


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                  Compared to homomeric 1a channels, heteromeric 1a/1b channels were i
2 unting for the poor functional expression of homomeric 1b currents.
3 thadone inhibited currents mediated by human homomeric 5-HT(3A) receptors (IC(50) = 14.1 +/- 2.5 micr
4 display allosteric agonist activity on human homomeric 5-HT3ARs (64 +/- 7% and 80 +/- 4% of the maxim
5                                              Homomeric 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)(3A) and heteromeric
6 rize genotype-to-phenotype relationships for homomeric ACCase variants identified among 855 accession
7  duplicated nuclear gene (ACC2) that targets homomeric acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase) to plas
8 ACC2, a duplicated nuclear gene that targets homomeric acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase to plastids, whe
9                                In this work, homomeric AChBPs from Lymnaea and Aplysia snails were us
10 use calyx of Held synapse express functional homomeric Acid-sensing ion channel-1a (ASIC-1as) that ca
11 lso reconstituted the Caenorhabditis elegans homomeric ACR-20 receptor in Xenopus oocytes.
12           Unlike subunit interfaces from the homomeric alpha GlyR, subunit interfaces from the hetero
13 The glycine receptor (GlyR) exists either in homomeric alpha or heteromeric alphabeta forms.
14 eceptor (AChR), the alpha3beta4 AChR and the homomeric alpha1 glycine receptor (GlyR).
15          Here we examined the endocytosis of homomeric alpha1 glycine receptors expressed in HEK 293
16            In single-channel recordings, rat homomeric alpha1 K276E receptors were barely active, eve
17 f Held terminals were composed of dispersed, homomeric alpha1 receptors.
18  characterized the kinetic properties of rat homomeric alpha3 glycine receptors heterologously expres
19 he different existing receptor subtypes, the homomeric alpha7 nAChR has attracted considerable attent
20    We suggest that efficient assembly of the homomeric alpha7 nAChR may thus require mRIC-3 self-asso
21                  Recently, we identified the homomeric alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (alpha
22 results indicated that the columns contained homomeric alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (alph
23                                              Homomeric alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors repre
24                                          The homomeric alpha7 nicotinic receptor (nAChR) is one of th
25 BAergic interneurons should be mediated by a homomeric alpha7 or heteromeric alpha7*-containing nAChR
26 o types of nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) (the homomeric alpha7 receptors and the heteromeric alpha*ss*
27  associated with the selective activation of homomeric alpha7 receptors.
28 heir development, adult-born neurons express homomeric alpha7-containing nicotinic acetylcholine rece
29 ain and compared pharmacological profiles of homomeric alpha7-nAChRs and alpha7beta2-nAChRs.
30 ble for concatenated (alpha7)5-nAChRs or for homomeric alpha7-nAChRs constituted from unlinked alpha7
31                                Compared with homomeric alpha7-nAChRs from ventral tegmental area neur
32 f heteromeric alpha7beta2-nAChRs, but not of homomeric alpha7-nAChRs, heterologously expressed in Xen
33 ammalian alpha9 subunits can form functional homomeric alpha9 receptors, alpha10 subunits do not gene
34   We report here single-channel studies of a homomeric AMPA receptor (GluA3) activated by the full ag
35           Recently, a crystal structure of a homomeric AMPA receptor revealed that the four identical
36         Other studies demonstrate that GluR1 homomeric AMPA receptors are the main GluR2-lacking AMPA
37 uaternary structure of a calcium-permeable Q-homomeric AMPA-R.
38    However, even transient exposure of our Q-homomeric AMPA-Rs to urea significantly attenuates the b
39         We show that all HAS isoenzymes form homomeric and also heteromeric complexes with each other
40 modulation of desensitization of recombinant homomeric and heteromeric AMPA and kainate receptors.
