


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 liver disease (NAFLD) is highly dependent on histological examination.
2 ain optical coherence tomography and retinal histological examination.
3 Auguste D., has been recently reconfirmed by histological examination.
4 h, and multiple kidney cysts were found upon histological examination.
5 e and bone biopsy was performed and sent for histological examination.
6 ent successful MRDTI and endarterectomy with histological examination.
7 des (1-mm resolution) and performed detailed histological examination.
8 parahippocampal tissue, was not confirmed on histological examination.
9 ized animals were resected and processed for histological examination.
10 y 3 months, which was confirmed by gross and histological examination.
11 laques were removed intact and processed for histological examination.
12 hout obvious toxic effects, as determined by histological examination.
13 h any obvious toxicity, either grossly or on histological examination.
14 ubjects died, their brains were obtained for histological examination.
15 assessed by gross pathology and confirmed by histological examination.
16 uorescence reflectance imaging, validated by histological examination.
17 f) postoperatively and tissues processed for histological examination.
18  in hepatic iron concentration (HIC), and by histological examination.
19 , and thymus by flow cytometric analysis and histological examination.
20  after surgery and the tissues processed for histological examination.
21 - 14 years, +/-SD) and found to be normal by histological examination.
22 were sacrificed and specimens were taken for histological examination.
23 ) were not visible on macroscopic autopsy or histological examination.
24 ncreased interstitial myocardial fibrosis on histological examination.
25 iopsies were taken for H. pylori culture and histological examination.
26  significant fibrosis or myocyte disarray on histological examination.
27 as independent of the presence or absence of histological examination.
28 ive on intraoperative cytology or subsequent histological examination.
29 e found in major organs in hepsin-/- mice in histological examinations.
30 cy typical of classic HCM, and this prompted histological examinations.
31 hat could not be obtained by fundoscopic and histological examinations.
32                                           On histological examination, a significant number of spleen
33 could also be detected by flow cytometry and histological examination after immunotoxin treatment.
34 ted, and disease progression was followed by histological examination, alanine aminotransferase assay
35 uscle cells, although not evident by routine histological examination alone, is detected on days 2 an
36  gastric adenocarcinoma cannot be done using histological examination alone.
37                               Interestingly, histological examination also demonstrated greater numbe
38                                              Histological examination also revealed a low incidence a
39 sed on a positive culture or both a positive histological examination and a positive serological test
40 n after reperfusion, animals were killed for histological examination and biochemical studies.
41                                              Histological examination and cytokine profiling reveal t
42         Although cav-1(-/-) mice are viable, histological examination and echocardiography identified
43 owed a reduction in collagen accumulation by histological examination and hydroxyproline content.
44 st was proven to be benign by frozen-section histological examination and the transplant was performe
45                                              Histological examinations and in situ hybridization reve
46 pic examination of the implanted tissue, (b) histological examination, and (c) flow cytometry.
47                     Bioluminescence imaging, histological examination, and confocal fluorescence micr
48                         Metabolic profiling, histological examination, and electron microscopy reveal
49 as graded by slit lamp, electroretinography, histological examinations, and determination of bacteria
50                                              Histological examination as well as stage-specific gene
51                                              Histological examination assessed a severe dopaminergic
52                                              Histological examination at 18 weeks postinoculation rev
53                                              Histological examination at E8.0-8.5, prior to cardiac f
54                One case was not suitable for histological examination because of laceration at euthan
55                                         Upon histological examination, both cytolysins caused damage
56 sdiagnosed as the clinical, radiological and histological examinations can mimic a sarcoma.
57                                              Histological examination clearly showed divergent inflam
58                                              Histological examination confirmed that the number of pr
59                                              Histological examination confirmed that the vps21Delta a
60                                              Histological examination confirmed viral meningoencephal
61                                              Histological examination demonstrated increased inflamma
62                                              Histological examination demonstrated laminated fibrous
63                                              Histological examination demonstrated pathological findi
64                                              Histological examination demonstrated that inflammatory
65                                              Histological examination demonstrated that PDE5 was main
66                                              Histological examination demonstrated that, although car
67                                              Histological examination demonstrated the ability of thi
68 ypoplastic and lacked enamel, while thorough histological examinations demonstrated the complete abse
69                            After imaging and histological examination diagnosed Hodgkin's nodular scl
70 liver biopsies were performed and pooled for histological examination, DNA extraction, and HLA DNA ty
71                                           On histological examination, dy/dy mouse airways and gastro
72  intraductal injection of [(14)C]sucrose and histological examination), efficiency of transduction, a
73                                              Histological examination following testing revealed no d
74 ic aids utilized included microbial testing, histological examination, gingival crevicular fluid (GCF
