


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 or 10 mg/kg plus paclitaxel-carboplatin (all histologies).
2 rgery and further chemotherapy determined by histology.
3 oma of the pancreas confirmed by cytology or histology.
4 crucial role in cancers that have high-grade histology.
5 g to geography, ECOG performance status, and histology.
6 linical Research Network system to score the histology.
7 2-mapping corresponded to that delineated by histology.
8  is ideally placed to complement traditional histology.
9 alyzed 4 weeks post-injection by qRT-PCR and histology.
10 o changes observed on colonoscopy as well as histology.
11 f the dodo based on our analysis of its bone histology.
12   T2D induced progressive changes in retinal histology.
13  means of Western blotting, immunoassays, or histology.
14 u and ex vivo DT-CMR, then validated against histology.
15 ng and ischemic MR, and were correlated with histology.
16 as also confirmed using both colonoscopy and histology.
17 dial or adventitial thickness as measured by histology.
18 on in activated microglia as demonstrated by histology.
19 e]) and tested for an association with liver histology.
20 d the results by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) histology.
21 ntermediate- and high-risk PCa compared with histology.
22 iagnosis is based on clinical appearance and histology.
23  in reducing colitis severity as measured by histology.
24  both SRH and standard hematoxylin and eosin histology.
25 sessed using blood tests, organ weights, and histology.
26 logical and behavioral phenotyping tests and histology.
27 ells were visualized with immunofluorescence histology.
28 Colon tissues were collected and analyzed by histology.
29 fit was evident in patients with epithelioid histology.
30 and the choice of chemotherapy now varies by histology.
31 ubcutaneous colon cancer and validated using histology.
32 ocessed for water content quantification and histology.
33  (TSPO) and [(18)F]BR-351 (MMP) matched with histology.
34 valuated by using flow cytometry, ELISA, and histology.
35 nd antigen removal by DNA quantification and histology.
36 lot and liver injury was assessed by ALT and histology.
37 nd carboplatin plus gemcitabine for squamous histology.
38 f tumors lacked small cell or neuroendocrine histology.
39 ot observed by cardiac magnetic resonance or histology.
40  showed excellent correlation with the tumor histology.
41 sed associations for all invasive cancers by histology.
42 quamous cell carcinomas, and 10% had another histology.
43 itis that resembled human CD in symptoms and histology.
44 ctors exhibited significant heterogeneity by histology.
45 mputed tomography analyses, and quantitative histology.
46  resonance imaging compared to their size on histology.
47 squamous (0.73 [0.60-0.89]; n=313 and n=315) histology.
48  in better preservation of intermediate-term histology.
49 ately 30/0 approximately 14/0; P < 0.05) and histology.
50 abbit model was evaluated by radiography and histology.
51 erformed via RNA analysis, Western blot, and histology.
52   We compared steatosis estimates by PDFF vs histology.
53 2 peptides without deterioration in duodenal histology.
54 cer (NSCLC), particularly with squamous cell histology.
55 ex risk group, were assessed for size and by histology.
56 DPA-713, DPA-713-IRDye800CW, for correlative histology.
57 centrations are associated with IR and liver histology.
58  light microscopy, rapid diagnostic test, or histology.
59 metabolic heterogeneity, which correlated to histology.
60 tructures in vivo at resolutions approaching histology.
61 s with metastatic cancers of a wide range of histologies.
62 erations in gliomas across ages, grades, and histologies.
63 een in cCR between treatment arms for either histology (adenocarcinoma or squamous cell).
