


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  the inferior reticular nucleus (iRN, caudal hindbrain).
2 vglut3 is restricted to the hypothalamus and hindbrain.
3 d abundant commissural axons crossing in the hindbrain.
4 c protease-activated receptors (PAR1) in the hindbrain.
5 strocaudal repositioning of these neurons in hindbrain.
6 edial and dorsal octavolateral nuclei in the hindbrain.
7 edial longitudinal fasciculus (nMLF) and the hindbrain.
8  project to a specific nucleus in the dorsal hindbrain.
9 urons and extra-cerebellar nuclei in ventral hindbrain.
10 orts the major evolutionary stability of the hindbrain.
11 ystem, but are most common in the paediatric hindbrain.
12 sformation induces posterior spinal cord and hindbrain.
13 ory dynamics of a neuronal population in the hindbrain.
14 thalamus and the dorsal vagal complex of the hindbrain.
15 ranchiomotor (FBM) neurons in the vertebrate hindbrain.
16 he cortex, midbrain, and dorsal parts of the hindbrain.
17 ften glutamate-immunoreactive, mostly in the hindbrain.
18 nown light-sensing circuit in the vertebrate hindbrain.
19 halamus, posterior tuberculum, midbrain, and hindbrain.
20 expression in areas of the forebrain and the hindbrain.
21 ferent to the vocal pattern generator of the hindbrain.
22 and development and to model diseases of the hindbrain.
23 lectrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL) of the hindbrain.
24 in responsive projection from the PVH to the hindbrain.
25  FP, is crucial for CA guidance in the mouse hindbrain.
26 n vivo, at least within neurons of the mouse hindbrain.
27 elin receptor (GHSR) expression in the mouse hindbrain.
28 re-expression of the ghrelin receptor in the hindbrain.
29 ible, one in the midbrain and another in the hindbrain.
30 display regulatory control that includes the hindbrain.
31 he anterior-posterior axis of the vertebrate hindbrain.
32  directed expression in the larval zebrafish hindbrain.
33  other regions of the midbrain, and also the hindbrain.
34 tions to afferent neurons and targets in the hindbrain.
35 ogic deposition is largely restricted to the hindbrain.
36 , and sciatic nerve, as well as in embryonic hindbrain.
37 of facial branchiomotor (FBM) neurons in the hindbrain.
38 junctional complexes (AJCs) in the zebrafish hindbrain.
39 mere boundaries and proper patterning of the hindbrain.
40 s primarily residing in the hypothalamus and hindbrain.
41 Galphat-S-ir reticular neurons in the caudal hindbrain.
42 een the sensory ganglion cell bodies and the hindbrain.
43 f IL-6 in the hypothalamus (11-fold) and the hindbrain (4-fold) and of IL-1beta in the hypothalamus,
44 pression is higher in the forebrain than the hindbrain across the life span of the Tg mice, suggestin
45 otes (within the hypothalamus, midbrain, and hindbrain), although the A15 population was entirely abs
46 t originating at the mid-line of the rostral hindbrain and are usually the result of that event propa
47  disorder characterized by a distinctive mid-hindbrain and cerebellar malformation, oculomotor apraxi
48 l-like receptor (TLR) 2 up-regulation in the hindbrain and cerebellum as a response to dying oligoden
49 early development and connectivity of rodent hindbrain and cerebellum, and regulates neurogenesis and
50  forebrain, they were increased 40 -: 75% in hindbrain and cerebellum, and these patterns paralleled
51 border, and tension at boundaries within the hindbrain and forebrain.
52 in a district dorsomedial position along the hindbrain and gives rise to the inferior olive nuclei, d
53 cular thalamic nucleus (PVT) neurons receive hindbrain and hypothalamic inputs, and project to forebr
54 ocular mesenchyme led to defects in mid- and hindbrain and in craniofacial development, but was insuf
55  by attenuating stress-induced activation of hindbrain and limbic forebrain neurons.