75                                              Histological examination has revealed that anti-TIM-1 Ab
76                                           On histological examination, HCS areas were associated with
77                                     Detailed histological examination, however, reveals that this UCP
78                   H. pylori was diagnosed by histological examination in 11 of 23 monkeys (48%).
79                                              Histological examination in conjunction with inflammator
80  autopsy studies have confirmed the value of histological examination in revealing unsuspected pathog
81                                              Histological examination in this patient revealed increa
82                                              Histological examination included hematoxylin and eosin
83                                              Histological examination indicated a decrease in mitotic
84                                              Histological examination indicated an increase in the nu
85                                              Histological examination indicated that A2 induced no go
86                                              Histological examination indicated that the detached roo
87                                              Histological examination indicates that tumor cells adhe
88 he current diagnostic standard of biopsy and histological examination inevitably leads to many unnece
89 were negative on intraoperative cytology and histological examination (n=2804; group 2) in the B-32 t
90                                              Histological examination (n=7) revealed increased fibros
91                                     However, histological examination of 6.5-dpc implantation sites r
92 rally, and no neurodegeneration was found on histological examination of active vector recipients.
93                                              Histological examination of adipose tissue or FACS of ad
94                                              Histological examination of allograft tissues showed a s
95                                              Histological examination of anti-CR3-treated T. gondii-i
96                                              Histological examination of anti-Flk-1 mAb-treated tumor
97 y intravital microscopy, flow cytometry, and histological examination of atherosclerotic arteries.
98                                              Histological examination of bone from 5-week-old PGHS-2(
99                                              Histological examination of bones taken from SC56631-tre
100                                              Histological examination of boule testes with cell-cycle
101                                              Histological examination of brain revealed no striking a
102                                              Histological examination of brain revealed significant P
103  by birth-dating analyses and not upon gross histological examination of brain sections or analysis o
104                                              Histological examination of brain tissue from mutant mic
105 ve diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease requires histological examination of brain tissue.
106                                              Histological examination of brains of MV-CEA-treated ani
107  were detected in TG(S282A) hearts by either histological examination of cardiac sections or echocard
108                                        Gross histological examination of cultures infected with RSV r
109                                              Histological examination of depigmented lesions revealed
110                                              Histological examination of distal colons showed massive
111                                              Histological examination of duodenal biopsy samples was
112                                              Histological examination of ear and dorsal skin tissues
113 m both colonoscopy reports and corresponding histological examination of excised lesions.
114 hree components: a careful morphological and histological examination of forebrain structure, the inc
115 ng H. pylori eradication therapy or placebo, histological examination of gastric mucosal tissue biops
116                                              Histological examination of grafts, biopsied on day 21,
117                                              Histological examination of hepatic and renal tissue fro
118                                              Histological examination of infected bones demonstrated
119                                              Histological examination of infected kidneys revealed de
120                                      Further histological examination of infected livers from immuniz
121                                              Histological examination of infected mice showed that pr
122                                              Histological examination of infected xenografts illustra
123                                              Histological examination of islet isografts from these r
124                                              Histological examination of kidneys from these mice show
125                                              Histological examination of limbic areas indicates that
126                                              Histological examination of liver tissue confirmed that
127 d F127 treatment either by serum analysis or histological examination of liver, kidney, lung, and mus
128                                              Histological examination of livers from Itch(-/-) mice s
129                                              Histological examination of long-term heart grafts (>100
130 monstrated reduced pulmonary compliance, but histological examination of lung tissue revealed no obvi
131                                              Histological examination of lungs from hypoxic Cd73(-/-)
132                                              Histological examination of lungs treated with GAP-DLRIE
133                                              Histological examination of Mig-6(-/-) lungs (E15.5-P3)
134                                              Histological examination of mouse lungs infected with th
135                                              Histological examination of NPSLE brains reveals presenc
136 ficantly higher in the ICAM-1(-/-) mice, and histological examination of organs showed pathological d
137                                              Histological examination of P0 animals revealed that in
138                                              Histological examination of post-mortem material from a
139                                              Histological examination of postischemic cerebral microv
140                               Similarly, the histological examination of retinas from cep290 MO-injec
141                                              Histological examination of root surfaces treated with r
142 orescence activated cell sorter analysis and histological examination of serial lymph node biopsies c
143                                              Histological examination of serial sections of labeled p
144 al, weight loss, splenic flow cytometry, and histological examination of skin, liver, colon, and lung
145                                              Histological examination of spinal cord in aged GFAP-mSO
146                                              Histological examination of spleens, livers, lungs, and
147                                              Histological examination of striatum at 7 days revealed
148                                              Histological examination of such lenses indicated the pr
149                                              Histological examination of surgical biopsies revealed m
150 icated plaque and compared its accuracy with histological examination of surgical endarterectomy spec
