


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 pressing brood-rearing activity, AmAChE1 was highly expressed.
2 rted mouse EC cells and found that Scn3a was highly expressed.
3 ion where macrophage adhesion molecules were highly expressed.
4 where D-serine and its converting enzyme are highly expressed.
5 phage inflammatory protein 3alpha/CCL20 were highly expressed.
6 t, having retained more genes and being more highly expressed, a phenomenon termed subgenome dominanc
7 both highly conserved across vertebrates and highly expressed across multiple stages.
8  age-related dysregulation of a large set of highly expressed and aggregation-prone proteins, which m
9 unction for TBAs/TBAL, the TBA promoters are highly expressed and cell type specific and so should be
10 with H3.3 can modulate the transcription for highly expressed and developmentally required genes, lea
11        The majority of risk genes for AD are highly expressed (and many are selectively expressed) by
12  (K16) is a cytoskeletal scaffolding protein highly expressed at pressure-bearing sites of the mammal
13   Many genes encoding unknown functions were highly expressed at the biofilm-solid interphase, exposi
14 yostelium morphogenetic cell movement and is highly expressed at the organizing tip.
15                                     The most highly expressed, BBI3, encodes a protein that inhibits
16                 We hypothesized that CD26 is highly expressed by human skin fibroblasts (SFBLs), and
17 ET coreceptor regulated by Wnt signaling and highly expressed by intestinal stem cells [ISCs] and ade
18                                     RIPK1 is highly expressed by microglial cells in human AD brains.
19           Here, we report that CTLA4 is also highly expressed by most human melanoma cell lines, as w
20                             TrkB.T1 was also highly expressed by neurons and microglia/macrophages at
21 ophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) was highly expressed by primary AML, and that IL8 was increa
22 on of connexin 36 (Cx36) subunits, which are highly expressed by retinal neurons, markedly reduced lo
23 y molecules (CTLA-4, LAG-3, TIM-3), PD-1 was highly expressed by subdominant TCD8, which correlated w
24                                    NKp46 was highly expressed by these cells, and addition of anti-NK
25 tem cells (ESCs), CBX6 and CBX7 are the most highly expressed CBX family members.
26 d the transcriptional start site of the most highly expressed CD16a isoform in NK cells.
27  advanced glycation end products (RAGE) is a highly expressed cell membrane receptor serving to ancho
28 while COL2D is repressed in wild cottons but highly expressed due to methylation loss in all domestic
29                      We found that MoGlo3 is highly expressed during conidiation and early infection
30                 p75 neurotrophin receptor is highly expressed during early neuronal development and r
31  We reasoned that secreted peptides that are highly expressed during infection are pivotal for virule
32 ricted to a small number of genes, which are highly expressed during infection.
33 previously revealed L. monocytogenes cadC as highly expressed during mouse infection.
34 rged expression, with the exception of those highly expressed during secondary cell wall deposition.
35 factor, the purinergic receptor P2X5 that is highly expressed during the OC maturation phase, and whi
36                   Furthermore, uterine ILC2s highly expressed estrogen receptor alpha, and in vitro c
37         Whole genome sequencing identified a highly expressed FGF4 retrogene within this shared regio
38               Isoforms 1 and 3 were the most highly expressed forms of membrane subunit a, with a1 an
39 eep sequencing facilitated identification of highly expressed fungal genes.
40 C. difficile Alr2 racemase is the sixth most highly expressed gene during C. difficile spore formatio
41 demonstrated that olfactomedin-4 is the most highly expressed gene in nonsurvivors of pediatric septi
42                           We also identified highly expressed genes and pathways associated with chem
43 thylation was enriched at super-enhancers in highly expressed genes critical for liver function.
44  hotspots targeting the noncoding regions of highly expressed genes defining certain secretory cellul
45 some of which are associated with relatively highly expressed genes for fiber development and seed ge
46 xamined natural E. coli genes and found that highly expressed genes have evolved more forcefully to m
47   We used a data-mining strategy to identify highly expressed genes in Chlamydomonas whose flanking s
48 ic data provide evidence for gain or loss of highly expressed genes in some samples, suggesting that
49                          Conversely, D cells highly expressed genes related to differentiated endothe
50                     In particular, EVP cells highly expressed genes related to progenitor function in
51 es: 23.5%-59.3% (95% confidence interval) of highly expressed genes with distant alternative exons ex
52                         PB and MLV preferred highly expressed genes, whereas Tol2 and SB preferred we
53 gh levels of H3K4me3 and are associated with highly expressed genes.
