


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 esis and enhances cytosolic staining of OGT (histochemical).
2                                              Histochemical 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-d-galactop
3 ubunit of complex I, succinate dehydrogenase histochemical activity, and cristae density increased.
4                                              Histochemical analyses and ex vivo autoradiography were
5 elastography, micro-computed tomography, and histochemical analyses indicate that sorafenib attenuate
6                                Hybridization histochemical analyses localized a subset of responsive
7 ; we performed molecular, physiological, and histochemical analyses of NMJ-related measures of the ti
8                      Using transcriptome and histochemical analyses of the developing mouse and human
9                                              Histochemical analyses of the WAKL4 promoter fused with
10                                              Histochemical analyses of WAKL promoters fused with the
11                                              Histochemical analyses revealed co-deposits of Cochlin a
12                              Biochemical and histochemical analyses show that Hoxb13 KO skin contains
13 owever, following 6 weeks of CCl4 treatment, histochemical analyses showed markedly reduced collagen
14                                              Histochemical analyses using Von Kossa and Alizarin red
15                        Cytoarchitectonic and histochemical analyses were carried out for perirhinal a
16 es were collected and immunofluorescence and histochemical analyses were performed.
17              Semi-quantitative hybridization histochemical analyses were undertaken to determine expr
18 yzed after transplantation by using flow and histochemical analyses, and was compared with islet alon
19                 OA severity was graded using histochemical analyses.
20                                              Histochemical analysis allows semi-quantitative assessme
21                                              Histochemical analysis also showed that beta-galactosida
22                                    At birth, histochemical analysis demonstrated normal extracellular
23                                      MRI and histochemical analysis illustrated asymmetric changes in
24 e marrow biopsy, and immunohistochemical and histochemical analysis of biopsy material and flow cytom
25                       Immunocytochemical and histochemical analysis of cockroach and locust nervous s
26                                       Immuno histochemical analysis of human skin revealed a distinct
27                Cross-affinity enrichment and histochemical analysis of lungs from mucin-deficient mic
28                                              Histochemical analysis of potato lines transformed with
29                                     From the histochemical analysis of reporter gene expression in th
30 uced by 63% compared with the wild type, and histochemical analysis of the rwa quadruple mutant stem
31 aluated by visual inspection of the paws, by histochemical analysis of tissue sections, and by measur
32                                              Histochemical analysis of tissue-specific IQD1::GUS expr
33 on in the liver parenchyma was determined by histochemical analysis of tissues.
34                                           By histochemical analysis of transgenics carrying various s
35                                              Histochemical analysis revealed local gene expression of
36                                   Results of histochemical analysis revealed that cytochrome-c oxidas
37                                              Histochemical analysis showed that >90% of cells with mo
38                       Immunofluorescent (IF) histochemical analysis showed that GelMA supported hDPSC
39 th an apparent molecular mass of 26 kDa, and histochemical analysis showed that VHY was readily detec
40 iopathy and Alcian blue/periodic acid-Schiff histochemical analysis to characterize goblet cell muco-
41                    Double immunofluorescence histochemical analysis was used to determine the cellula
42                             A combination of histochemical analysis, in vitro virus isolation, immuno
43                                           By histochemical analysis, we found that there was signific
44                                Regarding the histochemical analysis, we observed the presence of cell
45  of functionally characterized afferents for histochemical analysis.
46 -fixed human respiratory tract tissues using histochemical analysis.
47 granulin mutation cases were investigated by histochemical and biochemical analyses.
48                                              Histochemical and biochemical assays were used to confir
49 volves intracellular PI3K signaling, we used histochemical and biochemical methods to determine the e
50 bated for up to 24 hours, and HA analyzed by histochemical and biochemical methods.
