


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s characteristic of PRP-1, PRP-2, PIF-s, and histatins.
2  basic proline-rich proteins, statherin, and histatins.
3 es containing amylase, PRPs, statherins, and histatins.
4 ine-rich proteins, cystatins, statherin, and histatins.
5                 These studies indicated that histatin 1 selectively bound to Cysl and Cys2, whereas s
6 ound to Cysl and Cys2, whereas statherin and histatin 1, 3, and 5 selectively bound to Cys8a.
7  lysozyme, proline-rich proteins, statherin, histatin 1, and mucous glycoprotein 1 were observed.
8 zymatic cleavage sites as K(13) and K(17) in histatin 1, R(22), Y(24), and R(25) in histatin 3, and Y
9 acidic proline-rich proteins, statherin, and histatin 1.
10 beta, secretory IgA, and lower lysozyme, and histatins 1 and 5 were found in patients with cirrhosis,
11             Mathematical models predict that histatins 1, 3, and 5 levels in whole saliva stabilize a
12 M, representing 59, 27, and 11% of glandular histatins 1, 3, and 5 levels, respectively.
13                               Pure synthetic histatins 1, 3, and 5 were incubated with whole saliva s
14 re on the order of histatin-5 > histatin-3 > histatin-1.
15 ntage, we genetically engineered variants of histatin 3 with one, two, three, or four copies of the f
16 7) in histatin 1, R(22), Y(24), and R(25) in histatin 3, and Y(10), K(11), R(12), K(13), H(15), E(16)
17 fficiency, were on the order of histatin-5 > histatin-3 > histatin-1.
18 partners for the antifungal cationic peptide Histatin 5 (Hst 5) in vivo.
19                                     Salivary histatin 5 (Hst 5) is a cationic salivary protein with h
20                               Human salivary histatin 5 (Hst 5) is a nonimmune salivary protein with
21                                              Histatin 5 (Hst 5) is a salivary gland-secreted cationic
22                                              Histatin 5 (Hst 5) is a small cationic human salivary pe
23                             Salivary protein histatin 5 (Hst 5) is fungicidal toward Candida albicans
24 ther pathogenic fungi by the catonic protein Histatin 5 (Hst 5) is loss of cytoplasmic small molecule
25                                     Salivary histatin 5 (Hst 5) kills the fungal pathogen C. albicans
26                                     Salivary histatin 5 (Hst 5), a potent toxin for the human fungal
27                                              Histatin 5 (Hst5) is a 24-amino acid (aa) member of the
28                   The inhibitory activity of histatin 5 against host and bacterial proteases at physi
29 esidues 9 to 22 showed identical activity to histatin 5 against MMP-9.
30  in these functional characteristics between histatin 5 and dh-5 on the one hand and dhvar1, dhvar4,
31                                 In contrast, histatin 5 and dh-5 showed fewer or none of these featur
32 dritic cells both demonstrated that 20.0 muM histatin 5 attenuated (p < 0.05) 0.02 muM HagB-induced C
33 ctural modeling studies all demonstrated two histatin 5 binding sites on HagB.
34          In this study, we hypothesized that histatin 5 binds to Porphyromonas gingivalis hemagglutin
35                                              Histatin 5 bound to immobilized HagB in a surface plasmo
36  more resistant to the antimicrobial peptide histatin 5 but showed essentially normal responses to th
37 hese data indicate that the salivary protein histatin 5 exerts its antifungal function through a mech
38        Fluorimetric measurements showed that histatin 5 induced the formation of reactive oxygen spec
39                                              Histatin 5 inhibited respiration of isolated C. albicans
40 al proteases, a detailed characterization of histatin 5 inhibition of gingipains from Porphyromonas g
41 e potential mechanistic relationship between histatin 5 interference with the respiratory apparatus a
42                                              Histatin 5 is a 24-residue peptide from human saliva wit
43 nhibition of the Arg-gingipain revealed that histatin 5 is a competitive inhibitor, affecting only th
44                                         Thus histatin 5 is capable of attenuating chemokine responses
45 n that the human salivary antifungal peptide histatin 5 is taken up by Candida albicans cells and ass
46                    To evaluate the effect of histatin 5 on bacterial proteases, a detailed characteri
47 ing residues 1 to 14 and residues 4 to 15 of histatin 5 showed much lower inhibitory activities (IC50
48 d specifically designed synthetic analogs of histatin 5 to elucidate the role of peptide amphipathici
49                We recently demonstrated that histatin 5 translocates across the yeast membrane and ta
50   Using biotinylated gelatin as a substrate, histatin 5 was found to inhibit the activity of the host
51 ree peptides containing different regions of histatin 5 were synthesized and tested as inhibitors of
52        This study evaluated the potential of histatin 5, a 24-residue histidine-rich salivary antimic
53 re dh-5, comprising the functional domain of histatin 5, and dhvar1 and dhvar4, both designed to maxi
54                Unlike the antifungal peptide histatin 5, it did not require energy-dependent transpor
55 lity of highly protease-susceptible proteins-histatin 5, statherin, and PRP1-was assessed.