54 most pronounced in evolutionarily conserved, highly expressed genes.
55 ional regulators (TSTRs) and associated with highly expressed germ cell-specific genes and histone re
56 e characterized virulence peptide 1 (vp1), a highly expressed Gly-Gly peptide-encoding gene in chinch
57 ng an explicit model of Ca2+, CaM, and seven highly-expressed hippocampal CaM binding proteins, we fi
58 oter resulted in robust upregulation of this highly expressed housekeeping gene.
59 iRNA hairpin precursors and compared them to highly expressed human RNAs with known structures and ot
60 d with the level of recruited M-MDSCs, which highly expressed IL-13 receptor alpha1.
61 log (ORF121), the only known "virokine," was highly expressed, implying that this ascovirus protein h
62  TMs was tweety-homolog 1 (TTYH1), which was highly expressed in a fraction of TMs in mice and patien
63                         CXCR4 and CXCR2 were highly expressed in a high invasive gastric cancer cell
64     We show that the SPAR-encoding lncRNA is highly expressed in a subset of tissues and use CRISPR/C
65            PDGF receptor beta (PDGFRbeta) is highly expressed in activated pericytes, a main source o
66               However, S100A8 and S100A9 are highly expressed in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and S1
67               CD7 is a transmembrane protein highly expressed in acute T-cell leukemia (T-ALL) and in
68 death-associated protein kinase 1 (DAPK1) is highly expressed in AD brains and its genetic variants a
69 ortin 2 receptor accessory protein (MRAP) is highly expressed in adrenal gland and adipose tissue.
70                        We show that Ptprb is highly expressed in adult mammary stem cells and also, a
71                              This isoform is highly expressed in advanced stages of breast and cervic
72 scent beta2AR ligand shows the receptors are highly expressed in airway epithelium.
73 ome Atlas database revealed that p38delta is highly expressed in all types of human breast cancers.
74 hosphatase (TRAP, two isoforms 5a and 5b) is highly expressed in alveolar macrophages, but its functi
75                                       FTO is highly expressed in AMLs with t(11q23)/MLL rearrangement
76 xpression in para-carcinoma tissue, Gab2 was highly expressed in approximately 60-70% of human hepato
77 12 mutant plants, whereas SOC1 but not FT is highly expressed in AtbHLH112-overexpressing Arabidopsis
78                            Because HILPDA is highly expressed in atherosclerotic plaques, we examined
79                                      EGFR is highly expressed in basal-like TNBC and is considered as
80                       Forty-seven genes were highly expressed in both ZIKV and dengue infections.
81 ient receptor potential channel 5 (TRPC5) is highly expressed in brain and kidney and mediates calciu
82     Besides the tongue, the T1R3 receptor is highly expressed in brain areas implicated in cognition,
83 ts receptors (especially Y1, Y2, and Y5) are highly expressed in brain regions involved in learning a
84 molecular analyses revealed that IL-1beta is highly expressed in cancer cells in which the androgen r
85 specific isoform, glutaminase C (GAC), being highly expressed in cancer cells.
86                                              Highly expressed in cancer protein 1 (Hec1) is a subunit
87                                    Cnot3 was highly expressed in cardiomyocytes with higher prolifera
88 l isoforms of a solute carrier Slc26a6 to be highly expressed in cardiomyocytes.
89 her voltage-dependent K(+) channels (Kv) are highly expressed in carotid body (CB) glomus cells, but
90                        Moreover, miR-218 was highly expressed in CD16a(-) NK cells compared with CD16
91 se (MT1-MMP) is a membrane-bound MMP that is highly expressed in cells with invading capacity, includ
92 on-sensing Gq -coupled receptor that is most highly expressed in cerebellum.
93 flavin dehydrogenase that generates O2(), is highly expressed in colon cancer.
94                     Most of these genes were highly expressed in DCIS samples with IBC, including PLA
95 gical tissues, the probes target, PARP1, was highly expressed in DIPG compared to normal brain.
96 polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) that is highly expressed in diverse human cancers and is associa
97   The proinflammatory cytokine IL-36gamma is highly expressed in epithelial cells and is a pivotal me
98 keda G-protein coupled receptor5 (TGR5) were highly expressed in esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) and
99 show that the tyrosine phosphatase PTP4A1 is highly expressed in fibroblasts from patients with SSc.
100 ray results, that KIR2DL4, IL6 and SELE were highly expressed in GAgP than CP or H patients.
