


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 th individual neurons expressing both ASIC1a homomultimeric and ASIC1a/2a heteromultimeric channels.
2 bunits are predominant in CNS neurons, where homomultimeric and heteromultimeric channel configuratio
3     Steady-state dose-response relations for homomultimeric and heteromultimeric channels were well f
4 ow the activation of TRPC5 (canonical TRP 5) homomultimeric and TRPC5-TRPC1 heteromultimeric channels
5 ted Na(+) current associated with either the homomultimeric ASIC1a or ASIC2a channel was not influenc
6 ytoplasmic termini of ROMK1 subunits mediate homomultimeric assembly.
7 nt of UreF to the apourease and that crucial homomultimeric associations occur among these accessory
8              By studying mutant GIRK2 weaver homomultimeric channels and heteromultimeric channels co
9  Xenopus oocytes, we found that GIRK2 weaver homomultimeric channels lose their selectivity for K+ io
10 expressed in central neurons, neither ASIC2a homomultimeric channels nor ASIC1a/2a heteromultimers sh
11 -subunit of the bovine retinal channel forms homomultimeric channels that are activated by cGMP with
12 ult suggests that GIRK1 does not form native homomultimeric channels.
13 erent ion conformations formed by ESI versus homomultimeric complexes with the same m/z.
14 ins but that it may be able to assemble into homomultimeric complexes.
15  gene therapy trials, and perhaps, for other homomultimeric enzyme deficiencies being considered as g
16 extracts are prepared anaerobically only the homomultimeric forms of NifW are observed.
17 ne deformability depends on integral protein homomultimeric interactions and can be modulated from th
18                                       Unique homomultimeric interactions of UreD and UreF were also d
19              We conclude that interaction of homomultimeric invasin with multiple integrins establish
20 ting modulator, ML277, that potentiates both homomultimeric KCNQ1 channels and unsaturated heteromult
21 ly of Shaker homologues, most similar to the homomultimeric Kv1.1 translation product.
22  hierarchical assembly of structures such as homomultimeric linear tracks and heterotrimeric wirefram
23 he three principal structural modules of the homomultimeric MCM of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sul
24                                  A family of homomultimeric outer-membrane proteins termed secretins
25              P2X2 and P2X3 subunits can form homomultimeric P2X2, homomultimeric P2X3, or heteromulti
26  P2X3 subunits can form homomultimeric P2X2, homomultimeric P2X3, or heteromultimeric P2X2/3 receptor
27               This phenomenon is relevant to homomultimeric protein defects such as OTCD, represent a
28  activity, allows the fusion and assembly of homomultimeric proteins as well as control of the number
29 ity, envelope association, and assembly into homomultimeric structures.
30  the first report describing the presence of homomultimeric TPC1 channels and the first study showing
31    The ligand-binding properties of a 53 kDa homomultimeric trimer from mannose-binding protein (MBP)
32  assay, previously described UreE dimers and homomultimeric UreA interactions among apourease trimers
33  mechanism responsible for the generation of homomultimeric Vn, a multimeric form of Vn that is not i

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