


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tly of contemporary origin (as little as 17% historic).
2 d HIV-1/HLA class I genotypes sampled during historic (1979 to 1989; n = 338) and modern (2001 to 201
3                                   We use the historic activation of the Birds Point-New Madrid Floodw
4 r "healing") is expected in response to this historic agreement.
5 environmental variables to determine whether historic agricultural land use affects the relationships
6 us palustris) woodlands, we examined whether historic agricultural land use leads to differences in t
7                                     Modeling historic air pollution exposures is often restricted by
8                                          The historic allowance for 30 days of elective status 1A tim
9 s relevant to the study of pluralism in both historic and ancient societies in three ways.
10 m that has been used as an indicator of both historic and contemporary climate change.
11                                  We compared historic and contemporary size measurements in 15 Pletho
12  Tutorial Review provides an overview of the historic and current development of the organometallic c
13                          Performance for the historic and current models was high (area under the cur
14 nce of changing environmental factors on the historic and current truncated distributions of the Arka
15 namically downscaled climate data to explore historic and future (2050-2069) stream temperature chang
16 of Pleistocene large carnivores, we use both historic and modern data on predator-prey body mass rela
17                    Phylogenies inferred from historic and modern HIV-1 Pol sequences were star-like i
18 examined the range-wide genetic structure of historic and modern populations using the largest and mo
19 that lead emissions associated with both the historic and Old Copper Complex tradition are detectable
20                     In addition to the AHA's historic and ongoing commitment to improving cardiac arr
21 ach islands, emphasizing their importance to historic and pre-historic South American populations.
22 opulation during the early 20th century, the historic and recent associations of African heritage wit
23 ics between sexes, between population types (historic and recent), and among simulated scenarios whic
24   By sequencing the genomes of 601 epidemic, historic, and other emm59 organisms, we discovered that
25 amis are much more frequent than follow from historic anecdotal reports.
26                                          The historic annualized increase in adult prolonged acute me
27 rces of DDT in eastern China are mainly from historic application of technical DDTs and dicofol.
28           Recent data have revealed that the historic approach of administering hypotonic IVFs result
29 ib, slowed disease progression, leading to a historic approval by the FDA.
30 us niloticus across Sahelian Africa reflects historic as well as present-day patterns of riverine dra
31                                  Despite the historic association, the prognostic implications of thy
32 approach to identify molecular bases for two historic axolotl pigment phenotypes: white and albino.
33                 In this article, I trace the historic background of clonal deletion and molecular mim
34          Here, we assessed the importance of historic baseline climate uncertainty for projections of
35                        BvMYB1 resides at the historic beet pigment-patterning locus, Y, required for
36 ain recoverable and accurate imprints of our historic biases, whether morally neutral as toward insec
37                         Utilizing the Danish Historic Birth Cohort and Danish Psychiatric Central Reg
38 eeding rate was significantly lower than the historic bleeding rate (0.138 vs 2.91 bleeds/patient/yea
39 tone is a key construction component of many historic buildings that is under constant attack from en
40 OA in the Norwegian Sea was near exclusively historic, but the relative contribution decreased to app
41 as USA300 ancestors, including USA500 and a "historic" CA-MRSA from Western Australia, were shown to
42 nts between June 2010 and June 2015 based on historic center volume in the preceding 5 years.
43 he PA pressure trends were compared with the historic CHAMPION clinical trial (CardioMEMS Heart Senso
44                           Nevertheless, this historic change brings ethical opportunities and challen
45                      Previous assessments of historic changes in drought over the late twentieth and
46                              We examined the historic changes in Env sequence and structural features
47  income inequality, political circumstances, historic circumstances, pathogen stress).
48 and precipitation to determine the effect of historic climate change on global grassland productivity
49                      Simulations driven with historic climate data over the central USA showed that i
50 ight increases initially, when compared with historic climate data, and then declines as planting dat
51 genetic signature of demographic response to historic climate fluctuations.
52                    Climate data created from historic climate observations are integral to most asses
53               Baseline Q0 simulations, using historic climate observations, reflected the current dis
54 occurring variability in the high-resolution historic climatic record, we developed multiple fine-sca
55  August 2014 to May 2015 and compared with a historic cohort admitted from August 2013 to May 2014.
56                   Importantly, analysis of a historic cohort of 60 CTCL patients indicates that IL-17
57 tious endocarditis (IE) in comparison with a historic cohort of IE patients managed without this tech
58                                   Controlled historic cohort study including 724 individuals with lab
59  patients, accounting for inflammation, in a historic cohort study of 5904 incident HD patients enrol
60 alpha-gal-sIgE positivity in the current and historic cohort was comparable.
