


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ng strategies to break immune tolerance is a high priority.
2 and the efficacy of protease inhibitors is a high priority.
3 betes, so disease prevention should be given high priority.
4 unctional antibodies against HIV-1 remains a high priority.
5 ilable, making the discovery of antivirals a high priority.
6       The search for novel medications is of high priority.
7 n to limit the impact of influenza remains a high priority.
8 of immunophenotyping procedures has become a high priority.
9 these enzymes for drug design is currently a high priority.
10 chievement of high spatial resolution are of high priority.
11  where profit is minimal and therefore given high priority.
12 sk among African-American adults should be a high priority.
13 pondents said that achieving follow-up was a high priority.
14 ecreasing total antimicrobial use is also of high priority.
15 ted, thus development of new therapeutics is high priority.
16 rtemisinin-based combination therapies, is a high priority.
17 ntifies asthma as a public health problem of high priority.
18 oniazid for drug-resistant tuberculosis is a high priority.
19  on the activity of different IFN pathways a high priority.
20 earch for novel therapeutic candidates is of high priority.
21 etter-tolerated agents for treating HCV is a high priority.
22 cate that targeting of a gene should receive high priority.
23 ed from prospectively phenotyped cases was a high priority.
24 cells makes understanding their regulation a high priority.
25 rformance in real world settings should be a high priority.
26  developed: 1) Mealtimes should be viewed as high priority.
27 e determinants of response to treatment is a high priority.
28 , prevention of this global scourge deserves high priority.
29 tions and chemistry, searching for them is a high priority.
30 l fuels make switching to low-carbon fuels a high priority.
31 anners should make access to this practice a high priority.
32 sks, as the safety of allergic consumers has high priority.
33 e development of an anticocaine medication a high priority.
34 of their developmental programs was deemed a high priority.
35 p; biological sciences have never been given high priority.
36 vaginal ring delivery systems now becoming a high priority.
37 uction into clinical diagnostics should be a high priority.
38 e effective and better tolerated agents is a high priority.
39 w approaches to control body weight remain a high priority.
40  of operating room contamination should be a high priority.
41 ysical function decline, and disability is a high priority.
42 stribution and translation is regulated is a high priority.
43 ector and vector-pathogen interactions are a high priority.
44 and control of this condition should receive high priority.
45 ortant gastrointestinal infections remains a high priority.
46 resistant/recurrent ovarian cancer remains a high priority.
47 nt antitoxin for treatment of intoxication a high priority.
48 a vaccine for this virus therefore remains a high priority.
49 rticularly F. verticillioides) in maize is a high priority.
50  of the protein influences its function is a high priority.
51           Rotavirus vaccine development is a high priority.
52 nt for mild obstructive sleep apnea warrants high priority.
53 f accelerated disease progression, command a high priority.
54 library of protein structures is a matter of high priority.
55 n individual human subjects has emerged as a high priority.
56 ials in hematopoietic neoplasms should be of high priority.
57 imilarly active but less toxic regimens is a high priority.
58    Prevention of infection in teenagers is a high priority.
59  made the reduction of groin complications a high priority.
60 lopment of a safe and effective vaccine is a high priority.
61  effective vaccine against Ebola virus is of high priority.
62 opment of next-generation vaccines are now a high priority.
63 pogenic forcing on the marine biosphere is a high priority.
64 s with fewer subsequent symptoms should be a high priority.
65  prevent congenital HCMV infection remains a high priority.
66 genes shape the development of IBD is also a high priority.
67 lines to include this population should be a high priority.
68 , making the development of new treatments a high priority.
69 uals, and the development of a vaccine is of high priority.
70 ving therapeutic approaches to HSE remains a high priority.
71  human T-cell memory needs to be explored at high priority.
72 is of their cellular entry pathway remains a high priority.
73 ted clearance of virus-producing cells is of high priority.
74 ing SCD prevention and treatment should be a high priority.
