


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 dily accommodated by current models for rRNA higher order structure.
2  combination) spontaneously assembles into a higher order structure.
3 sociation (UVPD) for the characterization of higher order structure.
4 that concerted change is partially driven by higher order structure.
5 iversify their molecular fate while adopting higher-order structure.
6 hange reaction without affecting the protein higher-order structure.
7 i interactions are important in formation of higher-order structure.
8 ent with formation of a unique, more compact higher-order structure.
9 laments, most likely due to a twist in their higher-order structure.
10 mplex than that of F-actin, reflecting their higher-order structure.
11  a well-known technique for studying protein higher-order structure.
12 , suggesting that specificity is mediated by higher-order structure.
13 ly on conformational isoforms that possess a higher-order structure.
14 to a foreign ectodomain, suggesting a common higher-order structure.
15  the organization of cellulose fibers into a higher-order structure.
16 ted region (UTR) hairpin that disrupts local higher-order structure.
17 by linking PRC1 to formation of a repressive higher-order structure.
18 tection at the SPA region, consistent with a higher-order structure.
19 he polymerization of the nuclear lamins into higher order structures.
20 inked trimers that further oligomerized into higher order structures.
21 ture epitopes displayed on E-homo-dimers and higher order structures.
22 guide the arrangement of the acene core into higher order structures.
23 hibited the formation of calnexin dimers and higher order structures.
24 nsin is linked to its ability to form stable higher order structures.
25 in packaging chromatin into 30-nm fibers and higher order structures.
26 t may mediate assembly of VacA monomers into higher order structures.
27 le clathrin-coated vesicles and F-actin into higher order structures.
28 s to form precomplexes that oligomerize into higher order structures.
29  mutant lacking a dimerization domain formed higher order structures.
30 latory proteins that direct the formation of higher order structures.
31 anization of individual building blocks into higher order structures.
32 ed epitope peptides enabled investigation of higher-order structures.
33 ection and similarly for transitions between higher-order structures.
34 so blocked discrete steps in the assembly of higher-order structures.
35 roteins that polymerize into filamentous and higher-order structures.
36 ers that in turn associate into a variety of higher-order structures.
37 bles the self-assembly of the particles into higher-order structures.
38 through self-association of DBHS dimers into higher-order structures.
39 omplete folding can lead to the formation of higher-order structures.
40  NRL influence nucleosome array folding into higher-order structures.
41 iated regions of the cell, where they formed higher-order structures.
42 able to polymerize into apolar filaments and higher-order structures.
43 ce the propensity of Abeta to aggregate into higher-order structures.
44 nto coiled-coil structures and assemble into higher-order structures.
45 ed that HCF-1 self-associates into dimers or higher-order structures.
46 ssembly or the organization of hexamers into higher-order structures.
47 o influence the assembly and architecture of higher-order structures.
48  dynamics and the formation of VPS-dependent higher-order structures.
49 y promoting the compaction of chromatin into higher-order structures.
50 matic markers are sensitive to secondary and higher-order structures.
51 generation of the corresponding oligomers or higher-order structures.
52  modes could fold chromatin to form distinct higher-order structures.
53 t its ability to bundle actin filaments into higher-order structures.
54 tions through the formation of filaments and higher-order structures.
55  alpha-keratin was influenced by primary and higher-order structures.
56  motility, suggesting a novel role for these higher-order structures.
57 ities, but they can also form bonds to yield higher-order structures.
58 clei, this region forms multiple, nonrandom "higher order" structures.
59 cause of polymer formation with quinary, and higher-order, structures.
60 cription factors and can be compacted into a higher-ordered structure.
61  proper folding of nascent polypeptides into higher ordered structures.
62 e and n-hexadecyl-beta-D-maltoside Rho forms higher ordered structures.
63 ave shown the ability to more quickly access higher-ordered structures.
64 rikingly, chromatin shows greatly diminished higher-order structure after fertilization.
65 ed a nuclear imaging system to visualize the higher-order structures along with their dynamics in liv
66 associations to form elongated filaments and higher-order structures, an assembly process we call ann
67 y, the ability to detect changes in both the higher order structure and conformational dynamics of a
68 capable of providing valuable information on higher order structure and conformational dynamics of pr
69 ure of the PDC response is determined by the higher order structure and endosomal location of the CpG
70  of structural elements and enhancers to the higher order structure and expression of the CFTR locus.