101 ur results showed that alpha-SNAP protein is highly expressed in GCs and its expression is modulated
102                               Although it is highly expressed in germline stem cells (GSCs) and early
103 We show that the m(6)A demethylase ALKBH5 is highly expressed in glioblastoma stem-like cells (GSCs).
104                      alphavbeta8 integrin is highly expressed in GSCs and is essential for self-renew
105          Our results suggested that KDM1A is highly expressed in GSCs and knockdown of KDM1A using sh
106 ur results demonstrate that GD3 and GD3S are highly expressed in GSCs, play a key role in glioblastom
107 anscription was induced by abscisic acid and highly expressed in guard cells.
108                                       AHR is highly expressed in hematopoietic stem and progenitor ce
109 is a prosurvival BCL-2 protein family member highly expressed in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and
110 roup of broadly conserved microRNAs that are highly expressed in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and
111 n CSDE1 (cold shock domain containing E1) is highly expressed in hESCs to maintain their undifferenti
112 t protein kinase kinase 2 (beta) (CaMKK2) is highly expressed in high-grade serous ovarian cancer, an
113 n Heavy Chain Domain 1 gene (DNHD1) which is highly expressed in human brain.
114 tylcholine receptor (alpha7-nAChR), was more highly expressed in human cholangiocarcinoma cell lines
115                     This calcium channel was highly expressed in human GBM specimens and enriched in
116 rotein convertases subtilisin/kexin in being highly expressed in human GIC.
117       In functional experiments, SLC7A11 was highly expressed in human liver cells; its expression is
118 ng cancer datasets showed that GLI1 mRNA was highly expressed in human lung SCC and portended a poor
119       Consistent with these findings, DEF is highly expressed in human neuroblastoma, and its depleti
120 sed a large set of E2F target genes that are highly expressed in human patients with skin cancer.
121       Here, we have determined that CCR4 was highly expressed in human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) bio
122 replication, was identified and confirmed as highly expressed in immune complexes from 16 hereditary
123 ially generates C16-ceramide and its mRNA is highly expressed in immune tissues.
124 ese enzymes, a selenium-containing MsrB1, is highly expressed in immune-activated macrophages and con
125  and function at low temperature, others are highly expressed in infection-relevant conditions.
126      The nonreceptor tyrosine kinase Pyk2 is highly expressed in invasive breast cancer, but the mech
127  several candidate tyrosine kinases that are highly expressed in keratinocytes for binding to BPV-1 E
128     Because histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) is highly expressed in liver cancer and known to regulate o
129 sent in the blood of healthy individuals but highly expressed in liver tissue, indicating an ectopic
130           Here, we report that PIPKIgamma is highly expressed in lung cancer tissues and its expressi
131                             FIEL1 protein is highly expressed in lung tissues from patients with idio
132 ne acid amidase (NAAA), a cysteine hydrolase highly expressed in macrophages and B lymphocytes, catal
133 ssociated amyloid precursor protein (APP) is highly expressed in macrophages and microglia, and acts
134                  MicroRNA-146a (miR-146a) is highly expressed in many cell types under homeostatic co
135                    HEC1 mRNA and protein are highly expressed in many malignancies as part of a signa
136                                     DDX43 is highly expressed in many tumors and is, therefore, consi
137                      Folate receptor (FR) is highly expressed in many types of human cancers, and it
138                  Here we show that miR-31 is highly expressed in MaSC-enriched mammary basal cell pop
139                           L1 was found to be highly expressed in mast cells in normal, psoriasis, and
140 e first identified and validated linc-GALMD3 highly expressed in MDV-infected CD4+ T cells by RNA-Seq
141 s one of several small acid-soluble proteins highly expressed in medium spiny neurons of striatum tha
142 -MMP, MMP-14) is a transmembrane collagenase highly expressed in metastatic ovarian cancer and correl
143  These protein-altering changes are in genes highly expressed in microglia and highlight an immune-re
144                        In the brain, PGRN is highly expressed in microglia, which are a major source
145 ed receptor for secondary bile acids that is highly expressed in monocytes/macrophages.
146 cancer.2-Cys peroxiredoxin (Prx) enzymes are highly expressed in most cancers but how they promote ca
147 nteracting protein kinase 3 (RIP3), which is highly expressed in mouse models of CRC and in a subset
148        Having identified that Sca-1 mRNA was highly expressed in mouse TS cells in culture, we found
149 t PCI domain-containing protein 2 (Pcid2) is highly expressed in MPPs.
