


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 weeks, ocular tumor burden was determined by histologic examination.
2 ired tissue was evaluated by macroscopic and histologic examination.
3             Excised tissue was submitted for histologic examination.
4 n soft tissue neoplasms can be recognized by histologic examination.
5                  OCT images were compared by histologic examination.
6 anges in fluorescein leakage and CNV area in histologic examination.
7 ighted MR imaging and percentage necrosis at histologic examination.
8 erformed, and animal eyes were processed for histologic examination.
9              The diagnosis was assessed with histologic examination.
10 s were confirmed by corresponding subsequent histologic examination.
11 us photography, fluorescein angiography, and histologic examination.
12 lock sections were removed and processed for histologic examination.
13 infected eyes by fluorescein staining and by histologic examination.
14 d to be limited to hepatocytes as evident by histologic examination.
15  .05), and their presence was confirmed with histologic examination.
16  disease was apparent both clinically and on histologic examination.
17 a pronounced lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate by histologic examination.
18 llograft in addition to obtaining tissue for histologic examination.
19 ndings in wild-type animals, by clinical and histologic examination.
20 thod and the other was processed for routine histologic examination.
21 atment (LPS+HU), measured by macroscopic and histologic examination.
22 ive time points, and tissue was obtained for histologic examination.
23 linical examination, electroretinography, or histologic examination.
24 llateral neovascularization was confirmed at histologic examination.
25 ad no ocular history, and had normal eyes by histologic examination.
26 ve differential radioactivity and subsequent histologic examination.
27 etermined with microspheres, and findings at histologic examination.
28 The efficiency of depletion was evaluated by histologic examination.
29 ect ophthalmoscopy, electroretinography, and histologic examination.
30 ranging from 0 to 21 days and then fixed for histologic examination.
31 y the surgeon was correlated with results of histologic examination.
32 rylate, were sectioned, and were stained for histologic examination.
33 [IL1beta]), and the pancreas was removed for histologic examination.
34  remaining blocks were processed for routine histologic examination.
35 rmined and tissues collected at necropsy for histologic examination.
36 erfusion injury in the bowel as evaluated by histologic examination.
37 e culture, adoptive transfer, necropsies, or histologic examination.
38 all thickness at 3 weeks and by morphometric histologic examination.
39 tissue was evaluated with vital staining and histologic examination.
40       All the kidneys have been submitted to histologic examination.
41 y micro-computed tomography and confirmed by histologic examination.
42 ined from these experiments was subjected to histologic examination.
43  bone loss was determined by macroscopic and histologic examination.
44 as seen on SD OCT correlated to RPE cells on histologic examination.
45 ous injections of PGC-Gd-DTPA-F, followed by histologic examination.
46  inflammation, as determined by clinical and histologic examination.
47 ted with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and histologic examination.
48               Brain tissue was processed for histologic examination.
49 aging, transplanted lungs were processed for histologic examination.
50 ken at multiple time points and subjected to histologic examination.
51 ement of ankle swelling in the hind paws and histologic examination.
52 vels, the EOMs were removed and prepared for histologic examination.
53  of circulating human immunoglobulins and by histologic examinations.
54  were ventilated for 5 h and then killed for histologic examinations.
55 ed, and these patterns were confirmed at the histologic examinations.
56 etrium at transvaginal hysterosonography; at histologic examination, 16 had a proliferative endometri
57 bserved at high-field-strength MR imaging or histologic examination 8 days after treatment.
58                                           In histologic examination, a layer of collagen tissue, infl
59 s with both benign and malignant sextants on histologic examination, a malignant-to-benign ratio of S
60     The lesion was excised and submitted for histologic examination; a subepithelial connective tissu
61 Amniotic membrane transplants were intact on histologic examination after 14 days but were associated
62  strains maintained in buffered medium until histologic examination after days 1, 3, and 5.