71                        Understanding protein higher order structure and interfacial interactions is c
72    They also support fiber-packing models of higher order structure and suggest that transcription fr
73 data also indicate that the FSHR exists as a higher order structure and that it may heterodimerize wi
74 nding protein, can affect both the chromatin higher order structure and the modification of nucleosom
75 uanine or 7-deaza-2'-O-methyl-guanine avoids higher order structures and improves their inhibitory po
76 H and iAb to the OspE protein is mediated by higher order structures and protein conformation.
77 ins promote assembly of chromatin fibers and higher order structures and regulate gene expression rem
78 hat FoxI1 is capable of remodeling chromatin higher-order structure and can stably create site-specif
79  oligomeric state of FtsA may influence FtsZ higher-order structure and divisome function.
80               The design and construction of higher-order structure and function in proteinosome micr
81 ut they appear to play a specialized role in higher-order structure and function.
82  sites are likely to play a role in collagen higher-order structure and function.
83 ight aggregate formation which may alter its higher-order structure and interactions.
84 onal protein Nervous Wreck (Nwk) has a novel higher-order structure and membrane-deforming activity t
85                      Characterization of the higher-order structure and structural dynamics of protei
86 lite sequence bordering the transition lacks higher-order structure and that the non-alpha satellite
87 TR primary-site mutation proposed to disrupt higher-order structure and the RNA-silencing machinery.
88  to bind and cross-link actin filaments into higher-order structures and contribute to phagocytosis i
89 ch interactions are critical for assembly of higher-order structures and cooperative increases in GTP
90 ved, allow exploration of the antecedents of higher-order structures and generate testable hypotheses
91 s, the protein-DNA interactions required for higher-order structures and recombination appear to be s
92 PR experiments failed to assemble into these higher-ordered structures and migrated as dimers.
93 probing of mutants indicated the presence of higher order structure, and sequences in the LS may also
94 sociate either in or out of register to form higher order structures, and mimics the banding found in
95 cus-level features are sufficient to explain higher-order structure, and identify the most influentia
96 gions confirms that all measurable facets of higher order structure are conserved between human and m
97 iled coil motifs of OspE revealed that these higher order structures are required for fH binding but
98 ail-directed folding of chromatin fibers and higher order structures are the probable outcome of much
99                    The implications of these higher-order structures are discussed in terms of x-ray
100 on crystal dissolution indicating that these higher-order structures are produced dynamically during
101 contain all regulatory elements and preserve higher order structure as much as possible.
102 he scaffold for describing the mechanisms of higher order structures as organelles and cells.
103 -repeat expansion in FRDA cells stimulates a higher-order structure as a fragment containing the GAA-
104 earn action or state values without assuming higher-order structure as in standard reinforcement lear
105 MT)-organizing centers but failed to adopt a higher-order structure, as shown by three-dimensional st
106 soluble at low pH and self-assembles to form higher order structures at physiological pH.
107 taining filaments assemble into two kinds of higher order structures at the cell cortex: rings and or
108 ondensin in order to promote the assembly of higher-order structure at centromere and repetitive DNA.
109         The establishment and maintenance of higher-order structure at centromeres is essential for a
110 tin filaments are dynamically assembled into higher-order structures at specified locations to regula
111  (4.8.8) and (, and one pattern with higher-order structures beyond the complexity observed i
112      It contains a G quadruple that leads to higher order structures by the formation of G tetrads.
113   HMG2 facilitates assembly of nucleoprotein higher-order structures by bending and looping DNA or by
114          Cells organize actin filaments into higher-order structures by regulating the composition, d
115                              However, an RNA higher-order structure cannot be predicted accurately fr
116 ge-driven molecular dynamics, we studied the higher order structure changes of protein G'e at the mol
117                                  Moreover, a higher-ordered structure, Co-Ni-Cu-O, was found to follo
118 -->4) and alpha(1-->6) linkages and exhibits higher order structures compared with chitin and cellulo
119  a high-throughput manner for batch-to-batch higher-order structure comparison, as well as for the op
120 t genes function as nucleosomal arrays whose higher order structure, composition and accessibility to
121 sition, yet how a new subunit assembled into higher-order structures confers different functions is n
122 esponses, where primary DNA sequence and its higher-order structure constitute a regulatory context l
123               We propose that these putative higher order structures coordinate mitochondrial gene ex
124 at oligomerization of SNARE complexes into a higher order structure creates a SNARE scaffold for effi
125 noncanonical RNA:RNA interactions supporting higher-order structure critical for translation and repl
126 ssemble in a controlled way into fibrils and higher ordered structures depending on pH.