75 s' responses, 9 questions were classified as high-priority.
76 rovirus, rotavirus, and Campylobacter remain high priorities.
77 eloping noninvasive treatment modalities are high priorities.
78 emory and coping with HIV-1 diversity remain high priorities.
79 uestions, 22 questions met our definition of high priority: 9 of 22 concerned the effectiveness of an
80 s in this Lancet Series, which each identify high-priority actions on key obesity issues and challeng
81 s model predicted 4,001 chemicals (12.3%) as high priority actives and 6,742 potential actives (20.8%
82  is an arenavirus identified as a category A high-priority agent.
83 ment of an IKK-specific inhibitor has been a high priority, although it remains unclear whether syste
84 alth declared the prevention of meningitis a high priority and asked the World Health Organization (W
85 ion and treatment of comorbidities must have high priority, and a separate section in the document ad
86 trate that this line of work should be given high priority, and they set the stage for additional res
87 solation of specific species of RNA became a high priority, and we sequenced a small segment of the 3
88 ctive antigens where we identify three novel high priority antigens for future evaluation.
89                These analyses identified two high priority areas for future research and conservation
90                       The goal was to define high priority areas of investigation that will soon be m
91 rition Research Needs focus on the following high priority areas: 1) variability in individual respon
92 e and patient volume can be used to identify high-priority areas for quality improvement from a popul
93                                              High-priority areas for research included: better defini
94                    The ARLG has identified 4 high-priority areas of research: infections caused by gr
95                                        These high-priority areas, combined with areas of high priorit
96 l research that addresses 1 or more of these high-priority areas.
97 penem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) are high-priority bacterial pathogens targeted for efforts t
98 rette smoke to the breast cancer burden is a high priority because these lifestyle behaviors also hav
99 ium falciparum and is therefore considered a high priority blood-stage malaria vaccine candidate.
100 ign for this fast acting and extremely toxic high priority BoNT E.
101                                   Additional high priority candidate genes were identified based on t
102 X control in photoreceptors, IMPDH1 became a high-priority candidate for mutation screening.
103 the QTL analyses, implicating these genes as high priority candidates for functional studies.
104 at the top-ranked antigens can be considered high-priority candidates for diagnostic development.
105 mon pathway analysis to reduce the number of high-priority candidates, may provide a rapid, efficient
106     A total of nine genes were identified as high-priority candidates.
107 identified 106 candidate genes, including 14 high-priority candidates.
108 s heparin (Hep) and heparan sulfate (HS) are high-priority carbohydrates for Bacteroides thetaiotaomi
109 te change and extremes projections remains a high-priority challenge, especially since recent observe
110 nd/or flavoring chemical on either the FEMA "High Priority Chemicals" or FDA Harmful and Potentially
111                                              High-priority chemicals become targets for further data
112 chrane reviews published up to March 2016 to high-priority clinical research questions.
113 identifies specific antigen combinations for high-priority clinical testing and establishes a general
114 mized, adjuvant breast cancer trials for its High-Priority Clinical Trials Program.
115 dicitis and gastrostomy should be considered high-priority conditions among pediatric surgeons.
116 gh co-incident poverty and solid-fuel use as high-priority counties for research into potential healt
117 , newborn, and child health interventions in high priority countries.
118 e same time as a national project to convert high priority CPGs into clinical performance measures pr
119                                   There is a high-priority demand for general methods allowing access
120 munity that led to the identification of the high-priority diagnostic needs in tuberculosis.
121                                          The high-priority diagnostic needs included (1) a sputum-bas
122 Subsequently target product profiles for the high-priority diagnostic needs were developed and review
123 irus is an important pathogen in a number of high-priority domains: it is the most common cause of di
124 ed egress.IMPORTANCE Ebola virus (EBOV) is a high-priority, emerging human pathogen that can cause se
125 cosal vaccine against this toxin should be a high priority, essentially no studies to date have asses
126                  Few studies addressed other high-priority evidence gaps.
127 can serve to focus experimental resources on high-priority experimental tasks.