56 peptin, antipain, and EDTA could not prevent histatin 5, statherin, or PRP1 degradation in whole sali
57                               In contrast to histatin 5, the conventional inhibitors of the respirato
58  nonrespiring yeast cells are insensitive to histatin 5, the potential mechanistic relationship betwe
59 2), K(13), H(15), E(16), K(17), and H(18) in histatin 5.
60 l domain localized in the C-terminal part of histatin 5.
61 proteolytic efficiency, were on the order of histatin-5 > histatin-3 > histatin-1.
62                               Human salivary histatin-5 (Hsn-5), a 24-amino acid polypeptide, is a po
63 r candidacidal activity by using recombinant histatin-5 and its variants produced in Escherichia coli
64            The conformational preferences of histatin-5 and variants were determined by circular dich
65 such as Lys-13 and Arg-22 in the sequence of histatin-5 are, indeed, important for candidacidal activ
66 gnificantly less potent than the recombinant histatin-5 as well as m71, indicating that Arg-22 is cru
67 ignificantly less effective than recombinant histatin-5 in killing Candida albicans, suggesting that
68 ns with affinity tags at the N-terminus, and histatin-5, a peptide with multiple histidine residues.
69 wever, are comparable to that of recombinant histatin-5, indicating that Arg-12, Lys-17, His-19, and
70 nce for a comprehensive mechanistic model of histatin-5-provoked yeast cell death in which oxygen rad
71 radykinin, neurokinin A, Met-Lys-bradykinin, histatin 8, and a myosin light chain fragment.
72  cytokines/secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA), histatins and lysozyme in a subsequent group.
73 tance to the antifungal activity of salivary histatins and mucins.
74                 The candidacidal activity of histatins appears to be a distinctive multistep mechanis
75                                     Salivary histatins are a family of small histidine-rich peptides
76 line-rich proteins, statherin, and the major histatins are capable of undergoing crosslink reactions
77                                              Histatins are human salivary gland peptides with anti-mi
78                                     Salivary histatins are potent in vitro antifungal proteins and ha
79                                              Histatins are small molecular weight proteins produced b
80 roline-rich proteins (PRPs), statherins, and histatins but not MG1, sIgA, secretory component, or cys
81 tatherin, and some of the lysines present in histatins, could participate in the crosslink reaction.
82 olyphenols to hydroxyapatite, while enriched histatins did not increase binding.
83 ndem repeats, relatively young proteins like histatins do not contain such repeated domains.
84 oring of the appearance and disappearance of histatin fragments yielded the identification of the fir
85 aromyces cerevisiae that mediates binding of histatin (Hst) 5.
86                                     Salivary histatins (Hsts) are antifungal peptides with promise as
87                                     Salivary histatins (Hsts) are potent in vitro antifungal agents a
88 ts to a new potential biological function of histatin in the oral cavity.
89 novel fragments of proline-rich proteins and histatins in abundance.
90 ylase, proline-rich proteins, statherin, and histatins in salivary secretions, and the aim of this st
91 rly perfect correlation was observed between histatin-induced inhibition of respiration and cell kill
92 ,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl, abolished histatin-induced ROS formation in isolated mitochondria.
93 n components of saliva, including cystatins, histatins, lysozyme, and isoforms and/or fragments of al
94   Components identified in pellicle included histatins, lysozyme, statherin, cytokeratins, and calgra
95                               Human salivary histatins possess fungicidal and bactericidal activities
96 e rate and mode of degradation of individual histatin proteins in whole saliva to establish the impac
97 consistent with the presence of lysozyme and histatins, respectively, which may represent the major c
98        Also the previous suggestion that the histatin/statherin gene family, located in this region,
99                     The purified recombinant histatins were examined for their candidacidal activity
100 a, Cys8b, Cys8c) of MUC5B with statherin and histatins were investigated.
101 s showed that amylase, PRPs, statherins, and histatins were released.
102 line-rich proteins, statherin, and the major histatins, whereas a glutamine-containing dansylated pep
103 uates the structure-function relationship of histatins with regard to their candidacidal activity by

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