


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ty to withstand numerous stresses imposed by host immunity.
2 ent and is a promising approach to stimulate host immunity.
3 ent natural infection in priming or boosting host immunity.
4 ope, raising the possibility of selection by host immunity.
5 perturbations to the commensal microbiota or host immunity.
6 obial diseases in addition to its effects on host immunity.
7 ans by which Gram-negative bacteria modulate host immunity.
8 ack this machinery, thereby interfering with host immunity.
9 s linked insights into its pathogenicity and host immunity.
10 overexpression sensitizes M. tuberculosis to host immunity.
11 vergent and tissue-specific roles of IRF8 in host immunity.
12 ppressive cytokine IL-10 and MMTV evasion of host immunity.
13 hether TNF inhibitors in clinical use reduce host immunity.
14 lf by host immune receptors and activate non-host immunity.
15 ral commensal might help cancer cells escape host immunity.
16 rm multiple protective functions for evading host immunity.
17 ous strategies to combat, subvert, or co-opt host immunity.
18  their diversity, and how they interact with host immunity.
19  has multiple implications for regulation of host immunity.
20  therefore been postulated to exist to evade host immunity.
21 gical roles in the evasion and modulation of host immunity.
22 stent infection by HTLV-I and virus-specific host immunity.
23 GAS) and an antigenically variable target of host immunity.
24  cells affects their function and influences host immunity.
25 ate responses that shape effective long-term host immunity.
26  NGFbeta-TRKA signaling in pathogen-specific host immunity.
27 detailed assessment of their contribution to host immunity.
28  may improve the ability of a virus to evade host immunity.
29 innate immune system to orchestrate adaptive host immunity.
30 15), a protein involved in the regulation of host immunity.
31 y influence cellular behavior and ultimately host immunity.
32 um has evolved exquisite mechanisms to avoid host immunity.
33 erstand how this virus replicates and evades host immunity.
34 ed by a microbial effector to interfere with host immunity.
35 and consider how resident viruses may impact host immunity.
36 contribution of the LOS component in driving host immunity.
37 l processes or signaling pathways to subvert host immunity.
38 ir ability to stimulate anti-M. tuberculosis host immunity.
39 to 7 days without clearance or triggering of host immunity.
40 c phenotypes that can facilitate escape from host immunity.
41 cursors with the ability to adversely affect host immunity.
42 ct of mycolate cyclopropanation is to dampen host immunity.
43 , as is the contribution of these factors to host immunity.
44 tes are predicted to circumvent and overcome host immunity.
45 e helminths provide protection by modulating host immunity.
46      IL-12 family cytokines are important in host immunity.
47 derstanding of how commensal organisms shape host immunity.
48 role of eosinophils in allergic diseases and host immunity.
49 tly inhibit the growth of GBS independent of host immunity.
50 nologists discover targets and mechanisms of host immunity.
51 tuning NOD2 signalling to promote protective host immunity.
52 rns that stimulate protective or detrimental host immunity.
53 tside (apoplastic) plant cells to neutralize host immunity.
54 classical apoptosis that can shape long-term host immunity.
55 at this ascovirus protein helps evade innate host immunity.
56 ease their infectious potential and suppress host immunity.
57 or preventing perturbations in this facet of host immunity.
58 arriage and virulence traits, and evasion of host immunity.
59 mechanism used by an arbovirus to manipulate host immunity.
60 as evolved sophisticated mechanisms to evade host immunity.
61 esting a broader role beyond deregulation of host immunity.
62  both positive and negative consequences for host immunity.
63  and promoting survival under high levels of host immunity.
64 defined microbial virulence as a function of host immunity.
65 on (IFN)-alpha-based treatment is related to host immunity.
66 , translation, ligand-substrate binding, and host immunity.
67  evolutionary process in their co-option for host immunity.
68 tes, which employ RXLR effectors to suppress host immunity, a carbohydrate-binding module family 1 (C
69 c evolution allowing mutant viruses to evade host immunity acquired to previous virus strains.
70                                      Because host immunity affects infection and progression to cance
71 ng-lived IgM plasma cells provide protective host immunity against a lethal virus challenge.
72 mpelling evidence indicates that Th17 confer host immunity against a variety of microbes, including e
73                                              Host immunity against bacteria typically involves antibo
74 members IL-12p70 and IL-23 are important for host immunity against Candida spp.
75 xerts crucial functions in the regulation of host immunity against extracellular pathogens, DNA damag
76 d parasitic infections; however, its role in host immunity against fungal pathogens, including the ma
77 ROS and RNS in neutrophils and in regulating host immunity against K. pneumoniae infection.
78 atopoietic and resident cells contributes to host immunity against Klebsiella.
