


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ription factors including Prox1, an atypical homeodomain protein.
2  direct interaction with the UNC-86/Brn3 POU homeodomain protein.
3 opment requires the REDUCED COMPLEXITY (RCO) homeodomain protein.
4 nteraction with Extradenticle (Exd), another homeodomain protein.
5 by the cooperative actions of an ncRNA and a homeodomain protein.
6 also regulated by interaction with a partner homeodomain protein.
7 FD neurons and is regulated by the TTX-1 OTX homeodomain protein.
8 rform a structure/function analysis for this homeodomain protein.
9 epression and activation domains of vnd/NK-2 homeodomain protein.
10 nt disorder caused by mutations in the PITX2 homeodomain protein.
11 -1, which encodes a deltaEF1/ZFH-1 Zn-finger-homeodomain protein.
12 fferential expression of the Nkx6-type COG-1 homeodomain protein.
13 important decision is regulated by the UNC-4 homeodomain protein.
14  tetranucleotide ATTA commonly recognized by homeodomain proteins.
15 anocortin is potentiated by lineage-specific homeodomain proteins.
16 es of TALE (Three Amino acid Loop Extension) homeodomain proteins.
17 ural homology with the DNA-binding domain of homeodomain proteins.
18  many of which are developmentally important homeodomain proteins.
19 with each other as well as the PBX family of homeodomain proteins.
20 unctions in part as a cofactor for Hox class homeodomain proteins.
21 e consensus site for Antennapedia superclass homeodomain proteins.
22 lular subtypes in conjunction with other LIM/homeodomain proteins.
23  to the Cart1/Alx3/Alx4 family of vertebrate homeodomain proteins.
24 uence identified previously for paired class homeodomain proteins.
25 inguishes HNF-1alpha from other flexible POU-homeodomain proteins.
26 y at positions 24 and 25 compared to related homeodomain proteins.
27 bers of the Pitx gene family of bicoid-class homeodomain proteins.
28 sequence distinct from those of other fungal homeodomain proteins.
29 (CREB) and can interact with cofactor of LIM homeodomain protein 1 (CLIM1) and CLIM2.
30           Here, we show that zinc-finger and homeodomain protein 2 (ZHX2) is specifically expressed i
31 he product of the C15 gene, which is another homeodomain protein, a homolog of the human Hox11 oncoge
32 s were enriched in alpha cells; in contrast, homeodomain proteins accounted for 51% of a total of 45
33  controls large micromere specification, the homeodomain protein Alx1.
34 s identified near the N terminus of vnd/NK-2 homeodomain protein (amino acid residues 154-193), which
35  NKX3.1 transcription factor is an NK family homeodomain protein and a tumor suppressor gene that is
36                    ftz encodes a DNA-binding homeodomain protein and is known to regulate genes of th
37 n the 5' leader of the mRNA encoding the Gtx homeodomain protein and showed that shorter nonoverlappi
38  include Oct4, a member of the POU family of homeodomain proteins and a second recently identified ho
39 pped to 8p21, is a member of the NK class of homeodomain proteins and is expressed primarily in the p
40 uggesting that the associations between TALE homeodomain proteins and Oct-1 regulate neuron-specific
41 y of transcriptional complexes involving LIM-homeodomain proteins and other transcription factors tha
42     Several transcription factors, including homeodomain proteins and T-box proteins, are essential f
43  direct transcriptional targets of clustered homeodomain proteins and that different homeodomain prot
44 nalogous to the N-terminal arm of eukaryotic homeodomain proteins and the "wings" of winged-helix pro
45       The regulatory functions of individual homeodomain proteins and the networks in which they act
46 KNOX proteins interact with BEL1-like (BELL) homeodomain proteins and together bind a target sequence
47                  XSEs (nuclear receptors and homeodomain proteins) and ASEs (T-box and zinc finger pr
48 ely half of the NUP98 fusion partners encode homeodomain proteins, and at least 5 NUP98 fusions invol
49 ing development through interaction of WDR5, homeodomain proteins, and chromatin remodeling enzymes.