41   This mutation renders KCNQ5(dn)-containing homomeric and heteromeric channels nonfunctional.
42 Q1-5 (Kv7.1-7.5) subunits, form a variety of homomeric and heteromeric channels.
43 tion, we demonstrate that ITSN proteins form homomeric and heteromeric complexes with each other reve
44 eral tendency of HAS isoenzymes to form both homomeric and heteromeric complexes with potentially imp
45 ffect the speed of neuroblast migration, the homomeric and heteromeric GLU(K5) receptor antagonists,
46 of experiments using recombinantly expressed homomeric and heteromeric glycine receptor channels, inc
47 nt with binding to an A+A- interface at both homomeric and heteromeric human 5-HT(3) receptors, and e
48 conducting a comprehensive comparison of the homomeric and heteromeric interactions of integrin alpha
49                     Here we investigated the homomeric and heteromeric interactions of TbetaRIII with
50         Transmembrane (TM) helices engage in homomeric and heteromeric interactions that play essenti
51 same face of their respective TM helices for homomeric and heteromeric interactions, the interacting
52 unctionality and is maintained via ArPIKfyve homomeric and heteromeric interactions.
53 ich preferential subunit assembly occurs for homomeric and heteromeric kainate-type glutamate recepto
54 ect of Neto1 on the responses of recombinant homomeric and heteromeric KARs to varying concentrations
55 fects of the auxiliary subunit Neto1 on both homomeric and heteromeric KARs.
56 sized and tested on HEK-293 cells expressing homomeric and heteromeric opioid receptors, and in the m
57 tructural requirements for the activation of homomeric and heteromeric Orco channel complexes.
58         In recent decades, many thousands of homomeric and heteromeric protein complex structures hav
59      The same pattern of changes was seen at homomeric and heteromeric receptors containing cysteine
60 e different subunits (GluK1-5) that can form homomeric and heteromeric receptors with different funct
61 nded to 5-HT following DTT treatment in both homomeric and heteromeric receptors, indicating receptor
62           Our mass spectrometric analysis of homomeric and heteromeric TRPM7 and TRPM6 channels ident
63   Whole-cell K(ATP) channel currents through homomeric and heterozygous F35V and F35L channels were i
64 334 as an ATP-binding residue, reconstituted homomeric and mixed WT+G334D channels exhibit absent or
65 hat G-protein-coupled receptors can exist as homomeric and/or heteromeric complexes is now well estab
66 r ASIC-1a subunit (ASIC1a(-/-)) suggest that homomeric ASIC-1as are mediating these currents in MNTB
67        A significant characteristic of these homomeric ASIC-1as is their permeability to Ca(2+) Activ
68 nsitivity to psalmotoxin 1 (PcTx1) and zinc, homomeric ASIC1a and heteromeric ASIC1a/2 channels were
69 agents only affected the current mediated by homomeric ASIC1a, but not homomeric ASIC1b, ASIC2a, or A
70 urrent mediated by homomeric ASIC1a, but not homomeric ASIC1b, ASIC2a, or ASIC3.
71 apsules are generally identical, and lead to homomeric assemblies of high symmetry.
72 P2 mutant T448K significantly weakened TRPP2 homomeric assembly but had no obvious effect on TRPP2-PK
73                                          The homomeric assembly of E299V mutant proteins actually res
74 lular loops are also found to be involved in homomeric assembly.
75 es previously, and it has been proposed that homomeric association is important for integrin activati
76  homo-oligomers, suggesting that integrin TM homomeric association is not critical for integrin clust
77 out and outside-in signaling, the role of TM homomeric association remains elusive.
78 es Rho and E1 reveals a general mechanism in homomeric ATPases whereby complex allostery within the r
79 a3gamma2L receptors to binary alphabeta3 and homomeric beta3 receptors.
80 etramer is stable in solution; corresponding homomeric bundles present unfavorable ligand-binding env
81 s suggests that the Cys-312 is essential for homomeric but not heteromeric receptor gating.
82 ory relied on the introduction of unnatural, homomeric, calcium-permeable AMPA receptors, we have use
83  Orai1 is a transmembrane protein that forms homomeric, calcium-selective channels activated by strom
84 tructures, both capable of forming their own homomeric capsules through hydrogen bonding.
