


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ates, strepsirrhines, New World monkeys, and hominoids).
2 keys) and catarrhines (Old World monkeys and hominoids).
3 d to compare evolved energy strategies among hominoids.
4 KIR2DL4, is also common to rhesus monkey and hominoids.
5 atures that may link proconsulids with later hominoids.
6 ost extreme case of positive selection among hominoids.
7 nzee pseudogene comparison, produced U>3 for hominoids.
8 nomic rearrangement before the divergence of hominoids.
9 iverse set of humans but not in other extant hominoids.
10 alism for cercopithecoids and orthogrady for hominoids.
11 ostcranial shared derived features of extant hominoids.
12 es that place it with 'nyanzapithecine' stem hominoids.
13  slower molecular clock as compared to other hominoids.
14 nger generation time in humans than in other hominoids.
15  evolution compared to chimpanzees and other hominoids.
16 tes of single-nucleotide substitutions among hominoids.
17 rtion to the cerebellum, compared with other hominoids.
18 B has persisted since the common ancestor of hominoids.
19  evidence bearing on proconsulids' purported hominoid affinities is further weakened by this conclusi
20 anzees, hominids (great apes and humans), or hominoids (all apes and humans), which is needed to eval
21  ever analyzed in a comparative study of the hominoid amygdala, our findings suggest that an emphasis
22                     Although the generalized hominoid anatomy permits variation of locomotion: brachi
23 he 26S proteasome subunit (PSMD4) genes in a hominoid ancestor.
24 ive selection, a strong episode occurring in hominoid ancestors about the time of the IgA gene duplic
25 st 25 million years of the catarrhine (i.e., hominoid and Old World monkey) evolution.
26     Genome-based estimates for divergence of hominoids and cercopithecoids range into the early Oligo
27 n reorganization was apparently different in hominoids and cercopithecoids, showing that brain size a
28 he morphology of the last common ancestor of hominoids and cercopithecoids, the timing of their diver
29 y has shifted its positional context between hominoids and cercopithecoids.
30 ns is relatively gracile compared with other hominoids and earlier hominins.
31                            Further data from hominoids and hominins are required to support the propo
32  as TBC1D3 selectively modulate signaling in hominoids and humans.
33 tem in the social/reproductive activities of hominoids and Old World monkeys (catarrhines).
34 aints since shortly before the separation of hominoids and Old World monkeys approximately 23 million
35 s of years-to date, the only such example in hominoids and Old World monkeys outside of the major his
36 e evolution of the catarrhine primates - the hominoids and Old World monkeys.
37 ble molecular phylogenies are available, the hominoids and papionins.
38         Our study reinstates a high alpha in hominoids and supports the view that DNA replication err
39 he rate of APOBEC3G gene evolution from five hominoids and two Old World monkeys.
40  points, one each within cercopithecoids and hominoids, and tests for a statistically appropriate mod
41                                              Hominoid- and human-specific genes may have evolved to m
42 eral lines of indirect evidence suggest that hominoids (apes and humans) and cercopithecoids (Old Wor
43 between the two groups of extant catarrhines-hominoids (apes and humans) and Old World monkeys-and ar
44 nsul these features evolved independently in hominoids (apes) and cercopithecoids and much earlier in
45 mutation rates into split times among extant hominoids (apes), given sex-specific life histories.
46                   The early Pliocene African hominoid Ardipithecus ramidus was diagnosed as a having
47 trees for the four extant species of African hominoids are presented, based on mtDNA control region-1
48 reproductive isolation and speciation of the hominoids as they diverged from a common ancestor.
49  We discuss the implications for theories on hominoid brain-size evolution.
50 n is derived with respect to earlier Miocene hominoids but is primitive with respect to the younger s
51 quence data from two cercopithecoids and two hominoids by using quartet analysis.
52 ced stem catarrhine close to the base of the hominoid-cercopithecoid clade.
53 s an improvement over other estimates of the hominoid-cercopithecoid divergence because it incorporat
54                                              Hominoid-cercopithecoid divergence dates of 23-25 Mya fa
55 using this model of molecular evolution, the hominoid-cercopithecoid divergence is estimated to range
56 s, early catarrhine phylogeny and the age of hominoid-cercopithecoid divergence.