61 pients transplanted under RDS (group 2), 260 historic comparator group transplanted for GN between 19
62                           Re-evaluation of a historic construction-related miscarriage cluster in the
63 land's population history prior to the first historic contact with Europeans in 1722 CE.
64 ter environment, explained by the cumulative historic contamination of the Baltic Sea.
65  substances, this is especially relevant for historic contamination sources, such as extensive 1980s
66      Whereas 12.8% of a similarly sensitized historic control cohort underwent transplantation in the
67                  Outcomes were compared to a historic control group.
68                    Data were compared to two historic control groups of BLTx without ECMO (BLTx venti
69 and 4.4 cancers per 1000 examinations in the historic control.
70 fore the introduction of tomosynthesis for a historic control.
71  The outcome did not differ from that of the historic control: the MCL2 trial with similar treatment
72               Outcomes were compared with 61 historic controls (era I).
73 ncreased rate of transplantation relative to historic controls is not related to improved cross-match
74 nous catheterization compared with 92 serial historic controls who had unassisted central catheter in
75  significantly different (P < .001) from the historic controls, and chest radiation therapy patients
76 e-phase SIV load after challenge compared to historic controls.
77 ng results from current trials with those of historic controls.
78 in patients treated with DES exceed those of historic controls.
79 t shown to improve survival when compared to historic controls.
80 ed as all aragonitic shells subjected to pre-historic cooking methods show a clear alteration of thei
81 rates potential cost savings by reducing the historic cost of time-defined episodes of care, provided
82  precisely locate over 400,000 boundaries of historic crossovers or gene conversion tracts.
83 y, and clinical application in comparison to historic culture in a collection of archived respiratory
84 cted in the field from areas with current or historic CWD endemicity.
85                           Museum records and historic data can be available at large scales across mu
86 amework that uses contemporary and available historic data can provide a continuously smooth update m
87 ated species, and validate the methods using historic data for British birds and butterflies (i.e. us
88                                              Historic data for contemporaneous regrading of film-base
89                                        Using historic data from 1,107 cattle, collected as part of a
90                            In an analysis of historic data from 2004 until 2012, we draw on records f
91                                        Using historic data sets, we quantified the degree to which gl
92 om experimental games to that of natural and historic data.
93 g predictions and thus are less diverse than historic datasets sampling the entire sequence and affin
94 at, although endemic diseases continue their historic decline in wealthy countries, poor countries ex
95                        Differences between a historic definition, based on modified World Health Orga
96   Several recent reviews have focused on the historic development of immunodeficient mice over the la
97                               Despite a wide historic distribution, the black rhinoceros was traditio
98  to identify "clues" to predict the observed historic diversification patterns.
99 categories in textual corpora that span long historic durees, where terms, concepts, and language use
100 ic water use efficiency (WUE) in response to historic elevated CO2 while wetter environments see incr
101                          We develop national historic emissions databases for both greenhouse gases t
102                     These data challenge the historic emphasis on host immune defects in the pathogen
103 g the suppression of an apex predator to the historic encroachment of shrubs.
104 ly 2.5-fold higher in the modern than in the historic era, supporting their spread in circulation, th
105                      Our analysis shows that historic events can obscure the influence of modern day
106 e in The Gambia, West Africa, where there is historic evidence of a choline-poor diet, and the other
107 in levels that is seen with age results from historic exposure and does not represent ongoing exposur
108 er-term biomonitoring and forensics tool for historic exposure.
109                                            A historic failure to focus efforts on the IFIs that kill
110 en living in the vicinity of active, but not historic, ferroalloy plant emissions compared to control
111  be emerging, and trace its development from historic first steps to more recent discoveries.
112  and are comparable to those measured during historic fish extirpation events in the United States.
113 for streamflow less than the 25th percentile historic flow.
114 y for wide dispersal is not always realized, historic genetic footprints of range expansion and contr
115                                      All our historic genotypes belong to M. tuberculosis Lineage 4.
116 is re-emergence not universal throughout the historic geographic range of the virus?
117  under RDS was 6.7%, 13.7%, and 19.2% and in historic GN recipients maintained on steroids it was 2.4
118 fferent sites, one impacted by tailings from historic gold mining and the other by open-pen salmon aq
119 ons in California that have been impacted by historic gold mining.
120                 We have compared current and historic habitat corridors in Cirsium pitcheri, an endem
121 of the South River, starting upstream of the historic Hg contamination point-source and extending dow
122 ponse rates and survival are comparable with historic high-risk FCR-treated patients.