50 y by E1A, Twist, Pu.1, and the Hox family of homeodomain proteins-and suggest that E47 and EBF play d
51 y of complexes comprised of Chip and the LIM-homeodomain protein Apterous.
52                             The Six3 and Rx3 homeodomain proteins are essential for the specification
53                                              Homeodomain proteins are key regulators of patterning du
54                                          LIM homeodomain proteins are known to regulate several aspec
55                                          Bar homeodomain proteins are required for transcriptional re
56 echanism by which the activities of bHLH and homeodomain proteins are temporally and spatially integr
57 genes, and prep, which encodes a TALE-family homeodomain protein, are expressed at the anterior pole.
58                         We show that two LIM-homeodomain proteins, Arrowhead and Lim1, are expressed
59 s in the highly conserved Aristaless-related homeodomain protein ARX have been shown to underlie mult
60                           Aristaless related homeodomain protein (Arx) specifies the formation of the
61 vations, we suggest that the function of Bar homeodomain proteins as cell-type-specific inhibitors of
62 that successfully predicts binding sites for homeodomain proteins as distant from mouse as Drosophila
63                         We have identified a homeodomain protein, AtNDX, that regulates COOLAIR, a se
64 ne products: the silkworm orthologues of LIM homeodomain protein Awh, LIM domain-binding protein (Ldb
65 y by a combination of factors, including the homeodomain protein Bar.
66 imers containing Pbx/Prep1 or Pbx/Meis1 TALE homeodomain proteins bind to four functional elements wi
67 r reporter genes demonstrated that the three homeodomain protein binding sites located between -80 an
68 observed between the R2 site and an adjacent homeodomain protein-binding site previously characterize
69 lity shift assay, we report that Lhx2, a LIM-homeodomain protein, binds to the homeodomain site in th
70 mber of studies that HOX11, similar to other homeodomain proteins, binds DNA and transactivates trans
71         The zinc finger protein Klf7 and POU homeodomain protein Brn3a are each required for efficien
72 he interactions between Clone A and vnd/NK-2 homeodomain protein by mobility-shift assay, DNase I foo
73 w that the Caenorhabditis elegans Six family homeodomain protein C. elegans homeobox (CEH-34) and the
74 ristem and interact with another subclass of homeodomain proteins called the BELL family.
75              This is the first report that a homeodomain protein can modify the activity of Topo I an
76       This is the first demonstration that a homeodomain protein can oligomerise in vivo.
77                   We show that the MEC-3 LIM homeodomain protein can outcompete the execution of a ne
78 st-muscle gene expression, thus showing that homeodomain proteins can direct bHLH proteins to establi
79  have demonstrated that in RCC, the Cut-like homeodomain protein (CDP/Cut) is involved in FIH transcr
80                              The caudal-type homeodomain protein Cdx2 is implicated in the formation
81                                          The homeodomain protein CDX2 specifies the embryonic intesti
82 ha (HNF-1 alpha), GATA-4, and caudal related homeodomain proteins Cdx2 and Cdx1 are the primary trans
83 de operating in DVC was defined from the LIM-homeodomain protein CEH-14 through CEH-63 to the helix-t
84                  Here we report that the Six homeodomain protein CEH-34 and its cofactor Eyes Absent,
85 ivates the CC specification factor, the Six2 homeodomain protein CEH-34, and functions cooperatively
86 al bHLH proteins NGN-1 and HLH-2 and the Otx homeodomain protein CEH-36.
87          We identified a new XSE, the ONECUT homeodomain protein CEH-39, and showed that it acts as a
88 nd and activated by the Paired- and LIM-type homeodomain proteins CEH-10 and TTX-3.