85                                              Homomeric cbv1 or cbv1-beta2 channels were LTB4-resistan
86  subunit exhibit no functional difference in homomeric channel form.
87 y modules (PMs) of the human Kv7.2 and Kv7.3 homomeric channels and of Kv7.2/3 heteromeric channels b
88                                     Although homomeric channels assembled from the alpha9 nicotinic a
89              TRP proteins mostly assemble to homomeric channels but can also heteromerize, preferenti
90 ily of functional P2X receptors includes six homomeric channels composed of P2X1, P2X2, P2X3, P2X4, P
91 ow that the current-voltage relationships of homomeric channels formed by the alpha2 or alpha3 subuni
92                                        TRPC1 homomeric channels had different average diameter and pr
93                Panx1 and Panx2 formed active homomeric channels in Xenopus oocytes and in vitro vesic
94 urrents in the CNS, and activation of ASIC1a homomeric channels induces neuronal death after local ac
95         In the absence of an ORx, Orco forms homomeric channels that can be activated by a synthetic
96                   It forms large-conductance homomeric channels that desensitize only modestly in res
97                                        KCNQ3 homomeric channels yield very small macroscopic currents
98 pulations consisting of both heteromeric and homomeric channels, additionally revealing the quantitat
99  Although Girk1 is unable to form functional homomeric channels, its presence in cardiac and neuronal
100   Whereas all the subunits can assemble into homomeric channels, the ability of the subunits to assem
101 binant TRPC1 subunits do not form functional homomeric channels.
102 urrents with properties distinct from ASIC1a homomeric channels.
103 iffers from that of heterologously expressed homomeric channels.
104 r acidification and closure of Cx43 and Cx40 homomeric channels.
105 was found to be intermediate to those of the homomeric channels.
106  voltage dependence of either KCNQ4 or KCNQ5 homomeric channels.
107 ations had striking but divergent effects on homomeric channels.
108   TRPP2 functions as a cation channel in its homomeric complex and in the TRPP2/polycystin-1 receptor
109                                   Of all the homomeric complexes HAS1 had the lowest and HAS3 the hig
110 s following Activin treatment, whereas Smad4 homomeric complexes remain cytoplasmic.
111 that alpha-synuclein multimerizes into large homomeric complexes upon membrane binding.
112  association between subunit flexibility and homomeric complexes with cyclic and asymmetric quaternar
113 etry and relative positions of interfaces of homomeric complexes with different oligomeric states.
114     Low pH inhibited the PC2 currents in PC2 homomeric complexes, but failed to affect PC2 currents i
115 other copies of themselves and assemble into homomeric complexes, the overwhelming majority of which
116  suggesting a potential to form higher-order homomeric complexes.
117 have distinct functional properties from the homomeric complexes.
118 t, suggesting that SALMs 4 and 5 mainly form homomeric complexes.
119 wed that all five SALMs form heteromeric and homomeric complexes.
120  models to GluK2/GluK4 heteromeric and GluK2 homomeric concentration-response data, we have determine
121 of vertebrate GPCRs are also thought to form homomeric contacts at TM1 and TM4.
122 fficking that can differ markedly from their homomeric counterparts.
123 erties of the heteromers compared with their homomeric counterparts.
124                                     Both the homomeric CpomOrco and heteromeric CpomOrco + OR complex
125 nisms have been postulated to underlie KCNQ3 homomeric current amplitudes, which are small compared w
126 12K, and I312R) dramatically decreased KCNQ3 homomeric currents as well as heteromeric KCNQ2/3 curren
127 SKF 83959 (an agonist that does not activate homomeric D1 receptors or alter cAMP levels in other sys
128  of a lysine-reactive cross-linker, parallel homomeric dimers are stabilized through K328-K328 and K3
129      Rds forms a mixture of disulfide-linked homomeric dimers, octamers, and higher-order oligomers,
130 NA-binding assays validate the importance of homomeric DnaC interactions, while pull-down experiments
131 on of heteromeric ISA not compensated for by homomeric enzyme affects granule initiation or growth, w
132                                         ISA1 homomeric enzyme complexes assembled in both double muta
133  Mutants lacking ISA2 still possess the ISA1 homomeric enzyme.
134  with one form of ISA1/ISA2 heteromer but no homomeric enzyme.