151                                          The histological examination of temporal bones of cadaver an
152                                              Histological examination of testis sections from TR4(-/-
153                                              Histological examination of the airways 4 h after adenos
154                                              Histological examination of the brains and spinal cords
155                                              Histological examination of the brains revealed variable
156             After testing, morphological and histological examination of the brains were made.
157                                              Histological examination of the cardiac microvasculature
158                                              Histological examination of the cerebellum revealed a 62
159                                              Histological examination of the CNS at this point showed
160       Consistent with these clinical scores, histological examination of the CNS of these mice reveal
161                                              Histological examination of the CNS revealed a selective
162 Consistent with the phenotypic observations, histological examination of the colon revealed attenuate
163                                              Histological examination of the cortex after cooling has
164                                              Histological examination of the dilated aortic segment r
165                                              Histological examination of the EG.
166                                              Histological examination of the embryos revealed defecti
167                                              Histological examination of the eyes and lungs, analysis
168                                              Histological examination of the fused +/+ and +/+ shelve
169                                              Histological examination of the gallbladder specimens wa
170                                              Histological examination of the grafts showed well-granu
171                                   Similarly, histological examination of the hippocampus did not reve
172                                              Histological examination of the ilea of younger animals
173                                              Histological examination of the liver of rats supplement
174                                  Comparative histological examination of the livers from both groups
175                                              Histological examination of the lungs indicated that the
176                                 Furthermore, histological examination of the lungs of AT6.1-MKK4/SEK1
177                                              Histological examination of the lungs of test animals in
178                               Interestingly, histological examination of the lungs of the mice that r
179 ined by the TUNEL technique was confirmed by histological examination of the morphology of the cells
180                                              Histological examination of the pancreata of the control
181                                              Histological examination of the postnatal TR4-/- cerebel
182                                              Histological examination of the retina with and without
183                As early as postnatal day 11, histological examination of the retinas of IRBP-/- mice
184                                              Histological examination of the skin lesion 3 and 5 days
185                                              Histological examination of the skulls from null animals
186                                    Extensive histological examination of the spinal cord in one patie
187                                              Histological examination of the spinal cord reveals no s
188                                              Histological examination of the stomach cardial-atrium f
189                                              Histological examination of the surgical specimen reveal
190 nvasive carcinoma or carcinoma in situ) upon histological examination of the surgical specimen.