56 ogenitor populations in the developing mouse hindbrain and mature norepinephrine neuron subtype ident
57  focused on feeding circuits residing in the hindbrain and midbrain that govern homeostatic or hedoni
58 segmental reporter expression in the lamprey hindbrain and require the same transcriptional inputs (f
59 ow HS2ST interacts with other signals in the hindbrain and show that fibroblast growth factor (FGF) s
60                At the head-trunk transition, hindbrain and spinal cord alignment to occipital and ver
61 lectively expressed in p1 progenitors of the hindbrain and spinal cord in the frog embryo, and that a
62 re we show that Nos1(PVH) neurons project to hindbrain and spinal cord regions important for food int
63 sues temporally precede the specification of hindbrain and spinal cord territories and the activation
64 tributing to the control of infection of the hindbrain and spinal cord, possibly by regulating cell d
65 e produce serotonergic and V3 neurons in the hindbrain and spinal cord, respectively.
66 d that motor neurons shifted dorsally in the hindbrain and spinal cord, suggesting that Netrin-1/DCC
67 s motor output via axonal projections to the hindbrain and spinal cord.
68 led that these neurons project mostly to the hindbrain and spinal cord.
69 pacemaker neurons on one side of the tadpole hindbrain and spinal cord.
70 re essential for posterior patterning of the hindbrain and that they provide a key feedback mechanism
71 d a novel preparation in which the embryonic hindbrain and the diencephalon are flattened out, allowi
72 ain how equivalent p3 progenitors within the hindbrain and the spinal cord produce functionally disti
73 o the middle reticular nucleus (mRN, rostral hindbrain) and the inferior reticular nucleus (iRN, caud
74  not activate GLP-1-producing neurons in the hindbrain, and liraglutide-dependent body weight reducti
75  expression of zswim6 and onset of midbrain, hindbrain, and retinal expression at 48 hpf.
76 h larvae, which project to the hypothalamus, hindbrain, and spinal cord, including regions that expre
77 ucleus, the torus semicircularis, the medial hindbrain, and the thalamus, and the flow of information
78 racting, anti-dipsogenic pressor response to hindbrain AngII allows for lingering concern that this c
79                                           In hindbrain, AptCB1R RNA probe weakly labeled inhibitory i
80 he gene mutated in Rett syndrome, within the hindbrain are critical for control of normal breathing.
81 ex may depend on the action of leptin in the hindbrain areas involved in the respiratory control such
82            Here we identify the mouse embryo hindbrain as a powerful model to study embryonic neuroge
83  in gastric motility are dependent on intact hindbrain astrocytes.
84 es widely and the waves can cover the entire hindbrain at E11.5.
85 ssion appears in the most caudal part of the hindbrain at fetal stages, where it is maintained until
86 entary expression of CNP was detected in the hindbrain at the entry zones of sensory afferents.
87 ely 20 trigeminal interneurons (tINs) in the hindbrain, at the level of the auditory nerve, with long
88  a common source for innervation of both the hindbrain auditory efferent nucleus and saccule, the mai
89  DA fibers innervating the inner ear and the hindbrain auditory efferent nucleus in the plainfin mids
90 n the medial PAG produced dense label within hindbrain auditory nuclei, whereas those confined to the
91 is associated with a lengthening of incoming hindbrain axons to form delay lines, allowing for fine t
92                              At midbrain and hindbrain basal levels, CB-ir and CR-ir cell bodies were
93 bsequently delaminate and migrate toward the hindbrain before completing differentiation.
94                                 The midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB) is a well-known organizing cent
95 e formation of the highly conserved midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB).
96 tebrate brain, the highly conserved midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB).
97                                Disruption of hindbrain boundary cell formation alters the organisatio
98 eepest constriction of the MHB, the midbrain-hindbrain boundary constriction (MHBC), and are critical
99  hemorrhages throughout the fore-, mid-, and hindbrain by E11.5.
100 nist exendin-4 had no effect on food intake, hindbrain c-fos expression, or gastric emptying but impr
101  r6, as blocking MLF axons from entering the hindbrain can stall FBMN migration in r5.
102                                              Hindbrain catecholamine neurons distribute glycemia-rela
103 ycemia-related sensory information activates hindbrain catecholaminergic neurons in a rate-dependent
104 r signals underlying early forebrain and mid/hindbrain cell differentiation from human embryonic stem
105 ion commands, a transformation achieved by a hindbrain cell group termed the velocity-to-position neu
106 ree that bifurcates between cortical and mid/hindbrain cell types.
107 ular heterogeneity between telencephalic and hindbrain choroid plexi contributes to region-specific,
108 cle (telencephalic) versus fourth ventricle (hindbrain) choroid plexus.