128 he flavoring chemical diacetyl and two other high-priority flavoring chemicals, 2,3-pentanedione and
129                           Gap analysis shows high priorities for antelope conservation to include cre
130 s identified by the Institute of Medicine as high priorities for cardiovascular CER.
131  outcomes in quality-measurement systems are high priorities for improving the processes and outcomes
132 otics and bacterial vaccines, should also be high priorities for pandemic planning.
133            Which populations of children are high priorities for study?
134 omologue genes and 2 zebrafish homologues of high priority for ACTC1.
135  cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies is a high priority for AIDS vaccine development but one that
136                             This should be a high priority for anesthesiology departments to ensure d
137 ous carcinoma of the head and neck remains a high priority for clinical investigators.
138                                  Areas given high priority for clinical trials were pulmonary artery
139 of TB among HIV-infected mothers should be a high priority for communities with significant HIV/TB bu
140 elerating, making understanding extinction a high priority for conservation.
141 the burden of unsafe abortion, and remains a high priority for developing countries.
142           In addition, the results suggest a high priority for earlier proactive diagnosis and interv
143           Over 70% of taxa are identified as high priority for further collecting in order to improve
144 s, others indicated relevant candidates with high priority for further experimental validation.
145 ts relevant to aggressive skin SCC deserve a high priority for future clinical drug development.
146           Preventing HIV-1 transmission is a high priority for global health.
147 disease; thus, coinfected individuals are at high priority for HCV treatment.
148 ance to broadly neutralizing antibodies is a high priority for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) res
149 ing the development of effective therapies a high priority for improving human health.
150 es between Europe and the United States is a high priority for improving long-term graft survival.
151                      Young children remain a high priority for influenza vaccination while the world
152 al influenza vaccine should continue to be a high priority for lung transplant patients.
153 ccines and immune biomarkers of malaria is a high priority for malaria control and elimination.
154 to global immunisation programmes has been a high priority for many international agencies, including
155 atment strategies for heart failure remain a high priority for ongoing research due to the profound u
156  high-priority areas, combined with areas of high priority for other taxonomic groups and with social
157 her than future improvement, appears to be a high priority for patients.
158 n resource-poor settings, and this must be a high priority for policy makers and health care professi
159 of a prophylactic vaccine against HCMV is of high priority for public health.
160         Bridging the spatial gap should be a high priority for research and will require gathering cl
161 d nations, Campylobacter infections remain a high priority for research efforts to improve prevention
162 ce to ART and the partner drugs has become a high priority for resistance containment and malaria man
163  screening (born 1945-1965) for HCV may be a high priority for safety net hospitals.
164 the ecological impacts of acidification is a high priority for science, management, and policy.
165  that repair and replace diseased arteries a high priority for the cardiovascular research community.
166 o triggers that stimulate reactivation are a high priority for the future control of TB.
167 ting variability and uncertainty should be a high priority for the future of the Cardiac Physiome.
168 t rehospitalizations and adverse events is a high priority for the growing population of patients who
169 parative effectiveness research questions as high priority for the management of DR, including DME, b
170 ent of new HIV protease inhibitors remains a high priority for the pharmaceutical industry.
171 evention and treatment of human disease is a high priority for the US National Institutes of Health (
172 rs highlight clinical approaches that are of high priority for the useful medical application of meta
173 of optimal prime-boost vaccine regimens is a high priority for the vaccine development field.
174 y neutralizing antibodies [bNAbs]) remains a high priority for the vaccine field.
175         Neutralizing antibodies (nAbs) are a high priority for vaccines that aim to prevent the acqui
176 114 as containing likely errors, and thus of high-priority for resequencing.