191                                              Histological examination of the tibial nerve of EAN anim
192                                              Histological examination of the transfected tissues did
193                                              Histological examination of the tumor revealed intense m
194                                              Histological examination of the tumors revealed hypercel
195                                              Histological examination of the Usp14-deficient testes r
196 ree brothers who died were available for our histological examination of their cardiac conduction sys
197                                   A detailed histological examination of these uPA-deficient animals
198                                              Histological examination of these xenografts revealed th
199                                              Histological examination of this organ indicated that it
200   This series reminds us that cytological or histological examination of tissue specimens may be nece
201 al examination of the IA-2(- /-) animals and histological examination of tissues failed to reveal any
202                                              Histological examination of tissues from mice inoculated
203                                              Histological examination of tissues from transfected mic
204                                              Histological examination of treated adult female parasit
205                                              Histological examination of trkC-deficient mice reveals
206                                              Histological examination of tumor sections suggests that
207                                              Histological examination of tumor xenografts revealed de
208                                              Histological examination of tumors from mice treated wit
209                                              Histological examination of tumors revealed that CD11b a
210                                              Histological examination of xenografts showed significan
211                                    Gross and histological examinations of eyes infected with plcR mut
212                                              Histological examinations of these 4.1G(-/-) mice reveal
213                                              Histological examinations of tissue sections confirm the
214 ratios, cardiac and renal damage assessed by histological examination, PAI-1 immunoreactivity, and pr
215 challenge of correct diagnosis was raised by histological examination performed after immersion into
216 ere: 1) endoscopic findings of GU and biopsy histological examination plus rapid urease test indicati
217                Liver tissue was procured for histological examination, real-time RT-PCR analysis and
218                                              Histological examination revealed a dense inflammatory c
219                                              Histological examination revealed a dense network of col
220                                              Histological examination revealed a high incidence of he
221                                              Histological examination revealed accelerated apoptosis
222                                              Histological examination revealed amyloid deposits in al
223                                              Histological examination revealed an accelerated transpo
224                                              Histological examination revealed destruction of the den
225                                              Histological examination revealed disrupted astrocyte de
226                                              Histological examination revealed extreme loss of pontin
227                                              Histological examination revealed fragmentation of elast
228                                    Gross and histological examination revealed fusion of the tongue t
229                                              Histological examination revealed intimal proliferation
230                                              Histological examination revealed minimal or the absence
231                                              Histological examination revealed myocyte hypertrophy an
232                                              Histological examination revealed normal tissues and no
233                                              Histological examination revealed osteolysis and a stron
234             In kidneys from control animals, histological examination revealed severe renal damage an
235                                              Histological examination revealed that DCIR-deficient an
236                                              Histological examination revealed that effective lesion
237                                              Histological examination revealed that NOD-IL-4 splenocy
238                                              Histological examination revealed that the 1 degrees CEP
239                                              Histological examination revealed that the aneurysm lume
240                                              Histological examination revealed that the anterior cort
241 s as compared with parental T9.F tumors, and histological examination revealed that the granulocytes
242                                              Histological examination revealed that the liver of muta
243                                              Histological examination revealed that the remnant mutan
244                                              Histological examination revealed that the tumors have e
245                                              Histological examination revealed that trophoblast giant
246                                              Histological examination revealed that upon MYC inactiva
247                                              Histological examination revealed that while control IgG
248                                              Histological examination revealed that, after four-week
249                                              Histological examination revealed the progressive loss o
250 e in which the scar was scarcely noticeable; histological examination revealed thickening of both the
251                                              Histological examinations revealed intensive activation
252                                              Histological examinations revealed severe poly- or oligo
253                                              Histological examinations revealed that SP2 was more pot
254                                              Histological examinations revealed that the HTS-treated
255                                              Histological examination reveals a smaller collecting sy
256                                              Histological examination reveals that the mutant mice la
257                                         Upon histological examination, severe splenomegaly was noted,
258 without significant adverse events, although histological examination showed a foreign-body reaction
259                                              Histological examination showed cardiac myocyte disarray
260                                              Histological examination showed diffuse lymphocyte deple
261                                              Histological examination showed marked neutrophil infilt
262                                              Histological examination showed marked reduction of vasc
263                                              Histological examination showed no evidence of hyperacut
264            Using a 2-h DMXAA-light interval, histological examination showed significantly reduced bl
265                                              Histological examination showed that cysts after anastom
266                                              Histological examination showed that DiI and TRITC were
267                                              Histological examination showed that intracellular iron
268                                     However, histological examination showed that Mgat3-/- livers had
269                                              Histological examination showed that the BEHAB/brevican-
270                                              Histological examination showed that the numbers of A-al
271                                              Histological examination showed that there was an early
272                                              Histological examination showed that Ucns remarkably red
273   After treatment with r-metHuLeptin, repeat histological examinations showed significant improvement
274 n resemble each other clinically and routine histological examination sometimes cannot differentiate
275                                              Histological examination supported VEEV and WEEV enterin
276                                              Histological examination up to 6 days after enzyme injec
277                                              Histological examination was performed at every cross se
278                                              Histological examination was performed by immunohistoche
279                                              Histological examination was performed for noninfarcted
280 ilable in 75% (92% positive), and results of histological examination were positive in 95%.
281 phs, study models, and a gingival biopsy for histological examination were taken.
282                              Hemodynamic and histological examinations were performed at 13 to 14 wee
283                                              Histological examination with either H&E or IHC stains p
284                                              Histological examination with hematoxylin and eosin stai

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