109                  Finally, laser ablations of hindbrain circuitry confirmed that visual and mechanosen
110                                              Hindbrain cranial motor neurons are organized into discr
111                          In contrast, in the hindbrain, DA terminals form traditional synaptic contac
112 assembly of trajectories and connectivity of hindbrain dA1 interneurons and of molecular mechanisms t
113 that, before neural crest cell exit from the hindbrain, DAN is expressed in the mesoderm, and then it
114 e1-morphant zebrafish displayed midbrain and hindbrain degeneration, modeling PCH-like structural def
115 vealed correlations between the midbrain and hindbrain, demonstrating the utility of measuring intrin
116           Here we show that during zebrafish hindbrain development dicer expression levels are contro
117 e 4 (egr4) as a novel regulator of posterior hindbrain development in Xenopus.
118 d requirement for Crabps in RA signaling and hindbrain development, as well as a novel mechanism for
119 ryonic phenotypes including delayed mid- and hindbrain development, disruptions in motor behaviors th
120 esent totally unrelated pathways involved in hindbrain development: neural migration and DNA transles
121                               The vertebrate hindbrain develops as a series of well-defined neuroepit
122                                              Hindbrain dorsal interneurons (HDIs) are implicated in r
123                                              Hindbrain dorsal interneurons that comprise the rhombic
124                           Midbrain (en2) and hindbrain (egr2) markers were unaffected.
125  signalling, with defects extending into the hindbrain (en2 and egr2 expression reduced).
126 rning approach to decipher motif patterns of hindbrain enhancers and identify 40,000 sequences in the
127 0.2%) of these predictions are identified as hindbrain enhancers on the VISTA Enhancer Browser, and 2
128                   To validate these putative hindbrain enhancers, we selected 55 elements distributed
129 d successfully for de novo identification of hindbrain enhancers.
130 of a primary sequence code characteristic to hindbrain enhancers.
131     CpG island methylator phenotype-positive hindbrain ependymomas are responsive to clinical drugs t
132 ocal copy number aberrations, poor-prognosis hindbrain ependymomas exhibit a CpG island methylator ph
133 hole-genome and whole-exome sequencing of 47 hindbrain ependymomas reveals an extremely low mutation
134  glutamate-dependent and required descending hindbrain excitation, similar to but preceding swimming,
135            In addition, exposure of cultured hindbrain explants to ectopic Netrin1 caused attractive
136 er analysis of data from the whole brain and hindbrain faithfully reflected the evolutionary history
137                                     Although hindbrain floor plate cilia are disorganized in vangl2 m
138 red to attract pre-crossing axons toward the hindbrain floor plate, but is active in post-crossing gu
139 opulation at the extreme lateral edge of the hindbrain for which we were not able to identify axons.
140 r, our data support the view that excitatory hindbrain-forebrain projections are necessary for cispla
141 in rats and reveal the necessity of specific hindbrain-forebrain projections for cisplatin-induced an
142 characterized by growth retardation, delayed hindbrain formation, and embryonic lethality.
143 d corticosterone (0.5 mug) directly into the hindbrain fourth ventricle.
144 t goldfish, we hypothesize that a permanent "hindbrain framework" may be a general property that is r
145                                              Hindbrains genetically defective in SVP formation owing
146 ular vascular plexus (SVP) extends through a hindbrain germinal zone populated by NPCs whose peak mit
147                                       In the hindbrain, GFP/GLYT2(+) populations were observed in the
148                                        Since hindbrain glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) neurons and no
149 enal syndrome, is critical for Shh-dependent hindbrain growth and development.
150 a premature decline in both NPC activity and hindbrain growth downstream of precocious cell cycle exi
151 ed by Fos immunoreactivity) in subregions of hindbrain gustatory nuclei were restored if the posterio
152 s with ROC thresholds for both forebrain and hindbrain had high negative and positive predictive valu
153               Historically, the midbrain and hindbrain have been considered of secondary importance t
154  neurons located in the raphe nucleus of the hindbrain have crucial roles in regulating brain functio
155  developmental disorders of the midbrain and hindbrain have emerged as causes of neurodevelopmental d
156        We define network connectivity in the hindbrain important for the lateralized escape behavior
157 ression of immediate early gene c-FOS in the hindbrain in AMN+LEP-treated rats.
