


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 he head enhanced bilateral iMEP effects from homonymous and heteronymous muscles, respectively.
2 racic nerve at two sites was used to examine homonymous and heteronymous reflexes of SA, while electr
3                                     However, homonymous and polysemous words differed in how meaning
4 neuron) were reconstructed, of which 17 were homonymous, and seven were heteronymous.
5 y muscle afferent input were observed in the homonymous (biceps brachii) and antagonist (triceps brac
6                                     Overall, homonymous contact systems had an average of 9.6 boutons
7 er of boutons found on type S motoneurons in homonymous contact systems was smaller (6.4, range 3-17)
8 de decreased during bilateral contraction of homonymous (elbow flexor) muscles and increased during b
9                         The prototypical and homonymous family member is an Escherichia coli "adaptiv
10 tion affecting left-to-right readers, with a homonymous field defect that encroaches into their right
11 cit associated with "pure" alexia is a right homonymous field defect; an impairment that may, by itse
12  study was designed to examine the effect of homonymous hemianopia (HH) on detection of pedestrian fi
13             The hypothesis that drivers with homonymous hemianopia (HH) would take a lane position th
14 in normal readers and have shown how a right homonymous hemianopia disrupts the motor preparation of
15                        Patients with stable, homonymous hemianopia due to unilateral occipital infarc
16 atients were 18 years or older with complete homonymous hemianopia for at least 3 months and without
17       Retinal nerve fibre loss in congenital homonymous hemianopia in humans is well recognized from
18                                              Homonymous hemianopia is the commonest form of acquired
19                    Patients with an acquired homonymous hemianopia often adapt over a period of a few
20 alexia and patients with an incomplete right homonymous hemianopia, but no reading deficit, viewed si
21 s demonstrated in patients with severe right homonymous hemianopia, commensurate with their inability
22                         Dyslexia, incomplete homonymous hemianopia, preserved color identification wi
23 are destroyed, resulting in a complete right homonymous hemianopia, rightward saccades during text re
24                         All participants had homonymous hemianopia.
25 opia, optic neuritis, and residual vision in homonymous hemianopia.
26 cute event in a group of seven patients with homonymous hemianopia; here a negative straight line rel
27  included: age >18 years at time of testing; homonymous hemianopia; no other ophthalmic or neurologic
28                   Thirty-three patients with homonymous hemianopias and 50 normal subjects were teste
29 occurred in one patient, and hemiplegia with homonymous hemianopsia developed as a complication of ve
30 ogression of visual symptoms including right homonymous hemianopsia, alexia, and simultanagnosia with
31 euro-ophthalmology clinic with an acute left homonymous hemianopsia.
32 h uncrossed hands, i.e. each hand was in the homonymous hemispace (standard oculomotor-somatomotor ma
33       Ia fibers made strong connections with homonymous motoneurons but only weak connections with an
34 f 18) showed a clear increasing trend during homonymous muscle activity (extension).
35 ections with motoneurons supplying the same (homonymous) muscle but make few or no connections with m
36 neuropathies and 18 patients with a relative homonymous or bitemporal hemianopia were tested with bot
37 bsequently, HRP was injected into two to six homonymous or heteronymous alpha-motoneurons per animal
38 plegia following stroke the threshold of the homonymous phasic stretch reflex was low, but it had a n
39 sappeared when the tap to Tri evoked its own homonymous phasic stretch reflex, providing neurophysiol
40 sis showed persistent low thresholds for the homonymous phasic stretch reflex, which had abnormally s
41 ss of conscious vision in the corresponding, homonymous region of the contralateral visual hemifield
42 defect, the abnormal test location had to be homonymous, respect the vertical meridian, and have no a
43                              Two people with homonymous right hemianopias were tested on a number of
44                                              Homonymous sensory afferents and motoneurons typically f
45 t lexical decision task, with polysemous and homonymous stimuli.
46 ue that given the clear negative effect that homonymous visual field defect has on patients' lives, t
47 e three main approaches to rehabilitation of homonymous visual field defect have been pursued in rece
48                                      Partial homonymous visual field defect was detected in 80 % (8/1
49 hemianopia is the commonest form of acquired homonymous visual field defect; the usual causes are str
50                                Patients with homonymous visual field defects experience disabling fun
51  plays a large role in the rehabilitation of homonymous visual field defects.
52                                   Unilateral homonymous visual field disorders after brain damage are
53 erial (words) in 40 patients with unilateral homonymous visual field disorders and hemianopic dyslexi
54                         This is true of both homonymous words (words that have multiple unrelated mea

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