64                         "Basket studies," or histology-agnostic clinical trials in genomically select
65 trating the skin of DSS cases on whole-mount histology, although CD14(dim) cells disappeared from blo
66     Additionally, assay of liver enzymes and histology analysis of local tissues identified differenc
67       This research represents the only bone histology analysis of the dodo and provides an unprecede
68 h clinical stage 1 endometrial cancer of all histologies and grades undergoing robotic staging were e
69 aging results were compared with bone marrow histology and bone marrow scintigraphy (BMS), the gold s
70               Liver tissues were analyzed by histology and by immunoblotting.
71 es as well as endothelium, as highlighted by histology and by the specific expression of epithelial c
72                                        Renal histology and clinical chemistry results did not differ
73 ies, the predictive performance of zero-time histology and composite histological scores, and the cli
74  boundaries of mPFC areas were identified in histology and cortical surface length and volumes were m
75 is and ventricular function were assessed by histology and echocardiography.
76 ese BCSCs regenerated original patient tumor histology and gene expression.
77 ested lungs for assessment of fungal burden, histology and GT/bmGT biosynthetic genes' mRNA induction
78 vine scapula drillhole model using micro-CT, histology and histomorphometry evaluation.
79                                              Histology and immunhistochemistry confirmed the diagnosi
80 eatic tissues were collected and analyzed by histology and immunohistochemical analyses.
81 ues were collected from mice and analyzed by histology and immunohistochemistry to detect mucin 2, as
82 ncreatic tissues were collected, analyzed by histology and immunohistochemistry, and transcriptomes w
83 e effects of irradiation on brain tissues by histology and immunohistochemistry.
84  individuals (controls) and analyzed them by histology and immunohistochemistry.
85                                        Graft histology and immunohistology were assessed on postopera
86 eatic tissues were collected and analyzed by histology and immunostaining techniques.
87 ment of widespread cellular aggregates, with histology and marker expression mimicking that of human
88 vivo dose response studies that analyzed the histology and microstructural changes in the spleen of a
89 f 90 preterm infants with detailed placental histology and neonatal brain magnetic resonance imaging
90 al properties of the scar were assessed with histology and non-invasive, longitudinal imaging with po
91            Morphological correlation between histology and OCT at the fovea level.
92               TSO treatment protected caecal histology and prevented the colitis-associated loss in f
93 groups with high-risk patients who had ccRCC histology and pT3, pT4, or node-positive disease accrued
94 se model of CCM1 (Krit1(ECKO) ) as judged by histology and quantitative micro-computed tomography.
95 ved ischemic limb blood flow and limb muscle histology and restored muscle function (force production
96 ses, serological antibody levels, intestinal histology and systemic and local cytokine profiles were
97  dissected, and the culprit lesions used for histology and the measurement of inflammatory proteins.
98             Algorithmic approaches combining histology and these ancillary techniques provide the bes
99 the collagen proportional area determined by histology and to Ishak scoring using receiver operating
100                     We also performed immune histology and transcriptomic analyses on skin biopsy spe
101  airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR), and lung histology and viral replication were assessed.
102 oholic fatty liver disease patients (without histology), and 43 healthy controls were included.
103 ects on serum levels of liver enzymes, liver histology, and bile acid homeostasis were evaluated.
104  of immunotherapy type, disease stage, tumor histology, and concurrent chemotherapy was assessed usin
105 d glomeruli IgG deposition, preserved kidney histology, and delayed SLE onset in NZB/W F1 mice.
106 d bone turnover by microcomputed tomography, histology, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
107 uated with microcomputed tomography imaging, histology, and expression of inflammation-associated gen
108 nge, 0.56% to 14.3%) when stratified by age, histology, and extent of IPLC in the final prediction mo
109 brains were evaluated by autoradiography, by histology, and for EBD fluorescence to assess BBB permea
110 ounger age, central location, adenocarcinoma histology, and higher positron emission tomography-compu
111                        Biochemical analysis, histology, and immunohistochemistry results showed the d
112  World Health Organization 2007 tumor grade, histology, and isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 R132H mutation
113 t timepoints during development, analyzed by histology, and liver organoids were cultured and analyze
114 y into normal mice, and the calcium content, histology, and minerals of the allografts were compared
115 ease progression in tumours with WHO grade I histology, and patients at lower risk of recurrence amon
116 xiVent; inflammatory indices by using ELISA, histology, and real-time PCR; and type 2 innate lymphoid
117 zed by immunoblotting, immunohistochemistry, histology, and real-time polymerase chain reaction.