158 s widely expressed from the forebrain to the hindbrain, including the hippocampus, the mediobasal hyp
159 S-ir cells were observed in the midbrain and hindbrain, increasing the known populations.
160                                              Hindbrain injection of a PKA inhibitor, KT5720, signific
161                Furthermore, hypothalamic and hindbrain interleukin-associated intracellular signals [
162                Valopb cells localized in the hindbrain intermediate reticular formation were noncholi
163 ns during the partitioning of the developing hindbrain into lineage-restricted units called rhombomer
164 ions suggest that proper partitioning of the hindbrain into transient, genetically-defined segments c
165                             The mouse embryo hindbrain is a robust and adaptable model for studying s
166  directly impact gastric control because the hindbrain is also the location of the vago-vagal reflex
167 f Hox gene expression to segmentation of the hindbrain is an ancient trait with origin at the base of
168               Segmentation of the vertebrate hindbrain is an evolutionarily conserved process.
169                             We find that the hindbrain is both necessary and sufficient to drive thes
170 m the so-called isthmic organizer at the mid/hindbrain junction; however, the underlying mechanism is
171 neous and characterized by a distinctive mid-hindbrain malformation.
172 mental ciliopathy, characterized by midbrain-hindbrain malformations and motor/cognitive deficits.
173 ssed in two parallel somatotopically ordered hindbrain maps of the electrosensory lateral line lobe (
174 port suggested that astrocytes in the dorsal hindbrain may be the principal detectors of glucoprivic
175 gest that reduction of food intake following hindbrain MC4R activation is mediated by central vagal a
176                                          The hindbrain model also permits the visualization of ligand
177 gnificantly more Fos labeling than Wt in the hindbrain, most notably in cardiorespiratory regions of
178 tudies of sound producing fishes delineate a hindbrain network comprised of anatomically distinct com
179 ntal and functional ground plan for building hindbrain networks.
180 ulomotor system contains a simple example, a hindbrain neural circuit that takes velocity signals as
181 ross six embryonic mouse tissues (forebrain, hindbrain, neural tube, heart, limb, and face) at mid-ge
182                           Here, we show that hindbrain neuroepithelial stem (hbNES) cells can be deri
183                             In the zebrafish hindbrain, neurogenesis is organised by Fgf20a emanating
184 ng is a vital rhythmic behavior generated by hindbrain neuronal circuitry, including the preBotzinger
185                                              Hindbrain neuronal networks serving respiratory, proprio
186 c motor behavior generated and controlled by hindbrain neuronal networks.
187  approach to stimulate select populations of hindbrain neurons and characterize how they modulate fre
188  PMV is therefore required for activation of hindbrain neurons and the full CRR during slow-onset hyp
189                      One circuit consists of hindbrain neurons functionally coupled to spinal cord ne
190  role of glutamatergic GGC peptide-secreting hindbrain neurons in regulating metabolic homeostasis ha
191 x that in turn projects topographically onto hindbrain neurons innervating vocal muscles.
192                    In contrast, all afferent hindbrain neurons responded to both first- and second-or
193 ocks the ability of acute stress to activate hindbrain neurons that are immunoreactive for either pro
194 ntified groups of commissural reticulospinal hindbrain neurons.
195 ing or silencing Phox2b- or Atoh1-expressing hindbrain neurons.
196                                              Hindbrain NMDA receptors play important roles in reflexi
197 ance towards forebrain targets and away from hindbrain nuclei.
198 s in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), a hindbrain nucleus critical for energy balance control.
199 s in the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), a hindbrain nucleus that projects monosynaptically to the
200     As pharmacological studies highlight the hindbrain nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) as a brain re
201                       Here, we show that the hindbrain nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) is essential
202 ocal-acoustic integration sites, notably the hindbrain octavolateralis efferent nucleus, as well as o
203  significant (P < .05) neuropathology in the hindbrain of 24-week-old mice was quantifiable.
204 nal vocal corollary discharge pathway in the hindbrain of a highly vocal species of fish.
205 toneuronal segmental patterns persist in the hindbrain of adult goldfish, we hypothesize that a perma
206 tal imprint in the reticular and motor basal hindbrain of adult goldfish.