51 chondrial respiratory chain enzymes, whereas histochemical and biochemical studies of the skeletal mu
52  Together, the caudal ventral striatum has a histochemical and cellular organization similar to that
53 iatum/lateral amygdalostriatal area based on histochemical and cellular similarities, as well as inpu
54                   These caudal areas contain histochemical and cytoarchitectural features that resemb
55 ns of the lower urinary tract have different histochemical and electrophysiological properties.
56                                              Histochemical and electrophysiological studies suggest t
57  of retroviral vectors encoding a variety of histochemical and fluorescent reporter genes that enable
58  present a set of entry clones consisting of histochemical and fluorescent reporter variants designed
59                                              Histochemical and fluorimetric GUS assays showed that th
60                                              Histochemical and fluorometric analyses of GUS expressio
61 e scanning approaches, it is compatible with histochemical and immunochemical techniques, as well as
62  and post-hearing C57BL/6J and CBA/CaJ mice, histochemical and immunocytochemical stains were perform
63 deployment of Palmaz-Schatz stents employing histochemical and immunocytochemical techniques.
64                                              Histochemical and immunofluorescence studies demonstrate
65                                  Microscopic histochemical and immunofluorescence studies on luminesc
66                                              Histochemical and immunohistochemical analyses at 5 and
67 for their activation in vivo, we used enzyme histochemical and immunohistochemical approaches and sol
68 encoded cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) enzyme by histochemical and immunohistochemical methods.
69 araffin processed and serially sectioned for histochemical and immunohistochemical staining.
70 ating cell nuclear antigen were evaluated by histochemical and immunohistochemical staining.
71                                              Histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques were ap
72                                              Histochemical and immunostaining of the sacral cord reve
73                       In this study, we used histochemical and in vitro electrophysiological approach
74 activity in adulthood (PD 65-75) by means of histochemical and in vivo electrophysiological measures
75 actors (SOX5, -6, and -9) as demonstrated by histochemical and microarray assays.
76                                              Histochemical and molecular biology studies have enabled
77                                              Histochemical and molecular characterization of skeletal
78 ements can keep pace with the regionality of histochemical and morphological methods.
79                                Complementary histochemical and related RNA gel-blot findings with nod
80                                              Histochemical and reverse transcription-polymerase chain
81                                              Histochemical and structural characteristics were invest
82 cal features of mammalian DCs as revealed by histochemical and ultrastructural analyses, phagocytose-
83 e of increased metalloprotease activation by histochemical and zymographic methods.
84 Finally, we found evidence for heterogeneous histochemical and/or electrophysiological properties of
85 he connectional results using architectonic, histochemical, and immunocytochemical criteria.
86 we describe the clinical, neuropathological, histochemical, and immunohistological features observed
87                               Morphological, histochemical, and molecular analysis after the inductio
88 ) in phloem loading was analyzed at genetic, histochemical, and physiological levels.
89                                        Using histochemical approaches in a transgenic CRFR1 reporter
90                        We used molecular and histochemical approaches including quantitative PCR, chr
91 lectrophysiological techniques combined with histochemical approaches to study individual cells from
92 lex IV activities, but there is no validated histochemical assay to assess complex I activity which i
93                     By using a GUSB-specific histochemical assay, human engraftment was detected with
94 c glands were identified using a dual enzyme histochemical assay.
95 y in the transformed 'Ogy' was visualized by histochemical assays and in SDS-polyacrylamide gels.
96 pression patterns as examined by qRT-PCR and histochemical assays of a GUS reporter gene under the co
97                                      Because histochemical assays often indicate variegated transgene
98                                              Histochemical assessment identified severely injured hea
99 cted for quantitative autoradiographical and histochemical assessment of regional distribution of rad
100                                     Finally, histochemical assessments revealed evidence of caspase-c
101                                      (Immuno)histochemical, biochemical, and gene expression profile
102                         A detailed clinical, histochemical, biochemical, and molecular genetic analys
103                                      We used histochemical, biochemical, and molecular techniques to
104                                        Using histochemical, biochemical, and molecular techniques, we
105 R and rheo NMR, computer modelling, electron histochemical, biophysical and chemical morphological ev
106                                 These immuno-histochemical changes are present before transplantation
107 nt advances in anatomical, physiological and histochemical characterization of avian basal ganglia ne
108 e we report the behavioral, biochemical, and histochemical characterization of double-mutant mice ove
109                                        Using histochemical, clonal, and genetic analysis in mice, her
110               Based on cytoarchitectonic and histochemical criteria, perirhinal areas 35 and 36 and t
111  patterns consistent with previous in planta histochemical data.