79                  Helminth infections inhibit host immunity against microbial pathogens, which has lar
80 ytosis pathway is intimately associated with host immunity against pathogens.
81 dress the specific role of CD20 depletion in host immunity against Pneumocystis, we examined a murine
82  host-directed therapy aimed at manipulating host immunity against TB.
83 rotein for RIG-I like receptor in regulating host immunity against the live attenuated West Nile viru
84 rotein for RIG-I-like receptor in regulating host immunity against the NS4B-P38G vaccine.
85 h may represent an early warning to activate host immunity against the pathogen.
86                                    Restoring host immunity against the virus is the cornerstone of tr
87 eta) production and development of effective host immunity against WNV.
88 D-1 also may serve as a biomarker to monitor host immunity among patients with tuberculosis during th
89 ificantly improve our knowledge of effective host immunity and accelerate the HIV cure agenda.
90  effectors into host plant cells to suppress host immunity and achieve infection, which demonstrates
91                                 Selection by host immunity and antimalarial drugs has driven extensiv
92 ng our understanding of the roles of IRF8 in host immunity and autoimmunity.
93 um tuberculosis reflects the balance between host immunity and bacterial evasion strategies.
94 ommunities (the microbiota) is influenced by host immunity and can have a profound impact on host phy
95  in Malawi and detected potential targets of host immunity and candidate vaccine antigens.
96 um tuberculosis (Mtb) defends itself against host immunity and chemotherapy at several levels, includ
97 apacity for evolutionary adaptation to evade host immunity and develop drug resistance.
98  develop inside another insect by regulating host immunity and development via maternal factors injec
99 ltaneous investigation of pathogen activity, host immunity and diet, thereby extending direct investi
100 ing via bacterial metabolism, stimulation of host immunity and direct bacterial antagonism.
101 trategies that EBV uses to subvert and evade host immunity and discuss the implications for the devel
102  a number of effector molecules that inhibit host immunity and facilitate pathogen transmission.
103 LR crosstalk pathways in ways that undermine host immunity and favor their persistence.
104  axis inhibits antiviral innate and adaptive host immunity and favors establishment of viral persiste
105         Poorly immunogenic tumor cells evade host immunity and grow even in the presence of an intact
106 potent immunotherapeutic agent that improves host immunity and has shown efficacy in bacterial and vi
107 erived metabolites in the intestine regulate host immunity and impact disease pathophysiology in vari
108  and highlight the importance of considering host immunity and infection history for vaccine design.
109  suggests the commensal microbiome regulates host immunity and influences brain function; findings th
110             Gut commensals profoundly affect host immunity and intestinal homeostasis, but the impact
111 r polysaccharide (CPS) that protects against host immunity and is synthesized by enzymes in the capsu
112                     TNF blockade compromises host immunity and may cause reactivation of latent infec
113               Helminthic infections modulate host immunity and may protect people in less-developed c
114 t microbiota, with a profound impact on both host immunity and metabolic potential.
115 e that LVS clpB is attenuated due to altered host immunity and not an intrinsic growth defect.
116 ish homodimer activity contributes to proper host immunity and organismal health.
117 s) from plants and pathogens, which regulate host immunity and pathogen virulence.
118  in maintaining the delicate balance between host immunity and pathology during pulmonary infection w
119            Understanding how viruses subvert host immunity and persist is essential for developing st
120 gnaling, and features profound influences on host immunity and physiology, including the endocrine, m
121 mpen type I IFN signaling, and thereby evade host immunity and promote infection.
122  bacteriostatic component of cell-autonomous host immunity and reveal a T4SS-translocated L. pneumoph
123                        The effect of IL-7 on host immunity and survival was recorded.
124 ted to better understand how hormones impact host immunity and susceptibility factors important for H
125  elucidate the role of SP110b in controlling host immunity and susceptibility to tuberculosis (TB), a
126 es that M. tuberculosis utilizes to modulate host immunity and thereby persist in host lungs.
127 leukin-22 (IL-22) plays an important role in host immunity and tissue homeostasis in infectious and i
128 uctive epithelium pose a unique challenge to host immunity and vaccine development.
129 tion networks and how these networks control host immunity and viral infection remain to be elucidate
130 ants, however, the functions of autophagy in host immunity and viral pathogenesis are poorly understo
131 (SUMO) proteins regulate multiple aspects of host immunity and viral replication.
132 asitic diseases through metabolic effects on host immunity and/or the parasite.