63            Prostate biopsy or whole-prostate histologic examination after radical prostatectomy was u
64 able breast lesions were diagnosed as ADH at histologic examination after vacuum-assisted biopsy in 8
65                                           On histologic examination, all patients with the cord colit
66 DTH responses were induced was elucidated by histologic examination, analysis of activated CD4(+)/CD8
67                      We used microscopic and histologic examination and a quantitative polymerase-cha
68 ing findings were correlated with those from histologic examination and clinical follow-up, in consul
69 d to compare the accuracy of US with that of histologic examination and CT in the detection of viable
70 old 532-nm micropulse laser on the retina by histologic examination and differential protein expressi
71                        The authors conducted histologic examination and immunohistochemical analysis
72  may reflect differences in magnification at histologic examination and in liver heterogeneity.
73 l management is heterogeneous and depends on histologic examination and individual patient factors.
74 t clinically important tumors (0.2 cm(3)) at histologic examination and MR imaging, whereas the teste
75 7 children with recent biopsies, findings at histologic examination and on 99mTc WBC scans were corre
76                                              Histologic examination and US of the cadaveric shoulders
77                                              Histologic examination and wound culture from initial pr
78 ntly evaluated with epifluorescence imaging, histologic examination, and cathepsin B immunohistochemi
79 tation signal were measured with MR imaging, histologic examination, and cavitation receivers, respec
80 gment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT), histologic examination, and electron microscopy of the j
81 d through physical examination, serum tests, histologic examination, and hepatic venous pressure meas
82                The eyelids were prepared for histologic examination, and muscle fiber loss was quanti
83 lanotic lesions develop in the lungs and, on histologic examination, appear as small black melanoma c
84 erence between the two proportions at CT and histologic examination are the proportions attributable
85 esions identified at breast MR imaging, with histologic examination as the reference standard.
86 n therapy), with results of cytologic and/or histologic examination as the reference standard.
87 the probability of finding an abnormality at histologic examination, as predicted by findings at FDG
88 ndings at gross dissection of the uterus and histologic examination at biopsy.
89 fate of the retinal grafts was determined by histologic examination at day 12 and 35.
90 ith histologic findings was assessed for (a) histologic examination at standard (x40 and x100) versus
91 ved and prepared for electron microscopy and histologic examination, by using a number of immunohisto
92                                              Histologic examination confirmed complete liquefaction o
93                                              Histologic examination confirmed regions of adenomatous
94                                              Histologic examination confirmed that MnTE-2-PyP(5+) sup
95                                              Histologic examination confirmed that simple cold stored
96                                              Histologic examination confirmed that these grafts of mi
97                                              Histologic examination confirmed the presence of iron in
98  Standards of reference included findings at histologic examination, correlative imaging, or clinical
99 F-FDG PET and CT may improve the accuracy of histologic examinations, decrease the rate of FN results
100                                              Histologic examination demonstrated expansion of the tis
101                                              Histologic examination demonstrated ischemia reperfusion
102                                              Histologic examination demonstrated no differences in EO
103                                              Histologic examination demonstrated photoreceptor loss b
104                                              Histologic examination demonstrated that no extrahepatic
105                                              Histologic examination demonstrated widened sinusoidal s
106 mals from each group were subjected daily to histologic examination for 9 days.
107 ructures, warranting meticulous clinical and histologic examinations for this subset of patients.
108 ignant lesions from benign ones, and require histologic examinations for which invasive biopsy must b
109                                          For histologic examination, gallbladder strips underwent sta
110 Liver tissues were collected and analyzed by histologic examination, gene expression profiling, and r
111 nfections and abnormalities on cytologic and histologic examination have relatively high rates of reg
112 r arthritic paws and 0 for control paws) and histologic examination (histologic score of 3-5 for arth
113 ric determination (wet/dry weight ratio) and histologic examination (histologic score).
114 all foci of DCIS detected at mammography and histologic examination, however, may be occult at MR ima
115  of the liver, interface hepatitis (based on histologic examination), hypergammaglobulinemia, and pro
116 sed after 9, 16, or 21 days and evaluated by histologic examination, immunohistochemistry for HO-1 an
117                             Results of liver histologic examination in 5 patients showed sinusoidal i
118 late well with the extent of inflammation at histologic examination in a porcine acute ileitis model
119                                              Histologic examination in the latter 2 patients showed m
120 correct (i.e., disease was underestimated at histologic examination) in 14 (58%) of 24 ADH lesions an
121 s are asymptomatic and PNI is often found on histologic examination (incidental PNI [IPNI]).