112                                 In addition, histochemical detection of glycogen does not reveal info
113 copic imaging has been further compared with histochemical detection of glycogen on the adjacent tiss
114 tion of the intervening sequences or through histochemical detection of lacZ activity.
115 d scanning electron microscopy and by immuno-histochemical detection of somite and neural crest marke
116 progression, we performed flow cytometry and histochemical detection using lineage-selective markers.
117                                        Using histochemical detection, the beta-Gal activity in the lu
118 e (LPS) or saline and perfused 2 h later for histochemical determination of brain c-Fos immunoreactiv
119 tic for 2 mo (4 mo of age when killed) using histochemical (dichlorofluorescein and dihydroethidine)
120 se of selective molecular probes that enable histochemical differentiation of protein aggregates post
121 e a common cross-beta structure and bind the histochemical dye Congo Red (CR).
122 ons and compared these results with standard histochemical dyes such as thioflavin S and immunohistoc
123 o 20 months of age and they were detected by histochemical dyes that bind specifically to crossed bet
124 myloid fibrils and the lack of staining with histochemical dyes typically reactive with amyloid.
125                                              Histochemical "epistasis" experiments demonstrate the re
126 ulation was quantified by flow cytometry and histochemical estimation of dipeptidyl-peptidase IV enzy
127                                              Histochemical evaluation of GFAP and lectin staining rev
128                 In this review, the relevant histochemical evidence and various theories regarding TM
129 induced activation of the HPA axis, although histochemical evidence to support relevant localization(
130 se-polymerase chain reaction, histology, and histochemical examinations.
131  Chitin synthase gene knockdowns and various histochemical experiments in zebrafish further authentic
132 the "ventral" striatum based on cellular and histochemical features found in the classic rostral vent
133                               Histologic and histochemical features of FGN overlap with those of othe
134 table transformed plants was monitored using histochemical, fluorometric GUS activity and fluorescenc
135                    Although semiquantitative histochemical glycogen analysis is possible, the method
136                                              Histochemical GUS analyses of transgenic Arabidopsis pla
137                                              Histochemical GUS staining indicated that OsbHLH068 and
138 sion employing quantitative RT-PCR analysis, histochemical GUS staining, and eGFP and RFP fluorescent
139 linician recognizing the signs and symptoms, histochemical identification of fibrils, and accurate di
140                      Histological and immuno-histochemical (IHC) analyses of disc organ cultures reve
141 rements were analyzed with spatially-matched histochemical images of HA, collagen and vessel perfusio
142                       Here, we established a histochemical imaging assay for influenza virus sialidas
143 serum samples were collected and assessed by histochemical, immunofluorescence, biochemical, and immu
144 ferences in baseline muscle properties using histochemical, immunohistochemical, and electron microsc
145                                              Histochemical implications of species-specific enzyme pr
146                   Left ventricular function, histochemical injury, and differences in left ventricula
147                                              Histochemical integrity and ultra-structural myocardial
148                     Morphologic analysis and histochemical iron detection by Perls' staining was perf
149 ] brain maps were obtained by (23)Na MRI and histochemical K(+) staining, respectively, and calibrate
150  higher level (50 muM) for 48 h, followed by histochemical labeling to assess MN injury.
151 e (SA-beta-Gal) activity was investigated by histochemical labeling.