118 d by chemotherapy regimen, stage of disease, histology, and sex.
119  taken for whole-genome expression analysis, histology, and T-cell isolation.
120  Receptor status, adjuvant systemic therapy, histology, and tumor size.
121 and ex vivo (89)Zr-bevacizumab uptake, tumor histology, and vascular morphology in a diffuse intrinsi
122                     Recent findings question histology- and imaging-based definitions of the "vulnera
123           Current methods for intraoperative histology are time- and labor-intensive and often introd
124 were delineated on T2-weighted images, using histology as a reference.
125 NASH) in a multi-center study, using central histology as reference.
126 s, between astrocytoma and oligodendroglioma histologies, as well as for tumors that had undergone MP
127 cases actinic keratoses demonstrated similar histology associated with beta-HPV reactivation and nucl
128 eveloped normal cilia, and Nphp5(-/-) kidney histology at 1 yr of age showed no significant pathology
129 ithin 12 weeks of diagnosis and response and histology-based postoperative therapy improved EFS and O
130 ences in mesocarp cell wall constitution and histology between heterografted, homeografted (self-graf
131               Chemotherapy was determined by histology: carboplatin plus pemetrexed for nonsquamous N
132 R measures of cardiac microstructure against histology, characterize microstructural dynamics during
133                   Subset analyses evaluating histology, chemotherapy regimen, and incremental COX-2 e
134 d-type and miR-155(-/-) mice was analyzed by histology, collagen, and profibrotic gene expression.
135             However, after stratification by histology (colon vs. rectum) we found that rs1525489 was
136                     We here investigated the histology compatibility of MALDI-IMS to image neuronal l
137                                 This gentle, histology-compatible MALDI-IMS protocol also diminished
138                                              Histology confirmed atrial infarction with extensive fib
139                                              Histology confirmed reduction of amyloid-beta pathology
140                                              Histology confirmed significantly abrogated fibrosis by
141                                              Histology confirmed the absence of nigral cell death wit
142                              Validation with histology confirms that we can resolve individual capill
143                           Forty patients had histology consistent with HT, and 154 had untransformed
144     The degree of carotid artery stenosis on histology correlated well with the ultrasound acoustic i
145 ularization by micro-computed tomography and histology, corroborating proangiogenic activities of M2-
146 ge, sex, malignancy history, tumor location, histology, cTN-stage, surgical approach, radicality, and
147 d to esophagogastroduodenoscopy, followed by histology, culture, and a rapid urease test, in order to
148 f PLAG1 deficiency by determining testicular histology, daily sperm production and sperm motility in
149 cancer studies can generate large amounts of histology data in the form of glass slides.
150                               Our results on histology demonstrate promises when MSCs are injected en
151 lted in the enucleation of the eye, which on histology demonstrated corneal keloid, fibrous infiltrat
152     We characterized the genetic deletion by histology, electrophysiology, and microdialysis; probed
153 up performance status 0 to 1), stratified by histology (epithelioid or biphasic), were randomly assig
154 vorable prognosis, and tumors with low-grade histology especially tend evolve slowly.
155 k of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis with liver histology evaluated according to Kleiner.
156 nimals do not differ from wild-type worms in histology, expression of key polarity genes, or neoblast
157 characteristics, outcomes of procedures, and histology findings.
158  13 sampled microbleeds that were matched on histology, five proved to be acute and eight old microha
159  after endoscopy in 37% and was confirmed by histology for 43% of patients (50 gastric and 1 intestin
160                  Patients were classified by histology for fibrosis stage (F0-F4) and as having nonal
161 ry profile, cardiac contractility and tissue histologies from liver, kidney and heart.