135 nase function and signal transduction at the homomeric EpoR.
136 result of failing signal transduction at the homomeric erythropoietin receptor (EpoR) and at the hete
137 und that the sensitivity is specific for the homomeric form of the channel and is completely abolishe
138    Cross-linking and native gels of purified homomeric full-length and a C-terminal Panx2 truncation
139 idues to inhibit the UNC-49 GABA receptor, a homomeric GABA receptor from Caenorhabditis elegans that
140         A recent modeling study of the beta3 homomeric GABA(A) receptor postulated a high-affinity pr
141 hosphorothionate binding to the His(8)-beta3 homomeric GABA(A) receptors in a concentration-dependent
142 sing high-density, recombinant, His(8)-beta3 homomeric GABA(A) receptors.
143 this, we studied the effects of DPA on human homomeric GABArho1, alpha7 nicotinic, and 5-HT3A seroton
144      This molecular arrangement implies that homomeric GJs would remain in the cochlea if one of the
145 bunits in vivo, we demonstrate that although homomeric GLR-1 AMPARs can diffuse to and accumulate at
146 ve examined the single-channel properties of homomeric GluA1 AMPARs in combination with the TARPs, ga
147 sence of gamma-2 shows that PhTX-74 inhibits homomeric GluA1 and GluA3 receptors nonselectively, with
148                                              Homomeric GluA1 receptors may also exist.
149  GluA2/3 receptors follows the same rules as homomeric GluA2 receptors.
150   Single-channel recordings of reconstituted homomeric GluA2(flop) receptors recapitulate key electro
151 d potent UV-driven photoinactivation of both homomeric (GluA2) and heteromeric (GluA2:GluA1) AMPA rec
152 l as the whole-cell current amplitude of the homomeric GluA2Q AMPA receptor channels.
153 nit modulates the channel properties in both homomeric (GluA2Q) and complex (GluA2Q/2R and GluA1/2R)
154 lude that the impaired surface expression of homomeric GluA3 receptors is caused by nonproductive ass
155   Based on the recent crystal structure of a homomeric GluClalphaR, we introduced mutations at the in
156 creased to the same degree by Neto1 for both homomeric GluK2 and heteromeric GluK2/GluK5 receptors.
157     Most work thus far has been performed on homomeric GluK2 but, in vivo, kainate receptors are like
158                                 By contrast, homomeric GluK2 channels exhibited a monophasic steady s
159    We found that co-expression of Neto1 with homomeric GluK2 receptors had a small effect on sensitiv
160 uK2/GluK4 and GluK2/GluK5 receptors, but not homomeric GluK2 receptors.
161 valence and magnitude of Neto2 modulation of homomeric GluK2 receptors.
162 induced a preference in binding affinity for homomeric GluK3 over GluK1 (Ki = 0.87 and 4.8 muM, respe
163 GluR1 to foster postsynaptic accumulation of homomeric GluR1 AMPA receptors during initial LTP in 8-w
164  in the NAc are GluR1/2 or GluR2/3, with few homomeric GluR1 or GluR1/3 receptors.
165  substantial number of GluR1/2, GluR2/3, and homomeric GluR1 receptors and that the increase in surfa
166  and reveals a physio-molecular signature of homomeric glycine receptor channels, which provides unpr
167 ceptors, picrotoxin antagonism of the alpha1 homomeric glycine receptors (GlyRs) has been shown to be
168  reconstituting beta+/alpha- interfaces in a homomeric GlyR (alphaChb+a- GlyR), we were able to funct
169 icrotoxin antagonism of the embryonic alpha2 homomeric GlyR is known to be use-dependent and reflects
170 crotin are not equivalent in blocking alpha2 homomeric GlyR.