127 chimeric proteins into gradually developing, higher-order structures differently organized at early a
128  (MS) has become a potent technique to probe higher-order structures, dynamics, and interactions of p
129 in contrast to enteric bacteria, do not form higher-order structures (e.g. ribosomal dimers) upon ent
130 valent homodimers as well as the assembly of higher-ordered structures essential for IFN-gamma bindin
131 ss only a minority of crystal forms, whereas higher-order structures exhibit common interfaces across
132 ancers, raising the possibility for a subtle higher-order structure extending across certain enhancer
133  coronaviruses, and (iii) SLVI is a required higher-order structure for DI RNA replication based on m
134 y biological processes are RNA-mediated, but higher-order structures for most RNAs are unknown, which
135 ion underlies the organization of cells into higher-order structures, for example during development
136                             We conclude that higher-order structures formed by RNA and bound proteins
137 study provides insight into the formation of higher-order structures from self-assembling DNA origami
138     The accurate prediction of different RNA higher-order structures from their nucleic acid sequence
139  the filaments assemble on their own to form higher order structures, growing evidence suggests that
140 er, the extent of evolutionary divergence in higher order structure has not been rigorously measured
141  and to cross-link actin microfilaments into higher-order structures has been correlated with increas
142 The organization of DNA into nucleosomes and higher-order structures has profound implications for DN
143  interactors of insoluble proteins that form higher-order structures have remained challenges in biol
144                                      Protein higher order structure (HOS) describes the three-dimensi
145 yl NMR provides a powerful tool to probe the higher order structure (HOS) of monoclonal antibodies (m
146 ics is the comprehensive characterization of higher order structure (HOS).
147                                              Higher-order structure (HOS) is a crucial determinant fo
148 ite-specific conjugation technologies on the higher-order structure (HOS) of mAbs.
149 s (BCoV) genome is predicted to contain four higher-order structures identified as stem-loops I to IV
150 vestigate computationally how differences in higher-order structure impact on epidemic threshold, fin
151  distributions not only by affecting protein higher order structure in solution but also through modu
152 otein phosphatases are believed to recognize higher order structure in substrates in addition to the
153 s enzyme is a mixture of monomer, dimer, and higher order structures in solution.
154 namin and dynamin-related proteins that form higher order structures in vivo, suggesting that Dnm1p a
155 tures remain rare, despite the importance of higher-order structure in biomacromolecules.
156 ivative, CL67, which binds to a G-quadruplex higher-order structure in the HIF promoter sequence in v
157 of this segment of Gag, show that it is in a higher-order structure in the virus particle, and provid
158  involves the modification of chromatin, the higher-order structure in which DNA is packaged.
159 e but not the negative strand, and (iv) as a higher-order structure in wild-type (wt) and mutant mole
160 he propensity of dynamin to oligomerize into higher-order structures in an actin-dependent manner and
161 eteromeric complexes that form filaments and higher-order structures in cells.
162 t is unknown how septins are arranged within higher-order structures in cells.
163 s, Spr28-Spr3-capped rods are unable to form higher-order structures in solution but assemble to form
164                                              Higher-order structures in the 5' untranslated region (U
165 ch conformer (PrP(Sc)) that accumulates into higher-order structures in the brain and other tissues.
166 y to mammalian signatures, suggesting common higher-order structures in these homeothermic genomes.
167 that do not tolerate mutations contribute to higher-order structures in VLPs.
168  materials hierarchically self-assemble into higher-order structures, in which, according to molecula
169 ved, GTP-binding proteins that assemble into higher order structures, including filaments and rings w
170 ations of ethanol (>20%), DNA formed several higher order structures, including flower shaped condens
171       SAM domains can self-associate to form higher-order structures, including dimers, polymers and
172                                              Higher-order structure influences critical functions in
173                        The usefulness of the higher-order structure information provided by hydrogen/
174  Together, our results strongly suggest that higher-order structures integrate inputs across afferent
175 ts suggest that the NRL may direct chromatin higher-order structure into either a nucleosome position
176 aken together, these data suggest that local higher order structures involving AREs may function as p
177 al-life decision-making problems incorporate higher-order structure, involving interdependencies betw
178 urements provide a clear indication that the higher order structure is affected well beyond the coval
179 d DNA stabilized by transcription-dependent, higher order structures is a primary substrate of CSR.
180               Condensation of chromatin into higher order structures is mediated by intra- and interf
181 anization of individual actin filaments into higher-order structures is controlled by actin-binding p
182     Whether pairwise loops synergize to form higher-order structures is still unclear.
183 e mechanisms that fold chromatin fibers into higher-order structures is therefore key to understandin
184 ll-length IFN-gammaBPs were observed to form higher-ordered structures larger than the previously rep
185  generated from actin filaments arrayed into higher-order structures like actin cables and bundles.