122  each flap site was prepared for descriptive histologic examination, including inflammation, hemorrha
123                                              Histologic examination is essential for accurate typing
124  may be useful for yeast identification when histologic examination is inconclusive, fungal cultures
125                             However, routine histologic examination may underestimate the number of p
126 erted to a negative axillary nodal status on histologic examination (median number of nodes removed =
127 s, with an additional control mouse used for histologic examination (n = 1).
128 rom mice positive for H. hepaticus by PCR or histologic examination (n = 88), positive for Helicobact
129                                              Histologic examination of a liver biopsy specimen is reg
130                                              Histologic examination of affected joints in TSG-6-treat
131                                              Histologic examination of affected joints was performed
132                                              Histologic examination of allografts from treated and un
133 r staging manual (sixth edition) states that histologic examination of at least 3 lymph nodes is requ
134                                              Histologic examination of BDL livers showed portal infla
135                                              Histologic examination of bladder and kidney tissues dem
136                                            A histologic examination of bones obtained from A(1)R-knoc
137         Postmortem diagnosis is performed by histologic examination of brain sections from affected a
138                                              Histologic examination of chimeric corneas was performed
139 ysis of isolectin-B4 labeled flatmounts, and histologic examination of CNV membranes.
140                                              Histologic examination of control allografts showed dens
141                                              Histologic examination of corneas was performed.
142                                              Histologic examination of different lung lesions reveale
143                                              Histologic examination of elastase-injected brains at 24
144 lapse and metastasis assessed on centralized histologic examination of enucleated eyes.
145                                              Histologic examination of Ets1(-/-) embryos revealed a m
146                                              Histologic examination of excised allografts revealed my
147  diagnoses were rendered based on results of histologic examination of excised specimens, clinical co
148                    The surgical findings and histologic examination of five patients undergoing dista
149 ined by serum TNF alphaR measurements and by histologic examination of injected joints with in situ b
150                                              Histologic examination of joints after the onset of clin
151 n in hamster IgG (HIg)-treated controls, and histologic examination of kidneys from anti-CD40L-treate
152                                Compared with histologic examination of lung granulomas from outbred r
153                                              Histologic examination of lungs and retinas from normal
154                                      Routine histologic examination of lymph nodes often underestimat
155  widespread distribution of alpha-actinin-4, histologic examination of mice showed abnormalities only
156                                              Histologic examination of most organs did not reveal abn
157           Despite their diabetes resistance, histologic examination of pancreata from NOD BCIID mice
158                                    Gross and histologic examination of placentas were used to determi
159                                              Histologic examination of resected bowel tissue showed e
160 graphic assessment of visual function and by histologic examination of retinal structure; to investig
161                                   Results of histologic examination of rims (portal inflammation, con
162                                              Histologic examination of Rs1h-KO mice showed disorganiz
163                 Autoimmunity was assessed by histologic examination of salivary glands and pancreata.
164                                              Histologic examination of samples of brain tissue showed
165 ntly, fecal or tissue PCR, fecal culture, or histologic examination of silver-stained liver sections
166                                              Histologic examination of six human retinas at 20-mum in
167                                              Histologic examination of the anterior segment after PDT
168                                              Histologic examination of the brain was performed at 2 w
169                                 Furthermore, histologic examination of the cardiomyocyte-restricted S
170                                              Histologic examination of the caudal brainstem in the MD
171 he severity of typhlocolitis was assessed by histologic examination of the cecocolic region.