57 p of crown Catarrhini, and we infer that the hominoid-cercopithecoid split happened later, between 29
58 ups of anthropoid primates, the catarrhines (hominoids, cercopithecoids) and platyrrhines (ceboids),
59 lts indicate extensive local repatterning of hominoid chromosomes in euchromatic regions through a du
60 nce suggests that nyanzapithecines were stem hominoids close to the origin of extant apes, and that h
61                                          The hominoids, comprising apes and humans, are a group of cl
62                          In this regard, the hominoids define a time frame that is particularly infor
63 on in a suite of deposits produced important hominoid dental remains of middle Pleistocene age.
64 gests that the lineage leading to the living hominoids dispersed out of Africa about twenty million y
65      Our results show that these proteins in hominoids do not have elevated rates of nonsynonymous su
66                      Characterization of the hominoid duplicated segments reveals a strong positional
67                                        Among Hominoids, elaborate facial communication is accompanied
68  and KIR2DL5, have been preserved throughout hominoid evolution, and one of them, KIR2DL4, is also co
69 4 and 15) appears to have transposed late in hominoid evolution.
70 suggesting multiple origins in the course of hominoid evolution.
71 omosomal rearrangements that occurred during hominoid evolution.
72 sted an expansion relatively recently during hominoid evolution.
73 itat also has been suggested for the 6.0 Myr hominoid fossils recently recovered from Lukeino, Kenya.
74                  Fossils from a large-bodied hominoid from early Miocene sediments of Uganda, along w
75                             The large-bodied hominoid from Uganda dates to at least 20.6 million year
76 ars ago (Mya) apparently after separation of hominoids from Old World (OW) monkeys.
77          Identifying stem cercopithecoids or hominoids from this period will be difficult because der
78 ily seems to be one of the highest among all hominoid gene families.
79 f genic segments during the evolution of the hominoid genome and strongly implicate GC-rich repeat el
80  among cercopithecoid (Old World monkey) and hominoid genomes.
81 austive BLAST searches of MCR numts in three hominoid genomes; (2) assessed numt prevalence across th
82 rth central Kenya mandates a revision of the hominoid genus Kenyapithecus, a possible early member of
83         Reorganization of the modules in the hominoid hand compared to other primates may relate to f
84 any of its members are found in a variety of hominoid (humans, greater and lesser ape) genomes.
85           The evolutionary history of extant hominoids (humans and apes) remains poorly understood.
86 Rs for the natural killer and T cells of the hominoid immune system.
87 n the canine and skeletal size dimorphism in hominoids, imply that the species was not characterized
88 y pronounced along the catarrhine lineage to hominoids in which the nonsynonymous rate was first fast
89 at male reproductive genes evolve rapidly in hominoids is an oversimplification, a subset of proteins
90         The epidemiology of SIV infection in hominoids is characterized by low prevalences and an une
91 sent in Macaca mulatta whose divergence from hominoids is thought to have occurred at least 33 millio
92      Comparison with the predicted ancestral hominoid KIR haplotype indicates that modern gibbon KIR
93 s, New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, and hominoids, lending support to the idea that primate brai
94 ining rates in recent Alu activity along the hominoid lineage of evolution.
95 y, the chimeric gene Tre2 exists only in the hominoid lineage of primates.
96 family evolved in the common ancestor of the hominoid lineage.
97 ore the divergence of the cercopithecoid and hominoid lineages ( approximately 30 mya).
98 to previous suggestions, that the LCA of all hominoids lived in an environment that favored a gibbon-
99 leading to the common ancestor of the modern hominoid lysozymes.
100 nder pressure from rapidly evolving viruses, hominoid MHC class I molecules also evolve rapidly, beco
101  in our knowledge of fine-scale variation in hominoid morphology, behavior, and genetics, and aspects
102 p to 64% higher in lineages leading from the hominoid-NWM ancestor to NWMs than to apes.
103 stricted to B cells from their own family of hominoids or Old World NHP, suggesting a high degree of
104 weaker than previously proposed, at least in hominoid PABs.