133 elp explain how L. heterotoma shuts down its hosts' immunity and shed light on the molecular basis of
134 ow these structures enable bacteria to evade host immunity, and current and developing strategies for
135 ffector proteins into host cells to suppress host immunity, and many plants have evolved resistance p
136 mmunities, adhere tightly to surfaces, evade host immunity, and resist antibiotics.
137 y which EPEC colonizes the intestine, evades host immunity, and spreads from person to person.
138              It secretes molecules to dampen host immunity, and the recently identified adenosine is
139 e observations of links between bacteria and host immunity, and they provide further evidence for nov
140 sses including embryogenesis, wound healing, host immunity, and tumor suppression.
141            Like that of many genes linked to host immunity, APOL1 expression is induced by proinflamm
142 plex network of molecules that confer normal host immunity are challenges that clinical immunologists
143                   However, the mechanisms of host immunity are complex and often combinatorial.
144 r mechanisms that underlie symbiont-mediated host immunity are largely unknown.
145  may be a viable model for HCV and implicate host immunity as a potential species-specific barrier to
146  in tumor cells and is capable of modulating host immunity as either a neutralizing decoy receptor or
147 asopharynx, biofilm formation and evasion of host immunity as previously demonstrated.
148 ng of reproductive effort and its effects on host immunity, as well as documented sex differences in
149  examines the contribution of neutrophils to host immunity, as well as the effect of cholera toxin an
150 zema formation, and highlight the microbiota-host immunity axis as a possible target for future thera
151 ed that all of these regions act against the host immunity barrier.
152 ges, which we illustrate by developing a new host immunity-based platform for detection of infections
153 lished that pro-oxidative stressors suppress host immunity because of their ability to generate oxidi
154 experiment designed to test how variation in host immunity, behaviour and body size affected variatio
155 and its usefulness as a target of protective host immunity blocking the transmission of B. burgdorfer
156 fections are generally ascribed to defective host immunity but may require specific microbial program
157 ion is consistent with intraseason waning of host immunity, but bias or residual confounding could ex
158  the synergy of both bacterial predation and host immunity, but that in vivo predation contributes si
159 eg) cells have broad suppressive activity on host immunity, but the fate and function of suppressed r
160 s to disease progression and manipulation of host immunity, but the mechanisms by which this occurs a
161       The Nlrp3 inflammasome is critical for host immunity, but the mechanisms controlling its activa
162                               One helps with host immunity, but the other can cause immunopathology.
163 to promote tumor regression with the help of host immunity, but this hypothesis has not been examined
164 vestigated whether these drugs might subvert host immunity by activating PAF-R.
165                   We evaluated the impact of host immunity by comparing M. tuberculosis and human gen
166                  Oxidative stress suppresses host immunity by generating oxidized lipid agonists of t
167 ritic cells (cDCs) play an essential role in host immunity by initiating adaptive T cell responses an
168  and animal pathogenic bacteria can suppress host immunity by injecting type III secreted effector (T
169 onment, MDSCs effectively suppress antiviral host immunity by limiting the function of several immune
170 e JAK/STAT pathway, and SOCS3 contributes to host immunity by regulating the intensity and duration o
171 oil-transmitted helminth infections, and yet host immunity can also influence the impact of warming o
172 nt transmission rates would suggest and that host immunity can extinguish subsequent infection foci.
173  loss of F-MLV infectivity, independently of host immunity, challenging whether associations exist be
174 a descriptive "looking" approach to identify host immunity components in a variety of animal models a
175         Next, we moved to characterize these host immunity components in normal humans, before applyi
176 y evolutionary mechanism, aiding escape from host immunity, contributing to changes in tropism and po
177                                              Host immunity controls the development of colorectal can
178  infect keratinocytes and successfully evade host immunity despite the fact that keratinocytes are we
179 eased aggregation, could be offset by better host immunity due to improved nutrition.
180 t, but little is known about how they affect host immunity during C. difficile infection.
181 h the importance of alveolar macrophages for host immunity during early Streptococcus pneumoniae lung
182 ognized role of MCP-1 in neutrophil-mediated host immunity during K. pneumoniae pneumonia and illustr
183 the particular roles of viral expression and host immunity during the chronic phase of HTLV-I infecti
184  SMase C, the resulting mutant can evade the host immunity elicited by a live vaccine because additio
185                               The evasion of host immunity employed by viruses to establish viral per
186  are characterized by their ability to evade host immunity, even in vaccinated individuals.
187 tal factors, including antimicrobial use and host immunity, exert selection on members of the nasopha
188 mia after trauma is, in part, consequence of host immunity failure and may not be completely preventa
189 ting how KSHV deregulates autophagy-mediated host immunity for its life cycle.