172                                              Histologic examination of the CNS from MOG-immunized mic
173                                            A histologic examination of the damaged calcified tissue c
174                          Xeroradiography and histologic examination of the distal femur revealed exte
175                                              Histologic examination of the esophagus is not useful.
176                                              Histologic examination of the excised left kidney tissue
177                                              Histologic examination of the explant revealed occlusion
178                                              Histologic examination of the explanted capsular bags re
179                                              Histologic examination of the gingival tissue revealed f
180                                              Histologic examination of the grafts showed a normal mix
181                                              Histologic examination of the ICAM-1/Fas(lpr) mice revea
182                                            A histologic examination of the interface of the gelatin a
183  by scoring for clinical signs of arthritis, histologic examination of the joints, and analysis of se
184                                              Histologic examination of the kidneys of CsA-treated rat
185                                              Histologic examination of the liver at 10 days revealed
186                                              Histologic examination of the livers showed higher histo
187                                              Histologic examination of the lung demonstrated intense
188                                              Histologic examination of the lungs revealed nearly norm
189     The TDCs were analyzed and compared with histologic examination of the PDA and pancreas upstream/
190                                              Histologic examination of the primary teeth revealed nor
191 rcinoma of the colon or rectum after routine histologic examination of the regional nodes were studie
192                                              Histologic examination of the resected gall bladder and
193 d tomography (CT) scans during treatment and histologic examination of the resection specimen.
194                                              Histologic examination of the same rete showed vascular
195 mice by using intravital microscopy, US, and histologic examination of the same tumors.
196 from two mastectomy specimens, together with histologic examination of the skin and subcutaneous fat
197                                              Histologic examination of the skin of these same mice (w
198                                              Histologic examination of the skin of untreated retired
199                                              Histologic examination of the spinal cord tissue reveals
200                                              Histologic examination of the tissue surrounding T. soli
201                                              Histologic examination of the tumors reveals that the FB
202                                           At histologic examination of the two shoulders, a synovial
203                                 In addition, histologic examination of these eyes revealed significan
204                                              Histologic examination of these foci revealed that they
205                                              Histologic examination of these lungs demonstrated the p
206 ion of lung granulomas from outbred rabbits, histologic examination of those from inbred rabbits show
207                                   Presently, histologic examination of tissue by transbronchial biops
208                                              Histologic examination of tissues from acceleratedly rej
209                                              Histologic examination of tissues of IFNAR(-/-) mice inf
210 ling, phagocytosis, and chemotaxis; however, histologic examination of TREM-1/3-deficient lungs revea
211  cell line MDA-231 in CB.17 (SCID) mice, and histologic examination of tumors from SCID mice treated
212                                              Histologic examination of uteri from cPten(f/f)Grp78(f/f
213      Mouse joint cartilage was processed for histologic examination or biochemical analyses of chondr
214              The gallbladder was removed for histologic examination or for physiologic studies 4 hour
215 he same patient or was confirmed clinically (histologic examination or progressive disease).
216 tologic examination (US vs CT, P =.92; US vs histologic examination, P =.94).
217 P, eyes were fixed at the high IOP level and histologic examination performed.
218                                Liver explant histologic examination provided the reference standard f
219 ea was similar with cardiac CEST imaging and histologic examination (R(2) = 0.89).
220 butable to the cancer on the basis of CT and histologic examinations, respectively.
221                                              Histologic examination results and elemental bioimaging
222 of peripheral zone prostate cancer, by using histologic examination results as the reference standard
223 4 men; mean age, 58.2 years) with culture or histologic examination results positive for spinal infec
224 ignant nodules because of growth or positive histologic examination results.
225 ses without knowledge of clinical history or histologic examination results.
