


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ittle conflict, natural selection favors the honest.
2 to be energetically costly, which keeps them honest.
3             We found that offspring are less honest about their level of need when (i) they face comp
4            We investigated the potential for honest acoustic cues in the bellows of adult American al
5 ests that prefrontal regions are critical to honest and dishonest behavior, but causal evidence speci
6 ative and palliative care options, providing honest and timely prognostic information, making clear r
7  outcomes of continence and potency requires honest and, as best possible, objective analysis.
8          We observe the competition between "honest" and "hypocritical" strategies.
9 ofessionals to be empathetic, compassionate, honest, and caring.
10 biguously established if warning signals are honest, and have rarely considered predator vision or co
11 s." The aim of the conference was to take an honest appraisal about the state of cancer research toda
12                               We propose an "honest" approach to estimation, whereby one sample is us
13 es for future samples but also to provide an honest assessment of the uncertainties associated with s
14  to increase their earnings, thereby pitting honest behavior against personal financial gain.
15  results point to a causal role for DLPFC in honest behavior.
16 ut the neurobiological mechanisms supporting honest behavior.
17                                           An honest broker system was used to extract clinical, hemod
18 nded in the IOM report: use of a centralized honest broker.
19 thesis proposes that animal signals are kept honest by appropriate signal costs.
20                            Compassionate and honest communication about prognosis and likelihood of b
21 ions between treehoppers and ants shows that honest communication coordinates anti-predator behaviour
22  cost to signal inaccuracy that may maintain honest communication over evolutionary time.
23        In a xeric environment, this level of honest communication should be adaptive when plant repro
24 t, but overlooked factor in the evolution of honest communication.
25     Here, we demonstrate that, in this game, honest cost-free signals are possible as well, under ver
26     Recent signalling models have shown that honest, cost-free communication between relatives can be
27 ts on the vocal tract's size render formants honest cues to size in many bird and mammal species, but
28 ple want their parents to engage in open and honest discussions about the genetic condition.
29                                    Due to an honest error in the interpretation of a key lab test by
30  anticipates that bias will be eliminated by honest estimation and also accounts for the effect of ma
31                                              Honest estimation requires estimating the model with a s
32 study, we show that for our preferred method honest estimation results in nominal coverage for 90% co
33  fit in treatment effects and to account for honest estimation.
34             Science is defined in part by an honest exposition of the uncertainties that arise in mea
35                 The stability conditions for honest handicap signalling are presented for a single ch
36 he degree to which signals convey accurate ("honest") information about the signaler.
37                                     Proof of honest intent is typically provided through signature at
38                                    It was an honest mistake, not fraud or scientific misconduct.
39 iewers, and editors of Blood for making this honest mistake.
40 tion of drug delivery technology requires an honest, open dialog without any preconceived ideas of th
41              But are these figures clear and honest or misleading?
42 n other cases, the fact that speech contains honest (physiological) information, and tends to be used
43  resuscitation scheme, a logical start is an honest reappraisal of the importance and priorities of e
44 quired by businesses and governments rely on honest reporting.
45 rticipants felt that the ACASI elicited more honest responses than did interviewer-administered quest
46 n patients are well-known to staff, and when honest self-reporting is encouraged.
47 ng possibility that red coloration may be an honest signal of detoxification ability.
48 ooperation evolves because it constitutes an honest signal of the member's quality as a mate, coaliti
49 thors to show how signal cost can facilitate honest signaling among relatives.
50 the contrary, signal cost is unnecessary for honest signaling even when interests conflict.
51 uckoldry (1.3% versus 2.9%) by enforcing the honest signaling of menstruation, but that all three rel
52                                 We show that honest signaling of underlying quality by providing a pu
53                              As predicted by honest signaling theory, we show that in the burrower bu
54 escalated scramble competition or to enforce honest signaling.
55 show that, for a two-channel system in which honest signalling is possible on both channels, the chan
56 mals strongly suggests that the principle of honest signalling via vocal tract resonances may be a br
57 e, in accordance with a theoretical model of honest signalling.
58 eption that stabilises honesty, and that the honest signals exhibited at equilibrium need not be extr
59               The description of formants as honest signals in a non-avian reptile combined with prev
60 the act of guarding another female's eggs as honest signals of paternal intent and quality.
61 or of toxicity, showing that the colours are honest signals.
62 uals with a liver transplant using the Tukey honest significant difference (HSD) test for multiple co
63 alyses of variance with Bonferroni and Tukey honest significant difference post hoc tests.
64 t, analysis of variance, Wilcoxon, and Tukey Honest Significant Difference tests.
65 nd intuitive conditions for the evolution of honest strategies.
66 equire high and differential costs to remain honest (that is, prevent low-quality cheaters from explo
67                            Decision aids and honest, unbiased sources to inform patients of their pro
68  When facing opposing moral sentiments-to be honest vs. to join forces in collaboration-people often
69      However, humans do not always act in an honest way.

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