162                                        Tumor histology from 177 resected PDAC patients with follow-up
163 en approximately 4 years posttransplant, and histology from biopsies approximately 12 months posttran
164  3 cases, including 1 case diagnosed through histology from chorioretinal biopsy and another case ass
165                                          The histology grade of fibrosis correlated with the SUVmax i
166 and EOC risk by tumor characteristics (i.e., histology, grade, and stage).
167 9 and Cre recombinase technology had similar histology, growth kinetics, copy number variation and mu
168           Increased awareness of this unique histology has allowed for the development of drugs that
169 els of alanine-aminotransferase (ALT), liver histology, hepatic triglyceride content (HTC) and hepati
170 d 12-weeks post-surgery and analyzed through histology, histomorphometry and micro-computed tomograph
171 re EGFR FISH non-positive with squamous cell histology (HR 1.04, 95% CI 0.78-1.40; p=0.77; and 1.02,
172 pants, 116 (50.2%) had polyps of any size or histology identified by OC, and 15.6% had conventional a
173  addition of oats to a GFD affects symptoms, histology, immunity, or serologic features of patients w
174 and liver mononuclear cells were analyzed by histology, immunoblots, and confocal microscopy.
175  and enteroids were cultured and analyzed by histology, immunoblots, phalloidin staining, immunohisto
176                           We have studied by histology, immunohistochemistry (IHC), electron microsco
177  28 weeks to 14.5 months old and analyzed by histology, immunohistochemistry, and electron microscopy
178 njuries was evaluated at day 11 post burn by histology, immunohistochemistry, and relevant blood chem
179 and bone samples were procured on day 10 for histology, immunohistochemistry, confocal and electron m
180  employed a multidisciplinary approach using histology, immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, pr
181 s during colitis development and analyzed by histology, immunohistochemistry, immunoblots, or ELISAs
182        Ankles were harvested and examined by histology, immunohistochemistry, quantitative RT-PCR, EL
183 ca fusion, and tissues were characterized by histology, immunohistochemistry, RNA sequencing, and who
184 nd whole knee joint changes were assessed by histology, immunostaining, micro-CT, and magnetic resona
185 th allograft rejection status ascertained by histology in 107 biopsy specimens.
186    MPF strongly correlated with quantitative histology in all animals (r = 0.95, p < 0.001) as well a
187 the AAR when compared to both T2-mapping and histology in control animals, and were not affected by e
188 on of steroidogenic enzymes as well as renal histology in keeping with a glomerular phenotype.
189 ociation between plasma biomarkers and liver histology in order to identify markers of disease activi
190     Vitamin E supplementation improves liver histology in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis,
191    To determine the value of renal allograft histology in predicting outcomes, we evaluated the signi
192 cipients maintain generally stable allograft histology in spite of apparently active humoral allo-imm
193 redict the presence of high-grade disease at histology in women testing positive for HPV16 genotype.
194 rence of cytotoxicity (observable by routine histology) in the OM, at 2 or 20 hr after termination of
195 4.2% of patients with prior (6 weeks) normal histology, in 3.4% with inflammation, in 13.8% with IFTA
196                                 Intermediate histologies include tumors of both soft tissue and bone
197       Seventy-nine patients with various NHL histologies, including diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, Ri
198 nt on the immune system, liver functions and histology, insulin resistance and lipid profile.
199  mediastinal primary tumor site, nonseminoma histology, intermediate- or poor-risk disease at the tim
200 isk nonculprit lesions identified on virtual-histology intravascular ultrasound.