171 icrotoxin antagonism of the embryonic alpha2 homomeric GlyRs between picrotoxinin and picrotin is unk
172 hich were evoked by the activation of alpha2 homomeric GlyRs stably transfected into Chinese hamster
173 ting that they are mediated by extrasynaptic homomeric GlyRs.
174 </= 30 muM), which selectively blocked alpha homomeric GlyRs.
175 lso explaining the selectivity of PcTX-1 for homomeric hASIC-1a.
176 l rod, cone, and bipolar cells appear to use homomeric HCN channels.
177             Here, we show that inhibition of homomeric HCN1 channels is mediated through anaesthetic
178 ric HCN channels, which activate faster than homomeric HCN2 or homomeric HCN4 channels, and display p
179 which activate faster than homomeric HCN2 or homomeric HCN4 channels, and display properties similar
180 Cx26 KID mutants that do not show functional homomeric hemichannels.
181 acological properties distinct from those of homomeric hERG 1a channels.
182 ated maturation and functional expression of homomeric hERG 1b channels in a charge-dependent manner.
183  h resulted in a profound inhibition of both homomeric hP2X3 and heteromeric hP2X2/3 receptors, an ef
184 fy the sequence of these proteins toward the homomeric human alpha7 nAChR.
185 molecules were docked to model structures of homomeric human ASIC-1 to generate potential interaction
186  this idea by testing propofol modulation of homomeric human glycine receptors (GlyRs) and nematode g
187 pared the effects of ML213 and ICA-069673 on homomeric human Kv7.4, Kv7.5, and heteromeric Kv7.4/7.5
188                     Our results show that TM homomeric interaction does not occur before or after sol
189 inely tuned heterodimeric interaction, while homomeric interaction is less specific.
190 escence complementation assays, HSFA4A shows homomeric interaction, which is reduced by alanine repla
191        By contrast, residues responsible for homomeric interactions are dispersed over a wider surfac
192           They also confirm the hypothesized homomeric interactions between the alphaC-domains and di
193 cence complementation (BiFC) assays revealed homomeric interactions for GnT1IP-L in the ER, and heter
194                 Two forms of alpha-synuclein homomeric interactions were detected: an antiparallel am
195 bacterial proteins to self-assemble and form homomeric interactions, even within the context of a het
196  ArPIKfyve scaffolds the PAS complex through homomeric interactions, mediated via its conserved C-ter
197      Isolated motifs demonstrate hetero- and homomeric interactions, suggesting a propensity for unif
198 not the membrane-distal domain (FN1), formed homomeric interactions.
199              Most MORF proteins also undergo homomeric interactions.
200 orts that GluK4-GluK5 cannot form functional homomeric ion channels and require obligate coassembly w
201 meric arrangements of the PLH bundles within homomeric ion channels by building models using generic
202 PA and kainate receptors can form functional homomeric ion channels, the KA1 and KA2 subunits are obl
203 , K(v)7.2/3, and K(v)7.5/3 channels, whereas homomeric K(v)1.1, K(v)7.1, and K(v)7.2 channels were un
204 rrolidine-2-carboxylic acid (1b), for cloned homomeric kainic acid receptors subtype 1 (GluK1) was at
205 lu receptors potentiated heteromeric but not homomeric KAR-mediated currents, with no change in agoni
206 the exposures had significant effects on the homomeric Kir4.1 channel.
207 eteromeric Kir4.1-Kir5.1 channel but not the homomeric Kir4.1 is subject to the S-glutathionylation t
208 ane patch clamping in COSm6 cells expressing homomeric Kir4.1 or heteromeric Kir4.1/Kir5.1 channels.
209 aracterized SNPs (Q212R, L166Q, and G83V) on homomeric (Kir4.1) and heteromeric (Kir4.1-Kir5.1) chann
210 RNA editing as a novel mechanism to regulate homomeric Kv1.1 channel trafficking.
211 sion efficiency and functional expression of homomeric Kv1.2 channels.