105 with an "out of Asia" origin for P. vivax as hominoid parasite.
106  head is more palmar than in all other known hominoids, permitting extreme midcarpal dorsiflexion.
107 y >1 kb in length, to accurately reconstruct hominoid phylogeny and recover the correct point of numt
108 nt resided in an orthologous position in all hominoid primate genomes examined, demonstrating that th
109     Additionally, the chimpanzee is the only hominoid primate known to produce a firm copulatory plug
110                                          The hominoid primates (apes and humans) exhibit remarkable d
111 ed by an unusual exon-shuffling mechanism in hominoid primates and represents a key example of rapid
112 ochrome oxidase II (COII) DNA sequences from hominoid primates, including humans.
113 ng fossil apes and hominins) and reconstruct hominoid proximal femur evolution using squared-change p
114 i and therefore is a late member of the stem hominoid radiation in the East African Miocene.
115 ars ago and thus represents the oldest known hominoid sharing these derived characters with living ap
116                                    A partial hominoid skeleton just older than 15 million years from
117 ting two rates of evolution, supporting the "hominoid slowdown" hypothesis.
118 ar rates comes from the primates; e.g., the "hominoid slowdown." These rate differences are hypothesi
119                                        Early hominoids sought nutrition within a closed tropical fore
120 hat encoded by Tre2, may have contributed to hominoid speciation.
121 a segment of the mitochondrial genome of six hominoid species (human, common and pygmy chimpanzees, g
122 s as well as orthologous sequences for other hominoid species at one of these loci.
123 specific LCR22 variation was detected in the hominoid species supporting the hypothesis.
124  a set of 75 KIR sequences representing five hominoid species was assembled, which also included rhes
125 and divergence at semenogelin I differ among hominoid species with different mating systems.
126 and tumor suppressor genes (TSG) among seven hominoid species, including two extinct species, Neander
127 n autosomes but not on chromosome Y in other hominoid species, suggesting that it has duplicated on Y
128 romosomal-map location and copy number among hominoid species.
129 ered from those acting upon the KIR of other hominoid species.
130 e duplication could be detected in non-human hominoid species.
131 ngle copy in humans but additional copies in hominoid species.
132 ence of glutamate dehydrogenase 2 (GLUD2), a hominoid-specific enzyme purportedly optimized to facili
133 xpression of glutamate dehydrogenase GDH2, a hominoid-specific enzyme with relatively restricted expr
134                                         This hominoid-specific oncogene arose as recently as 21-33 mi
135                                  TBC1D3 is a hominoid-specific oncogene encoded by a cluster of eight
136                                              Hominoid spinal invagination is an embryogenetic mechani
137  of mtDNA sequence variation seen in today's hominoid taxa probably reflect historical differences in
138 ndicates sedimentary constituents, including hominoid teeth and cranial fragments accumulated from ve
139                                    Among the hominoid teeth excavated from S1-S3, some represent Homo
140                  These results show that the hominoid temporal bone contains a strong phylogenetic si
141     Three-dimensional landmark data from the hominoid temporal bone effectively quantify the shape of
142 such substitutions in the nuclear genomes of hominoids than in the nuclear genomes of other primate a
143 istic analyses show that Pliobates is a stem hominoid that is more derived than previously described
144 tes, mitochondrial protein-coding genes from hominoids, the hemagglutinin (HA) gene from human influe
145 e set of Old World and New World monkeys and hominoids to identify functional regions in the human ge
146 s (New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, and hominoids) to support greater metabolic demands.
147 nd referential communication are generalized hominoid traits, given appropriate eliciting contexts.
148 everal primate species, including all extant hominoids, using magnetic resonance imaging.
149 orphological analysis of human and non-human hominoids was conducted in an attempt to determine the m
150 ly when a New World monkey was compared with hominoids were the rates slightly increased in the PAR1
151 l high levels of hand disparity among modern hominoids, which are explained by different evolutionary
152    This critical change in integration among hominoids, which is reflected in macroevolutionary diffe
153 sivalensis also supports reconstruction of a hominoid with a positional repertoire more similar to th

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