186                                              Higher-order structures like fibril bundles and fibers a
187 f stem-loop III, the third of four predicted higher-order structures mapping within the 210-nucleotid
188 n of PopZ relied on its self-assembly into a higher-order structure (matrix) and that the unipolar to
189 ter denaturation of RNA, suggesting that the higher order structure may contribute to the greater iro
190 epression by Yan requires the formation of a higher order structure mediated by Yan-SAM polymerizatio
191      We detected the presence of a localized higher-order structure motif in the pro-part of proNGF.
192                                              Higher-order structure must affect these reactions if th
193 e rapid, high-resolution analyses of protein higher order structures needed to ensure drug efficacy a
194      The E. coli FtsZ chimera readily formed higher order structures normally seen only in the presen
195  This is the first semi-empirical model of a higher order structure of a GPCR in native membranes, an
196 mportant characterization information on the higher order structure of antibodies and conformational
197 e used to quickly provide information on the higher order structure of antibody therapeutics.
198 ll-length S glycoprotein of SARS-CoV forms a higher order structure of approximately 500 kDa, which i
199                                          The higher order structure of chromatin in vivo is criticall
200 K20 is involved in the maintenance of proper higher order structure of DNA and is consequently essent
201 ental evidence that UVPD is sensitive to the higher order structure of gas-phase proteins.
202 es have shown that aminoglycosides alter the higher order structure of the ribosome.
203                               To explore the higher order structure of transcribable chromatin in viv
204                                          The higher order structure of viral RNA appears to be an imp
205 karyotic DNA topoisomerase I manipulates the higher order structures of DNA.
206 Chromatin in eukaryotic cells is folded into higher order structures of folded nucleosome filaments,
207 identification of cis-regulatory modules and higher order structures of the regulatory sequences, whi
208 elopment of an RNA interactome that maps the higher-order structure of a postulated RNA domain within
209  the utility of HDX-MS for interrogating the higher-order structure of ADCs and other protein therape
210 ified by the folded secondary, tertiary, and higher-order structure of biomolecules.
211 -a feature critical for stabilization of the higher-order structure of chromatin and for repression o
212                    The complex regulates the higher-order structure of chromatin, and has important r
213  nucleosomes, which further compact into the higher-order structure of chromatin.
214 mes and to exploration of the epigenome, the higher-order structure of DNA that dictates the expressi
215                                          The higher-order structure of heterochromatin contributes to
216 spectrometry approach for characterizing the higher-order structure of intact antibodies, by combinin
217 nd show utility for studying the primary and higher-order structure of peptides and proteins.
218 y (MS) are increasingly being used to obtain higher-order structure of proteins and protein complexes
219 st direct methodology for characterizing the higher-order structure of proteins in solution.
220 ctor binding, RNA polymerase pausing and the higher-order structure of the chromatin fibre.
221 fferences in morphology and composition, the higher-order structure of the inner and outer rings is u
222 cleotide substitutions that alter either the higher-order structure of the panhandle or the primary s
223 ippocampal patients were unable to grasp the higher-order structure of the task with the same success
224 nes play important roles in the formation of higher-order structures of chromatin and the regulation
225           We propose that filaments or other higher-order structures of ICP8 may provide a scaffold o
226  both ScpA and ScpB favored the formation of higher-order structures of SMC complexes, suggesting a r
227 angement that has important implications for higher-order structures of the protein bound to ssDNA.
228 rinsically curved raise the possibility that higher-order structuring of DNA and protein within this
229                   Since the conformation (or higher order structure) of a protein is a major modulato
230                               Significantly, higher-order structures (oligonucleotides, peptides and
231 d others to hypothesize that SIRPalpha forms higher order structures on the cell surface.
232 amer in vivo, it can also self-assemble into higher order structures on the mitochondrial outer membr
233  homolog in groups 1 and 3, (ii) exists as a higher-order structure on the basis of enzyme probing, (
234                                 Septins form higher-order structures on fungal plasma membranes and a
235 GTP-binding proteins that form filaments and higher-order structures on the cell cortex of eukaryotic
236             Thus, the DCC imposes a distinct higher-order structure onto X chromosomes while regulati
237 on of many viruses involves the formation of higher-order structures or replication "factories." We s
238 ntation of molecules while they form dynamic higher-order structures, our approach can provide insigh
239            The assembly of DNA duplexes into higher-order structures plays a major role in many vital
240 performed a simple decision-making task with higher-order structure, probabilistic reversal learning.