89                   Further, we found that 199 homeodomain proteins contain potential eIF4E-binding sit
90 d is the founding member of the K50 class of homeodomain proteins, containing a lysine residue at the
91 ctions are established, in part, through LIM homeodomain protein control of EphA receptors and ephrin
92         Now, Lee et al. report that two TALE homeodomain proteins control zygote development of the u
93                   The HOX/HOM superfamily of homeodomain proteins controls cell fate and segmental em
94 y with other transcription factors (e.g. the homeodomain protein CRX).
95 hances its activity synergistically with the homeodomain protein CRX.
96                                   Ab and the homeodomain protein Cut are expressed in distinct but co
97 zinc finger protein Hindsight and suppresses homeodomain protein Cut to regulate the mitotic/endocycl
98  Lz causes transcriptional activation of the homeodomain protein Cut, which can then stabilize a Lz r
99                                          The homeodomain protein Cux1 is highly expressed in the neph
100 bdomains, we characterized expression of the homeodomain protein Dbx1 and the bHLH protein Olig2.
101                                              Homeodomain proteins, described 30 years ago, exert esse
102                                          The homeodomain protein Distal-less-3 (Dlx3) plays a crucial
103                             Furthermore, the homeodomain proteins distal-less homeobox 5 (DLX5) and D
104 y shift assays identified AP-2 gamma and the homeodomain protein, Dlx 3, as the transcription factors
105 fy a and alpha cell identity, whereas the a1 homeodomain protein drives meiosis and sporulation and f
106 l of regulation to the activity of the PITX2 homeodomain protein during development.
107                      In outer PRs, the K(50) homeodomain protein Dve is a key repressor that acts to
108                                    The mouse homeodomain protein, Engrailed-1, is generally viewed as
109                             We show that LIM homeodomain proteins establish motor neuron topography b
110 ssential transcriptional regulators: Otx2, a homeodomain protein expressed broadly in head ectoderm i
111                     Vsx2 (formerly Chx10), a homeodomain protein expressed in RPCs, is required for s
112 We now provide genetic evidence that Vax2, a homeodomain protein expressed in the ventral retina, is
113          Here we identify a key role for the homeodomain proteins Extradenticle (Exd) and Homothorax
114 e, curated collection of information for the homeodomain protein family.
115                         Nanog is a divergent homeodomain protein found in mammalian pluripotent cells
116                                         TALE-homeodomain proteins function as components of heteromer
117                                         Most homeodomain proteins function as transcription factors,
118                                              Homeodomain proteins function in fungi to specify cell t
119 ardment, we show that TTG1, GL3, GL1 and the homeodomain protein GL2 do not move between adjacent epi
120 rsal expansion of ventral markers (e.g., the homeodomain protein GSH2) into the ventralmost pallial r
121                           Knotted1-like TALE homeodomain proteins have been found to play important r
122 ered homeodomain proteins and that different homeodomain proteins have distinct effects on the promot
123                   Nkx6 collaborates with the homeodomain protein Hb9 to specify ventrally projecting
124 he VB gene ceh-12 (encoding a homolog of the homeodomain protein HB9) in unc-4 mutants results in the
125                                          The homeodomain protein Hex, an early marker of anterior pos
126 xpressed homeodomain protein or proline-rich homeodomain protein (HHEX/PRH), which thereby lose their
127 , but is nuclear when complexed with another homeodomain protein, Homothorax (Hth).
128                                 Unlike other homeodomain proteins, Hop does not bind DNA.
129                                          The homeodomain protein HoxA10 interacts with negative cis e
130  to cDNA library screening we identified two homeodomain proteins, Hoxa10 and Hoxb8, which are expres
131                                          The homeodomain proteins, HoxA10 and Pbx1a, interact with ne
132 nce have established a critical role for the homeodomain protein HOXB7 in cancer.
133 ns, 84 homeodomain DNA-binding sites and 114 homeodomain proteins implicated in human genetic disorde
134          We demonstrate that a BELL1 related homeodomain protein in Arabidopsis, BELLRINGER, maintain
135 ttern of HOXB13, we studied the role of this homeodomain protein in prostate cells.