152           However, RNA gel-blot analyses and histochemical localization of a reporter gene activity i
153                                              Histochemical localization of iron, visualized by Perls
154                            However, specific histochemical localization of nociceptive modulatory neu
155                 In the present study we used histochemical localization of synaptic zinc to investiga
156              Immunoblot analyses and in situ histochemical localizations of intestinal tight junction
157 horase (NADPHd) activity is used widely as a histochemical marker for neuronal nitric oxide synthase
158 ide-resistant acid phosphatase) is a classic histochemical marker of small-diameter dorsal root gangl
159 salli et al. use OR minigenes that coexpress histochemical markers and show that the determinants in
160                     To investigate how these histochemical markers change as a function of age and he
161  and 4-hydroxy-2-noneal (4-HNE) were used as histochemical markers of RNS and ROS formation, respecti
162 n sensory cortex exhibit diverse morphology, histochemical markers, and patterns of connectivity.
163 hological indicators with advanced, (immuno)-histochemical markers.
164 ect after experimental ICH by functional and histochemical measurements of neural cell proliferation
165 N and electrophysiological, respiratory, and histochemical measurements, we show that futile cycling
166                                         This histochemical method detects ATPase activity and takes p
167  mg skeletal muscle, as there is no reliable histochemical method for assessing CI activity directly
168           Mutated units were identified by a histochemical method to detect activity of cytochrome c
169 sity was determined using a semiquantitative histochemical method, and tensile stiffness was determin
170          COX activity was measured using COX histochemical methods and optical densitometry.
171 urodegeneration were accessible to (immuno-) histochemical methods as well as to in vivo methods usin
172 transport chain components were assayed with histochemical methods before and after the onset of beha
173 llular identification of GDNF by unequivocal histochemical methods demonstrated that in normal or inj
174                                      Several histochemical methods developed in recent years, includi
175  measurements compared to other quantitative histochemical methods is that it is very rapid while col
176 ne insults, immunochemical and hybridization histochemical methods were used to monitor cyclooxygenas
177 s examined in situ by immunocytochemical and histochemical methods.
178 oxo-dG) was detected by immunoperoxidase and histochemical methods.
179 d it can be used in combination with several histochemical methods.
180 riments, based on hydraulic, anatomical, and histochemical methods.
181 d in terms of the severity of dermatitis and histochemical observations after two weeks of treatment.
182                                              Histochemical observations demonstrate that unripe tomat
183 ntreated samples of all the species, whereas histochemical observations with a dead cell stain were c
184 ons of the inferior pulvinar (PI) defined by histochemical or immunocytochemical architecture.
185 rt rate), pathological (lung injury), immuno-histochemical (oxidative/nitrosative and blood-brain bar
186 f hBMSCs located in the ICH region, improves histochemical parameters of neural regeneration, and red
187 abor intensive, incompatible with most other histochemical procedures and notoriously capricious.
188                      Immunogold labeling and histochemical procedures offer ways to map certain compo
189         Retinas were processed with standard histochemical procedures, and retinal morphology was exa
190 f cells was identified with morphology and a histochemical profile similar to mammalian carotid body
191 ave extensively analyzed the biochemical and histochemical profiles of the tau protein from the rTg45
192 pe containing characteristic structures with histochemical properties consistent with oil bodies.
193 es were phenotyped by immunofluorescence and histochemical protocols.
194                                        After histochemical reaction for visualization of HRP and BDA,
195 toneurons containing HRP were labeled with a histochemical reaction utilizing tetramethylbenzidine (T
196 hat direct the expression of distinguishable histochemical reporters from each gene promoter.
197 uch activity, we constructed mice expressing histochemical reporters in place of the gap junction pro
198                           To corroborate the histochemical results we transfected living tadpole brai
199 d DNA shuffling (sexual recombination) and a histochemical screen to direct the evolution of Escheric
200  allergens in Japanese cedar pollen, and the histochemical sensing of Cry j 2 in ruptured Japanese ce
201    The sensitivity of the beta-glucuronidase histochemical stain provides the student with a colorful
202                         Using Alcian Blue, a histochemical stain that detects sulfated glycans, we ob
203 n and total absence of cytochrome- c oxidase histochemical stain.