150  the canonical TRP channel family, TRPC3, is highly expressed in MRGPRD(+) non-peptidergic nociceptor
151 on molecule CD166, which we discovered to be highly expressed in multiple myeloma cell lines and prim
152  the nuclear-enriched lncRNA SNHG1, which is highly expressed in multiple types of cancer.
153 eport that IFN regulatory factor 4 (Irf4) is highly expressed in murine thymic epithelium and is requ
154       qPCR analysis indicated that BmAce1 is highly expressed in muscle and BmAce2 is more ubiquitous
155 s, chaperones, and heat shock proteins) were highly expressed in Namikonga.
156       We show here that the Neto2 protein is highly expressed in neonatal DRG and modifies KAR gating
157                 We further show that MSI1 is highly expressed in neural progenitors of the human embr
158 d nine HIF1alpha-regulated genes, which were highly expressed in non-responders and partial remission
159 t of the m(6)A methyltransferase complex, is highly expressed in normal hematopoietic stem/progenitor
160                               Whereas FES is highly expressed in normal human melanocytes, FES expres
161 in phosphatase (PHLPP) downstream of PTEN is highly expressed in normal human Treg cells and provides
162                                     Although highly expressed in normal skin and skin cancer, the rol
163 Ino80, the SWI/SNF ATPase in the complex, is highly expressed in NSCLC cells compared with normal lun
164                Here, we report that CAIII is highly expressed in osteocytes, is regulated by parathyr
165 ivated oxidative stress-resistant genes were highly expressed in oxyR2 mutants even in the absence of
166 I), the type-II L-arginine-ureahydrolase, is highly expressed in pancreas.
167                      Integrin alpha6beta4 is highly expressed in pancreatic carcinoma and contributes
168      These results indicate that hornerin is highly expressed in pancreatic tumor endothelium and alt
169 B enzyme upstream of 20S proteasome, is more highly expressed in patient MM cells than in normal plas
170 ner glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78) are highly expressed in PCa metastases and display higher le
171 ally regulated miRNAs selected, 22 were more highly expressed in peripheral blood ECFC-derived cells.
172 of the calmodulin transcript Calm1, which is highly expressed in peripheral olfactory neurons at leve
173                                 TmCactin was highly expressed in prepupa to last instar stages, and i
174 epatocellular carcinoma patients, ARID1A was highly expressed in primary tumors but not in metastatic
175 Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is highly expressed in prostate cancer and within the neova
176        Furthermore, we found that PFKFB3 was highly expressed in psoriatic epidermis.
177                            IL-23, a cytokine highly expressed in psoriatic skin lesions, induces diff
178  the miRNAs Bte-miR-6001-5p and -3p are more highly expressed in queen- than in worker-destined late-
179         Estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) is highly expressed in renal tissue.
180 xpression of TWIST-1, a transcription factor highly expressed in resistant LSC.
181                                   OsHAC4 was highly expressed in roots and was induced by As(V).
182                                         AATs highly expressed in roots are good candidates for amino
183 o known anti-inflammatory cytokines that are highly expressed in S. stercoralis infection.
184                            The PLIP1 gene is highly expressed in seeds, and plip1 mutant seeds contai
185  for amino acid uptake from soil whilst AATs highly expressed in senescing leaves and stems may be in
186                        Nesprins-1 and -2 are highly expressed in skeletal and cardiac muscle and toge
187             We found that lncRNA AK017368 is highly expressed in skeletal muscle cells.
188 ) member 1 (HSPB1) and HSPB6, which are both highly expressed in skeletal muscle.
189 , NFAT3 and phosphorylated NFAT3-Ser259 were highly expressed in skin cancer compared with normal ski
190                                     Plin6 is highly expressed in skin xanthophores, which mediate red
191                 We also found that TSPAN2 is highly expressed in smooth muscle-enriched tissues and d
192 study, we found microRNA-449b (miR-449b) was highly expressed in sperm.
193   We find that the protein ARPP-16, which is highly expressed in striatal medium spiny neurons, acts
194                  Here, we report that A3A is highly expressed in subsets of pediatric and adult acute
195                       Both GNS and FLNA were highly expressed in synovia.
196 in-3 (FBLN3, also known as EFEMP1), as being highly expressed in T2 vs T1 bladder cancer and aggressi
197             WISP2 is a novel adipokine, most highly expressed in the adipose tissue and primarily in
198                                Gfral mRNA is highly expressed in the area postrema of mouse, rat and
199       These variants map to GPR158, which is highly expressed in the brain and interacts with two oth
200 is a Ca(2+)-permeable cation channel that is highly expressed in the brain and is implicated in motor
201 ney enriched inositol phosphatase), which is highly expressed in the brain and muscle.
