversal, which is consistent with high-pressure phase decomposition, are discovered.
195                           We investigate the high-pressure phase diagram of the hydrous mineral bruci
196                             We show that the high-pressure phase has unique spectroscopic fingerprint
197                                 We predict a high-pressure phase stable at pressure and temperature c
198                                The predicted high-pressure phase, stable in calculations between 20 a
199 l Raman spectra measured for the ambient and high-pressure phase.
200                          For example, in the high-pressure phases of H2O, quantum proton fluctuations
201  by the metallic transport behavior of their high-pressure phases.
202                                          The high-pressure PL results demonstrate a well-defined pres
203                                              High pressure pre-treatment did not increase oil recover
204                               The effects of high pressure processing (100-450MPa, combined with 20-4
205            This work evaluated the effect of high pressure processing (HPP) and ultrasound (US) on th
206                                              High pressure processing (HPP) of post-rigor abalone at
207                                              High-pressure processing (HPP) at 250-700MPa for 30-45mi
208                               The effects of high-pressure processing--HPP--(450 and 600 MPa/3 min/20
209                    These results demonstrate high-pressure-processing as a clean and fast means for c
210 finement fusion and fundamental physics, its high-pressure properties have been the subject of intens
211  experimental and computational study of the high-pressure properties of the ammonia monohydrate comp
212 ucleus like a piston, switching from low- to high-pressure protrusions in response to the surrounding
213 formation, collapses and rebounds, producing high pressure pulses.
214 , which eliminated the need for an expensive high-pressure pump and chromatography system.
215 llic side of a Mott insulating transition by high pressure quantum oscillatory measurements in NiS2.
216                                          The High Pressure Quenched glasses are stable in ambient con
217                                              High-pressure Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction o
218                          Here, using in situ high-pressure Raman spectroscopy, we present evidence th
219                                              High-pressure Raman studies further reveal that the Ag(S
220 20% only when postextubation effort was very high (pressure rate product > 1,000).
221  network polymers using high-temperature and high-pressure reaction conditions.
222                 This compound is accessed by high-pressure reaction of the elements.
223        Here, the implementation of OzID in a high-pressure region, the ion-mobility spectrometry cell
224  change models of planetary interiors, where high pressure reigns.
225 tally has been one of the principal goals in high-pressure research for the past 30 years.
226                                   By in situ high-pressure research, pressure-induced visible photolu
227 erformance are an asymmetric pore structure, high pressure resistance, a high porosity, and a thickne
228                                      In situ high-pressure resistance measurements reveal an increase
229 graphy and droplet microfluidics on a single high-pressure resistant microfluidic glass chip.
230                                              High-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy (HP-STM) and
231 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (APXPS) and high-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy (HPSTM) were
232 t-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, high-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy, high-pressu
233            It is argued that in the observed high-pressure semiconducting Li phase (oC40, Aba2), an e
234 y, utilizing skin as part of the EII sensor, high pressure sensitivity and high signal-to-noise ratio
235                                              High pressure sensor calibrations were performed in stan
236 epwise integration of elongational shear and high-pressure shear.
237 gy by a factor close to 3, on account of the high pressure shift of the intrusion transition.
238 is for the stability of quasicrystals during high-pressure shocks and for the interpretation of the p
239 es have thus far only been observed in a few high pressure silicate phases.
240                                              High-pressure silicates making up the main proportion of
241 dissolved organic matter (DOM) determined by high pressure size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) usin
242 ue to the use of artificial lighting such as high-pressure sodium lamps, fluorescent light or increas
243                                        Under high pressure, some materials form electrides, with vale
244 e the removal of organosulfur compounds from high pressure sour gases.
245                  Surprisingly, we found that high pressure stabilizes a series of previously unreport
246 d by 10 g/L of wet biomass of M. aeruginosa (high-pressure steam sterilized) with an additional 10 g/
247     Competitive inhibition ELISA showed that high pressure steaming reduced the allergenicity of trop
248 atment methods used in this study except for high pressure steaming where the intensity of tropomyosi
249 atures theoretical predictions indicate that high pressure strongly opposes decomposition of isobutan
250 e is observed due to the coexisting low- and high-pressure structures.
251                           Here we show via a high-pressure study of anion-ordered strontium vanadium
252 vanishes for samples previously subjected to high-pressure sub-Tg annealing.