204 isual (VM), functional (FM), and visual with histochemical staining (HM) method.
205 on cholesterol accumulation were examined by histochemical staining and a quantitative intracellular
206  ischemia, reperfused, and then prepared for histochemical staining and electron microscopy.
207 uences of BCCAo were assessed using standard histochemical staining and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70)
208 hole-cell patch-clamp recordings followed by histochemical staining and single-cell RT-PCR were obtai
209 of cancer biomarkers via high-density immuno-histochemical staining assays.
210 chrome c oxidase (CCO(-)) were identified by histochemical staining followed by mtDNA sequencing.
211 docyte expression was confirmed in two ways: histochemical staining for beta-galactosidase and double
212                                              Histochemical staining for beta-galactosidase at birth a
213        In these select neuronal populations, histochemical staining for beta-hexosaminidase activity,
214  transcripts, IGF-I receptor expression, and histochemical staining for chondroclasts were decreased
215 gh 1000 microns by serial cryosectioning and histochemical staining for cytochrome c oxidase and succ
216 d cell engraftment and liver repopulation by histochemical staining for dipeptidyl peptidase IV.
217 mary restless legs syndrome was subjected to histochemical staining for iron and immunostaining for i
218                                              Histochemical staining for iron reveals that frd3 mutant
219                   In tissues from KOMP mice, histochemical staining for LacZ enzyme activity can be u
220 patic tissue are enhanced as demonstrated by histochemical staining for the marker gene lac Z, immuno
221 combined with fluorescence microscopy and/or histochemical staining gave complex chemical information
222  with the expression of Peg3 in the mouse by histochemical staining in betageo knock out mice.
223 tal scanning densitometry to quantitate AChE histochemical staining in brain sections.
224 al day (P) 1 until P-21, the pattern of zinc histochemical staining in the dorsal lateral geniculate
225                       Elemental analysis and histochemical staining indicate that iron is trapped in
226                                              Histochemical staining of beta-glucuronidase (GUS) activ
227 amined with adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase) histochemical staining of blood vessels.
228                                              Histochemical staining of larval body wall muscle reveal
229                                              Histochemical staining of nip nodules revealed this pigm
230  the pattern of gene expression, reported by histochemical staining of plants expressing a PpLea-1::G
231    A quantitative real-time PCR analysis and histochemical staining of promoter::GUS activity in tran
232                                              Histochemical staining of rapeseed lines expressing Bn-F
233                                              Histochemical staining of sections with antibodies to pr
234     Larvae were used for motility assays and histochemical staining of the body-wall muscle.
235 aration of the protein complexes, and in-gel histochemical staining of the enzyme activities.
236                                              Histochemical staining of transgenic hairy roots carryin
237 rtion or deletion mutations had no effect on histochemical staining patterns indicating that strict s
238       CL40 equaled or surpassed MECA-79 as a histochemical staining reagent for HEVs and HEV-like ves
239                               K resupply and histochemical staining resolved the temporal and spatial
240                         Imaging analysis and histochemical staining revealed impaired leukocyte recru
241                                              Histochemical staining revealed that neutrophil infiltra
242 ance analyses using beta-glucuronidase (GUS) histochemical staining revealed that the GUS transgene w
243 cially prominent in the corpus callosum, and histochemical staining reveals accumulation of iron in t
244                                   Postmortem histochemical staining showed absence of neuromelanin-co
245                                              Histochemical staining showed preservation of overall ti
246 bstantially reduce EGFR repression in either histochemical staining study or immunoblot analysis.