202 n intracellular Cl(-)/H(+) exchanger that is highly expressed in the brain and whose dysfunction has
203 ctor (CTGF), a matricellular protein that is highly expressed in the brain of individuals with AD and
204                                     ABCG4 is highly expressed in the brain, but its localization and
205           Histone Deacetylase 11 (HDAC11) is highly expressed in the central nervous system where it
206           These microtubule-based motors are highly expressed in the CNS and the major anterograde tr
207 ncated kinase-defective WNK1 isoform that is highly expressed in the DCT, is critical for WNK body fo
208 protein 1 (CTIP1/BCL11A; hereafter CTIP1) is highly expressed in the developing murine epidermis.
209    Erythropoietin (EPO) and its receptor are highly expressed in the developing nervous system, and e
210                       BDNF and TrkB are both highly expressed in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN), a br
211                  Moreover, SERPINB genes are highly expressed in the esophagus.
212  secretory function, and multiple genes more highly expressed in the female pituitary being related t
213    Well-known genes for taste sensation were highly expressed in the GE.
214            Small heat shock protein HSPB7 is highly expressed in the heart.
215 ocused on the GluN2B NMDAR subunit, which is highly expressed in the hippocampus and cortex throughou
216                         Tetraspanin CD151 is highly expressed in the human respiratory tract, but its
217                 Here we found that Lin28a is highly expressed in the hypothalamus compared with perip
218 oduces a secreted antifungal protein that is highly expressed in the infected plant tissues and may t
219                                 PPARdelta is highly expressed in the intestinal tract but its physiol
220 igand of the Apelin peptide jejunum receptor highly expressed in the kidney, further improves cardio-
221 esults showed that 20 out of 585 miRNAs were highly expressed in the kidneys and significantly increa
222                     In modern maize, TRU1 is highly expressed in the leaf trace vasculature of axilla
223                        Galectin-9 (Gal-9) is highly expressed in the liver and has a wide variety of
224                                     ATP7B is highly expressed in the liver-the major site of Cu accum
225 itor of insulin receptor catalytic activity, highly expressed in the liver.
226 o the hypothalamus, with multiple genes more highly expressed in the male pituitary being related to
227  RUNX1B expression is more restricted, being highly expressed in the megakaryocyte lineage but downre
228               The potassium channel Kv1.3 is highly expressed in the mitochondria of various cancerou
229                    Here we show that WASH is highly expressed in the nucleus of group 3 ILCs (ILC3s).
230             Here, we show that Hdac8 is most highly expressed in the phenotypic LT-HSC population wit
231                     We found that miR-7a2 is highly expressed in the pituitary, where it suppresses g
232 on), and stress-related activities, are more highly expressed in the skin than in the tuber flesh.
233 of facultative members of the community were highly expressed in the supernatant despite completely s
234                   Further, BIRC3 protein was highly expressed in the tumor cell niches compared to th
235           TET2, a methylcytosine dioxygenase highly expressed in these cells and frequently mutated i
236 ss of expression of Foxp1, a protein that is highly expressed in these neurons and required for their
237 catalyzes hydrolysis of cAMP and cGMP and is highly expressed in tissues that regulate energy homeost
238 SOCE) channel, was previously reported to be highly expressed in tumor tissues removed from patients
239 or advanced glycation end products (RAGE) is highly expressed in various cancers and is correlated wi
240                               AR protein was highly expressed in various osteosarcoma cell lines and
241                Here, we report that NFAT3 is highly expressed in various skin cancer cell lines and t
242 ndopeptidase (AEP), also called legumain, is highly expressed in various solid tumors, promoting canc
243 r class 3 semaphorins and growth factors, is highly expressed in vascular cells and myeloid cells, in
244 to identify which peptide-encoding genes are highly expressed in vivo.
245      Our results suggest that miR-125a-5p is highly expressed in VSMCs, but it is down-regulated afte
246 n present in lung adenocarcinoma and is most highly expressed in well-differentiated adenocarcinomas.
247 v1.342A and Cav1.343S, because their mRNA is highly expressed in wild-type IHCs but poorly expressed
248                                     Pot1a is highly expressed in young HSCs, but declines with age.
249                    It was significantly more highly-expressed in EAC, SCC and glandular lesions than
250 stream in this pathway, we characterized the highly expressed isoform Delta0-ELO1 Heterologous expres
251 ed to accurately confirm the identity of one highly expressed lipid class, bis(monoacylgylercoro)phos
252 ll-surface protein of unknown function, as a highly expressed microglia-specific marker in both mouse
253 an 5x coverage, and we explored the top five highly expressed miRNAs in each tissue and cell-line.