207 ave their evolutionary origins in the caudal hindbrain of fishes.
208 r, viral entry increased specifically in the hindbrain of IFNAR-deficient mice, suggesting that IFNAR
209 pathology, which occurs predominantly in the hindbrain of this A53T alpha-synuclein mouse model, occu
210  that Hoxb2 antagonizes Hoxa2 during rostral hindbrain oligodendrogenesis.
211  the midbrain and hindbrain or remain in the hindbrain only, and the type of loop determines the dura
212 t can either encompass both the midbrain and hindbrain or remain in the hindbrain only, and the type
213 ls, yet was independent of vascular roles in hindbrain oxygenation.
214        We evaluated the contributions of the hindbrain parabrachial nucleus (PBN) to systemic Ex4-ind
215                                 In addition, hindbrain patterning and FBM progenitor specification we
216 s a noisy gradient during critical stages of hindbrain patterning and that cells use distinct intrace
217 RA activity in the neuroepithelium regulates hindbrain patterning directly and territory size specifi
218     These studies suggest that disruption of hindbrain patterning genes can alter monoamine system de
219               Consistent with their roles in hindbrain patterning, MEIS1, NKX6-1, as well as HOX and
220  with the well-established function of RA in hindbrain patterning.
221    Key to this process is a self-oscillating hindbrain population (HBO) that acts as a pacemaker for
222 so in contrast with spinal cord, analysis of hindbrain post-crossing axons in Robo1/2 mutant embryos
223 -Robo repulsive signaling, remains active in hindbrain post-crossing commissural axons to guide longi
224 mate signaling in the amygdala, arising from hindbrain projections, is required for the full expressi
225 h degenerating nerve axons of the CST in the hindbrain pyramids.
226  neuronal populations in the murine midbrain/hindbrain region, including midbrain dopaminergic neuron
227        To study the selective innervation of hindbrain regions by sensory afferents in the zebrafish
228 c spatiotemporal expression in embryonic mid-hindbrain regions where monoamine neurons emerge.
229 he feeding circuitry in the hypothalamus and hindbrain remains unclear.
230 essed in the midbrain/forebrain and anterior hindbrain, respectively.
231      Expression of Otx2 broadly in the mouse hindbrain resulted in the accumulation of proliferative
232 individual NCC from ectopic positions in the hindbrain results in central projection of axons precise
233 ny tINs; these relay summating excitation to hindbrain reticulospinal dINs; dIN firing then initiates
234 V), monosynaptic, glutamatergic EPSPs in the hindbrain reticulospinal neurons (descending interneuron
235  vocalization originate from the same caudal hindbrain rhombomere (rh) 8-spinal compartment.
236 osition along the anterior-posterior axis of hindbrain rhombomere 8 determines expression of hox5 gen
237  the classical model, oculomotor circuits in hindbrain rhombomeres 5-6 develop and function independe
238  is improved by prolonged stimulation of the hindbrain's serotonergic nucleus raphe magnus (NRM).
239 map VPNI neural activity in zebrafish onto a hindbrain scaffold consisting of alternating excitatory
240                           Examination of rat hindbrain sections revealed that neuronal processes expr
241 es from the dorsal part of the anterior-most hindbrain segment, rhombomere 1 (r1), which undergoes a
242  Sema3 signalling from boundaries thus links hindbrain segmentation to the positioning of fgf20a-expr
243 rved gene regulatory network that integrates hindbrain segmentation with segmentally restricted domai
244 ssion has not been coupled to the process of hindbrain segmentation.
245 expression in lamprey or its relationship to hindbrain segmentation.
246 d domains of axial Hox expression, they lack hindbrain segmentation.
247                 We focus on the formation of hindbrain segments (rhombomeres) in the developing zebra
248 dulation of this noise affects patterning of hindbrain segments (rhombomeres) in the zebrafish embryo
249 odel with transgene expression driven by the hindbrain-selective prion protein promoter.
250  Peptide 1 (GLP-1)-expressing neurons in the hindbrain send robust projections to the paraventricular
251 , MBH Socs3-deficient mice display increased hindbrain sensitivity to endogenous, meal-related satiet
252  the developing mouse and chick neural tube, hindbrain serotonergic neurons and spinal glutamatergic
253                           Our results in the hindbrain show that the major midline attractant, Netrin
254 h the loss of RA, including the reduction in hindbrain size and the loss of posterior rhombomeres.