190  growth and invasion, protect the tumor from host immunity, foster therapeutic resistance, and provid
191  RNAs (Bc-sRNAs) into plant cells to silence host immunity genes.
192 Argonaute 1 (AGO1) and selectively silencing host immunity genes.
193            This broad-spectrum modulation of host immunity has intended and unintended consequences,
194 esistance, the impact of BRAFi resistance on host immunity has not been explored.
195 e shown that microbiota activate and educate host immunity, how immune systems shape microbiomes and
196               However, T3SEs can also elicit host immunity if the host has evolved a means to recogni
197 ence that beneficial microbes cooperate with host immunity in an effort to shut out pathogens.
198 acity for adaptive selection and escape from host immunity in HIV-2 infection.
199 data suggest that targeting CCR5 may improve host immunity in individuals receiving TNF-alpha antagon
200  G-CSF could be used to rescue impairment in host immunity in individuals with absent or malfunctiona
201  with a role for these T cells in protective host immunity in TB.
202 ublytic amounts, PVL can activate protective host immunity in the absence of cell damage.
203 play among harmless microbes, pathogens, and host immunity in the regulation of pathogen-specific Th1
204 melanoma-prone mice to determine the role of host immunity in type I BRAF inhibitor PLX4720 antitumor
205 ar Typhimurium (FliC) can impact markedly on host immunity, in part via its recognition by TLR5.
206 use CD4(+) T cells are known contributors to host immunity, including cytokine production, help for C
207 ortant implications for our understanding of host immunity-inducing mechanisms to vaccination, as wel
208                                              Host immunity influences the impact of radiotherapy (RT)
209                                   To subvert host immunity, influenza A virus (IAV) induces early apo
210 se-causing T cells while keeping the overall host immunity intact.
211 te that PLYa has the potential to manipulate host immunity irrespective of capsule type.
212                        Because inhibition of host immunity is a common survival strategy of pathogeni
213 rapy aiming at enhancing innate and acquired host immunity is a promising approach for cancer treatme
214 n of specific mechanisms by which CS affects host immunity is an important step toward elucidating me
215 population in sputum and reveal that reduced host immunity is associated with lower prevalence of CF-
216                                              Host immunity is based on incorporation of invader DNA s
217 rnessing the ability of microbiota to affect host immunity is considered an important therapeutic str
218 complex combination of oxidants generated by host immunity is difficult to accurately recapitulate in
219 s of the interplay between the cell wall and host immunity is fundamental to combatting Aspergillus d
220 of effector genes that results in evasion of host immunity is one emerging phenomenon.
221  role of the protein's functional domains in host immunity is unknown.
222 ts coding capacity to proteins that modulate host immunity, it is hypothesized that expansion of vacc
223                          The model comprises host immunity, M. tuberculosis metabolism, M. tuberculos
224 ter contamination in poultry or variation in host immunity may be useful in identifying sources of th
225                                   Evasion of host immunity may explain why this pathogen has devastat
226 ur environment and their powerful effects on host immunity may have contributed to this increase.
227  immune profile and environmental effects on host immunity may influence the risk of BV, as well as t
228 ng drug-resistant pathogens, where improving host immunity may prove to be the ultimate resource.
229  stages of development coincide with altered host immunity mechanisms and amyloidosis in a murine mod
230 hogens secrete effector proteins to suppress host immunity, mediate nutrient uptake and subsequently
231 oids inject venoms into the host to modulate host immunity, metabolism and development.
232             The microbiome is a regulator of host immunity, metabolism, neurodevelopment, and behavio
233  results suggest that therapies that improve host immunity might increase survival.
234  therapeutic approaches, such as, to enhance host immunity, mitigate destructive inflammation, or cou
235 e receptors have been extensively studied in host immunity, NLRs have diverse and important roles in
236 tem cell transplantation, and the absence of host immunity often obviates the need for preconditionin
237                                              Host immunity often targets the motility of tissue-migra
238 implications for understanding the impact of host immunity on pathogen evolution and guiding the choi
239               We investigated the effects of host immunity on the efficacy of phage therapy for acute
240    To investigate the potential influence of host immunity on the skin microbiome, we examined skin m
241 hat incorporates the two opposing effects of host immunity on the virus population can explain this c
242              We conclude that suppression of host immunity or further viral adaptation may allow robu
243 effects are mediated by direct regulation of host immunity or indirectly through eliciting changes in
244 of H. pylori to understand how they modulate host immunity, persist lifelong, and contribute to tumor
245                           However, decreased host immunity places individuals at high risk for crypto
246 bly, despite the increasing recognition that host immunity plays a role in microbial pathogenesis, th
247 on in response to changing oxygen levels and host immunity pressures.