241                        We postulate that the higher-order structure promotes (+)-strand synthesis.
242 gen, and its ability to self-assemble into a higher order structure provide focal points for future d
243 ons, indicating the involvement of chromatin higher-order structure rather than nucleosomes in the re
244                             There, Gag forms higher ordered structures required for the correct assem
245  on the ability of the 3D polymerase to form higher-ordered structures required for positive-strand R
246 els of SAS-6 in Drosophila cells resulted in higher order structures resembling central tubule morpho
247 yotic DNA is sequestered as nucleosomes, the higher-order structure resulting from nucleosome interac
248 ence-directed versatile assembly of periodic higher-order structures reveals a general organizational
249     Instead, stimulatory activity resides in higher-order structured RNA that contains single-strande
250  first tetrapods to man, that is crucial for higher order structure self-assembly of the key intrinsi
251 asing attention due to their ability to form higher ordered structures similar to proteins.
252 tion and equal clustering, exhibit different higher-order structure, specifically, overlapping triang
253 n can occur in sequencing reactions and that higher-order structures stimulate DNA polymerase to synt
254 P hydrolysis, and can self-assemble, forming higher order structures such as rings and spirals that e
255 is required to promote further assembly into higher order structures such as rings or spirals.
256  and disassembly of actin into filaments and higher order structures such as stress fibers and lamell
257 n molecules form fibrils, which arrange into higher-ordered structures such as fibers and fascicles.
258 l is known about the components that include higher order structures, such as lamellar meshes, filopo
259            Two designed peptides that formed higher-order structures suggest how future design protoc
260 er cell and is packaged into several hundred higher-order structures termed nucleoids.
261 es from a single origin are colocalized into higher-order structures termed replication factories.
262 ent with a computational model that exploits higher-order structure than with simple reinforcement le
263      The large GTPase dynamin assembles into higher order structures that are thought to promote endo
264 eric aggregation followed by the assembly of higher order structures that become insoluble under phys
265 n conveyed by DNA sequence and chromatin are higher order structures that encompass portions of chrom
266 ons as a result of differences in primary or higher order structures that interact with other cellula
267 onucleotides are able to self-associate into higher order structures that stimulate DNA synthesis in
268 onetheless, has an RNA genome with a complex higher-order structure that likely reflects high informa
269             Nucleosomal DNA is arranged in a higher-order structure that presents a barrier to most c
270          Septins assemble into filaments and higher-order structures that act as scaffolds for divers
271 sistent with roles in modulating assembly of higher-order structures that are unique to individual or
272   Pentameric DdrB was found to assemble into higher-order structures that coat ssDNA.
273 igins: the use of landmarks, the creation of higher-order structures that enable geometric sensing, a
274                                              Higher-order structures that originate from the specific
275 re both in vivo and in vitro, forming stable higher-order structures that were resistant to depolymer
276 tein alpha (C/EBPalpha), concentrates at one higher order structure, the peri-centromeric chromatin,
277 telomere capping involves the formation of a higher order structure, the telomeric loop or t-loop.
278 hromatin and defects in PcG protein-mediated higher-order structures, thereby leading to impaired PcG
279 d nucleosomes, reflecting a fibre of uniform higher-order structure, this organisation is disrupted b
280 uence the folding of a nucleosome chain into higher-order structure; this hypothesis was borne out in
281 tributions by proteins involved in mediating higher order structure to DNA DSB responses.
282 mers and established the importance of these higher order structures to intracellular trafficking and
283 omatin retains the ability to form classical higher-order structures under physiological salt conditi
284         It has been proposed that MDA5 forms higher-order structures upon viral dsRNA recognition or
285                               The EPS formed higher-order structures we termed mesostructures.
286                To identify and quantify such higher order structure, we applied Raman optical activit
287 on binding capacity, and the ability to form higher-order structures were also examined for each muta
288 bearing halogen bond-accepting amine groups, higher-order structures were obtained in both organic so
289 ctin filaments promote dynamin assembly into higher order structures, which in turn efficiently relea
290 his hypothesis depends on the formation of a higher-order structure, which has yet to be identified u
291 f GTP-binding proteins that oligomerize into higher-order structures, which associate with membranes
292 ase-primase requires formation of a dimer or higher-order structure while ATPase activity does not.
293   Taken together, CEACAM16 can probably form higher order structures with other tectorial membrane pr
294 ow that the receptor signaling complex forms higher ordered structures with defined geometric archite
295 y: meaningful words are combined into larger/higher-order structures with derived meaning.
296      Most classes showed a disruption of the higher order structure, with the degree of disorder depe
297  terminase adopts a heterogeneous mixture of higher-order structures, with an average molecular mass
298 l that cytosolic proteins are organized into higher order structures within axon-enriched fractions t
299                         We find evidence for higher-order structure within satDNA arrays that suggest
300 ge systems typically require the assembly of higher-order structures within which the recombinational

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