255  live cell calcium imaging of prelabeled rat hindbrain slices, we characterized which NMDA receptor G
256     Importantly, hbNES cells stably maintain hindbrain specification and generate upper rhombic lip d
257  with xVGlut1 than xVIAAT, especially in the hindbrain, spinal cord, and cranial nerves.
258 uced branch growth and synaptogenesis at the hindbrain-spinal cord junction.
259 ortical development, inferring a neocortical-hindbrain split in early progenitor cells and the key ge
260 g the precise role of ventromedially located hindbrain SPNs (vSPNs) in generating turning behaviors.
261                      In the developing mouse hindbrain, spontaneous activity propagates widely and th
262                    The cerebellum is a large hindbrain structure that is increasingly recognized for
263 es, including the ventral tegmental area and hindbrain structures such as the locus coeruleus and par
264 enotype (Tor1a(DeltaE/+)) selectively within hindbrain structures will produce an overtly dystonic an
265 ing these injections to evaluate the role of hindbrain structures.
266 els did not differ between the forebrain and hindbrain, suggesting that other factors modulating the
267 ly organized patterns of connectivity within hindbrain target nuclei.
268   Importantly, RA specifies and patterns the hindbrain territory by antagonizing the activity of the
269 ion relative to mesodermal structures of the hindbrain territory.
270 on of central GLP-1 receptors rostral to the hindbrain that are involved in the LiCl-mediated suppres
271 g regions of the thalamus, hypothalamus, and hindbrain that are much more extensive than those from t
272 bellum is a prominent part of the vertebrate hindbrain that is critically involved in the regulation
273                             In the zebrafish hindbrain, the facial branchiomotor neurons (FBMNs) unde
274  epithelium to the first central site in the hindbrain, the nucleus of the lateral descending trigemi
275 eral sensory input projecting to the sensory hindbrain, the thalamus and then S1.
276 equences of Otx2 overexpression in the mouse hindbrain to characterize its potential role in medullob
277 ates Mafb and Krox20 expression in the mouse hindbrain to specify r5, we show that in Xenopus this pr
278 cted differences in the command signals from hindbrain to spinal cord.
279 afferents diverge along the main axes of the hindbrain to synapse with hundreds of second-order targe
280 udy we investigated the projections from the hindbrain to the midbrain in more detail, using tracer i
281 e growth of medulloblastoma, a Shh-dependent hindbrain tumor.
282 the pattern of retraction in mouse embryonic hindbrain using whole-cell patch clamp and imaging techn
283               The unique architecture of the hindbrain vasculature allows whole-mount immunolabeling
284 ted via the two primary injection sites, the hindbrain ventricle and caudal vein; this is followed by
285 s suggest that concerns about diffusion from hindbrain ventricles to forebrain structures are oversta
286 ne knockdown of zebrafish samhd1, we observe hindbrain ventricular swelling and brain hemorrhage.
287               PrV neurons are born along the hindbrain ventricular zone and migrate radially for a sh
288 etected by taste buds and transmitted to the hindbrain via sensory afferent neurons.
289 neuronal differentiation of ventral midbrain/hindbrain (vMH) neural progenitors, whereas the opposite
290                                     The frog hindbrain vocal circuit contains a previously unexplored
291 strogen target within the estrogen-sensitive hindbrain vocal network that directly determines the dur
292 hants replicated the human phenotype showing hindbrain volume loss.
293 hen afferent projections are traced into the hindbrain, where a distinct somatotopy has been previous
294     The cerebellum is a crucial structure of hindbrain which helps in maintaining motor tone, posture
295  one side of Xenopus tadpole spinal cord and hindbrain, which generate swimming rhythms.
296 that oligodendrogenesis in the mouse rostral hindbrain, which is organized in a metameric series of r
297  many nuclei from the olfactory bulbs to the hindbrain, while vglut3 is restricted to the hypothalamu
298 dentify a discrete set of neurons within the hindbrain whose responses to light mirror the PMR behavi
299 mically symmetric population in the anterior hindbrain, with activity in the left and right halves os
300  and miR-9 biogenesis across the ventricular hindbrain zone, resulting in an increase of both prolife

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