136 ive chromatin and reveals a critical role of homeodomain proteins in marking specific genes for activ
137  have investigated the role of Isl-class LIM homeodomain proteins in motor neuron diversification usi
138 -1/Oct-2 suggests an important role of these homeodomain proteins in the overall regulation of the Ig
139 hat CK2 may regulate the activity of several homeodomain proteins in this manner.
140 Hedgehog (Hh) and Fgf signals and Vax family homeodomain proteins in this patterning event.
141       Three-amino-acid-loop-extension (TALE) homeodomain proteins including Meis and Pbx families are
142 pools is governed by coordinately acting LIM-homeodomain proteins including the Islet-class factor Is
143 CNS pattern along the dorsoventral axis, the homeodomain protein Ind and the Sox-domain protein Dicha
144 e Pbx TALE (three-amino-acid loop extension) homeodomain proteins interact with class 1 Hox proteins,
145              We show that the Pbx1 and Meis2 homeodomain proteins interact with Klf4 and can be recru
146 ribe the use of 10 linked copies of the Gtx (homeodomain protein) IRES (abbreviated as SIRES) in plac
147 that one of these targets, the Iroquois-like homeodomain protein, IRX-1, functions as a key regulator
148                                     The Six1 homeodomain protein is a developmental transcription fac
149                                    The HOXA9 homeodomain protein is a key regulator of hematopoiesis
150 he pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 1 (PDX1) homeodomain protein is critical for the initiation of al
151                                    The PITX2 homeodomain protein is mutated in patients with Axenfeld
152                               The UNC-86 POU homeodomain protein is present in CEM and URA neurons, a
153 er, a physical interaction between these two homeodomain proteins is necessary for induction of these
154                       PRH/HHex (proline-rich homeodomain protein) is a transcription factor that cont
155 lisation of VAN, like that of the animal PBC homeodomain protein, is also regulated by interaction wi
156   We have previously shown that lmx1b, a LIM homeodomain protein, is expressed in the pronephric glom
157 ains two perfect consensus sites for the LIM-homeodomain protein ISL1.
158                                      The LIM-homeodomain protein, Isl1, plays an essential role in ce
159                    Here we show that the LIM/homeodomain protein islet-1 is expressed in cells of the
160                                      The LIM homeodomain protein Islet1 (ISL1) is involved in the reg
161                                        Plant homeodomain protein Jade-1 (PHF17) is a candidate renal
162 a plant with dissected leaves, KNOTTED1-like homeodomain proteins (KNOX) are positive regulators of l
163         We show that two closely related LIM homeodomain proteins, Lhx2 and Lhx9, are expressed by a
164 entiated into motoneurons expressing the LIM homeodomain protein Lhx3.
165 ctivity by maintaining expression of the LIM homeodomain proteins Lhx3/4 in spinal motor neurons.
166             These precursors express the LIM homeodomain protein Lhx6 and have characteristics of pro
167 ate that the redundant activities of the LIM homeodomain proteins Lhx6 and Lhx7 are critical for cran
168 ted by the combinatorial activity of the LIM homeodomain proteins Lhx6, Lhx7 (Lhx8) and Isl1.
169            Here, we demonstrate that the LIM homeodomain protein Lhx9 is transiently expressed in Xen
170 lation in mice, we demonstrate here that the homeodomain protein LIM homeobox (Lhx)7 is essential for
171 on of their LIM domains with cofactor of LIM homeodomain proteins (LIM-HDs) (CLIM, also known as Ldb
172 less has been shown to function with the LIM-homeodomain protein LIM1 to regulate leg development.