248 alistic symbiosis between gut microbiota and host immunity raises the possibility that dysbiosis of t
249  ascended to prominence as key modulators of host immunity, raising the possibility that they could i
250 estinal disease, but the mechanisms by which host immunity regulates pathogen virulence are largely u
251 t the mechanisms by which these TLRs mediate host immunity remain incompletely understood.
252 erculosis exploits its Acr1 in impairing the host immunity remains widely unexplored.
253                                              Host immunity required for efficient control of infectio
254 vers the bacterial determinants of surviving host immunity, sets of genes we term "counteractomes." T
255                                              Host immunity shapes intestinal microbiota composition,
256 ed virulence mechanism that counters several host immunity strategies.
257                               Alterations in host immunity, stress, resident microbiota, and other fa
258 role(s) in the regulation and development of host immunity, subsequent studies revealed important rol
259 ession of viral proteins that interfere with host immunity, such as antagonists of the activation of
260    These findings demonstrate a component of host immunity that impacts colonization of the skin by t
261 environment may differ from those imposed by host immunity, these growth-limiting conditions impose c
262 sides well-known IL-15 biologic functions in host immunity, this study shows that IL-15-based ALT-803
263 candidiasis, as well as in the modulation of host immunity through augmentation of leukocyte infiltra
264 s cancers grow within host tissues and evade host immunity through immune-editing and immunosuppressi
265 arasites ensure their survival by regulating host immunity through mechanisms that dampen inflammatio
266 ells (ILC1) serve an essential early role in host immunity through rapid production of interferon (IF
267 te immunity, pathogens attempt to deregulate host immunity through secreted effectors.
268 ondatrae), experimental reductions in either host immunity (through corticosterone exposure) or antip
269 sites that use antigenic variation to resist host immunity, through sequential modification of the pa
270 ants need to evade or suppress detection and host immunity to access nutrients.
271 el approaches to target viral life cycle and host immunity to achieve a functional cure.
272     Pathogens target important components of host immunity to cause disease.
273      In this study, we aimed to characterize host immunity to CF5 and M68, two genetically well-defin
274 ietic stem cell transplantation, stimulating host immunity to control HIV-1 replication, and targetin
275 ever, the specific roles of IL-1 elements in host immunity to cutaneous viral infection remain elusiv
276 ion for further understanding how HCV evades host immunity to establish persistence.
277 y an important protective role in mobilizing host immunity to extracellular and intracellular microbi
278      Much less is understood about effective host immunity to fungi than is generally known about imm
279  infection models to expand understanding of host immunity to intestinal pathogens.
280 rther investigate the effect of vitamin D on host immunity to M. tuberculosis in the context of the g
281 efore, in this study we investigated whether host immunity to M. tuberculosis infection would be modu
282 ence suggests that the microbiome conditions host immunity to microbes and xenobiotics, and regulates
283 evealed that Th17 cells are also critical in host immunity to mucocutaneous candida infections and St
284 le of the commensal microbiota in regulating host immunity to pathogens, it is not surprising that mi
285 rophage migration inhibitory factor regulate host immunity to promote parasite persistence.
286 terium Porphyromonas gingivalis, can subvert host immunity to remodel a normally symbiotic microbiota
287 ), suggesting that a deeper understanding of host immunity to these viruses may lead to enhanced stra
288 onic inflammatory conditions but compromises host immunity to tuberculosis.
289 ts demonstrate that IL-17 is dispensable for host immunity to type A F. tularensis infection, and tha
290  as both positive and negative regulators of host immunity to virus infection.
291 e data not only advance our understanding of host immunity to VZV, a critical step in developing new
292 bition of PD-L1 and PD-1 binding can restore host immunity towards tumor killing, and many new drugs
293 Mtb immune counteractomes serve as probes of host immunity, uncovering immune-mediated stresses that
294  human red blood cells, continuously evading host immunity using epigenetically regulated antigenic v
295                Influenza viruses often evade host immunity via antigenic drift and shift despite prev
296 ting to investigate whether CLEC18 modulates host immunity via binding to glycolipids, and are also i
297 esting that commensal bacteria may influence host immunity via nutrient- and metabolite-dependent mec
298  attenuation and the potential modulation of host immunity, we conducted transcriptional profiling of
299 chanisms to resist the effector molecules of host immunity, which exert their bactericidal effects th
300 ctions (phagocytic synapses) that impinge on host immunity, with a main emphasis on tolerance and can

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