254 d use in label-free selection of cells for a highly expressed molecular phenotype.
255               Increased melatonin due to the highly-expressed MzASMT9 resulted in Arabidopsis lines w
256                         This glycoepitope is highly expressed on adhesion molecules, such as MAG, pre
257  immunoglobulin-like lectin (Siglec) that is highly expressed on B-cells and B cell lymphomas, and is
258 e-color flow cytometry, we show that CD31 is highly expressed on CD34(+) progenitors and stays high u
259                 GluN2D-containing NMDARs are highly expressed on cortical parvalbumin-containing inte
260 ich is activated by (hydroxy)fatty acids, is highly expressed on immune cells.
261                    We found that dectin 1 is highly expressed on macrophages in pancreatic ductal ade
262  LAIR-1, CD33 inhibitory immunoreceptors are highly expressed on monocytes.
263                        We confirm GPC2 to be highly expressed on most neuroblastomas, but not detecta
264 prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is highly expressed on most prostate cancer (PC) cells.
265                                     GLP1R is highly expressed on pancreatic beta-cells, and activatio
266 hat hornerin, an S100 fused-type protein, is highly expressed on pancreatic tumor endothelium in a va
267 ell capture based on CD138 antigen, which is highly expressed on plasma cells, permits quantitation o
268 SMA) is a transmembrane glycoprotein that is highly expressed on prostate adenocarcinomas, exhibits o
269 igen (PSMA) or folate hydrolase 1 (FOLH1) is highly expressed on prostate cancer.
270                                     Ox40 was highly expressed on several CD4 Th cell subsets in the s
271 , which is predicted by the leech genome, is highly expressed on the specialized neural cells that ar
272               We screened proteomic data for highly expressed P. falciparum proteins and compared the
273  they have a weak tendency to originate from highly expressed parent genes.
274 ned the hippocampus, where alpha7 nAChRs are highly expressed, particularly in GABAergic interneurons
275          Tregs in the tumor microenvironment highly expressed PD-1 and were recruited partly through
276 We provide unequivocal evidence that PD-1 is highly expressed (PD-1(bright)) on an NK cell subset det
277               PRMT1 was found to be the most highly expressed PRMT in epidermal progenitors and the m
278         In summary, we provide a database of highly expressed proteins in NL and in particular a list
279 hin the mast cell proteome, we identified 49 highly expressed proteins previously not described in ma
280 C proteome comprises hundreds of uniquely or highly expressed proteins.
281 ive and tightly controlled, it is unclear if highly expressed recombinant genes are translated as eff
282 ol II, a unique chromatin signature, and are highly expressed regardless of cell type.
283   These effects are notably stronger for the highly expressed ribosomal protein coding transcripts.
284 uncover that the activated ROS1 results from highly expressed ROS1 gene instead of gene rearrangement
285 up box transcription factor SOX4 is the most highly expressed SOX family protein in pancreatic islets
286 ncer stage (SCC), where HPV oncoproteins are highly expressed, supporting the clinical relevance of o
287 oreover, Pseudomonas aeruginosa BioH is more highly expressed than E. coli BioH.
288 found that in BxPC-3 and L3.6pl cells, which highly expressed the ErbB3 receptor, significant reducti
289 rior cervical ganglion neurons, where APP is highly expressed, the lack of APP leads to a dramatic in
290 ied subunits of the SWI/SNF complex that are highly expressed throughout the brain.
291 e found that the E3 ubiquitin ligase CHIP is highly expressed throughout the collecting duct; is modu
292 ell function, is frequently co-amplified and highly expressed together with the p53 family member p63
293 pressed general transcription, with the most highly expressed transcripts reduced to a greater extent
294  RSEM correlate more strongly with MMBGX for highly expressed transcripts.
295 hagic cell death in vivo, even in lines with highly expressed transgenes.
296   The biosensors function by recognizing the highly expressed tumor marker CD133, which is located on
297 to the trophoblast lineage, where it remains highly expressed until birth.
298                 By contrast, genes that were highly expressed, were expressed similarly in both laten
299           Sorted cardiac M2-like macrophages highly expressed wide-ranging tissue repair-related gene
300            This small non-coding RNA is also highly expressed within the nucleus accumbens (NAc), a p

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