212     Here we found that currents generated by homomeric Kv1.4, Kv3.3, and Kv3.4 channels are all stron
213 NE1 and KCNE2 suppress currents generated by homomeric Kv1.4, Kv3.3, and Kv3.4 channels, by trapping
214     We characterized the differences between homomeric Kv2.1 and heteromeric Kv2.1/Kv8.2 channels and
215  generation and resulted in the formation of homomeric Kv2.1 channels only.
216 stem (CNS), where it can form heteromeric or homomeric Kv3 channels.
217 xcitability, these data highlight a role for homomeric Kv3.4 channels in spike timing and neurotransm
218  pyramidal neurons reflect the expression of homomeric Kv4.2 channels.
219 icantly increased the maximum conductance of homomeric Kv7.4 and Kv7.5, as well as heteromeric Kv7.4/
220 nels but was significantly less effective on homomeric Kv7.5 channels.
221 zed the kinetics and thermodynamics of small homomeric Lewis X-Lewis X ensembles formed in the contac
222 se was largely blunted in oocytes expressing homomeric MEC-4 or MEC-4d channels.
223                                              Homomeric MPTL-1 channels reconstituted in Xenopus oocyt
224 multiple, independent MD simulations of each homomeric mu-OR/mu-OR, delta-OR/delta-OR, and kappa-OR/k
225                                              Homomeric mutant channels reconstituted in COS cells sho
226 ical correction of the trafficking defect in homomeric mutant channels was possible for mutations wit
227                                              Homomeric mutants are more sensitive to DH-CBD than are
228 tes, which heterologously express functional homomeric nAChR composed of alpha9 subunits or heteromer
229 nitial stages of nicotine dependence, alpha7 homomeric nAChRs appear to be involved in the later stag
230 normal olivocochlear activity because alpha9 homomeric nAChRs do not support maintenance of normal ol
231 roducts, suggesting that the residual alpha9 homomeric nAChRs expressed by outer hair cells are unabl
232 cetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) evolved from homomeric nAChRs in which all five subunits are involved
233 tion of emc-6 also reduced the expression of homomeric nicotine-sensitive AChRs and GABAA receptors i
234            The activation of heteromeric and homomeric nicotinic acetylcholine receptors was studied
235 enhance conotoxin potency and selectivity at homomeric nicotinic ion channels.
236                                     Although homomeric NR1 subunits form an active ion channel that c
237 n the C643A mutant, and KCNQ3 H646C produced homomeric or heteromeric (with KCNQ2) currents similar t
238 e expression no longer tetramerize in either homomeric or heteromeric assemblies.
239 istinct functional effects, depending on the homomeric or heteromeric composition of the target, its
240         Functional studies revealed that, in homomeric or heteromeric configuration with K(V)7.2 and/
241 st to ISA-null lines, indicating that either homomeric or heteromeric ISA is competent for starch bio
242  is the increased recruitment of MDM4 by the homomeric or heteromeric mutant p53(V172F) complex that
243 oline receptors can be assembled from either homomeric or heteromeric pentameric subunit combinations
244 on channel (ASIC) subunits associate to form homomeric or heteromeric proton-gated ion channels in ne
245 subunits have different propensities to form homomeric or various heteromeric receptors expressed on
246 sults reveal the existence of two classes of homomeric P2X receptors with differential sensitivity to
247          UTP also facilitated bladder neuron homomeric P2X(2) sustained currents and homomeric P2X(3)
248 uron homomeric P2X(2) sustained currents and homomeric P2X(3) fast currents.
249                                              Homomeric P2X1 receptors open on binding ATP and then tr
250                                   Purinergic homomeric P2X3 and heteromeric P2X2/3 receptors are liga
251 activating ATP currents that are mediated by homomeric P2X3 receptors in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) n
252 d peak amplitudes of alpha,beta-meATP-evoked homomeric P2X3-mediated currents, but had no effect on h
253 a, the purification of which showed it to be homomeric PAFAH1b2.