226                                              Histologic examination revealed 36 positive and 24 negat
227                                              Histologic examination revealed acute tubular necrosis a
228                                              Histologic examination revealed an 88% decrease in the a
229                                      Because histologic examination revealed classic morphologic feat
230                                              Histologic examination revealed close adherence of bacte
231                                              Histologic examination revealed either no cancer or vary
232                                              Histologic examination revealed epidermal hyperplasia ov
233                                              Histologic examination revealed extensive areas of marke
234                                              Histologic examination revealed greater pulmonary inters
235                                              Histologic examination revealed increased inflammatory i
236                                              Histologic examination revealed increased peribleb cellu
237                                              Histologic examination revealed large cells in the subre
238                                              Histologic examination revealed no retinal abnormality i
239                                              Histologic examination revealed numerous, spherical to e
240 ew, if any, grossly apparent metastases, and histologic examination revealed only small avascular clu
241                                              Histologic examination revealed similar patterns of acut
242                                              Histologic examination revealed that DOTA-QD-RGD targets
243                                              Histologic examination revealed that myelomatous bones o
244 al subtype, benign EAE, was identified after histologic examination revealed that some mice had infla
245                                              Histologic examination revealed that the rats displayed
246                                              Histologic examination revealed the loss of rods and con
247                                              Histologic examination revealed the presence of IgG2a IC
248 other malignant tumors of the porta hepatis, histologic examination should be considered before diagn
249                           Flow cytometry and histologic examination show that Ab shifts T cells away
250 et of disease in a dose-dependent manner and histologic examination showed a delay in inflammatory ce
251                                              Histologic examination showed a prominent infiltrate of
252                                              Histologic examination showed a very high level of myoin
253                                              Histologic examination showed cells within the Matrigel
254           In all of the operated on kidneys, histologic examination showed focal chronic inflammation
255                                              Histologic examination showed heavily pigmented intrader
256                                              Histologic examination showed increased recruitment of t
257                                        Liver histologic examination showed large polynuclear areas th
258                                              Histologic examination showed minimal to no infection of
259            In the areas with lines of block, histologic examination showed significant fibrosis separ
260                                              Histologic examination showed that colchicine protected
261                                              Histologic examination showed that DA.F344(Cia5d) rats p
262                                              Histologic examination showed that in some areas, transp
263                                   On day 15, histologic examination showed that Tc1 recipients had un
264                                  Findings of histologic examination showed that tumor was present in
265                                              Histologic examination showed thickened bone in the Cupi
266                                              Histologic examinations showed no alteration of retinal
267        Comparison of findings at US, CT, and histologic examination suggested that all three methods
268                                              Histologic examination supported these observations, wit
269                                           On histologic examination, the liver and spleen showed prom
270                                           On histologic examination, the lung vasculature of anti-CD9
271 and March 2011 and subsequently confirmed at histologic examination to be invasive cancers.
272 t further corroborative radiologic tests and histologic examination to confirm staging and primary lo
273 were then removed and fixed for conventional histologic examination (two eyes/treatment/group), or re
274 he efficiency and stability of expression by histologic examination under fluorescence microscopy.
275 ntly different from those observed at CT and histologic examination (US vs CT, P =.92; US vs histolog
276 rway assessment, in vivo cilia motility, and histologic examination using hematoxylin and eosin stain
277      Cryosections were evaluated by standard histologic examination using polarized light and immunoh
278                                              Histologic examination was performed at the conclusion o
279                                              Histologic examination was performed before and soon aft
280                                              Histologic examination was performed to assess ocular to
281                                              Histologic examination was used to further elucidate the
282 e in nodule and nonneoplastic lung at CT and histologic examination were 37% and 30%, respectively, a
283 tions of soft tissue in the nodule at CT and histologic examination were 48% and 69%, respectively, a
284 ss sections obtained with CT angiography and histologic examination were matched.
285                           Flow cytometry and histologic examination were performed to determine the c
286 aging and bright-field and immunofluorescent histologic examination were performed.
287 h steatosis grades at standard magnification histologic examination were upgraded significantly more
288                                  Findings at histologic examination were used as the reference standa
289                                Findings from histologic examination were used as the standard of refe
290           Full-field electroretinography and histologic examination were used to determine the retina
291  integration of the blocks when clinical and histologic examinations were done at 4 months after the
292 mizygous male mice had no liver pathology by histologic examination, were fertile, and transmitted th
293 ratio, and marked pulmonary lymphocytosis on histologic examination when compared with saline-treated
294 linical follow-up, imaging follow-up, and/or histologic examination where appropriate.
295              These results were confirmed at histologic examination, which showed considerable leakag
296 ed both through ex vivo (19)F MR imaging and histologic examination, while no signal was detected in
297                                              Histologic examination with hematoxylin-eosin staining s
298       Immunohistochemistry was evaluated and histologic examination with hematoxylin-eosin staining w
299 atic tissue was analyzed ex vivo by means of histologic examination (with hematoxylin-eosin staining)
300                                              Histologic examination yielded 25 lipomas and 14 nonlipo

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