253  support ventilation greater than 12 cm H2O (high pressure support ventilation); and controlled mecha
254 lled mechanical ventilation, -5.3% (12.9) at high pressure support ventilation, -1.5% (10.9) at low p
255 high-pressure scanning tunneling microscopy, high-pressure surface X-ray diffraction, and high-pressu
256 thin coatings, were determined using in situ high pressure synchrotron axial and radial x-ray diffrac
257                    Here by employing in situ high-pressure synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction, w
258                           We present in situ high-pressure synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Ra
259       These results highlight the ability of high-pressure syntheses to allow for inroads into hereto
260  evolutionary algorithm USPEX and subsequent high-pressure synthesis in a diamond anvil cell, we repo
261                          Here, we report the high-pressure synthesis of a hexagonal close-packed phas
262                                          The high-pressure synthesis of a manganese oxyhydride LaSrMn
263                          Here we address the high-pressure synthesis of a new polar and antiferromagn
264  collected 1 hr postexposure utilizing ultra-high-pressure tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS-MS).
265                                        Here, high-pressure techniques enhanced the electrical conduct
266 tion between molten metal and silicate under high pressure-temperature conditions is poorly known.
267 difficult because of the extreme conditions (high pressure/temperature) under which many such transit
268 lus outcrop and to Marcellus core samples at high pressures/temperatures (HPT) simulating downhole co
269                                      At very high pressure, the electrical conductivity decreases on
270                                        Under high pressure, the phase transition mechanism and mechan
271 uring thermal (40-80 degrees C) and combined high pressure-thermal processing (0.1-690MPa, 30-90 degr
272 hen the columns are effectively packed under high pressure to achieve a stable bed.
273 istivity measurements were carried out under high pressure to investigate the structural stability an
274 fibrous structures offers an extraordinarily high pressure-to-capacitance sensitivity (114 nF kPa(-1)
275                     It is further shown that high-pressure torsion could prompt atoms to possess lowe
276 derstanding of the fundamental mechanisms of high-pressure torsion in metallic glasses, but also lead
277  of shear transformations can be realized by high-pressure torsion in nanoscale Cu50Zr50 metallic gla
278 n nanoscale Cu50Zr50 metallic glasses during high-pressure torsion is investigated using molecular dy
279 d cooperative flow at room temperature under high-pressure torsion permits the study of the shear tra
280                   Here, we report systematic high-pressure transport and structural characterizations
281  to allow the introduction of ozone into the high-pressure trapping ion funnel region preceding the I
282 nce the electronic properties of Mn2O3 using high-pressure treatment, benefiting its applications in
283 anic photovoltaic double perovskites through high pressure treatments.
284 tents, which can be accomplished using ultra-high-pressure (UHP) balloons.
285  Gd3Ga5O12 (GGG), were measured at extremely high pressures up to 2.6 TPa (26 Mbar) generated by high
286 r experiments to understand the influence of high pressure (up to 207 bar) and temperature (up to 80
287  distribution function (PDF) measurements at high pressure using a diamond anvil cell (DAC).
288 ing behavior in the MgO-FeO binary system at high pressures using the laser-heated diamond-anvil cell
289 a 60 nL internal sample groove machined in a high-pressure valve rotor or by a 1 muL external sample
290 high-pressure surface X-ray diffraction, and high-pressure vibrational spectroscopy.
291 al candidate for a reentrant Yb(2+) state at high pressure, was also studied for comparison.
292 t the correct low-pressure melting T, and at high-pressure we show that the melting temperature is on
293 oprietary mix of chemicals is injected under high pressure, which later returns to the surface as flo
294 mistry of the elements is heavily altered by high pressure, with stabilization of many new and often
295 meation barrier that allows blood to flow at high pressure without significant water leak.
296 ure of triphenylene is found be to stable at high pressures without any evidence of structural transi
297                           Here, we integrate high pressure X-ray diffraction and atomistic simulation
298          Herein, synchrotron radiation-based high-pressure X-ray diffraction is used to quantify the
299                       Investigations through high-pressure X-ray scattering and spectroscopy in combi
300 results demonstrate that by coupling it with high pressure, ZZ-exchange can be extended to investigat

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