177                                  To identify high-priority general pediatric surgical procedures for
178     These strategies have identified several high priority genes and developmental pathways that like
179 iagnosis by allowing researchers to sequence high priority genes at much higher depths and at a fract
180 ould prove useful in the annotation of other high priority genomes, especially human and other mammal
181         Multistep regulation of GS shows the high priority given by organisms to regulating and ensur
182 f the transfer of genetic information, was a high-priority goal in the 1990s.
183 zation of changes in beta-cell mass remain a high-priority goal.
184      Moving forward there are at least three high priority goals for anti-HIV drug delivery (DD) rese
185 eted cultivation of a microorganism from the high-priority group of the Human Microbiome Project's "M
186                     Vaccine delivery to this high-priority group should be improved.
187 ns for the routine vaccination of persons in high-priority groups, US vaccination rates remain too lo
188                 Focused information for each high priority guideline should be disseminated, includin
189                                   Therefore, high priority has been given to research investigating t
190 ling-up ART should be considered among other high-priority health interventions competing for health
191 overage should be considered alongside other high-priority health interventions competing for health
192                                          The high-priority (HP) pool, containing genes encoding a Lom
193                   We considered questions as high priority if at least 75% of respondents to both rou
194                                  Despite its high priority, implementation of maternal health care ha
195 s, such as remission induction failure, is a high priority in APL, especially because such events rep
196 imaging cell fate after transplantation is a high priority in both basic research and clinical transl
197 etermination of distinct serum folates is of high priority in clinical research settings.
198 man genome, filling these gaps should have a high priority in completion of the Human Genome Project.
199 in the peripherin 2 (PRPH2) gene should be a high priority in families with highly variable retinal d
200  the viral envelope glycoprotein gp120, is a high priority in HIV vaccine design.
201 lescent health and wellbeing should be given high priority in national and international policy.
202 oward the class III obese cohort should be a high priority in nutrition medicine.
203  defining unique properties of LSC remains a high priority in order to elucidate the molecular mechan
204 to screen for prion infection in blood is of high priority in order to facilitate the prevention of t
205 e critically ill patient that are considered high priority in severe sepsis, and pediatric considerat
206 of the critically ill patient and considered high priority in severe sepsis; and 3) pediatric conside
207  for centuries to come and should be given a high priority in society.
208 ly serious vaccine reactions was therefore a high priority in the design and implementation of those
209 rug targets and chemotherapeutic agents is a high priority in the fight against cancer.
210 ents with better antitumor activity merits a high priority in the treatment of advanced RCC.
211 ics to prevent pathogenic infection is given high priority in the twenty-first century.
212                                            A high priority in vaccine research is the development of
213 w and innovative cancer research in areas of high priority, in this case bladder cancer.
214                                   When only "high-priority" index segments (2.1 +/- 1.6 per patient)
215 al arousal enhances perception and memory of high-priority information but impairs processing of othe
216 lations across neural ensembles transmitting high-priority information.
217 n that in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) high priority is given to the "semantic structure." We a
218                        Finally, we suggest a high-priority list of 29 EGs with potential ASD risk as
219 ame subjects, we computationally generated a high-priority list of miRNA-mRNA pairs in which the DE p
220 ith unexpected epigenomic signals, to define high-priority marks for new experiments and to delineate
221                                           28 high priority miRNA candidates showing abnormal expressi
222 ble-isotope labeling technique to illuminate high-priority mLANA-interacting host proteins.
223  alleles in these 36 sequenced classical and high-priority mouse inbred strains.
224 , an industrial solvent, in breast milk as a high priority need for risk assessment.
225 h report highlights a focused set of 4 to 15 high-priority needs with an accompanying description of
226 b governments have not placed a sufficiently high priority on addressing the high prevalence of non-c
227          Predisaster planning should place a high priority on facilitating pet evacuation through pre
228                        Patients who placed a high priority on faith in God had less formal education
229 nce shows that people who place a relatively high priority on materialistic values/goals consume more
230 and the National Arthritis Action Plan place high priority on reducing disparities in health outcomes
231 erapy continues, safety considerations are a high priority, particularly those that remove nonhuman a
232 ilus influenzae, M. catarrhalis has become a high-priority pathogen in otitis media.