173                                          Pbx homeodomain proteins mark promoters of a subset of Myod
174         In the ancestral mating circuit, two homeodomain proteins, Mata1 and Matalpha2, form a hetero
175                          Coexpression of the homeodomain protein Meis1 and either HoxA7 or HoxA9 is c
176   One of the downstream targets of VegT, the homeodomain protein Mixer, is expressed at high levels a
177                    We have identified an HMX homeodomain protein MLS-2 in a screen for factors requir
178               Here we show that the Nkx5/HMX homeodomain protein MLS-2 is required for cellular elong
179               Here, we show that the HMX/NKX homeodomain protein MLS-2 regulates ceh-36 expression sp
180           In the chick embryo, the Mnx class homeodomain protein MNR2 is expressed selectively by mot
181                We previously showed that Pbx homeodomain proteins modulate the activity of Myod to pr
182 th two regulators of GnRH transcription, the homeodomain proteins MSX1 and OCT1.
183                    We propose that the three homeodomain proteins MSX2, DLX3, and DLX5 provide a key
184 show regulation of the Runx2 gene by several homeodomain proteins: MSX2 and CDP/cut repress whereas D
185            Here we present evidence that the homeodomain protein Nanog mediates acquisition of both e
186                 One candidate is the variant homeodomain protein Nanog, which has the capacity to ent
187  on somatic cells, a process promoted by the homeodomain protein Nanog, which is central to the maint
188                                          The homeodomain proteins Nanog and Oct4 are essential for mo
189 in proteins and a second recently identified homeodomain protein, Nanog.
190 ession and maintaining the expression of key homeodomain proteins necessary for MN identity and survi
191 nation of transcriptional programs, with the homeodomain protein NKX2-5 being one of the key transcri
192 ast in part, by associating with the cardiac homeodomain protein Nkx2-5.
193 tricle during late gestation and require the homeodomain protein Nkx2.1 for their specification.
194                                          The homeodomain protein Nkx2.2 (Nkx2-2) is a key regulator o
195             Within the pancreatic islet, the homeodomain protein Nkx2.2 is essential for the differen
196 tiple binding sites for the cardiac-specific homeodomain protein Nkx2.5, and its promoter activity wa
197 hin the rostral hindbrain, the Shh-activated homeodomain proteins Nkx2.2 and Nkx6.1 cooperate to indu
198 factor, was a novel downstream target of the homeodomain protein, Nkx2-5.
199                        The prostate-specific homeodomain protein NKX3.1 is a tumor suppressor that is
200       The prostate-specific tumor suppressor homeodomain protein NKX3.1 is inactivated by a variety o
201                              We identify the homeodomain protein Nkx3.2 as a potent sequence-specific
202                    Here, we demonstrate that homeodomain protein Nkx6 is a key member of the genetic
203  NvFollistatin, and NvFollistatin-like), the homeodomain proteins NvGoosecoid (NvGsc) and NvGbx, and
204 d induction, and that interacts with the POU homeodomain protein Oct-1.
205                                      The POU homeodomain protein Oct-4 and the Forkhead Box protein F
206 16-residue CPP derived from the Antennapedia homeodomain protein of Drosophila, was measured in singl
207                             unc-30 encodes a homeodomain protein of the Pitx family and regulates the
208           Obox1 and Obox2 transcripts encode homeodomain proteins of 204 amino acids that share 97% i
209                                              Homeodomain proteins of the Hox family play an important
210 h studies also document co-overexpression of homeodomain proteins of the Meis and Pbx families in poo
211 TALE (three-amino-acid loop extension) class homeodomain proteins of the Pbx and Meis families are al
212                            knox genes encode homeodomain proteins of the TALE superclass of transcrip
213 scription factor hematopoietically expressed homeodomain protein or proline-rich homeodomain protein
214                                          The homeodomain protein, Otx2, is a critical regulator of ve
215 these amino acids are conserved between many homeodomain proteins, our results suggest that CK2 may r
216 oring of hexameric complexes of specific LIM homeodomain proteins over tetramers could dictate the ch
217       Maternal and zygotic activities of the homeodomain protein PAL-1 specify the identity and maint
218  Furthermore, we report that the Caudal-like homeodomain protein PAL-1, whose role in early embryogen
219 onstrated the physical association between a homeodomain protein, pancreatic-duodenal homeobox factor
220 h an adjacent protein complex containing the homeodomain protein Pbx, which appears to be constitutiv
