


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 analysis predicts that sensory processing is high pass.
2       Furthermore, a model incorporating the high-pass controller matches animal behavior, whereas th
3 ements of the gating charge should produce a high-pass current noise described by an inverse Lorentzi
4 mentally test and model the performance of a High-Pass Electrical Mobility Filter (HP-EMF) that can b
5       The cell nuclei were segmented using a high-pass filter algorithm, which allowed quantification
6 atory events can be visualized by applying a high-pass filter and increasing the time and amplitude s
7 s led to the hypothesis that nAChRs act as a high-pass filter in the dopaminergic microcircuit.
8 ransducer adaptation accounts for a variable high-pass filter observed in the acoustic tuning curve.
9 tion of closely related odors, by imposing a high-pass filter on transmitter release from ePN termina
10 tatory hippocampal synapses, STP serves as a high-pass filter optimized for the transmission of infor
11 ctance, thereby primarily accounting for its high-pass filter properties.
12 inhibition is more accurately described as a high-pass filter than as a simple inhibition, and that t
13         KCa3.1 channels thus contribute to a high-pass filter that allows Purkinje cells to respond p
14                                         This high-pass filter, built in to the mammalian amplifier, a
15  dynamic spike threshold that functions as a high-pass filter, enhancing spike timing in response to
16 re transient, an effect similar to that of a high-pass filter.
17 th decreasing frequency, characteristic of a high-pass filter.
18                  This current functions as a high-pass filter.
19 ntral phase advance mechanisms behave like a high-pass filter.
20 es due to synaptic facilitation, producing a high-pass filter.
21 norm minus one [ENMO], Euclidian norm of the high-pass filtered signals [HFEN], and HFEN plus Euclide
22 iltered telephone speech (300-3,400 Hz, BP), high-pass filtered speech (f > 300 Hz, HP, i.e., distort
23             In addition, we demonstrate that high-pass filtering (200 Hz) of cyclic voltammograms rec
24 ough the network contributed to the observed high-pass filtering but not to the low-pass filtering.
25                                        Also, high-pass filtering discriminated against ascorbic acid,
26  benefit of this method is to avoid error of high-pass filtering methods which systematically under-r
27                                              High-pass filtering of dendritic plateaus by axonal K(+)
28 es previously reported but poorly understood high-pass filtering seen in electrosensory afferents and
29 w-frequency signals, whereas I(M) implements high-pass filtering that improves spike-time coding of h
30                  Instead, it is countered by high-pass filtering that is intrinsic to the mammal's el
31 mental effects were found to be mitigated by high-pass filtering to select photoacoustic signal compo
32                           The model performs high-pass filtering with frequency-dependent time consta
33  (trough-to-peak approximately 350 mus after high-pass filtering), suggesting that these cells have t
34 of basilar membrane displacement modified by high-pass filtering, indicating that only relatively min
35 ns optimally encoded natural stimuli through high-pass filtering, thereby implementing temporal white
36 owever, these neurons showed low-, band-, or high-pass filtering.
37                              NM cells act as high-pass filters by responding only to discrete synapti
38 ganglion cells, where they serve as low- and high-pass filters, respectively, of EPSPs.
39 ration impaired the ability to distinguish a high-pass harmonic sound from noise.
40         Vanishing optotypes (VOs) are pseudo high-pass letters whose mean luminance matches the backg
41  that a low-pass behavior is controlled by a high-pass neural filter nevertheless matches previously
42 g: low-pass neurons tuned to long intervals, high-pass neurons tuned to short intervals, and bandpass
43 l of calyx afferents and contribute to their high-pass properties.
44 nded because of too few eligible patients or high pass rates with little variation.
45 equency-doubling technology perimetry (FDT), high-pass resolution perimetry (HPRP), and standard auto
46  those neurons exhibiting either low-pass or high-pass response functions.
47 ray of animals, these data suggest that such high-pass sensory filters may be a general mechanism use
48                           Outside the fovea, high-pass VOs display significant differences in their d

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