123 The areas of disturbance mapped within three historic homestead sites showed 5-26% of total site surf
124                             Here, we examine historic horse remains for the DMRT3 SNP, tracking the o
125 ent efforts should prioritize maintenance of historic hydroperiods in areas of conserved pattern over
126           Here, the relative contribution of historic (i.e., electrochemically fluorinated) and conte
127 and provide new mechanistic insight into the historic immunological conundrum for how Tcrb allelic ex
128 cal kinase due to its role in cancer and its historic importance, phosphorylation of tyrosine 416 in
129 subtype 1a) are commonly used based on their historic importance.
130 roup, we fit linear regression models to the historic incidence rate changes.
131                                     Based on historic information on site operation, our data imply b
132 nvironmental data from 1971 to 1972 from the historic International Biological Program (IBP) research
133 ied according to risk scores with the use of historic International Classification of Disease diagnos
134 lations prior to the onset of gene flow, six historic introduction sites, introduction sources and mu
135 the 35 stations sampled, including ones from historic iron fertilization experiments (SOFeX, IronEx I
136 The goal of this statement was to review the historic Jones criteria used to diagnose acute rheumatic
137 Whilst this physiological reflex response is historic knowledge, the mechanisms involved are unclear.
138 stances and lake-level changes suggests that historic lake fluctuations best explain the broad geogra
139 ul, as while afforestation and recovery from historic land use are currently large carbon sinks, the
140 n vegetation dynamics, human occupation, and historic land use are unknown, which has led to a stocha
141                 Our results demonstrate that historic land use may create persistent differences in t
142 ge are simulated without static snapshots of historic land use, taken at a single point in time.
143 cape permeability, based on contemporary and historic landscape features.
144 kground levels at all three lakes, excluding historic lead increases starting approximately 150 yr BP
145 l incidence of AK has since returned to near historic levels (0.056/100 000 population).
146 r 2007, the incidence of AK returned to near historic levels.
147                                              Historic local ambient temperature data were obtained.
148 Due primarily to landscape legacy effects of historic logging of the Comstock Era in the late 1880s,
149 ween critical point elevations of recent and historic logistic fits divided by time between imagery.
150 e field of epidermal stem cell biology and a historic look at their development over time.
151                  Data were compared with our historic LPD cohort.
152  11 h, compared with approximately 115 h for historic mAb controls.
153  forms in many systems including ancient and historic materials ranging from cultural heritage to pal
154 examine the role of the ER in replication of historic (Mayinga) or contemporary (Makona GCO7) strains
155 agenomic sequences are directly supported by historic measurements of nutrient concentrations and pro
156 haeology, conservation biology, forensic and historic medicine.
157                                     However, historic migrations from Eurasia into Africa have affect
158 jacent background samples from the Randsburg Historic Mining District, California were conducted to q
159 aminated with metal(loid)s due to present or historic mining, but data on the bioaccessibility (BA) o
160 cally selected for error minimization, while historic models hypothesize that the robustness of the c
161 lic Croats and Muslim Bosniaks at a critical historic moment in the city's postwar history.
162 provides the spatiotemporal details of known historic monsoon failures and reveals the occurrence, se
163 of barley mutant lines assigned more than 20 historic mutants to three brassinosteroid-biosynthesis g
164 fic mutant alleles for analysis by revealing historic mutations that occurred during gene lineage spl
165                                              Historic (n = 163 records) and current (n = 47 records)
166 lated predictions used 100% of sites from an historic national NO2 diffusion tube network (n = 451) f
167                                          The historic network showed flexibility in response to distu
168 have long been a focus in psychiatry, with a historic neurobiological emphasis on physiological syste
169 constrained by a lack of data on current and historic noise levels.
170                                            A historic normothermic control group was matched (one-to-
171 ermine the U and Pu isotopic compositions of historic nuclear devices from their postdetonation mater
172                Postdetonation materials from historic nuclear weapon test sites provide ideal samples
173 and paleo-precipitation, which is related to historic nutrient input and salinity.
174         In contrast, Mo enrichments do track historic O(2) depletion.
175 lt was surprising, since an entire series of historic observations at the whole-plant, enzyme, gene,
176                                       Recent historic observed lows in Arctic sea ice extent, togethe
177 arios based on both RegCM3 model outputs and historic observed trends to quantify differential effect
178                                              Historic obstacles to the use of (225)Ac have been the d
179 ements in a single microscopic sample from a historic oil painting.