233 ffective therapeutics against biodefense and high-priority pathogens, including filoviruses (Ebola an
234 tures has made IBD both an appropriate and a high-priority platform for translatable research in host
235  nervous system infections in humans and are high-priority potential bioterrorism agents.
236 ttle to the diagnosis and thus should not be high-priority procedures for the routine workup in resou
237 ss research agenda is proposed: Two of the 9 high-priority questions require new primary research (su
238 cent meeting of expert panels, essential and high-priority recommendations to propel brain barrier re
239 interact with norepinephrine (NE) to enhance high priority representations and out-compete or suppres
240 context of widespread suppression, enhancing high priority representations while suppressing the rest
241 (>75% agreement among panelists) identifying high-priority research areas during pregnancy, including
242 t of neurobiological correlates of AN remain high-priority research areas.
243 these active subsurface microbiota emerge as high-priority research areas.
244 xygen reduction reaction (ORR) is one of the high-priority research directions for commercialization
245                            Identification of high-priority research needs could potentially speed the
246                        Further, alignment of high-priority research projects with clinical goals woul
247 ncludes with a series of recommendations for high-priority research subtopics at the "bio-nanosheet"
248 tory actions and enhancing the processing of high-priority sensory signals for immediate or future ex
249                                              High priority should be given to improvements in influen
250 n sanctuary sites such as the lymph nodes, a high priority should be placed on improving ART regimes
251  speed the development and implementation of high-priority, stakeholder-engaged research.
252 by ensuring that the tetrameric complex is a high-priority substrate.
253 ower priority glycans because re-introducing high priority substrates late in culture re-initiates re
254                                              High-priority subtopics identified included heart failur
255 sed surveillance systems; (2) vaccination of high-priority target groups, and, given sufficient vacci
256 rculosis that meet the specifications of the high-priority target product profiles (TPPs) is currentl
257 ult blood were detected in UCB and represent high-priority targets for immediate validation.
258 nts of protection against HIV infection is a high priority that will require careful selection of hig
259 monary disease (COPD) has not been seen as a high priority, the past decade has seen a substantial in
260 nature of our patients, frailty has become a high-priority theme in cardiovascular medicine.
261 ) point to potential relevance of CD151 as a high-priority therapeutic target, with relative selectiv
262  pathogenesis and drug resistance makes it a high-priority therapeutic target.
263 e, and Salmonella typhi were included in the high-priority tier.
264 re was insufficient new evidence to assign a high priority to a comprehensive systematic review for e
265 al contribution to total heterozygosity gave high priority to Criollo pig breeds, whereas Weitzman pr
266 assessing chemical exposures in infants is a high priority to federal agencies and local communities.
267 rivers, protecting plant diversity may be of high priority to maintain the biodiversity and functioni
268 s these questions, the expert group accorded high priority to population-based research to define the
269       Against this background, WHO made it a high priority to provide the present fetal growth charts
270  and developing a prophylactic vaccine is of high priority to public health.
271 zardous industrial chemicals now labeled as "high-priority toxic chemicals." For several other unique
272                                              High-priority triage with enhanced operating room flexib
273 ng with respect to the central processing of high-priority versus low-priority stimuli, but it requir
274 arch studies by providing investigators with high-priority, well established, low-burden measurement
275          The goal of PhenX is to identify 15 high-priority, well-established, and broadly applicable
276                                   Genes with high priority were further subjected to validation using
277   The highest ranked Gram-positive bacteria (high priority) were vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus fa
278 utralizing antibodies and this property is a high priority when developing an HIV vaccine.
279 nts are available for 21 pathogens deemed of high priority with regard to public health and national
280 halt an influenza epidemic or pandemic are a high priority, with an emphasis on vaccines and antivira

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