221 rs form multimeric complexes with TALE-class homeodomain proteins (Pbx, Meis) to regulate tissue morp
222 resent the first work demonstrating that the homeodomain proteins PBX1 and PREP1 are cellular factors
223 , we demonstrate that the beta cell-specific homeodomain protein Pdx-1 interacts with histone deacety
224                       Two related BELL1-like homeodomain proteins, PENNYWISE (PNY) and POUND-FOOLISH
225                                              Homeodomain proteins play critical roles during developm
226 nscriptional regulations, the BarH family of homeodomain proteins play essential roles in cell fate s
227                                              Homeodomain proteins play important roles in normal deve
228 as found to be identical to WUSCHEL (WUS), a homeodomain protein previously shown to be involved in s
229 at a trans cription factor, the proline-rich homeodomain protein PRH, is a negative regulator of eIF4
230                             The Proline Rich Homeodomain protein (PRH/Hex) is a transcription factor
231                             The proline-rich homeodomain protein (PRH/Hex) regulates transcription by
232  have shown previously that the Proline-Rich Homeodomain protein (PRH/Hex) self-assembles to form oli
233 sly that phosphorylation of the Proline-Rich Homeodomain protein (PRH/Hhex) by CK2 inhibits the DNA-b
234                             The proline-rich homeodomain protein, PRH/HEX, participates in the early
235 tiation by suppressing the expression of the homeodomain protein Prospero in immature INPs.
236                            We found that the homeodomain protein Prox1 regulates the exit of progenit
237 ated by the orphan nuclear receptor SF-1 and homeodomain protein Ptx1.
238 ight into the molecular mechanism underlying homeodomain-protein recognition and may serve as a parad
239                                         TALE homeodomain proteins regulate development in many eukary
240                                              Homeodomain proteins regulate multiple developmental pat
241 ferentiation in vitro, whereas Prx1, another homeodomain protein, regulates SMC differentiation marke
242 s tools, which revealed that the Arabidopsis homeodomain protein REPLUMLESS (RPL) establishes distinc
243 ces upstream of nt -68, and the CDP/cut/Cux1 homeodomain protein represses transcription down-stream
244     Here, we show that expression of Otx2, a homeodomain protein required for the formation of the fo
245  through direct control of the Dlx1 and Dlx2 homeodomain proteins, required for interneuron specifica
246      Examination of mouse orthologs of these homeodomain proteins resulted in the identification of m
247 f Ldb1, which encodes a cofactor for all LIM-homeodomain proteins, resulted in a similar phenotype.
248         GhHOX3 interacts with GhHD1, another homeodomain protein, resulting in enhanced transcription
249 otprinting analysis of Clone A with vnd/NK-2 homeodomain protein revealed three strong binding sites
250 em (SAM) is maintained in Arabidopsis by the homeodomain protein SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (STM).
251                               At least three homeodomain proteins, Six1, LBX1, and HoxA5, transactiva
252      Here, we report that BLH6, a BELL1-LIKE HOMEODOMAIN protein, specifically interacts with KNAT7,
253                                    Co-factor homeodomain proteins such as Drosophila Homothorax (Hth)
254                                   Mix family homeodomain proteins, such as Xenopus Mixer and zebrafis
255      The interaction of an arenavirus with a homeodomain protein suggests a mechanism for viral terat
256       Here we show that BMP2 induces DLX3, a homeodomain protein that activates Runx2 gene transcript
257                        ceh-30 encodes a BarH homeodomain protein that acts downstream from the termin
258 /cut homolog (CDP/cut) is a highly conserved homeodomain protein that contains three cut repeat seque
259                         Nanog is a divergent homeodomain protein that directs propagation of undiffer
260                                  NKX3.1 is a homeodomain protein that functions as a dosage sensitive
261                         Pbx1 is a TALE-class homeodomain protein that functions in part as a cofactor
262                              HOX11 encodes a homeodomain protein that is aberrantly expressed in T-ce
263                            Hop is an unusual homeodomain protein that is expressed by embryonic and p
264                  Dmbx1 encodes a paired-like homeodomain protein that is expressed in developing neur
265                                    Emx2 is a homeodomain protein that plays a critical role in inner
266                         REPLUMLESS encodes a homeodomain protein that prevents replum cells from adop
267 nstrate that it regulates human Engrailed, a homeodomain protein that regulates neuronal development