180 s should cooperate to take advantage of this historic opportunity for medicine and also basic human b
181 e UN Sustainable Development Goals provide a historic opportunity to implement interventions, at scal
182 ion by wild and domestic herbivores for each historic or ancient time period.
183 eclines inferred using MSVAR with particular historic or climatological events.
184 Rs) in streams that can be used to represent historic or future warming scenarios and be calibrated t
185 astern Atlantic PFOA was largely (83-98%) of historic origin, but this decreased to only 33% close to
186 cosystem presence identified from recent and historic orthophotos ~50 years apart was regressed on el
187 e recall rates and cancer detection rates to historic outcomes of digital mammography combined with D
188 s, an extended study has been carried out on historic paint tubes and on embedded paint microsamples
189 o, indigo oil paint, and actual samples from historic painted surfaces.
190 identification of a yellow lake pigment in a historic painting using SERS as well as the utility of o
191                                              Historic pandemics of plague caused millions of deaths,
192                                          The historic Paris Agreement calls for limiting global tempe
193 SA clearance in IVIG-treated patients versus historic patients who had undergone tPE-based treatment
194 ignificant reductions observed in March, the historic peak rotavirus month, in all age groups.
195                                     Although historic perfluorinated compounds are currently under sc
196                                     Over the historic period (1950-2005), the recurrent pattern of pr
197      Comparing the future (2040-2095) to the historic period, larger changes in precipitation predict
198                       As recorded during the historic period, men consumed Black Drink in portions of
199 ctivation mechanisms, this review provides a historic perspective of allergy research that has led to
200         This brief report provides a limited historic perspective of the discovery of these cohorts a
201                 This update provides a brief historic perspective on the development of RNA-Seq and t
202  these exciting advances in the context of a historic perspective on the discovery of DCs and their r
203                                              Historic point source mercury (Hg) contamination from in
204 were evaluated, ranging from locations where historic poisoning has led to corrective actions that ha
205                                          The historic population decline for two of the populations c
206 pulation bottlenecks, our analyses indicated historic population declines around 1,000-1,800 years ag
207 ggests current climate warming has decoupled historic population responses in the Antarctic Peninsula
208  however, has revealed that ancient and even historic populations often bear little resemblance to th
209 -by-distance (IBD) than females and males in historic populations.
210                                          The historic practice of identifying animal associated bacte
211                              Mobilization of historic (pre-Fukushima) (137)cesium observed concurrent
212 tle is known about the relative influence of historic processes and environmental gradients on shapin
213 a combination of conjunctures of large-scale historic processes and vulnerabilities created by their
214 t also reveals potential clues regarding the historic productivity and regional oceanographic conditi
215 ared higher overall nucleotide identity with historic PRV strains.
216 ith partners, ensured success of this major, historic public health undertaking.
217 ecundity, diet breadth, habitat breadth, and historic range limit as predictors of range shifts for a
218 ith predictions based on habitat breadth and historic range limit.
219                            We found that the historic range of the West African subspecies (D. b. lon
220 ntage of sites burned only deviated from the historic range of variability during the Medieval Climat
221 sts has doubled at the northern end of their historic range on the east coast of Florida.
222 entify potential habitat within the species' historic range, and visited the 27% that we could survey
223  higher or lower even if it stays within the historic range.
224                       We found a higher than historic rate of recurrent CDI caused by the same isolat
225 duct injuries during SILC when compared with historic rates during SLC.
226                                         Mean historic rates were calculated on the basis of previousl
227 nfection and HIV-1 coinfection is similar to historic rates with interferon-based treatment, but with
228  species at 1,000 times or more greater than historic rates, and linguists predict that 50-90% of the
229 ring the 20th century and fails to track the historic record of summertime O(2) depletion.
230                                          The historic record of transfers spans the 20(th) century an
231 o mobile and reactive to preserve a reliable historic record under seasonally fluctuating redox condi
232 , sporopollenin and leaves was compared with historic records of seasonal precipitation amount, vapor
233 f the five randomized controlled trials were historic (reported from 1983-1993), small (enrolling 8-1
234  meles) is of interest as it may result from historic restriction to glacial refugia and/or recent an
235 ical sensitivity and specificity compared to historic results, while the HPeV3-specific assay demonst
236 n which outcomes have improved compared with historic results.
237 red to detect trends of similar magnitude to historic rises in noise levels observed in the Northeast
238                                          The historic role of the catalytic site Cys/His ion pair now
239                        This study uncovers a historic role of wild Solanum species in the diversifica
240                           In reviewing their historic role, we also illustrate how their work remains
241 mparison with a residential population and a historic sample.