201 t bred; the timing of molt derived from bone histology is also corroborated by historical description
202 d fresh tissue compatible with MALDI-MSI and histology is desirable to increase the breadth of analyt
203                                              Histology is helpful to establish diagnosis.
204                                mPAM provides histology-like imaging of cell nuclei, blood vessels, ax
205 nct disease phenotype characterized by solid histology, liver and bone metastasis, poor prognosis, an
206                        Using mouse genetics, histology, liver damage assays and transcriptomics we di
207 disease control, number of brain metastases, histology, maximal resection cavity diameter, and treatm
208 IB or IV NSCLC with squamous or non-squamous histology, measurable disease by Response Evaluation Cri
209 d between groups and correlated with digital histology measurement of postmortem tau pathology averag
210 median age, 61 years; 65% male; 40% squamous histology; median radiation dose, 63.0 Gy), and 3728 pat
211 median age, 63 years; 65% male; 40% squamous histology; median radiation dose, 64.6 Gy).
212 functional-morphological approach, combining histology, microCT and X-ray-synchrotron imaging to shed
213 rowths were not stunted, suggesting that the histology might be mediated by Smo in the local stroma,
214 aeruginosa infection-related changes in lung histology, myeloperoxidase production, and lung weight.
215 (n = 61) that we examined using quantitative histology (n = 61) and gene expression profiling (n = 48
216          These mice exhibited normal retinal histology, normal morphology of outer segments and RPE c
217                        Comparison of aligned histology/OCT images demonstrated that GARP2 accelerates
218 ting countries the diagnosis of CD relied on histology of duodenal biopsy; in 5 countries, HLA, and i
219 ssessed by measurement of joint swelling and histology of joints collected at d 14.
220  evaluated the inflammatory changes and lung histology of Mmp28(-/-) mice exposed to 3 and 6 months o
221           Associations between LA strain and histology of preoperative biopsies were reported by usin
222                                              Histology of the mitral annulus showed a longer mitral a
223 degradable nanogles into the skin, while the histology of the porcine skin revealed enhanced penetrat
224                  Patients were stratified by histology of the primary tumour, metastatic tumour size,
225 Manipulation of CCL8 activity influences the histology of the tumors and promotes major steps of the
226                   The reference standard was histology or > 12 months of clinical follow-up.
227 f the positive primary site was confirmed by histology or follow-up imaging.
228              Bone marrow will be assessed by histology or immunohistochemistry and cytology or immuno
229 regardless of tumor size, tumor grade, tumor histology or radiation history.
230   Due to the lack of effect of simtuzumab on histology or selonsertib pharmacokinetics, selonsertib g
231 ouse body weight and had no effect on kidney histology or ultrastructure in DBA/2J controls.
232             Diagnosis requires either spleen histology or, alternatively, the documentation of a typi
233 tegorized as usable, possibly usable pending histology, or not usable for implantation.
234 d functioned well regardless of patient age, histology, or stage.
235 SH-positive subpopulation with squamous cell histology, overall survival was significantly longer in
236 trated compared to conventional thin-section histology, pointing to broad applications in both resear
237 re not well captured by typical thin-section histology, posing challenges for the study of tissue phy
238 as been primarily assessed using destructive histology, precluding repeated investigations of the sam
239 D, and hepatocellular injury was assessed by histology, propidium iodide injection, and alanine amino
240                        Fifteen patients with histology-proven myelofibrosis were included consecutive
241      Alcohol's effect on BAT was assessed by histology, qPCR, HPLC, LC/MS and measures of core body t
242 g hybrid multiscale fluorescence, color, and histology readouts toward precision fluorescence imaging
243 xpression, and MMP activity were assessed by histology, real-time reverse transcription polymerase ch
244  respectively) or patients with non-squamous histology regardless of EGFR FISH status (for EGFR FISH-
245 ) that have shown activity in several cancer histologies, reinvigorating antitumor immune responses i
246 ry, in agreement with better-preserved liver histology relative to WI-SCS group.
247 2% of deceased donor kidneys with suboptimal histology remained functional at 5 years.
248                                        After histology reports were available, final assessments of u
249                              Colonoscopy and histology reports were collected from all participants a
250 eaction (PCR), microcomputed tomography, and histology, respectively.