268         The PRETTY FEW SEEDS2 gene encodes a homeodomain protein that regulates ovule development.
269                      One of these is Vax2, a homeodomain protein that ventralizes the vertebrate eye
270 stinal barrier function, can be regulated by homeodomain proteins that control the differentiation of
271 rax Complex encodes three well-characterized homeodomain proteins that direct segment identity, as we
272  different transcription factors, 11 of them homeodomain proteins, that act in distinct combinations
273 ranscription regulatory co-factor of the LIM homeodomain proteins, the LIM domain only 4 protein Lmo4
274 cifically with the BEL1-like (BELL) class of homeodomain proteins, through a domain conserved between
275                                          The homeodomain protein Tinman and the GATA factors Pannier
276 s further demonstrated by the failure of the homeodomain protein to interact efficiently with two of
277 ation inactivates the ability of the vndNK-2 homeodomain protein to repress ind and msh.
278 ption factor GRD acts cooperatively with WOX homeodomain proteins to establish embryonic polarity in
279 ty acts downstream of retinoid signaling and homeodomain proteins to promote the formation of dI6, V1
280 nct co-regulatory proteins (Zelda or Sox/POU-homeodomain proteins) to control a similar pattern of ex
281        We show here that the HoxC4 and Oct-1 homeodomain proteins together with the Ku70/Ku86 heterod
282 which can mediate Wnt signaling and for Vent homeodomain proteins, transcriptional repressors that me
283  results uncover a novel mechanism whereby a homeodomain protein transduces GA signal to promote fibr
284  are binding sites for TRA-1A and a POU-type homeodomain protein UNC-86 and acts as a sensor to regul
285 hat two closely related, ventrally expressed homeodomain proteins-Vax1 and Vax2-control this neuroepi
286 tor Receptor (EGFR), in conjunction with the homeodomain proteins, Ventral nervous system defective,
287                                    While the homeodomain protein vHnf1/Hnf1b directly activates Mafb
288               A Xenopus homolog of the Pbx1b homeodomain protein was isolated and shown to be express
289 42, MYB43, MYB20, and KNAT7 (a Knotted1-like homeodomain protein), was developmentally associated wit
290 ctly with the N-terminal region of the PDX-1 homeodomain protein, which contains conserved amino acid
291 s regulated the pituitary homeobox 2 (PITX2) homeodomain protein, which modulates developmental gene
292 d the cloning of CD2 revealed it to encode a homeodomain protein, which we propose acts as a key regu
293  with members of the PBC family of TALE-type homeodomain proteins, which includes human Pbx1.
294 alian genes that encode closely related TALE homeodomain proteins, which serve as DNA binding partner
295                                      Prx1, a homeodomain protein whose expression was increased by An
296  SIX3/6 gene family in vertebrate, encodes a homeodomain protein with a SIX protein-protein interacti
297 sociation of transcriptional activators (DLX homeodomain proteins) with key DNA enhancers but repress
298 ranscription factors including Dlx and other homeodomain proteins within the evolutionarily conserved
299  expression level of the stem cell-promoting homeodomain protein WUSCHEL (WUS) in the cells beneath,
300                                          Two homeodomain proteins, Yox1 and Yhp1, act as repressors a

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