242 des reach up to 40-fold higher levels in the historic samples as compared to present-day references.
243 ns, but no differentiation was found between historic samples from Molokai and modern birds from Lana
244                                          The historic samples include the oldest samples brewed with
245 was successfully applied to contemporary and historic samples including 'Colour Box Charles Roberson
246 eer pasteurization at the time is available, historic samples indicate a gradual improvement of bottl
247                                  However, in historic samples several processes may have taken place,
248 ity during the chick-rearing period based on historic satellite observations and future climate model
249 As such, it is possible that variants within historic schizophrenia candidate genes are associated wi
250 tions in the bacterial population due to the historic selective landscape created by the widespread u
251  burden of lakes in North Carolina (NC) with historic selenium inputs from nearby coal-fired power pl
252 mes in Boulder, CO, USA 2-3 months after the historic September, 2013 flooding event.
253 n the scope of practice of midwives, and the historic sequence of health system changes that made a r
254 atristic (tip-to-tip) genetic distances than historic sequences, with HLA pressures likely driving on
255                                         This historic shift reflects the increase in tobacco consumpt
256 rganic residuals were quantified by sampling historic sites reclaimed both conventionally and with re
257 not distinguishable among prehistoric sites, historic sites, and sites with both components.
258 tion by comparing sediment depth and present/historic size characteristics in 258 playas among three
259 asizing their importance to historic and pre-historic South American populations.
260  Cells to Human Development' meeting held in historic Southbridge.
261 parasites Plasmodium vivax and falciparum in historic southern Europe-where it was endemic until the
262           Interferon alfa (IFN-alpha) is the historic standard initial treatment for RCC.
263 re indistinguishable from those in authentic historic standards in 93% of the samples examined, indic
264 y of responsibilities that have changed from historic standards.
265 genome to identify a detailed genotype for a historic strain of M. tuberculosis from an individual bu
266                          The data placed the historic strain of M. tuberculosis in a group that is un
267 zation is challenging our thinking about the historic strategy for CABG.
268                                      In this historic study, Kurt R. Reissmann used parabiotic rats t
269 d sites; and 2) identify spatial patterns in historic TC exposure to explain habitat condition trajec
270    We used herbarium specimens combined with historic temperature data to examine the impact of clima
271                                              Historic theories of speech perception (Motor Theory and
272 tal change on natural populations throughout historic time periods.
273 rature variation during each life stage over historic time-scales for understanding intraspecific res
274 have been used as a source of medicine since historic times and several commercially important drugs
275 d human pandemics with millions of deaths in historic times.
276 ed the lowest Arctic summer sea-ice cover in historic times.
277 y species used to prepare Black Drink during historic times.
278 d remains dating from pre-Columbian to early historic times.
279 on of standardized annual incidence rates in historic to outbreak periods is performed by z-score tes
280 navigability toward old coastal Harappan and historic towns in the region.
281 ielded increased DSA clearance compared with historic tPE-based treatment, yet spontaneous clearance
282     Knowledge of the range and chronology of historic trade and long-distance transport of natural re
283 en to Bill and Melinda Gates "for leading an historic transformation in the way we view the globe's m
284  between Sept 1, 2014, and Dec 31, 2014, and historic traveller flight itinerary data from 2013 to de
285 essments suggests that methods incorporating historic trend data into the assessment perform best at
286 estimates of the efficiency and yield of the historic Trinity test.
287 es was developed based on modifications of a historic U.S. EPA stack sampling method.
288 uced risk of peripartum HIV infection in the historic U.S. Woman and Infant Transmission Study (WITS)
289  in markedly fewer cases of CM compared with historic unscreened cohorts.
290 ginating from the Atlantic was predominantly historic (up to 99%), whereas water in the Archipelago (
291                                          Two historic-use pesticides (endosulfan I and hexachlorobenz
292 l-air values of 22 semivolatile current- and historic-use pesticides and their degradation products.
293  preextinction value on land and about 5% of historic values in oceans.
294    Experiments that push temperatures beyond historic variation are indispensable for improving predi
295 tting, and Participants: Single-institution, historic vs prospective cohort comparison study at an ur
296 ny of Biologists Workshop held at Steyning's historic Wiston House, thirty researchers led by John Gu
297 bear populations-including long established (historic), with known reproduction >50 years ago, and ne
298  ligands with chiral backbones have been the historic workhorses of asymmetric transition-metal-catal
299 0 to 2008 exceeded one standard deviation of historic year-to-year variability.
300 .029 to 0.200 per 100 000 population between historic years (1988-2002) and outbreak years (2003-2007

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