254  over time, possibly because Panx1 and Panx2 homomeric pannexons have different monomer sizes and oli
255 contrast, abolished PC2 currents in both the homomeric PC2 complexes and the heteromeric PC2/TRPC1 co
256              The topological features of the homomeric PC2-, TRPC1- and heteromeric PC2/TRPC1 channel
257 al membrane protein complexes, including the homomeric PglK and the heteromeric BtuCD as well as BtuC
258 ria and suggest that interaction of S1P with homomeric PHB2 is important for cytochrome-c oxidase ass
259 ivities are due to heteromeric Pmt1-Pmt2 and homomeric Pmt4 complexes.
260 ion to surmount the noisy proximal region, a homomeric polyprotein marker, a carrier to mechanically
261 t switch from inactive heteromeric to active homomeric protein complexes.
262       There is increasing evidence that this homomeric purinoceptor, which is expressed in several ne
263 tentiated responses of 10 muM L-glutamate at homomeric rat GluA2(Q)i receptors with EC50 values of 67
264 activity on the alpha7 nicotinic receptor, a homomeric receptor with sequences similar to those of th
265 y of the five possible binding sites on this homomeric receptor.
266 e in hbeta3 allow expression as a functional homomeric receptor.
267 alpha7 subunit or alpha10 subunit and alpha9 homomeric receptors are also important.
268  five receptor subunits, as they do not form homomeric receptors but modify the properties of heterom
269  previous reports suggested functional alpha homomeric receptors in mature nervous tissues.
270 er, a small number of Ca(2+)-permeable GluA1 homomeric receptors reside in extrasynaptic locations wh
271                In comparison to GluA2, GluA3 homomeric receptors showed a strong and Tyr-454/Arg-461-
272 e N46K mutation into recombinant GlyR alpha1 homomeric receptors, expressed in HEK cells, reduced the
273 r the poor ability of GluA3 subunits to form homomeric receptors, linked previously to two amino acid
274  mV) in healthy eosinophils, typical of P2X1 homomeric receptors, which were abolished by the selecti
275 ) subunits forming functional heteromeric or homomeric receptors.
276 uggesting that GluRdelta1 receptors can form homomeric receptors.
277 tion removed activation by propofol in beta3 homomeric receptors; however, this mutation alone or in
278 gously expressed GABA(C) receptors formed by homomeric rho subunits.
279  12 microm, but had no significant effect on homomeric rho1 receptors.
280 nt reduction of the GABA-elicited current on homomeric rho2 receptors with an IC(50) of about 12 micr
281 ule known as the prohead RNA (pRNA), and the homomeric ring ATPase gp16.
282 ensive mechanochemical characterization of a homomeric ring ATPase-the bacteriophage phi29 packaging
283                                              Homomeric ring ATPases perform many vital and varied tas
284        It is largely unknown how the typical homomeric ring geometry of ATPases associated with vario
285 thus maximize the efficiency of assembly for homomeric ring-like structures.
286 ll-cell contacts.The dynamic strength of the homomeric self-association was measured as a function of
287 anged as a dimer of dimers as exemplified in homomeric structures, but no high-resolution structure c
288            We found significant FRET between homomeric subunits as expected from their functional exp
289    Human (h) beta3 subunits assemble to form homomeric surface receptors in somatic cells, but hbeta1
290  an expression switch from neonatal alpha(2) homomeric to predominantly mature alpha(1)/beta glycine
291 parent inward (cytosolic) open state forming homomeric trimers.
292 iophysical and pharmacological properties of homomeric TRPC4 channels and depletion of TRPC1 or TRPC4
293                                Inhibitors of homomeric TRPC4 channels were weak inhibitors of the Ica
294  of TRPC6/C7 subunits, while OAG activates a homomeric TRPC6 channel in mesenteric artery myocytes.
295                                 We show that homomeric TRPM6 is highly sensitive to intracellular fre
296 ansport and whether this involves functional homomeric TRPM6 plasma membrane channels or heteromeric
297 tivity to intracellular Mg.ATP compared with homomeric TRPM7.
298 binding interface, and (iii) the assembly of homomeric TRUSS complexes may contribute to its role in
299                                 Oligomers of homomeric voltage-gated potassium channels associate ear
300 lutamate by 9000-fold in comparison to GluK2 homomeric wildtype receptors.

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