247 4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-d-galactopyranoside) histochemical staining to detect the beta-galactosidase
248                Immunocytochemical and enzyme histochemical staining verified the presence of NTPDase2
249                                     Affinity-histochemical staining was performed using a HA-specific
250 Following nerve injury, NT5E protein and AMP histochemical staining were coordinately reduced in lami
251 ae exhibited idiosyncratic increases in zinc histochemical staining with advancing age, lamina IV bar
252 ccumulation and lung injury were assessed by histochemical staining with leukocyte esterase and morph
253 staining for RUNX2 and osteocalcin, and also histochemical staining with picrosirius red to demonstra
254                                              Histochemical staining with triphenyltetrazolium chlorid
255 ed tissues (as indicated by paw swelling and histochemical staining).
256 oporphyrin and gadopentetate dimeglumine and histochemical staining, the function and size of the inj
257 ways associated with the presence of iron on histochemical staining.
258 without, myocardial infarction as defined by histochemical staining.
259 essed using adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase) histochemical staining.
260 registered optical density measurements from histochemical staining.
261 Laser microscope dissection/pyrolysis GC/MS, histochemical staining/lignin analyses, and pADT::GUS lo
262                                              Histochemical stainings indicated localized losses of hy
263                                              Histochemical stainings revealed that when a parasite mi
264 0-plex capability, compatibility with common histochemical stains and suitability for analysis of dec
265 on the nucleolinus, probably because complex histochemical stains are required for its visualization
266 tion has been dominated by 2D imaging, using histochemical stains in conjunction with light and fluor
267  periodic acid-Schiff and methenamine-silver histochemical stains, and labels immunohistochemically f
268                              We used several histochemical stains, including calbindin-D28k, a marker
269 rr virus (EBV), as assessed by EBER and LMP1 histochemical stains, was present in 16 of 17 tumors.
270   Anal canal was harvested and processed for histochemical studies (Masson trichrome stain), molecula
271                                              Histochemical studies confirmed and characterized kidney
272                          Our biochemical and histochemical studies demonstrate that mice overexpressi
273                                              Histochemical studies have confirmed that telomerase is
274 oes not contain pyramidal cells, and several histochemical studies have suggested that most layer 1 n
275                                 We performed histochemical studies in human and mouse and showed that
276                                       Immuno-histochemical studies indicated that the source of perio
277           Moreover, molecular biological and histochemical studies revealed broad anti-inflammatory e
278                                              Histochemical studies showed dramatic differences betwee
279                       These new findings and histochemical studies showing enhanced expression of IL2
280 s an important tool for biophysical studies, histochemical studies, and opto-pharmacological studies
281 nal associated with the use of free hemin in histochemical studies.
282                                    An immune-histochemical study compared cellular protein expression
283                                 In an immuno-histochemical survey of human cancer specimens, we find
284 tasis to bone marrow (BM) using conventional histochemical techniques has been limited because of sub
285                In the present study, we used histochemical techniques to investigate the distribution
286                              Biochemical and histochemical techniques were used to examine the relati
287                                     Standard histochemical techniques were used to study ovule/seed d
288 in combination with electrophysiological and histochemical techniques, to investigate the early (1 we
289   Using a combination of autoradiography and histochemical techniques, we demonstrate that PIB, in ad
290 gical diagnosis of CBD using biochemical and histochemical techniques.
291 al tissues were studied for metastases using histochemical techniques.
292  buds contain a variety of morphological and histochemical types of elongate cells.
293            We used a combination of genetic, histochemical, ultrastructural, and molecular analysis t
294                                     Post hoc histochemical visualization confirmed that all 48 record
295                                              Histochemical visualization of alkaline phosphatase acti
296 ith either AMPA or kainate and processed for histochemical visualization of cobalt uptake through cal
297                                              Histochemical visualization with the BTP3-Neu5Ac assay i
298 press beta-galactosidase, allowing for their histochemical visualization, to determine the pattern of
299                                              Histochemical X-gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-d-g
300         Each staining method demarcated five histochemical zones corresponding, from medial to latera

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