251 d absence of definite cancer (absence of any histology result definitely positive for cancer at month
252                                              Histology results supported these findings.
253        An experienced radiologist, masked to histology, retrospectively reviewed all fused SPECT/MR i
254                                              Histology revealed dramatically expanded cervical cement
255                                     However, histology revealed in-field beam effects outside of the
256                               Porcine lesion histology revealed transmurality in 51 of 55 lesions (92
257 cence microscopy, micro-computed tomography, histology, RNA, and protein analyses.
258 f deceased donor kidneys received an optimal histology score (P<0.001).
259 were harvested and evaluated using cartilage histology scores and muCT quantification of subchondral
260 xpression was positively correlated with the histology scores of inflammatory bowel disease patients.
261                                              Histology sections showed that the area of the chondriod
262 igitised whole-slide images (WSIs) of serial histology sections.
263                Submitted delayed nephrectomy histology showed anaplasia (n = 8; excluded from surviva
264                                              Histology showed evidence of intracellular storage, and
265  contraction until the end of perfusion, and histology showed no myocyte injury.
266                                              Histology showed severe damage (thrombosis, acute tubula
267                                        Liver histology showed that only WT fed FF (WT-FF) developed N
268                                          Our histology showed that the I-PTH treatment led to an incr
269 ic toxicity was noted with the expanders and histology showed the material to be highly biocompatible
270                          Medical records and histology slides of patients with primary uveal melanoma
271                            We now report the histology-specific subgroup analysis of the efficacy and
272                             Stimulated Raman histology (SRH) is a novel label-free imaging technique
273 edictors included age, sex, race, treatment, histology, stage, and extent of disease.
274                Here we report time-dependent histology studies of the mesh electronics/brain-tissue i
275 In 40 (19%) cases, predictable toxicology or histology testing accessible by PMCT informed the result
276                               We used dental histology to estimate the age at death to be 7.7 years.
277              Reduced MPV was associated with histology types, T classification, UCLA Integrated Scori
278 ypical samples in life science research: (i) histology (unlabeled tissue), (ii) nanotoxicology, and (
279 c structure assessed by echocardiography and histology was normal in both transgenic models compared
280 ATOC PET/CT suggested a primary, however, no histology was obtained and imaging follow-up was not con
281                                Squamous cell histology was reported for 422 (28%) of 1501 patients.
282                             From 2003, graft histology was routinely available before cross-clamping,
283 stically significant associations with NAFLD histology were evaluated in multivariable models adjuste
284                       Patients with squamous histology were randomly assigned to cisplatin and gemcit
285         Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histology were used to determine clinical response.
286 udy of Liver Diseases diagnostic criteria or histology) were prospectively identified over a 12-month
287 asia, and conventional adenomas with villous histology) were seen in 4.3% of patients aged <50 and 12
288 an endoscopy, and participants with duodenal histology who had a Marsh score of greater than 1 were d
289 mes were observed for patients with squamous histology who received platinum therapy compared with no
290 TS) approach to treating stage III favorable-histology Wilms tumor (FHWT) is Regimen DD4A (vincristin
291 ation of copy number gain of 1q in favorable-histology Wilms tumors (FHWTs) with event-free survival
292 sk Wilms tumor (defined as stage I favorable histology Wilms tumors with nephrectomy weight <550g and
293 m antiandrogen therapies can exhibit variant histology with altered lineage marker expression, sugges
294 erred by NEK6 were predominantly squamous in histology with no evidence of AR signaling.
295 antification, micro-computed tomography, and histology with von Kossa staining for mineral showed sig
296 ng cancer, regardless of PD-L1 expression or histology, with a favourable safety profile.
297           Benefit was evident in epithelioid histology, with a median overall survival gain of 5.4 mo
298                   Grading is based solely on histology, with an absence of molecular markers.
299 copy with duodenal biopsies and quantitative histology within 2 weeks without oral gluten challenge.
300 fect on the zebrafish behavior, breeding, or histology, within the used concentration range.

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